After finishing the meal, Sonia also took a shower and changed into a red dress.

Her bright and smooth blond hair was tied up, her eyes were extremely pure, and she looked dignified, noble and moving.

Then it was early morning.

Although the sky is not completely bright yet, Void Island is already as bright as day.

Members of the Void God Cult have begun to gather in the Void God Cult.

Thor, Loki, Odin, and Frigga move forward together as a family.

Tony, Pepper, Banner, Steve, Paige, and Stephen also went together.

“What does a manifestation look like?”

Stephen looked at the lively atmosphere around him and asked.

"I have seen one apparition, but that does not mean that every apparition is exactly the same."

“So you won’t know until you actually see it.

Tony didn't confirm when he heard this.

After all, Kassadin's strength has not recovered that much since the manifestation a few years ago.

But it still brought great shock to the members of the Void Cult.

Now that the Void God Kassadin's strength has obviously recovered more, some other changes are possible.

"Is it enough that I only offer five million this time?"

Stephen borrowed 10 million from Banner this time to live on Void Island for a period of time, the most important of which was for worship.

He originally wanted to borrow money from Tony because Tony was known as a rich man in the Void Cult.

But Tony said that all the money was reserved for Blue Star development, and he could not borrow even 5 million, let alone 10 million.

The minimum amount of cosmic coins Tony plans to use to develop Blue Star is 500 billion cosmic coins.

Stephen couldn't help but admire Tony's courage.

"That's enough. You just joined the Void Cult. One million is enough, let alone five million."

"The offering just depends on one's heart, and there is no compulsory requirement on how much one must offer."

Banner saw that Stephen felt missing, and he understood in his heart, so he comforted Stephen.

Tony is short of money right now, so he can't spend too much spare money. He only plans to contribute 300 million this year.

Banner himself is the same as Tony, 300 million is 300 million.

Steve and Paige plan to contribute $10 million each.

The two of them can't live in the universe yet, and the universe coins in their hands are basically given by Miss Sonia.

I currently have a lot of savings, so I plan to contribute one-tenth of it.

After taking turns, Stephen felt that his five million was too low, which was normal.

One by one, members began to pay tribute, telling about this year's harvest and their hopes for next year.

Odin's family only brought two billion this time, 500 million each as a sign of respect.

Lix paid 2 billion as usual to express his gratitude.

Now he has become the controller of Mowgli Star. In terms of wealth, he is not said to be super rich, but he is not short of money.

Billions of dollars can still be easily obtained every year.

Lacey serves as the manager of the void.

The total income brought to her by the Land of Nothingness was more than one billion, and the amount of money she dedicated was the same as last year, which was 700 million, leaving only more than 300 million for herself.

Because she doesn't need to develop her power, she doesn't need that much money.

Soon the altar of the Temple of the Void was piled with cosmic coins.

Massive wealth gathered together, emitting a charming purple light.

Star-Lord, Niklov, and Lady Butterfly were watching outside the Temple of the Void.

"The total of these is estimated to be close to 20 billion cosmic coins."

"Every member of the Void Cult is not short of money. It's really not a lie."

Madame Butterfly has made money in the land of nothingness for so many years and is now a rich woman.

Counting his own industry, the total assets are only over 30 billion.

This kind of accumulation of wealth is enough to live a life of luxury for a lifetime.

In the universe, she can be considered to have squeezed into the wealthy class.

However, personal wealth is obviously far from enough when compared with power.

Just one New Year's pilgrimage and the offerings from each member were almost close to the wealth she had earned throughout her life.

"The next New Year's pilgrimage should be more expensive."

"After all, each member of the Void Cult's offering basically starts with a few million, and those who are slightly more capable will directly offer tens to hundreds of millions."

Star-Lord heard this and spoke.

"If you see this too much, you will doubt your life."

When Nikrov saw the mountains of treasures, he felt a little moved.

His total net worth is only over 20 billion, and the annual New Year worship ritual held by the Void God Religion exceeds his own in just one offering.

This is the benefit of being powerful. Once you get through the initial difficult stage, wealth will naturally gather towards you in the future, and you don’t need to spend too much effort at all.

Under the gaze of hundreds of people, at the gate of the main hall of the Void God Religion.

A beautiful figure wearing a gorgeous red dress with dignified temperament and beautiful appearance walked out slowly and elegantly.

Her face seemed to have been carefully crafted by God's care, her pure eyes were like gems, and the radiance she revealed was dazzling and eye-catching.

Wearing a gorgeous long dress, not much skin was exposed, but the exposed jade neck and wrists glowed faintly in the night.

It's like a fairy walking out of a painting.

The elegance and confidence shown in every gesture made everyone's eyes involuntarily focus on this woman.

"Meet Miss Sonia, the God of the Void."

At this moment, almost all members of the Void Cult bowed slightly to express their respect and shouted in unison.

Even outsiders such as Star-Lord, Nickrov, and Lady Butterfly expressed their respect.

This woman is the representative of Kassadin, the God of the Void. She is also the highest power controller of the Void God Religion and one of the only two high-ranking officials in the Void God Religion.

Regardless of his appearance, strength, and ability, he impressed everyone in the Void Religion.

Even outsiders can't help but feel admiration when they experience the comfortable atmosphere of Void Island and understand that it all comes from this woman.

Only Stephen didn't react because he didn't understand.

"Is this Miss Sonia, the God of the Void?"

But when Stephen heard the chorus that shook the sky and saw this woman, his eyes widened.

He originally thought that the recorder, Miss Sarah, was already the most beautiful woman on Void Island.

I never thought that the appearance of Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, would be even more moving.

"The God of the Void serves as the controller of the power of the Void God."

"Everything he does is a face of the Void God Religion."

"The appearance that gives people the first impression must be excellent."

Tony said when he saw Stephen looking like he had never seen the world.

If he hadn't gotten married early, he would have wanted to find a more beautiful woman to be his partner.

However, since he is already married, Tony will naturally be more cautious about finding a partner.

He wouldn't deliberately find some reason to quarrel with Pepper, and then separate in unhappiness.

"I had imagined it, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful."

Stephen looked at Sonia under the Void Temple and said with some sigh.

"Appearance is only one of her advantages. She can be valued by Kassadin, the God of the Void, and given important responsibilities."

"Her abilities, brains, and charisma that completely impress all members are the greatest treasures."

At this time, Odin looked at Sonia, who showed her unparalleled elegance as her strength increased and her knowledge expanded, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

Compared with Sonia, his two sons, who have grown up much, are not yet fully mature.

If you want to become the controller of a big force, do you have the qualifications?

Strength is only an indispensable part, and the direction and ability of governance are the top priority.

He had a handover with Sonia, so he realized what it meant to be comprehensive.

Sonia had already thought of almost all the issues that would cause him trouble.

Therefore, the handover between Asgard and the Void Cult was very smooth, and no obstacles were encountered.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, has appeared very rarely since he established the Cult of the Void.

The identity and power given to Sonia as the Void Divine Envoy, if her own abilities and charm are not good enough, it is definitely impossible to convince all the members of the Void Divine Cult.

"Thank you for your contribution to the Void Religion."

"In order to respond to the expectations of many members of the Void Cult this year."

"The supreme and great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, will descend at this moment."

Sonia didn't show any stage fright in the face of all the eyes, her face showed sacred admiration, her voice was solemn, and she made a declaration.

As the words fell.

The sky was changing, and countless purple lights turned into bright meteors and fell, and an endless sea of ​​stars appeared.

This time, it’s not just about covering the Void Island.

Instead, the entire Xandar star was shrouded in the radiance of the sea of ​​stars.

In the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth changed. This spectacular scene made all members of the Void Cult stand in awe.

"With the thought of the sky, earth and stars changing, the God of the Void's strength has indeed recovered a lot."

Odin sensed that the entire Xandar star was covered by the vast sea of ​​​​stars, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

This is no longer the creation of stars with one thought, but the creation of a sea of ​​stars with one thought.

The gap can be said to be enough to shatter a huge planet with just one thought.

This kind of great power has completely exceeded the scope of the pinnacle of the universe.

"Is this really an ability that can be achieved with human power?"

Stephen couldn't see the scenery outside the planet, but he was extremely shocked when he saw the twinkling purple stars in the sky gathering into a beautiful sea of ​​stars.

He had personally witnessed the confrontation between Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Dormammu, and knew that the body of Kassadin, the God of the Void, was unimaginably huge.

However, the two did not actually confront each other at that time, and Dormammu had already given in.

So he only knew that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, was much more terrifying than the Dark Lord Dormammu, but he didn't have a clear idea.

But at this moment, he truly felt the supreme power.

Since it can illuminate the heaven and earth, the stars that turn into destruction are just the difference between thinking and not thinking.

Tony, Steve, and Banner also had shocked looks on their faces at this time.

The pinnacle of the multiverse, a being that even the pinnacle of the universe could not touch, was right in front of him, demonstrating his power.

"Sure enough, it will be different from last time."

Tony opened his mouth and said with a shocked expression.

"Just seeing this scene is not in vain."

Steve nodded and agreed.

"Can we reach a similar level in the future?"

Banner also admired him after seeing it.

“There’s still a long time ahead and anything is possible.”

Tony clenched his fists when he heard this, his eyes showing shock and yearning.

"All these starlights are transformed by some kind of energy."

"This is outrageous."

Nikrov's telekinesis ability allows him to sense the danger hidden under this beautiful starlight.

Every ray of starlight can turn into a light of destruction that takes away human life.

Covering the entire planet with just one thought, this ability has completely exceeded Nikrov's knowledge of the strong.

The most powerful men in the universe will look dim and pale like ants in front of him.

"These starlights are all transformed by energy, aren't they illusions?"

Madam Butterfly's strength was not that strong, so her perception was not clear, but when she heard Nikrov's words, her face showed a look of shock.

"No, it is transformed by some mysterious energy."

"It is not pure void power, magic power, nor divine power, nor cosmic energy."

"It's some kind of more mysterious energy combined with the power of the void."

Nikrov shook his head in shock and murmured.

"Does this mean that it is still possible to advance in the power of the void?"

Star-Lord, who didn’t have much knowledge, spoke after hearing these words.

"Well, Kassadin, the God of the Void, also controls an energy that is stronger and more mysterious than the power of the void."

Nikrov nodded slightly when he heard this.

The stronger the Void God Kassadin becomes, it means that the upper limit of the Void God Cult will also rise to an unpredictable level.

These words made Star-Lord's eyes brighter and brighter.

This means that as long as he seeks the blessing of the void, his strength will likely break through the limits of his original bloodline.

Surpass countless people, surpass his scumbag father, and reach a higher peak of strength.


Everyone in Xandar Star saw this sudden change in the starry sky.

They have all received the news that Kassadin, the Void God of the Void Cult, will appear this year and will not threaten the Xandar Empire, so there is no need to worry.

So when everyone saw the sudden change, they didn't feel scared, they just felt shocked.

"This is simply a miracle."

"It is the blessing of Xandar that such a great existence sits on Xandar."

"I hope I can make a fortune next year."

"I hope dad can return safely."

"Please keep our mother and daughter safe."

People from all over the Xandar Empire saw the sea of ​​stars in the sky and the shooting stars flashing by, and they all sent out prayers.

With the emergence of the Heart of the World in the Xandar Empire, the people of the Xandar Empire have not believed in gods for a long time.

But now they know that a real god is located on the Void Island of Xandar.

Moreover, many members of the Void Cult also helped the Xandar Empire survive many disasters and foreign enemies, large and small.

In the Xandar Empire, the reputation of the Void Cult is still on the good side.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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