I Fix The System Law

Chapter 240: Sword Power

"It's you!"

  Leng Shiqi also saw clearly, it was the black-clothed woman who attacked him!

  The black veiled woman’s eyes flowed, her voice was not very delicate, but she had a mature charm. She smiled and said, "Uncle, the reaction is very quick."

  Leng Shiqi had no waves on his face, but there was a ripple in his heart!

  Although he did not open his eyes, his own perception is not weak, but this woman can come behind him silently!

  If he had not experienced countless lives and deaths, he would have long been sensitive to crises, and I am afraid he would really be slapped.

  He said solemnly: "Who are you, you actually attacked me!"

   "Heh, the uncle seems to be angry." The black yarn woman didn't answer his question, but flirted.

  Leng Shiqi's face turned black, and the spirit sword in his hand was swung out, and he actually used several completely different sword styles at the same time. Some are strong and fierce, some are soft as a whip, some are as fast as a rainbow, and some are big and without front!

  This is how he performed the "Songshan Fast and Slow Seventeen Road Swordsmanship" to the extreme!

  The black gauze woman obviously did not expect that the seemingly unremarkable casual cultivation in front of her, the offensive that broke out was so fierce, even she was a little hard to resist.

  A dagger of the black gauze woman flew like a flower, and it really condensed into a flower of aura in her hand. In an instant, there seemed to be countless petals scattered out to block all the sword styles of Leng Shiqi.

  Leng Shiqi's eyes condensed, he could clearly feel that the flowers of spiritual energy were formed by an unusually pure spiritual power, which was definitely not the spiritual power that ordinary casual cultivators could possess!

  The identity of this woman is not simple!

   However, Leng Shiqi didn't want to go into it, his sword style was still piercing, and it changed a lot. At the same time, he quietly shot out a few invisible sword auras!

  Several rush pulse sword qi suddenly appeared, and the black yarn woman was a little caught off guard. Even though the spirit flower flowed and blocked the sword qi, the after wave still shattered the sleeve of the left arm, revealing a jade arm.

  The black gauze woman gritted her teeth and said: "Huh, the uncle looks serious, and I didn't expect it to be the same."

  Leng Shiqi was silent. He only heard a "puck". He took off the cloth strips of his clothes and covered his eyes, and then he stretched out his left palm and hooked forward.

  The black gauze woman creaked with her silver teeth. She had never been humiliated and looked at so much before, and she saw that her aura was dyed with black ink, which was magical power!

  It turns out that she is a magic repair!

  And the reason why Leng Shiqi was blindfolded was that he neither wanted to be a gentleman, nor did he deliberately provoke the black gauze woman, but only in this way can he open his eyes!

  The cloth strips on his eyes just concealed his eyes and the blue veins in the corners of his eyes. For Leng Shiqi who opened his eyes, there is no problem with his vision.

  Moreover, he can clearly see the flow of spiritual power in the black yarn woman.

  The black gauze woman responded, and the spirit flowers all over her turned into pure black flowers of nirvana in a blink of an eye. In the next moment, countless nirvana petals flooded the ground.

  Leng Shiqi's sword body shook off his debut sword shadow, and in an instant dozens of invisible surge sword auras were released!

  Chongmai sword qi and dying petals were intertwined, sword qi shattered most of the petals, but those petals seemed endless and could not be cleared at all.

  Cold Seventeen Sword Skills changed, every faint blue and cold frost sword energy burst out from the blade!

As soon as those sword auras came out, there was a hint of coldness in the nearby air. The frost sword aura brought the extreme ice of the Ten Thousand Years Cold Cave to freeze and extinguish the petals, turning all the petals into flowers of ice crystals, which looked a little bit Beautiful feeling.

  The expression of the black gauze woman finally became solemn, and the strength of the stereotyped uncle in front of her was more and more beyond her expectations.

  Actually, she just tried it out at the beginning, wanting to see how capable the casual cultivator who can enter the phantom realm is capable, now it seems that the other party is not weaker than her!

  The black veil woman was born out of ordinary, she was still somewhat arrogant in her heart, but she couldn't get a chance to learn at the moment, which made her even more embarrassed.

   "Uncle is good, let me take another trick!"

  The black-clothed woman snorted, the flowers of dying that had been frozen by Leng Shiqi burst open, and the endless magical energy exploded in an instant.

  Leng Shiqi was in the devilish atmosphere but did not resist. Instead, he put away the spirit sword and held the hilt of the Qinglin sword with his right hand.

  Under his white eyes, he clearly saw that there was no danger in these devilish qi, it was just a blindfold. The real crisis was the black gauze woman who was quickly approaching!

  The black gauze woman is holding a dagger, and the petals are whirling, but in this beauty, she hides the murderous intent.

  Leng Shiqi held the scabbard with his left hand and the handle with his right hand. The body also bowed slightly, making a slightly weird posture.

  Time is slow, but the black gauze woman has already been killed in a breath!

  However, before the black yarn woman's dagger was pierced, Leng Shiqi moved first.

  In the next moment, I saw an extreme cyan blade light flashed away, the blade had returned to its sheath, and the blade light disappeared like a flash in the pan.

  But in this instant, the sword light actually cut away all the devilish energy, smashed the flower of silence, and broke the confidence of the black yarn woman!

  The black gauze woman is unscathed at this time, but the black gauze on her face has been damaged, revealing a beautiful face that is pure and enchanting.

  But this face is full of horror!

  Because the black gauze woman knows best that the black gauze she wears is not only a mere mask, but also a defensive spirit weapon.

  And this spiritual weapon was cut to pieces in an instant!

  There was also a moment of fear in her heart. If she did not have this defensive magic weapon, then she was afraid that she would have been in a different place at this moment!

  This trick is the semi-finished product of Leng Shiqi's attempt to integrate the sword drawing technique into the full moon!

  But even if it's just a semi-finished product, the power is terrifying enough. He compressed the moon-like blade to the extreme, and all poured out at the moment of drawing the sword!

  It's a pity that he hasn't fully understood this trick~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, even if the black yarn woman has a defensive weapon, she will have to die by the sword.

   Seeing the woman's true face, Leng Shiqi was unmoved, but her eyes flashed with killing intent.

  And a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared behind the black yarn woman, and she knew that she would really die if she hit it again.

   Immediately, the black gauze woman's body spirit flower turned and was wrapped in a fragrant wind and quickly flew back.

  Looking at the speed of her escape, Leng Shiqi frowned. The woman's escape speed was really not slow, and he would have to waste a lot of time to catch up.

After a little hesitation, Leng Shiqi gave up on chasing and killing him. Now he just entered the secret realm and then inexplicably fought a fight. Without seeing a treasure, he used his spiritual power in vain.

  Furthermore, the woman was obviously a disciple of which spiritual school, and she didn't know what trump card she had, and rushing to kill her might not be able to kill her.

   Take a step back, even if he can kill the woman, he will not feel well, it is better to go up the mountain to explore, there may be gains.

   Then Leng Shiqi took off the blindfolded cloth and prepared to continue up the mountain, but whoever thought the woman's hateful voice came from a distance: "Uncle's grace today, the woman will have a good return in the future!"

  She also emphasized the tone of the word "huge report".

  Leng Shiqi listened to this and shook his head secretly. If he meets again next time, he doesn't mind being ruined.

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