I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 655 The Queen’s Will

Lacey and others found Bai Linglong early the next morning.

Let her take him to various famous tourist places in the Saint Nicholas Civilization. Since he is here, he must have a good time.

Bai Linglong also fulfills her duties as a tour guide. When going to some famous tourist spots, she will specifically introduce the culture there and also explain the consumer prices here.

Although after integrating with various civilizations in the universe, there will basically never be a shortage of customers.

It’s just that there are no tour guides who rip off customers. After knowing about it in advance, customers may not care about spending more money to have fun.

But if they are not informed and later find out that they are deliberately trying to trick them, they may kill them in a rage.

Although the tour guides of the Saint Nicholas Civilization are all biologically modified, their strength is usually not weak.

But facing guests from all civilizations in the universe, there is no guarantee that your strength will be enough to save your life.

Therefore, following the most formal process as a tour guide is the highest standard in her industry.

Therefore, Lacey and others had a great time.

Time soon came to night again.

Niklov and Madame Butterfly set off together this time.

When Madame Butterfly saw Nikrov transform directly into a ferocious black bird of prey, her eyes widened.

"Your transformation skills are amazing."

Madam Butterfly opened her mouth in great surprise.

"It's just some skills for making a living outside."

"Even though it looks so tough, it's actually just a lie. These guns can't be used."

After hearing this, Nikrov picked up the firearm on his waist with his hands. He could pick it up, but after pressing the launch button, no laser rays were emitted at all.

“Although it’s useless, it’s enough to look scary.”

"But if you put it this way, is the appearance you had in the Void Land your true appearance or the transformation technique you used?"

Madame Butterfly stretched out her hand and touched Nikrov's dark, sharp wings. What she felt was a soft feeling, not as sharp as its appearance.

Most of the intelligent creatures are visual animals. As long as they are big enough and fierce enough, they can scare others into fearing to move without taking action.

"I don't have to hide my identity in the land of nothingness. Of course it's my true appearance."

When Nikrov saw Madam Butterfly doubting which one was his true face, his mind was filled with dark clues.

"That's okay."

Madame Butterfly was inexplicably relieved when she heard that the domineering and handsome face was Niklov's true face.

However, Nikrov can transform, but Lady Butterfly cannot.

Therefore, Madame Butterfly could only wear a long black dress and a veil to wrap herself tightly.

Then, Nikrov used his telekinesis to drive Madame Butterfly into the sky.

Prepare to sneak into the resting places of those dignitaries and let Madam Butterfly charm them to extract information.

Soon Nikrov reached the sky above the political area of ​​​​the capital city of San Nicolás.

"There are a lot of people patrolling, so don't make any noise and I'll take care of it."

Nikrov felt the guards scattered around these politicians and spoke.

The concepts of perceptual reconnaissance and intrusion to find people are different.

"Are those men or women?"

Of course Madame Butterfly couldn't clearly see the distribution of the people below, but she knew that Nikrov could sense it.

"It can be confirmed that they are all men."

After hearing this, Nikrov carefully felt the body structure of these guards and said.

He felt impure and saw a lot of dirty things.

After completing this mission and returning to the land of nothingness, he must relax and relax.

Otherwise, the current impression remaining in his mind would make him extremely uncomfortable.

"Since they are all men, it's easy to say."

"Then we can just invade directly."

Madam Butterfly heard that they were all men, and her pair of already moving beautiful eyes now emitted an evil purple light.

After hearing this, Nikrov quickly landed from the sky with Madame Butterfly.

A birdman was about to interrogate him, but he just looked into Madam Butterfly's eyes.

"My Queen, what can I do for you?"

The silver-haired birdman said with dull eyes.

"Just call us distinguished guests and take us in."

Madam Butterfly's voice now turned into a charming and magical sound.

"Okay, distinguished guest."

The silver-haired birdman said in a sluggish tone upon hearing this.

"You control this so easily?"

Nikrov was also a little shocked when he saw Madam Butterfly controlling the other party with just one look.

"After they have been transformed, their minds and daily habits will be more or less controlled by beast instincts. It is of course easier to manipulate them."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

After hearing this, Nikrov followed Madam Butterfly and the silver-haired birdman thoughtfully and walked in directly through the gate.

All the modified creatures who saw Madam Butterfly and Niklov and wanted to ask questions along the way were instantly controlled by Madam Butterfly's charm.

This made Niklov secretly frightened.

Lady Butterfly's ability is really terrifying for certain races or groups of people.

"Have you ever considered living in the Saint Nicholas Civilization permanently in the future?"

Niklov asked.

"Why do you ask?"

Madam Butterfly looked at Nikrov after hearing this, with some doubts in her eyes.

This glance shocked Niklov's spirit, and the Lady Butterfly in front of him became like a natural-born queen.

However, Nikrov's mind power vibrated and he immediately woke up.

"You are a natural queen in the Saint Nicholas Civilization."

"You can control all the male modified creatures here, right?"

After waking up, a drop of cold sweat flowed from Nikrov's forehead, he looked away and said.

"I don't even know whether to call you stupid or stupid."

"Is the Sannic civilization only composed of male modified creatures?"

"Even if I could completely control them, there's no fun in facing a group of guys who can only flatter themselves."

Madam Butterfly rolled her eyes speechlessly after hearing what Niklov said.

It's just that at this time, Madam Butterfly's charm ability has been released a lot. Every gesture, smile, and even a look in her eyes have terrifying charm abilities.

The dull eyes in the surrounding transformed and powerful male creatures turned into obsession.

Madame Butterfly's ability to enchant had been unintentionally unleashed with all her strength when she was a child.

She never released her full strength again.

Because she has known since she was a child that the ability to control other people's minds is considered taboo by countless people.

Even if she has no intention of seducing others, she will be reviled by countless people of the same sex.

She doesn't want to hear too many vicious names like born bitch, slut, coquettish bitch, etc.

Even her mother regretted giving birth to such a monster like her.

Because even her biological father was unintentionally attracted by her charm.

When she was young, in order to survive, she tried her best to charm many people before she was let down from the stake.

Let a group of men drive a star battleship and forcibly escort her away.

Otherwise, she, who was only fourteen years old at the time, still a girl, and whose body had just begun to develop and mature, would have been burned to death in front of countless people.

As she gets older and matures, her ability to charm is definitely getting stronger.

It's just that except for occasionally using it slightly to achieve some goals she wants, she never considers using it when it's not necessary.

Only in this way can she live like a normal person.

"Sorry, I don't know much about your past."

"I didn't know you didn't like this kind of thing."

Nikrov saw Madam Butterfly looking speechless, but he also heard that Madam Butterfly was repelling that kind of thing.

"It's okay, it's all in the past."

"But don't say anything like that, I don't really like hearing it."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

While the two were talking, they had already entered the steel building where the dignitaries lived.

Because they were all under enchantment, they were unable to even sound the alarm, allowing Niklov and Lady Butterfly to march straight into this heavily guarded building.

Some of the characters were already asleep at this time, and they never thought that someone could enter the building silently.

The charmed guard directly used his authority to help Madam Butterfly cross one gate after another that required identification.

Soon Madam Butterfly and Nikrov arrived at the east side of the center of the dignitary area.

There are multiple luxury residences in this subdivision, inhabited by politicians who do not pass.

When Madame Butterfly asked the guard to open the door to the politician's house.

A fist shining with black light hit the guard directly.

When the guard with golden feathers faced this attack, his wings fluttered and his body rose into the air, and hundreds of sharp feathers exuding cold light were shot out.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" When the feather hit the fist, it made a crisp sound as the metal collided, and golden sparks were created.

The feather that did not hit directly penetrated the floor made of special metal.

This huge jet-black long fist blasted forward directly, and the golden birdman's sharp and huge claws stepped on it like an eagle striking the sky.

With a sound of "Clang!", strong wind visible to the naked eye swept away, and the floor directly twisted and made a harsh sound.

"Golden Rakshasa, what do you mean?"

"You came unexpectedly and opened my door without informing me?"

"You still dare to attack me?"

At this time, a burly man with a height of two meters and three, whose skin was as bright as obsidian, had an extremely gloomy expression.

Although I didn't hear the alarm, my door was suddenly opened.

Under normal circumstances, no matter who wants to enter his house, they need to report in advance and obtain his permission before they can come.

So in this situation, the man immediately launched an attack. ,

It's just that Golden Rakshasa is a powerful man who has undergone the most advanced transformation of the raptors, and is also an elite captain of the ultimate biological army. Even he doesn't have much confidence in defeating him.

So he needed to ask Jin Raksha clearly what he meant by his current actions.

"Everything is done in compliance with the Queen's will."

The bird-man known as the Golden Rakshasa heard the man's question, opened his beak and made a sound.

"Is everything the Queen's will?"

As soon as these words came out, the burly man with skin like obsidian was stunned for a moment.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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