I Fix The System Law

Chapter 239: Enter the secret

  At this time, Huang Bosheng spoke, and he said lightly: "Those who hold the magic palace order can come over."

  His words drew all the attention.

  Leng Shiqi knew that he should go out, and Hu Sanli said on the side: "Hey, I congratulate the Lord on his safe return."

  Leng Shiqi made another "um" and took out the magic palace order and walked out of the crowd.

  There are nine other people who are similar to him. He quickly scanned the other nine people, and three of them made him pay more attention.

  One is Lin Hui. At this time, Lin Hui's hair is already black and white, and there is no expression on his face.

  The other is a person who is covered in black robe. Leng Shiqi actually feels a familiar breath in Na Rao.

  The last one was a young woman with a black veil. Leng Shiqi saw that she did not seem to be a casual cultivator, and guessed that her magic palace order was not obtained by herself.

  Leng Shiqi and other ten people handed over the magic palace to verify the authenticity and stood aside honestly, waiting to enter the magical secret realm.

  It’s just strange that he hasn’t sensed the breath of the other pendant until now, and the other pendant is on Bingshang’s body.

  There is no breath now, either Bing Shang put the pendant into the mustard bag, or something happened.

  Of course he prefers the former.

  After a while, the portal in mid-air has been completely opened, but it looks unstable.

   Huang Bosheng took the lead to walk to the entrance of the secret realm, and saw him holding it with one hand, and immediately the aura became frantically turbulent again, everyone only felt that there was boundless breath of thick earth around him. A huge mysterious mark appeared on Huang Baisheng's palm, and everyone felt like facing a towering mountain at this time!

  Leng Shiqi only glanced at the mark and felt his eyes sting, and even the spiritual illusion trembled!

  He quickly turned his head and did not dare to look again, his heart was shocked.

   Huang Baisheng flipped his hand and pushed, and the mysterious mark landed majestically in the colorful cracks at the entrance of the secret realm, and the cracks that were originally wriggling suddenly settled down!

  Huang Baisheng is actually at the entrance of the reinforced secret realm!

  After all this, Huang Baisheng said: "You can go in."

   Immediately, fifty spiritual practitioners of the Shanhai School stepped forward uniformly. They first bowed and saluted Huang Baisheng and then jumped into the colorful crack together.

  Next are the two first-rate forces in Donglin County, namely the Tang Family and Shijuewu, and they have each entered twenty people.

  Followed by the Thousand Illusion Sword Sect, who also entered the Twenty.

  The following are the second-rate and third-rate sects. Among them, Yunlou, Luoyu Mountain Villa, and Hao Yizong whispered something to each other before entering.

  It wasn't until the end that it was Leng Shiqi's turn to loose repair.

  Leng Shiqi looked at the colorful cracks, and the spiritual power under his feet jumped gently into the cracks!

  He suddenly felt a blur of dazzling color before his eyes, and after a few breaths, he suddenly came to an empty place.

  He quickly looked around and found that he was at the foot of a mountain. The weeds around him grew up to his waist and looked a little desolate.

  There is no sun and moon above the sky, and some are infinitely faint colorful streamers, which look like dreams and illusions.

  But the aura here is exceptionally sufficient, it is already comparable to the General Pavilion of the Bloody Clothes Pavilion!

  Leng Shiqi's eyes changed, and he rolled his eyes, and he was within the range of his vision.

   "Are there no one?" he muttered in surprise.

  Before him, at least hundreds of people entered the secret realm, but right now there was no one near him. It can be seen that everyone has been dispersed, and it is also clear that this secret realm is not.

  When he thinks about it, he and Bingshang both have something that can interact with each other, and people of other sects naturally have them. I'm afraid they will meet each other soon.

  He needs to try his best to make more profit before the gathering of spiritual sects before school

  Leng Shiqi raised his eyes and looked at the mountain in front of him. There were some white buildings faintly on it. He decided to go up and explore first.

   There was no one around anyway, he simply swept towards the top of the mountain at full speed.

  After a while, Leng Shiqi came to the top of the mountain, but his face was not pretty, because most of the buildings here had already collapsed. And there are many obvious signs of man-made destruction, even the floor tiles on the ground have been lifted a lot.

  Leng Shiqi also didn't know what to do. This place had obviously been explored by many people, and it was almost three feet away.

  So I'm afraid there won't be any good things here, but it is also clear that there is no danger here.

  Leng Shiqi still walked in and looked around. There were houses all over here, which seemed to be the residences of the disciples. From the perspective of the layout, it is relatively simple, and it must be the place where disciples who are not taken seriously.

  He walked around, and finally found nothing. He just turned up a basically tattered book in the corner of the wall, and it recorded some daily life in scattered pieces.

  Leng Shiqi, out of curiosity about what happened thousands of years ago, still glanced.

  It can be seen between the lines in these fragmented words that although these disciples are not taken seriously, they are still proud of their identity and full of respect for the sect.

   But, what use is this for Leng Shiqi?

  He shook his head and raised his eyes to look out. In the distance of the mountain under his feet stood a towering peak.

   "Maybe there is still something there."

  Then Leng Shiqi did not delay ~www.ltnovel.com~ immediately set off to the mountain.

  But, the so-called Wangshan ran away, that mountain was always in his field of vision, but he sprinted for more than an hour and still did not reach it!

  It was two hours later before he was able to come under the mountain.

  Leng Shiqi stopped at this moment, because even if he didn't open his eyes, he could detect the faint fluctuations of spiritual power coming from the mountainside.

  There are already people there! And moved his hands!

  Leng Shiqi put on a stinky face immediately, he could not forget that he was Zuo Qiuyu now. Fortunately, Zuo Qiuyu was originally a complicated and complicated study, which is a bit similar to Leng Shiqi.

  He directly pinned two swords on both sides of his waist. The sword was naturally a Qinglin sword, but that sword was only a Tier 3 spiritual weapon.

  He didn't dare to use the Yupu Sword here. The symbol of that sword was too strong and it was very easy to recognize. At the beginning, many people saw that he took the Yupu Sword.

  Leng Shiqi walked into the mountain with a stern face. He deliberately restrained his breath, intending to observe who is fighting and see if he can fish in troubled waters.

  However, when he was about to open his eyes not long after he walked out, he immediately noticed a gust of wind coming from behind!

  He hurriedly turned around, and at the same time the spirit sword was unsheathed, and the sword was like a river, and it was blocking a dagger that did not know when to approach him!

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