I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 555 Purely represents truth

Steve chatted with Star-Lord, Nickrov, and Madam Butterfly until noon, and then he said goodbye and went to have dinner.

Star-Lord took Niklov and Madam Butterfly to visit Void Island and introduced them to the hotel with the best accommodation conditions on the island, which cost three thousand universe coins a day.

Under normal circumstances, Star-Lord would not be willing to stay in a hotel that costs 3,000 cosmic coins a day, but would only stay in a room with 200 cosmic coins a day. This has been the case for more than a year.

But it has been the last two months, and Nikrov and Madame Butterfly will also stay here for a few days.

So Star-Lord decided to bite the bullet and spend a few days of luxury.

Three thousand universe coins is three thousand universe coins, just like living in a luxurious villa.


What happened when Star-Lord came into contact with Niklov and others.

Harvey saw everything, and I have to say that Star-Lord has grown a lot.

It is now only two months before Star-Lord can pass his test and successfully receive the blessing.

As long as Star-Lord does not do anything outrageous, or feels regretful, then this two-year test will be considered completely passed by Star-Lord.

In fact, if Harvey wanted to fulfill Star-Lord's wish, it would not be difficult at all to directly kill Ego.

Yi Ge's strength is at the pinnacle of the universe. He can wipe out a civilization with one serious blow, but his strength is not as good as Gao Tianzun.

Egg is a very ambitious and strong man, and his plan is much more terrifying than Thanos.

He desires to directly devour countless planets in order to make himself stronger and become the strongest person at the pinnacle of the universe.

It is difficult for Egg to achieve this goal, whether it is high or low, or low.

In terms of difficulty alone, it's easier than Thanos's.

Thanos must find the Infinity Stones and wait until Odin and Ancient One, who are guarding the Infinity Stones, are dead before he can implement his plan.

Yi Ge only needs the birth of a bloodline that truly inherits his divine power and has unlimited potential.

Then Ego will devour it, and his divine power will return to its peak and gain further breakthroughs, and he will be able to launch his plan.

As long as the plan is launched, it will rely on the energy provided by so many planets.

Egg can completely achieve immortality and no longer be eroded by time.

In fact, Egg's plan was nearly successful.

The problem is that Yondu suddenly wakes up and is unwilling to make the dirty money without conscience, so he hides Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill.

Otherwise, Ego would have completed the devouring and become one of the strongest among the multiverse level strongmen.

Of course it is impossible for Harvey himself to let Egg complete this plan.

Every planet that Ego has sown seeds has its backup plan, just waiting for the moment to be launched.

If Egg were to activate it, he might have to change universes to live in.

Although with his current strength, no matter which universe he goes to survive, he can directly stand firm and not be afraid of anything.

But if they are not forced to do anything, who would think of starting over from a familiar place to an unfamiliar place.


Time passed little by little.

At night, the Odin family also drove over from Asgard in a battleship.

All members of the Void Cult returned to Void Island.

Everyone is getting together and reunited, and then waiting for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit during the New Year's pilgrimage.

As the bell towers at various locations on Void Island sounded neat and melodious bells.

The arrival of twelve o'clock at night.

Harvey also exchanged Happy New Year with Sonia and had a meal together.

The two of them were sitting at the dining table by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Unknowingly, it has been seven years since we established the church."

Sonia looked at the brightly lit and festive scenery in the distance, listened to the sounds of laughter and laughter coming from various places, and said with a smile.

"Well, now it is gradually becoming a powerful force."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this.

In just seven years, the Void Divine Sect has gone from having no reputation to becoming a powerful force that is feared by all forces in the universe.

He is the biggest reason, but the growth of many members of the Void Cult is also crucial.

Everyone knows that the Void God Religion is dangerous, but they cannot stop the rise of the Void God Religion.

He also obtained Kassadin's ability from a strong man in the universe and became the top in the universe.

As Khazik's abilities were further strengthened, he finally broke through to the pinnacle level of the universe with the help of the ability of the third hero template, Void Fear Korgas.

In the end, he successfully obtained the power of the Dark Star, broke through the boundaries of the pinnacle of the universe, and truly began to fear nothing.

What is missing now is time for each member of the Void Cult to grow.

When they grow up one by one, the Void God Cult will begin to conquer various worlds and universes.

"When the Magic Temple is established and the path of evolution is subdivided, it will not be far from becoming a super power."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

The Void Cult is already a big force now, but to become a super force, it needs more powerful people and a territory covering several galaxies and even the entire universe.

The Void Cult has no intention of destroying other worlds, but that doesn’t mean it won’t conquer them.

The future universe will finally be in the hands of Mr. Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"It depends on whether Stephen can endure the training of the monster planet."

"If it can be tolerated, the process will be accelerated. If it cannot be tolerated, the process will be extended a little longer."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"Not everyone can tolerate the food on the monster planet. Mr. Stephen's inability to tolerate it is within the normal range."

"And the last thing we lack is time, right?"

Sonia was not anxious at all when she heard this and said with a smile.

The reason why she evolved so quickly in the first place was that she had already been trained to endure hunger when she first received the blessing of the void.

Then when Mr. Kassadin is away, eat various minerals and even food that is difficult to swallow in order to evolve faster.

No matter what others say, Sonia believes that she needs to match the strength of the Void God Envoy.

Later, Mr. Kassadin realized that she evolved too quickly and began to teach him the void detection technique.

From time to time, some void energy will be directly delivered to her, directly accelerating her evolution.

So that she no longer has to experience the inescapable but extremely torturous eating.

It's because I have experienced firsthand how uncomfortable it is.

So she can completely understand that Mr. Stephen Strange can't stand such unpalatable food.

"The most important thing that the Void Divine Religion lacks is time."

"You say that, but you don't usually do it."

Harvey looked at Sonia and said after hearing this.

"I'm used to it."

“It’s very uncomfortable for me to have to postpone something that I can do today until tomorrow.”

"And Mr. Kassadin, weren't you initially interested in my operational efficiency?"

"You just hired me, are you giving me a chance?"

"Since it originated from this, it will naturally be carried through to the end."

"Until the day when the Void God Religion truly enters a stable period."

"And you've already found me some people to share the work with, which is enough for that."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

She knew that Sarah was the one Mr. Cassadine had come to help her share her worries.

After all, the Void Cult has no rules for recommendation, but after she recommended Sarah, Mr. Kassadin quickly let Sarah pass.

Sarah has also helped her share a lot of work in the past few years.

"If you ever feel tired and need some help, just tell me."

When Harvey heard this, he knew he couldn't defeat Sonia, so he didn't let Sonia force the change.

I want Sonia, a volume king, to really be willing to retire and start to take it easy.

Either Sonia was fired, or Sonia would not be willing to rest until she felt satisfied.

It is obviously impossible to fire Sonia, so the only thing left to do is to wait for the day when Sonia feels that she is busy enough.

"Of course, if I feel that I am too busy, I will definitely tell you."

"I've never hidden anything from you, have I?"

Sonia felt this concern, holding her cheek with her left hand, looking at the person in front of her with gentle eyes.

"...Eat quickly, you have to go to the Void Temple later."

Harvey felt Sonia's gaze and the words "never concealed", which caused some ripples in his mind and directly changed the topic.


Sonia saw Mr. Kassadin not daring to accept her sweet words, and a smile appeared on her face.

When she was working in a celebrity hotel, she was recruited by many big shots and heard countless miracle stories.

Or directly become his partner, and then directly cross the class and become a wealthy wife.

From now on, there is no need to worry about money and the life of a rich woman who can play while lying down every day.

But she never thought about agreeing to work for those people, nor did she think about selling her body in exchange for a good life.

Because being rich and powerful does not mean that a big shot can keep his word, but it makes it easier to deceive people.

Big people have a natural arrogance when facing small people.

Don't lie to you, even if I deliberately tease you, it's your honor.

There are many stories of seniors or juniors being fooled, tricked, tricked and then lost by big shots.

Therefore, Sonia declined all the promises made by these big people.

But since the initial acquaintance with Mr. Kassadin. .

Sonia knew that Mr. Kassadin was a mysterious but not dangerous man who kept his word and took care of people in every detail.

And it really allowed her to live a leisurely life for more than three months.

When he finally wanted to hire himself, he didn't draw any big picture for himself. He promised himself a mansion, a villa, a fancy car and a spaceship.

Instead, he directly praised her ability to do things, then told the housekeeper's job requirements and asked her if she was willing to work for her.

As far as the job Mr. Cassadine originally asked her to do, it was not too far away from her job at the Celebrity Hotel.

The salary was relatively high, so she agreed to work for Mr. Kassadin at that time.

Sometimes the more pure and straightforward the terms of a promise are, the more truthful they are.

If Mr. Cassadine drew the pie himself, she would have doubted it and declined, and she would not be living the life she is living now.

Although in fact, her current job has far exceeded the scope of the original employment.

But she got more than just an annual salary of 500,000 yuan.

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