I Fix The System Law

Chapter 253: Don't have a cave

  All the people in front of the Hall of Dreams of God watched the changes with surprise.

  In fact, the phantom mystery has been opened more than a dozen times. As the core of the phantom mystery, this dream palace has been explored countless times.

  Even every tile, every brick has been opened!

  It is true that there are really no root hairs left in this dream palace!

  So the people who entered the secret realm did not come here, only a few people would try their luck without giving up.

  But no one would have expected that there is still something in the Palace of Dreams of God, and it happened to be met by them. It really is the head of the Hong Kong staff.

  Just wait for a while, when the space is completely stabilized, they can enter into it!

  Leng Shiqi said to Lin Hui at this time: "Brother Lin, it seems that you and I have really good luck. After you enter, you and I should join hands. You get six and four, how about everything you get?"

  Lin Hui was originally hanged by Leng Shiqi's first-level exercises using the Five Gods Flowing Light Technique, and now Leng Shiqi proposed to join hands with him and he has no intention of resisting.

  As for the division, Lin Hui felt that he was a bit at a loss at first, but think about it, since Leng Shiqi can escape dozens of looters, he must be extraordinary in strength, so he agreed.

   Qiu Liang and the others also showed smiles, and they were really a new village.

There are no holes in the   God Dream Palace, and they are very likely to get some chances. If they can get the inheritance technique, it will be really beautiful.

  With the passage of time, the space in the Palace of God’s Dreams became more and more stable, and more and more spiritual practitioners came here.

  Leng Shiqi glanced at it, and it looked like two hundred sixty seventy.

   "I remember when I entered the secret realm, there were more than three hundred, nearly four hundred rao. It seems that some people are either trapped or have died."

  At this time, he suddenly remembered that under the cliff there were more than 30 people besieging Xu Lou and other five demons, but he didn’t know what happened there.

  Think about it in Leng Shiqi, even if the five magic cultivators have more methods, they cannot be the opponent of thirty spiritual cultivators.

  What's more, there are also people with mid-level spiritual vein cultivation.

  And what makes him more puzzled is that so far, he still hasn't sensed the breath of Bingshang!

   Now in full view, the spiritual skills he can display are much restricted, and he can't fully display his ability. It would be great if he had a helper around him.

   Unfortunately, there is still no shadow of Bingshang.

   Leng Shiqi muttered, "That guy won't really die in the secret realm, right?"

  Bingshang didn't see him, instead he saw a woman in black with black gauze.

  It was the woman who attacked him as soon as he entered the secret realm.

  And the woman also saw Leng Shiqi, her eyes scraped Leng Shiqi severely, wishing to scrape off a piece of his flesh directly with her eyes.

  Leng Shiqi smiled secretly, ignoring the woman, because at this time the space in the Palace of God's Dream had completely stabilized!

  Everyone stared at it, with anticipation and excitement in their eyes, but they did not move in.

  That's because of the people of the Shanhai School, they haven't moved yet!

  A total of more than two hundred people were present, and the Shanhai faction alone accounted for a full 50 people. This is a force to ignore and ignore.

  They didn’t move, so no one dared to move, even the Tang family and Shijuewu didn’t school

  Nothing else, Huang Baisheng from the Yuan realm sits outside the secret world!

  The prestige of the Shanhai School is on the outside, and Huang Bai is born on the side. The Shanhai School can walk sideways in this secret realm!

   not convinced

Fifty spiritual practitioners of the Shanhai School entered the space of the Dream Hall of Gods first, followed by the Tang family and the top talents.

The order of    is almost exactly the same as when they entered the phantom realm.

  The division of strength levels is so obvious and real.

  When it was Qiu Liang's turn, they hesitated. What if they go in first and Leng Shiqi ran away?

  As a result, these few people actually stayed on the grounds of waiting for the same door, and others can naturally see the result.

  Ning Zhengyuan said: "Brother Qiu, do you want to wait for everyone else to get in, let's do it!"

  Qiu Liang looked around and found that there were still scattered figures coming by in the Quartet. He said, "No, with Lin Hui here, we can't act rashly if we can't make sure that the blow is successful.

  Besides, there are other people coming, wait until you enter and then look for opportunities. "


  In the end, there were only a few casual cultivators, but there were originally ten casual cultivators. Now there are only six people including Leng Shiqi, Lin Hui and Heisha Woman.

  Leng Shiqi coldly glanced at Qiu Liang behind him, and walked into the space in the Palace of Dreams with Lin Hui.

   But when the black gauze woman passed by, she even snorted twice.

  Lin Hui glanced at the two men thoughtfully and said nothing.

  Leng Shiqi walked through that layer of space, and it felt like passing a layer of ripples. After entering this second layer of space, his most obvious feeling was that his aura was very strong!

  The aura here is the richness that Leng Shiqi has experienced second only to Lingquan!

  Anyone who enters here has a feeling of intoxication. If they can continue to cultivate here, they can't imagine the terrifying speed of their cultivation!

   In addition to the strong spiritual energy, the area of ​​this space is actually not large, and the end can be seen from the field of vision of the spiritual vein.

  Then Leng Shiqi did not start to look around.

  The location where they are at this time seems to be a large suspended platform~www.ltnovel.com~ because the ground under their feet is floating slightly, a bit like sitting on a boat.

  There is a huge stone pillar soaring above the sky!

   Visually, the stone pillars are as thick as thirty or forty feet in diameter! A little bit of aura can still be seen faintly above the clouds.

  It's just that there is no road between the high platform they are on and the huge stone pillar. They have to jump off the stone platform to get to the vicinity of the stone pillar.

  Leng Seventeen Probe looked down, and it was gray under the high platform. As for the distance, it was as high as a hundred feet. For the spiritual practitioners of the Spirit Vessel Realm, this distance is not a big deal, and some people immediately jumped down.

  It’s just that Leng Shiqi was so sensitive that he smelled a little bit dead in it!

  This made him feel a little uneasy.

  At the same time, under the cliff on the other side, Huo Xiao of the Golden Knife Gate gasped like a black pan.

  There were more than ten corpses lying on the ground around them, most of which belonged to the spiritual cultivation sect, only three belonged to the magic cultivation.

  Huo Xiao and others never expected that the demon cultivators' methods exceeded their imagination, and after they lost several people, they let Xu Lou and another demon cultivator run away!

  This is a shame to them!

After Huo Xiao rested for a while, he said viciously, "Go, go to the Palace of Dreams of God."

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