I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 563 The actions of Thanos and Zeus

In a mountaintop villa.

"Miss Irani Lehr has made a choice."

"When she takes up the position of Star Wanderer, she will have at least ten years to prepare."

"This time is enough for her to govern the Xandar Empire first."

After Sonia hung up the communication, she was in a very good mood.

"Well, the position of Star Traveler has been prepared."

"A person like her who can resist her personal pursuit of eternal life is worthy of being called a living legend."

"The candidate you advocate is a good one."

Harvey nodded when he heard this and said.

Irani's original intention to join the Void Cult was not to seek eternal life for herself.

It is for the future continuation of the Xandar Empire and the long-lasting peace within the protection of the Xandar Empire.

Harvey couldn't help but admire this kind of awareness.

Harvey knows that human nature is ugly, but there will still be some people who truly care about the common people.

"It's good that you didn't disappoint Mr. Kassadin."

Sonia had a smile on her face after hearing this.

Even if she takes the position of the Void God, her power and status are higher than those of Irani Rael.

However, as a Xandar planet, she has always respected Irani Rael.

Because Irani is a person who truly protects the peace of the universe with practical actions.

Irani Rael was also the second person she introduced.

Nothing went wrong, which made Sonia very happy.

"Well, I'm not disappointed at all but rather surprised."

"But let's talk about it after we wake up. We need to rest at this time."

Harvey said with great satisfaction after hearing this.

"Okay, good night then, Mr. Kassadin."

Sonia smiled and nodded after hearing this.

Harvey went directly to his room, took off his armor, and went to sleep comfortably.

He has been thinking about who would be more secure in the position of Star Traveling God in the future.

Sonia's suggestion completely solved the problem, which gave Harvey one less thing to worry about, so he slept particularly soundly.

Sonia quickly cleaned up the dishes after eating, then went back to the room to take a bath and rest.


The entire Xandar planet is very lively on this New Year's Eve.

Because this year there are still wonders of heaven and earth to see that they have never seen before.

Therefore, many Xandar people expressed their joy and admiration to the sea of ​​​​stars when they reunited.

It’s just that the Xandarians knew that this was the work of the Void God Kassadin, the founder of the Void Cult.

There is no worry for anyone, but for other forces in the universe.

This incident brought not joy but horror.


Thanos looked at the images that were going viral on the Internet and were being broadcast live.

This terrifying galaxy seems to be biting teeth into pieces.

This terrifying power, the power gem is hopeless.

But now the God-King Odin has abdicated to retire and is approaching death, and the Supreme Mage Ancient One is also dead.

This means that the Time Stone, Reality Stone, and Mind Stone that are currently still on Blue Star have the opportunity to seize them.

As for the space gems that were brought back to Asgard, it would not be too late to make plans after he obtained these three gems first.

Although if you cannot collect all six Infinity Stones, your abilities cannot be maximized.

Not to mention that you can’t directly realize your great ideals with just a snap of your fingers.

But if you get the four Infinity Stones first, and then successfully find the Soul Stone.

With five Infinity Stones, his strength also has the possibility to slowly realize his ideals.

It’s just that it may take longer, and you need to avoid the civilization where the Void God Kassadin lives.

"Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, you lead the team to Blue Star and capture the new Supreme Mage for me."

"Remember to catch him and leave without stopping for a moment."

This time Thanos also knew that he could not wait any longer, so he gave the instructions.

The new Supreme Mage has not yet grown up, so he must take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Just capture the new Supreme Mage, let the superstar read some memories, and let him learn to manipulate the time stone.

"Okay, Lord, I will definitely bring you what you need."

Hearing this, Wumuhou knelt down on one knee and agreed without any fear.

Black Dwarf also knelt on one knee and nodded directly.

"General Deathblade, Proxima Midnight, go get me the Soul Stone or the Reality Stone."

"Superstar You will assist the two of them and help them lock in their positions."

"Retreat after you get one. Don't let Odin have a chance to react."

Thanos also directly issued instructions to the other three of the five Obsidian generals.


General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, and Superstar also took orders at the same time.

Among them, the Deathblade General was thinking about something.

Now is not the time for him to defect and see if the operation goes well.

And Thanos, who has obtained these gems, will his subsequent actions have other effects?

If he is not targeted by the Void Cult, he will definitely escape immediately.

He didn't want to face the real monster, Kassadin, the God of the Void.

In the past, he thought Thanos was a capable man with great talents and great plans.

Because Thanos possesses extremely high intelligence and knows the secret of the Infinity Stones.

As long as it can be obtained, Thanos' plan is really feasible.

But the problem is that the plan is not going well, and it has begun to show signs of failure. The only way to survive longer is to adapt to the wind.

The distance from Titan to Blue Star is not close, and if you want to avoid the sight of the Xandar Empire, you have to take a special detour. You cannot start the wormhole shuttle rashly, otherwise it will be detected.

So much so that it takes at least two to three months just to go there.

Otherwise, if the Xandar Empire finds out, their plan will not be implemented at all.

In the past, they destroyed civilizations in the galaxies outside the protection of the Xandar Empire and acted recklessly, and others could not control them.

But in the galaxy protected by the Xandar Empire, once they have this intention, they will definitely be targeted, which will lead to fierce confrontations.

But there was nothing they could do about it. Who told them not to get the Power Stone and destroy the Xandar Empire in one fell swoop?

The base camp of the Void Cult established by the Void God Kassadin is also on Xandar.

They even dare not go directly to get rid of Xandar, a dangerous and troublesome threat.

Because this journey will not be too short, the five Obsidian generals also started taking action immediately.

I got on the circle-like space battleship and flew to the Blue Star.

Thanos still has great trust in the abilities of these people.

Therefore, Thanos is already considering discussing cooperation with Gao Tianzun after obtaining these Infinity Stones.

Thinking about how to discuss cooperation and jointly fight against the void god Kassadin who exists like a cosmic demon.

Gao Tianzun's faction, the Universe Presbyterian Council, also has many strong men.

Together they may not be able to defeat Kassadin, the God of the Void, but they can definitely delay time.

If he can collect the five Infinity Stones first and control the Reality Stone, Time Stone, and Space Stone.

Then all you have to do is join forces and create one minute for him.

Let him successfully penetrate into the Void Cult and seize the Power Stone, and he will teach Kassadin how to behave with a snap of his fingers.

As for where the Power Stone will be, Thanos is not worried, because the superstar's ability can detect the exact information for him first.

Thinking about the success rate of these plans, Thanos showed an evil smile on his face.

Although there were some mistakes with the Power Stone that he was supposed to get first.

However, the Supreme Mage Ancient One and Odin are still bound to die. It is enough that there are no problems in this aspect.

Otherwise, his plan would really be completely impossible to implement.

"This is the advantage of having the enemy in the open and me in the dark."

Thanos had an evil smile on his face and a fierce look in his eyes.

He has not yet entered the sight of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Although the Chitauri army he sent had some conflicts with the void pioneer Tony Stark.

However, he never actually showed up, so Tony Stark should not have guessed that he was the one who ordered it.

Those Chitauri idiots didn't even tell anyone else their names.


In the Temple of Olympus.

"Damn it, we made such a big noise a few months ago."

"It's coming again now, I can't wait any longer."

Zeus did not need anyone else to inform him, but he had already received the miracle of heaven and earth happening on Xandar Star from the cosmic communicator.

Zeus left Olympus directly and headed for Saka, where Gao Tianzun was.

He needs to have a good chat with Gao Tianzun about how to join forces to fight against the enemy in the future.

The current Void God Religion has not yet started the pace of expanding its territory.

But even a fool can see that the Void Cult will definitely embark on a feat of expanding its territory, and Zeus does not want to sit still and wait for death.

Although Kassadin, the God of the Void, is dangerous, he is not so dangerous that it cannot be solved at all.

Even though Kassadin, the God of the Void, is strong, it is impossible to escape from the control of eternity.

But there is a difference between meeting eternity and summoning eternity.

You can make a wish when you meet Eternity, and you need to use a special key to open it and go to see it.

To summon eternity, a real cosmic crisis is required, as well as a joint petition from the gods and many powerful men.

Only then can eternity materialize and obey their requests.

As for things like cosmic crisis, a big force has no say.

It must be said by the top experts of multiple major forces.

The existence of Kassadin, the God of the Void, has reached the point of threatening the safety of the universe.

That would allow Eternity to intervene and directly obliterate Kassadin, the God of the Void, or drive him out of this universe and to other dimensions.

No matter what the outcome is for Zeus, as long as the threat of Kassadin, the God of the Void, disappears.

How happy he was to hold banquets happily every day.

Now, because the threat of the appearance of Kassadin, the God of the Void, is getting bigger and bigger, he can no longer hold a party and sleep with beauty without any worries.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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