I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 656 The Five Meridians of Saint Nicholas

This made the obsidian-skinned man look around and want to continue asking.

He saw a woman wearing a long black dress.

The moment he saw this woman, the man already realized the crisis.

But when he wanted to react, it was already too late.

He only glanced at the charming purple eyes above the woman's veil.

This man's consciousness fell directly into the abyss of temptation, and his eyes became dull.

"Follow up."

Madam Butterfly made a sound and walked directly into the house behind the man.

All the birdmen and even this man with obsidian skin followed him with the same dull expression.

When Nikrov saw this scene, his scalp felt numb for no reason.

This man with obsidian skin is undoubtedly a strong man who has been transformed by the top biological creatures of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

The strength does not seem weak, but there is no room for counterattack against Madam Butterfly's charm, and she was controlled with just one glance.

Madame Butterfly already knew the structure of the house, so she went directly to a luxurious room.

He walked up the steps and sat directly on a magnificent seat.

Nikrov also came to Madam Butterfly's side and watched Madam Butterfly move without making a sound.

"May I have your name?"

Madam Butterfly looked at the biologically modified army parked below, and the obsidian-skinned man at the head asked.

"Your Majesty, I am the third son of the 28th generation head of the Black family, a branch of the San Nicol family."

"My name is Heirosan St. Nicholas."

The obsidian-skinned man knelt down on one knee and respectfully told his origins.

"Let me ask you, do you know the news about the cooperation between the Kree and the San Nicol civilization?"

Madam Butterfly naturally knew about this man's origins, otherwise she would not have come to find him first.

"I heard something."

Hei Luosan heard this inquiry and said immediately.

Niklov was also shocked when he said this. It turns out that gathering intelligence requires professionals.

"Tell me more specifically."

It's not surprising that Madam Die has some knowledge about this Hei Luosan, otherwise she wouldn't have targeted these people.

The Saint Nicholas civilization is different from other civilizations. The top leaders of this civilization are from the Saint Nicholas lineage.

Because since civilization crossed over to the interstellar era, this civilization has many pioneers who established civilization and received the same name.

Because this lineage was initially too large, it spawned many branches and had various factional tendencies.

But anyway, anyone with Saint Nicholas as their surname belongs to the higher class.

"I don't know the specific cooperation, but it was probably more than two years ago."

"My father happened to meet the Kree when he was traveling to Thunder Rowan for a century-old event eight thousand light years away."

"At that time, the Cree people told my father that they could bring new life to our San Nicol civilization."

"It will open the bottleneck that has troubled our Saint Nicholas civilization for more than five thousand years."

"However, my father said that this matter has far-reaching consequences, so I have to consider it carefully and deal with it."

"My father once taught me that coveting the Kree's technology may bring some short-term benefits, but the more benefits you get, the worse the consequences will be."

"So we must not cooperate with the ambitious Kree people, otherwise the San Nicol civilization may be destroyed."

Hei Luosan also respectfully explained what he had heard.

"Aren't you the radicals in your lineage? Why don't you accept it?"

Lady Butterfly was a little surprised to hear that the radicals did not accept the Cree's proposal, but instead warned their descendants not to have contact with the Cree.

"The radicalization of our line is just to protect the compatriots of the Saint Nicolization civilization more toughly to the outside world, so that the Saint Nicol civilization can have a longer time to achieve more development."

“There are times when a precedent is set for not having the courage to try.”

"But it never means that we will be foolish enough to cooperate with the ambitious Kree Empire at all costs for the sake of development."

"I don't know about the other families, but none of our family has accepted the idea of ​​cooperation proposed by the Kree."

After hearing this, Hei Luosan carefully explained their lineage's proposition.

"So which lineage has a greater chance of cooperating with the Kree Empire? Do you have any ideas?"

Madam Butterfly was also thoughtful when she heard the proposition of the Black family.

"None of the five families of Black, Gold, Red, Blue, and White that sit in the San Nicol Imperial Capital will agree to the cooperation of the Kree Empire."

"So if it is possible to be extremely stupid and cooperate with the Kree Empire, it would be from other lines outside the imperial capital."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

The five major lines of Saint Nicholas's imperial capital are the major lines that hold real power.

Because we know that the true collapse of a civilization will either be completely conquered by the outside world.

Either the real high-level people made stupid decisions, which spread to the entire civilization, causing civil strife and collapse.

Therefore, the educational standards of each major lineage are extremely strict.

After connecting with the universe, there are countless ways to obtain benefits, so there are some things that you must never do.

"I see. It seems that the Saint Nicholas civilization has not become so corrupt that all the factions are too stupid to cooperate with the Kree Empire."

"No wonder I can't find any trace of the Kree in the imperial capital and nearby cities."

When Nikrov heard Hei Luosan's words, he suddenly realized.

In other words, the closer the Saint Nicholas civilization is to the main line of the imperial capital, the higher its loyalty to the entire civilization.

Normally, they may fight for their own interests, but when it comes to matters that may lead to the fall of the entire civilization, there will be forbidden areas that must not be violated.

"So Jin Rakshasa, you are also considered a senior staff member?"

Because Madam Butterfly only understood the identity of the politician and did not get to know other people, she did not know that when she came in, she unintentionally controlled the golden birdman to be a high-ranking person.

According to Laura, the real high-level transformations are those of Saint Nicols who only change their skin.

However, she remembered this Black Luo San and when she called this ferocious golden birdman, she called him Golden Rakshasa.

Moreover, Hei Luo San also explained that the Jin family is one of the five major lines.

"I am the son of the twenty-eighth generation head of the Jin family."

"The responsibility of our lineage is to be responsible for the military district of the imperial capital."

When Golden Rakshasa heard the queen calling his name, he reported respectfully.

"Then why are you looking like this?"

"You have undergone the most advanced biological transformation. Shouldn't you maintain a normal human form, with just a different skin?"

Madam Butterfly heard that Jin Luosha's main line was in charge of the military area. She took a closer look at Jin Luosha's appearance and felt a little strange.

"The ultimate transformation itself is to combine the powerful characteristics of a certain creature to transform it."

"Most advanced transformations can maintain human form."

"However, other qualities of raptors can be removed, but the most powerful ability to soar in the sky must be retained."

"You can't keep a pure human form if you just want to keep your wings, but if you want to defend the imperial capital of the Saint Nicolization, strong air power is also essential."

"So our gold lineage is all in the form of raptors."

Jin Rakshasa explained seriously after hearing this.

The five major branches of the imperial capital each have their own duties, and together they defend the most important imperial capital of civilization.

Because the imperial capital is where the most resources and talents are gathered, other places can fall.

But once the imperial capital falls, the world will be in chaos. There will be no real leader. Even if the idle cities have strong capabilities, they will be defeated one by one because they cannot unite together.

"I see."

"So do you have any idea who the Kree might be working with?"

After hearing what was going on, Mrs. Butterfly fully understood and asked.

"I have also heard about the Kree Empire's attempts to contact and cooperate with my father."

"My father also declined, although there was no explicit conversation."

"What the Cree Empire is interested in must be the biological modification technology of our Saint Nicholas civilization."

"If the core cannot be persuaded to cooperate with it, then the natural possibility is to try to invade from the easiest point to break through."

“There are ten companies with real core technologies for biomodification.”

"There is no need to investigate the biomodification companies belonging to our five companies in the Imperial City."

"Any of the other five companies is a possibility."

"Because within the Saint Nicholas civilization, there are alternating orders of status and hierarchy.

"So it's possible that they foolishly cooperated with the Kree Empire in order to compete for status."

"If Her Majesty the Queen wants to investigate, I can use my power to investigate for you."

Golden Rakshasa heard this and spoke.

The five major veins of the San Nicol Imperial Capital have not continued to this day since the establishment of civilization.

Rather, it has been a system in which the winner takes the upper hand and the weak are eliminated since ancient times.

Their Jin family is a lineage that came from behind, relying on the ultimate utilization of raptor-like biological modifications.

Perfecting the fusion of various genes step by step makes their combat effectiveness basically stronger than other bloodlines.

Achieved a class leap, defeated the original major lineage, and entered one of the five major lines of the imperial capital.

It is precisely because of this kind of competition that the Saint Nicholas Civilization was able to develop at a rapid pace when it first began to develop biological modifications.

Every hundred years, new creatures will enter the main line, and the loser will go back to study again, and come back to realize the alternation.

Until the biomodification technology gradually matured and encountered the most difficult bottleneck to break through.

Only then did the five major branches of the imperial capital gain a firm foothold.

Although Golden Rakshasa was charmed at this time, he only had to obey Madam Butterfly's orders.

The knowledge and thinking he had cultivated in the past were not affected too much.

Therefore, things like possibility will naturally be considered.

But if there really is some lineage that is stupid enough to trust the Kree and lead the wolf into the house, then that lineage must be crushed to ashes.

Not many civilizations that have cooperated with the Kree Empire have ended well since ancient times.

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