I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 602 Banner’s spiritual world

Upon hearing this, Rocket immediately raised the big gun in his hand, quickly aimed at the enemy and fired.

The beam directly split into dozens of splitting lasers during the flight, killing hundreds of enemies with one shot.

Knowing that this is a war, the number of enemies will be very large. If you kill them one by one, it will have no effect at all.

So Rockets has been making firearms suitable for war these days.

And because of the rays emitted by the rocket, the enemy did not immediately search for the rocket and others, and aimed and shot backhand.

As long as you launch an attack on the battlefield, the enemy will counterattack you immediately.

The feeling of being locked and targeted by a large number of enemies made Rocket, Nebula, Gamora, Drax, and Groot feel like they were falling into an ice cellar.

In just one second, a large number of lasers were shot out.

At this moment, on the ground a hundred meters away from Rocket and others.

With a sound of "Boom!", a wall of laser cut off the world.

A large number of lasers were fired at the giant wall formed by the convergence of lasers, which was unable to penetrate at all, and a violent explosion occurred.

Strong winds and dust.

Rocket and others endured the discomfort and looked at the sky.

A figure wearing gold and red armor was seen returning above Stephen Strange.

After Tony left, Tony's voice sounded in the sky.

"On the battlefield, you must first ensure your own safety before you can talk about killing the enemy."

"Instead of putting yourself in danger just to show off."

"Although you are here because of Star-Lord, you are still outsiders to Blue Star."

"So you are willing to help Blue Star participate in the war, regardless of whether you contribute or not. To me, you are worthy of gratitude."

"Keep yourself safe."

These words echoed in the ears of Rocket, Nebula, Gamora, Drax, and Groot.

The Rockets' mood at this time was extremely complicated.

The weapons he made were already very powerful, but his life-saving means were insufficient, making him seem so powerless on the battlefield.

"Keep retreating."

But Tony's words also made Rocket understand the inferiority complex in his heart, and he spoke.

The distance just now was only more than a thousand meters, so they had no chance to react when they were targeted.

But as long as they keep a certain distance, they can still protect themselves with their abilities.

When Nebula saw Rocket's look, she didn't make fun of him but joined the others in retreating back.

Because it is on this desolate and vast land, there is not much cover.

If this kind of place were in the cold weapon era, it would be the most suitable battlefield for charging and fighting.

But in the era of technological confrontation, the lack of cover means that this is the battlefield with the highest risk factor.

A stray bullet may cause injury or even loss of life.

"Mr. Tony takes action very quickly."

Sarah floated in the air, and an ice lotus appeared under her body, sitting directly in the air. She smiled when she saw this scene.

"Tony has been observing the battlefield, and he probably knows the character of the group of people following Star-Lord."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"Miss Sarah, don't you feel uncomfortable seeing these scenes?"

Kyle was concerned about Sarah's mental state at this time.

"I've seen the Battle of Xandar a long time ago."

"And I can still tell the difference between my companions and the enemy, so don't worry."

Sarah shook her head slightly when she heard this and said.

She doesn't like fighting, but that doesn't mean she will pity her enemies.

If necessary, she will take action without hesitation. Compassion for the enemy is the greatest harm to her companions.

"Is this what Miss Sonia taught you?"

Seeing that Sarah had this kind of awareness, the prophet asked thoughtfully.

"I have learned a lot about history from reading it before, and I understand that history has been written by the victors since ancient times."

"But at that time, I only had some understanding. It wasn't until I watched the war on Xandar that I fully understood it."

Sarah heard this and looked at Mr. Banner and others who were showing off their power on the battlefield, and said with a smile.

Although she was not able to participate at the time, she saw the broadcast with her own eyes.

That war was easily won because of the participation of the Void God Cult.

But if they are the loser, then the enemy's fate will be their own fate.

Once a war breaks out, there is no distinction between good and bad, only positions.

Either our side wins and gets the right to continue living, or the enemy wins and gets the right to continue living.

If your companions are fighting in the front, it is to protect them in the rear.

Don’t worry and pray for your fellow warriors.

But there is no such thing as pity for the enemy, which is not the Virgin at all but the Virgin Bitch, and is even extremely stupid.

Miss Irani Reel of the Xandar Empire also had the title of Holy Mother, but that does not mean that her compassion has no limit.

Even clear enemies have mercy on those who are either bad or stupid.

The fate of the defeated side in history is almost unimaginably miserable.

History has great and glorious deeds that make people admire, and there are also horrific and shocking blood and tears that serve as warnings.

The world has never been an ideal land. It is only because of past victories and countless people of the same race who have never met each other that they can enjoy the current peace.

"It seems that I underestimated your ability, Miss Sarah."

Kyle understood after hearing this and spoke.

"It's too underestimated. As a protected party, I'm very happy."

Sarah heard a happy smile on her face.

It is precisely because it is a blessing to know that someone has good intentions and is willing to protect himself.

So even though her movements and vision may be limited, Sarah never thought that this was a very bad thing.

"Yeah, that's good."

Kyle originally felt a little sorry, but when he heard Miss Sarah say this, he felt a lot more relieved.

Although Sarah looked directly at Kyle's words of thanks, her perception was always focused on the battlefield.

"Ebony Maw is taking action."

"I wonder if Mr. Banner can handle it."

Sarah's eyes were a little curious.

She knew all kinds of knowledge, but she didn't know much about combat and the strength of people with telekinesis abilities.

After all, she has never really fought until now.

"The five generals of Obsidian are finally planning to intervene. The strategy is good, but the strength does not allow it to be useless."

When Renoli heard these words, he looked at the battlefield and said.

In just two minutes of fighting, the five Obsidian generals had already caused more than 10,000 casualties among their men.

On average, more than 5,000 people die every minute. If this rate continues, the enemy will be completely wiped out in this war within an hour at most.

This is the efficiency of killing enemies without Tony directly participating in the battle.

You must know that Tony is also famous for his speed and agility in the Void Cult.

In terms of harvesting speed, Tony also kills people like wheat, and in various ways.

Moreover, none of Banner and the others used their full strength. They were all fighting with ease. After all, there was no need to use all their strength to deal with this kind of miscellaneous fish.

"Do they have a plan?"

Sarah asked with some confusion after hearing this.

"I wanted to control Banner, so I didn't take action immediately at first. After observing for a while, I felt that I could do it."

For intelligence personnel with rich combat experience like Lacey, they can directly understand all the enemy's intentions without the need for a foreseer to tell them what the enemy wants to do.

For the five Obsidian generals, only by controlling Banner can they control the battle situation step by step.

This can be said to be something that the five Obsidian generals do not want to do but have to try.

"Then what if you are really controlled?"

Sarah asked worriedly after hearing this.

"Don't worry, they can't control Banner."

"It doesn't matter even if Banner is controlled, I will take action."

Kyle said calmly after hearing this.

He, along with Alex and Banner, are the three main strongmen of the Void Cult who take the path of physical transformation into gods.

Each has unparalleled confidence in their own body and strength.

"Just rest assured and watch, the situation is under control."

Lacey was also extremely indifferent.

If they are still here, no matter how the situation changes, they are confident of ending this war.

At the same time, on the battlefield.

The ground beneath Ebony Throat's feet shattered and floated into countless pieces of earth, which directly lifted him up into the sky.

He aimed at Banner, who was a thousand meters away, and pressed down with his right hand.

In an instant, the ground beneath Banner's feet collapsed, and a large amount of soil turned into a cage and quickly clung to Banner's body.

It flew in the air and turned into a large ball made of land and stones.

This scene made the soldiers who were struggling to resist the power of the Hulk also cheer.

"As expected of Lord Ebony Maw."

"This guy is really nothing."

They had witnessed the true strength of Ebony Maw, so they dared to step forward and fight even if they were afraid.

A large amount of mud and fine dust directly sealed Banner's mouth and nose, intending to suffocate him.

At the same time, Superstar also took action, directly using telepathy to invade the Hulk's mind.

The cooperation between the two can be said to be flawless, because they have cooperated countless times.

It's just that this method is useful for regular strong men, and it was also very useful for Banner in the past.

But for the current Banner, it would be foolish to still hope that it would be useful.

After the super star invaded Banner's mind, he came to a hell burning with green flames everywhere.

In addition to the hell of green fire, there are sleeping volcanoes everywhere.

The spirit is the battlefield that superstars are good at, but when she looked at this green hell, she felt a little frightened.

She has invaded countless spiritual worlds, but has never seen this kind of spiritual world.

These flames looked scary, but they did not burn her directly at first, as if they were suppressing their anger.

If Superstar wants to control Banner, he needs to find the most vulnerable side of Banner's memory, and then guide and control it.

Therefore, Superstar continues to dig deeper and explore.

It’s just that the more I dig into the superstar’s mind, the more shocked I become.

Because she saw the various tragic experiences and emotions of Hulk Bruce Banner hidden deep in his memory.

The bitterness of childhood, and the hesitation when he first gained the ability to transform.

The pain of being beaten but having to endure it because of fear of hurting others, the remorse of being violent until you wake up after being unbearable.

Everything filled Bruce Banner's heart with anger.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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