I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 562 A rare talent in the world

"As long as a creature possesses intelligence, it will never be able to escape the shackles of desire."

"So it is impossible for human greed and arrogance to disappear completely."

"But some greed and arrogance can be forgiven if they are within the limits allowed by the rules."

"Because anyone can make a mistake."

Irani heard what Kassadin, the God of the Void, said and spoke.

"Follow the rules and act. Is this the philosophy you implement throughout your life?"

Harvey said thoughtfully after hearing Irani's words.

"It's just one of those ideas."

"Rules are set by people, so naturally they can be changed."

"All judgments require careful deliberation before making a decision."

Irani shook her head and said.

"People also need time to grow."

"Those who can be selected by countless people of the Xandar Empire and pass the scrutiny of the Heart of the World must be possible."

"And once the Xandar Empire is destroyed, all the protected civilizations will re-enter the chaotic vortex of the universe."

"So please ask the great God of the Void, Mr. Kassadin, to give the Xandar Empire some time in the future."

Irani said one after another, her attitude extremely sincere.

She knew that she was appreciated by Kassadin, the God of the Void, so she wanted to grant herself eternal life.

This will be good for the Xandar Empire and the Void Cult.

However, she does not long for immortality, she only hopes that the Xandar Empire can be continued.

The peace of the universe can be maintained for a longer period of time.

"Don't use this kind of righteousness to try to threaten or kidnap me morally."

"The billions of creatures in the universe have no value to me."

"This universe is destroyed, and there are other universes."

"So whether to destroy the Xandar Empire and implicate other civilizations depends on whether I am in a good or bad mood."

"Weak people have no right to specify rules, let alone the right to choose."

"I don't think you need me to teach you this."

Harvey said slowly after hearing this.

He recognized and appreciated Irani, a truly righteous person, and she was not a virgin bitch.

The Holy Mother Bitch will only talk empty words and kidnap others with morality, but will not take any action herself.

As the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, Irani Rael has devoted a lot of effort to peace and balance throughout her life.

This kind of supreme controller will become a great man no matter what civilization he is in.

Now he is asking himself in the hope that the Xandar Empire will be spared after his death.

He understood Irani's position and personality, but that didn't mean Harvey would directly agree to Irani's request.


When Irani heard this, she already knew the intentions of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"I wonder what I need to do to get Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, to agree to my request?"

So Irani quickly made a decision in her mind and asked.

"I told you that we are not malicious in contacting you this time."

"I just gave you a choice, and I didn't mean to force you."

"Even if you don't desire eternal life, you gave up the opportunity I gave you."

"I won't necessarily destroy the Xandar Empire."

"The Xandar Empire does have some value to this universe."

"As long as the Xandar Empire is not stupid enough to make its own value disappear."

"Then there is no reason for me to destroy the Xandar Empire."

"But as long as our Void Cult is still in this universe, there will always be some uncertainty about the destruction of the Xandar Empire."

"The difference is that you are still alive now and can talk to me directly about this."

"If you die, the future of the Xandar Empire will continue to be uncertain."

"For a person like you who truly cares about the common people, even in the Xandar Empire where there are many outstanding people, it is difficult to find other people like you."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't be in this position, dying of old age, right?"

Harvey saw Irani's quick decision and admired it very much.

Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and being in an unequal negotiation requires a lot of courage to make a decision.

So most people will hesitate, but hesitation will only bring more variables.

Therefore, being able to make a decisive judgment is the smartest thing to do.

"Thank you Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, for your mercy."

"I hope to seek eternal life so that the Xandar Empire can continue. I wonder if I can be given this opportunity."

Irani understood immediately after hearing this and said respectfully.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, decided to grant her eternal life. Indeed, it was not malicious, but just to give himself a choice.

She chose to wait until she was approaching her twilight years, feeling depressed about the future of the Xandar Empire.

Or choose to join the Void Cult, and have the opportunity to continue to actively guide the trend of the Xandar Empire.

No matter what the choice is, Kassadin, the God of the Void, will not destroy the Xandar Empire for no reason while she is still alive and the Xandar Empire does not go astray to maintain its value.

This is a very high recognition. If she can't realize it, then she is too stupid.

"You can get my approval and get the opportunity to join the Void God Cult."

"It does not mean that countless people in the Xandar Empire can join the Void Cult. Remember this clearly."

Harvey saw that Irani was fully aware of the situation and made a request with some approval in his words.

"I understand that the Void Cult has no intention of taking over the Xandar Empire."

"Otherwise, the four officers Dam, Barnett, Primo, and Philip would have secretly taken control of the Xandar Empire."

Irani nodded and spoke.

The four officers Damm, Barnett, Primo, and Philip are truly men of justice.

He has been helping the people of the Xandar Empire and hunting down the most difficult enemies.

Those who have achieved military merit can already be promoted to three-star officers.

Now he is only a two-star officer, but he has no complaints.

Irani is also well aware of the fact that Officer Dam retrieved the information about the sublight thruster engine and gave it to the Void Herald Tony Stark.

If it weren’t for the Void Cult that occupied the Land of Nothingness and obtained the necessary instruments for making sublight propulsion engines.

So even if Tony Stark is extremely talented, he only has information but cannot practice it.

It would be impossible to build a sublight thruster engine for hundreds of years.

The Void Cult, which has attacked the Land of Nothingness, has many ways to obtain the production data of the sublight propulsion engine.

There is detailed information for sale in the land of nothingness.

So Irani never thought about it, because there is not only one access channel.

"If you join the Void Divine Cult, you don't need to go directly to Void Island."

"You can continue to sit in your current position, select a suitable successor, and await my instructions in the future."

"I don't care how you evolve at the beginning, but remember the direction of your future evolution."

"You must be able to sense direction. I have important tasks to give you in the future."

Hearing this, Harvey did not respond to Dam and others' matters, but explained what Irani needed to do.

Afterwards, Harvey directly confirmed Irani's application to join the Void.

Irani's body rose into the air and began to accept the call from the void.

The power of the void began to pour into Irani's body. At this moment, Irani also saw a great and vast existence.

Only a few minutes passed.

"Thank you Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, for your mercy."

Irani opened her eyes again, her already respectful attitude becoming more awe-inspiring.

Harvey reached out and pointed, and a ball of void dark star power appeared in the void next to Irani, pouring directly into her body.

Irani's old face and her deteriorating body began to change and repair.

Now, a ball of energy randomly given by Harvey's strength can make people directly evolve more than fifty times at first.

And this kind of evolution will also give priority to the shortcomings of the weak that most need to be erased by evolution.

The drawback for Irani Lehr is, of course, her aging frame.

Irani's appearance has changed directly in the direction of her youth, with a luxurious and dignified temperament and beautiful appearance.

When she was young, she could not be said to have a natural beauty, but she was undoubtedly a beauty.

"I have cast void magic for you."

"Except for what you can see yourself, ordinary people will still see you as you are."

"You have joined the Void, but there is no need to get too close to the Void Cult for the time being."

"The future will wait for my call."

Harvey left Irani an instruction.

"Okay, thank you Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, for your kindness."

Irani bowed deeply upon hearing this.

Later, Sonia also hung up the communication under Mr. Kassadin's warning.

"It's incredible."

The Heart of the World scanned the body of Irani Reel. All the hidden diseases had disappeared, and the body's vitality had returned to its youthful stage.

But the appearance it observed with the monitor was that of the still old Irani Rael.

This kind of great power makes the heart of the world sigh.

However, this also caused the Heart of the World to immediately add layers of shackles to Irani Rael's scanning authority.

Others want to directly scan Irani Rael's data. Unless they can break through it, everything they scan will be unknown.

In the past, it blocked information about Irani Lehr and did not seal the physical data, but now it must block this aspect.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to see Irani's changes through her appearance, but when they see the abnormal body data through the data, they are immediately exposed.

"Heart of the World, do you think what I did is right?"

After hanging up the communication, Irani's tense spirit finally relaxed. Her body went limp and she slumped down on the chair behind her and spoke.

Sitting in the position of supreme commander, she has faced excessive temptations of desire and gone through countless ideological struggles.

In fact, death was a relief for her.

It's just that she can't sit back and watch the possible destruction of the Xandar Empire.

So between opting in and opting out.

She made a choice, but she wasn't sure if she was making the right choice.

Time is a very cruel thing that can change everything, including human nature.

"For you personally, I can't define whether it's good or bad."

"You've always wanted to retire, and I'm very aware of it."

"But to me, it's definitely a good thing that you live longer."

The voice of the Heart of the World rang.

Irani Lehr said there are countless people who could replace her.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, did not agree with Irani's humble statement.

Of course, the Heart of the World does not approve of it either.

Although it is somewhat selfish, if possible, it even hopes that Irani Reel can always work for the development of the Xandar Empire.

The reason why it is said to be selfish is because the heart of the world is very clear.

The position of supreme commander seems to be extremely powerful and symbolizes unimaginable power, but it is not that easy to sit in.

Precisely because it symbolizes unimaginable power.

A small decision affects countless factors, so whenever you make a decision, you must be extremely careful.

Moreover, as the supreme controller of the Xandar Empire, he represents not only an individual but also the face of the entire force, living under the eyes of countless people.

Therefore, whether in public or private, you must always pay attention to your words and deeds.

This kind of pressure is like layers of shackles, making people unable to breathe at all.

Therefore, the top commanders of the Xandar Empire in the past were able to do so for more than a hundred years without any stigma, and they were able to leave their names in history.

Irani Rael also mentioned it a hundred years after she finished it.

I want to step down from this position and go back to live a normal life.

You don’t need to worry about so many things every day. You only need to think about the three major problems in life after waking up.

What to eat in the morning, what to eat at lunch, and what to eat in the evening.

The rest of the time, I was thinking about finding interesting things to do to pass the time.

Irani also has ordinary ideals that countless people share.

The Heart of the World also wanted to free Irani, but it couldn't find a suitable successor and had no choice.

It can calculate countless technologies, but it cannot create humans according to its own requirements.

"Continuing to contribute to the Xandar Empire is not a problem."

"What I'm worried about is what responsibilities I will have in the Void Religion in the future."

Irani heard this and spoke.

Her physical condition is now as good as ever.

But it didn't make her excited to jump around and test the strength in her body.

Because the Supreme Commander had paid attention to her words and deeds for many years, it was impossible for her to do such a conspicuous thing.

"Kassadin, the God of the Void, requires you to evolve the direction of perception."

"The ability to sense is either used for investigation and gathering intelligence, or for sensing people's hearts for interrogation, or for surveillance."

The Heart of the World said immediately after hearing this.

The superpower of mind reading also belongs to the scope of perception. It is undoubtedly one of the most useful abilities for interrogating and exploring secrets.

"Forget it, we'll know when the time comes. Let's go get some sleep first."

Irani heard several directions also coming from the Heart of the World, and thought for a while but had no definite idea.

But just as Irani left, she felt hungry in her stomach.

Of course she also knew that the members of the Void Cult were particularly good eaters.

Irani thought about it for a moment, but still didn't decide to eat directly.

Because she had to hide the fact that she had joined the Void Cult.

If you can't stand the hunger for a moment, then how would it be appropriate for you to eat and talk by yourself when you have a meeting with other centurions later?

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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