I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 601 One-sided situation

The moment the golden circle of light appeared, a young man with short silver hair crossed the circle of light and arrived in this land of Africa in the blink of an eye.

A beautiful woman wearing a red leather coat also flew directly out of the circle of light in the sky.

A handsome-looking man with a gentle and elegant temperament walked out and stood on this desolate land. Looking at the space battleship above, the suppressed anger in his heart broke out at this moment.

His body, which originally looked like a strong one, began to swell and become huge, bursting through his clothes. His green skin was extremely conspicuous, and he transformed into a green giant more than three meters tall.

His back was as thick as a mountain, and his arms and thighs were much larger than an ordinary person's body, which was frightening to see.

You can tell at a glance that this giant's power is extremely terrifying.

After Banner transformed into the Hulk, he looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

Sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out in circles, and the world trembled at this moment.

The terrifying aura of violence and cruelty directly enveloped the world, as if a monster had come to the world.

Both Pietro and Wanda were shocked at this time. Although they had known each other for several years, this was the first time they saw Mr. Banner transform into the Hulk.

The huge body and this aura make it impossible for people to muster the fighting spirit to fight with it.

General Deathblade shrank when he saw this green giant.

He knows this Hulk very well.

According to rumors, three giants were very active in the complete fall of the void.

These three people all come from the Void Cult, namely Hercules Kyle, one is Yama Alex, and the last one is Hulk Banner Bruce.

All three can travel across the universe, treat space battleships as if they are nothing, and have extremely terrifying bodies. They are the three giant monsters of the Void God Cult.

Hulk Banner Bruce is rumored to be from Blue Star, but he has been living on Void Island since a few years ago.

I didn't expect that they would encounter this monster this time when they came to capture the new Supreme Mage.

Because if Hulk Bruce Banner is present, it means that the Void Herald who also comes from Blue Star is also there.

This made General Deathblade's mind sink to the bottom.

The Deathblade General was like this. Except for the biochemical self-destruction soldiers, everyone else in the battleship was trembling. ,

"Just a stupid guy, what are you afraid of?"

However, Ebony Maw is not very afraid of the physical monster, Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

After so many years of fighting on various planets, I have encountered many giants who are famous for their physical bodies.

Black Dwarf was forced to surrender because it did not want genocide. It has helped them solve a lot of troubles over the years.

Even in this desolate land, his telekinesis can still unleash the strongest power.

If you think that in this desolate land, his strength will be limited, then you are really looking down on him.

"The long-lost Steve Rogers has been discovered."

"But we'll catch Stephen Strange later and leave."

"Prepare people to attack nearby cities and defeat them one by one."

"They chose the battlefield here well prepared. The purpose is not to involve the battlefield too far."

"So as long as people attack the city, they can be distracted."

After the superstar saw this scene, he immediately understood Stephen Strange's intention and spoke.

As an investigator, she is also an intelligence officer, and it is her duty to give advice based on intelligence.

"If you haven't seen this stupid guy, this is a good suggestion."

"But since he is here, it will be much easier."

"Leave this silly guy to me until we get off the battlefield."

"Superstars must not know your truest ability."

"We will find the right opportunity for you to bring Bruce Banner, the Hulk, under control."

"Then control others step by step, and the balance of victory will tilt towards us."

"As long as we can control them, our time is not so tight."

"For the Lord's lofty and great ideals, this battle can only advance and not retreat."

"Activate the landing matrix."

As a military advisor, Ebony Maw heard Superstar's suggestion and began to issue instructions.

It is difficult for ordinary people to deal with a physical monster like the Hulk, but to Ebony Maw, this is just a simple-minded thing with a single attack method.


Following Ebony Throat's order, the space battleship's AI also responded.

As the teleportation matrix was opened, the circular space battleship shot out beams of light like raindrops from all over the place, landing on the ground.

A large number of biochemical self-destruction troops and troops appeared on the ground directly through the battleship's teleportation matrix.

Ebony Maw was not a coward and stepped directly into the teleportation matrix.

Dark Night Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf Star, Supergiant Star, and Dead Blade General also arrived one after another.

General Deathblade had already planned to run away the moment he saw the Hulk, but he still had to fake his death.

As long as his weapon is taken back, he can escape at any time if he finds an opportunity.

So when he feels trouble, he doesn't feel that his life is in danger.

Because there are not many people who know their abilities, they are all outside the Andromeda Galaxy, and most of them are dead.

This is also the key to their invincibility.

It is impossible for these people inside the Andromeda Galaxy to know their true strength.

Intelligence is a very critical part of the battle. As long as the enemy does not know his own details, he can win by surprise.

The Deathblade General also survived countless battles because of this.

As the teleportation matrix fell to the ground like light spots, a large number of figures appeared on this desolate land.

The biochemical self-destruction soldiers are like reptiles, with their mouths full of serrated teeth.

There are also troops armed with super-technological firearms, and they are also murderous at this time.

They have participated in countless battlefields and wiped out half of all life in many civilizations.

As scary as Bruce Banner is, Lord Ebonymaw has a good point.

They had already encountered many such stupid men, and they had no use against Lord Ebony Maw.

It is true that a person with a larger body will be stronger, but this is not an absolute standard for measuring differences in individual strength.

The golden halo behind Stephen Strange.

Star-Lord, Steve, Peggy, Thor, Loki and others also came to this battlefield one after another.

Gamora, Nebula, Rocket, and Drax all walked out of the circle with guns and weapons, and Groot ran directly behind with the four of them.

Because the frontal main battlefield is not something they can participate in.

The figure of Tony Stark wearing a nano-suit finally arrived on this land.

Sarah, Renoli, Kyle, Lacey, and the Predicter all flew out of the teleportation array in the air and flew back.

Sarah came to watch the show, and Rennolly, Kyle, Lacey, and the Predictor just came to raid the array.

They would not intervene in the war between Blue Star and Thanos unless necessary.

"Mr. Tony, according to the scan, the total number of enemies has reached 280,000."

Jarvis also invaded the space battleship immediately.

Its computing power has been upgraded again and again over the years. Although it is not comparable to the super optical brain, it is not comparable to this ordinary AI.

"Two hundred and eighty thousand, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill them all until my hands are weak."

Pietro was a little shocked when he heard Jarvis's voice and saw more and more enemies appearing thousands of meters away as the light spots landed.

It has been a long time since he awakened his ability, but he has always been dealing with ordinary people in the past.

But this time, he really participated in the battle between Blue Star and aliens.

Pietro discovered that everything he had done before was just a small fight.

This number, coupled with space battleships and various high technologies, represents a danger that is beyond ordinary.

"The power of individuals is powerless on the battlefield, but this does not include the individuals of our Void God Religion."

"It's only two hundred and eighty thousand."

"Just follow the plan."

"Remember not to get too close to us, otherwise the aftermath will not be long-lasting, and I don't want to collect the bodies for you."

When Tony saw this immeasurable army that was as dark as a black wave, he felt no pressure in his heart and just gave instructions to Pietro and Wanda.

As long as the enemies don't escape or harm Blue Star's city, they will kill as many as they come.

A dozen people against more than 200,000 people, being able to use the word "mere" shows the pride of Void Herald Tony Stark.

Tony has participated in three wars since he came into contact with Kassadin and joined the Void Cult.

There were fewer people on their side, but he had never been afraid.


Pietro was just shocked by the number of enemies, but it didn't mean that he was frightened by it. He held the dagger in both hands and his eyes became indifferent.

At this moment Pietro directly entered the state of fighting. In his eyes, all these enemies deserved death.

"Except for the life of Stephen Strange who is the first to be seen, everyone else can be killed."

"Run it for me."

Ebony Throat saw that there were not many enemies but they were all fierce, so he was not afraid and gave the order directly.

In a head-to-head confrontation between space battleships and battleships, large numbers are useless.

Because technology is inferior to people, it means it is inferior to people, and the result will be a one-sided situation.

However, in the war on the planet, large numbers are very beneficial.

Even if the enemy is very strong, as long as the number is so large that the enemy cannot be killed until they are exhausted, then the enemy can be dragged to death by force.

Among the many powerful people in the universe, there are always only a few who can completely ignore high-tech weapons and laser rays.

Even if it can only cause some injuries, the cumulative effect can still kill a super strong man.

Following Ebony Throat's order, many soldiers and biochemical self-destruction soldiers also launched a charge. At this moment, the earth trembled.

Thor and Banner did not show any weakness and took the lead in charging.

Thor descended from the sky with Mjolnir in hand, carrying terrifying thunder that directly shocked the earth.

A large amount of terrifying thunder swept away, and in an instant, thousands of soldiers were directly turned into black charcoal, machinery shattered,

Banner stepped on the ground, and his body suddenly jumped up like a green meteorite falling.

Obsidian 5 directly raised the weapons in his hands with the men he brought this time, and fired laser rays aimed at the Hulk.

It's just that the laser that can easily cut through armor can't hurt Banner at all when it hits him, and it can't even slow down his landing much.

It hit the center of the group of people heavily with a "Boom!" and a terrifying large pit appeared directly on the ground.

People within a few hundred meters were directly crushed into pieces by the impact. The terrifying impact spread and sent countless soldiers flying backwards.

Loki directly made dozens of clones and charged in from all directions. With the clone's defensive ability and superb close combat skills, he was able to directly harvest the enemy.

Pietro, Star-Lord, Steve, and Peggy also charged in from the side, and everything they passed turned into ruthless harvesting machines.

Wanda waved her hands, and their bodies several hundred meters apart began to twist and were crushed into bloody explosions.

In terms of her ability to protect herself, she may be far inferior to her younger brother who has supersonic abilities.

But in terms of lethality, she was confident that she was superior to Pietro.

Stephen directly used the defensive formation to block their side.

Although after joining the Void Cult and receiving blessings, his physical body became much stronger.

But even if Stephen didn't have any confidence in his mind, he still had some confidence after seeing the future.

There is only one fate for him who dares to charge like Banner and the others, and that is death.

The battlefield has just begun. The army brought by Obsidian's five generals has no room to fight back and is already on the verge of defeat.

Rocket, Nebula, Gamora, Groot, and Drax who were running towards the back were also stunned when they saw it.

Even if they have seen the Void God Cult's arrogant and unreasonable crushing combat power before.

But that time the distance was still relatively far, as seen through the battle projection of scanning imaging.

But now after seeing it up close, they were even more shocked.

"With Mr. Banner here, do we need to take action?"

Drax saw that the hundreds of thousands of troops suffered a large number of casualties under the impact of these few people. If it took a while, it would directly turn into a rout.

The five Obsidian generals brought so many troops, and it didn't look like they came to Blue Star to snatch the Infinity Stones, but to die.

"Nonsense, we must take action, even if we don't kill many, we still have to take action."

When Rocket heard these words, he gritted his teeth and said loudly.

He was holding back his breath and wanted to show off, but looking at his desire to show off now, it seemed so funny.

Tony Stark hasn't officially taken action yet, and the war started by others is one-sided.

As if to tell them that they really just need to try their best to save their lives.

As for the war situation, they don't need to worry too much.

Although Nebula often mocks Rocket, he also knows that Rocket is very eager to be recognized by others and prove that he is not pathetic.

"Aim in that direction and we can guarantee there will be no accidental damage."

So when Xingyun heard these words, he quickly observed the battlefield and found a position where he could attack with peace of mind, pointed over there and said.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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