I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 551 Steve is floating again

But Niklov also stood up.

Madame Butterfly has put on her veil again.

The two of them also hoped to see some of the situation on Void Island.

When Star-Lord walked out of the private luxury room with the two of them.

"How did the two of them get together with Star-Lord?"

Tony and others were also eating and saw Star-Lord walking out with Niklov and Madam Butterfly, talking and laughing.

"Maybe it's because we don't know each other that it's easy to talk to each other?"

After seeing this, Kyle thought for a moment and said.

Star-Lord is a talent in the eyes of their group of void members and some staff on the island.

He is also mature and smooth, and will not make people dislike him.

But Star-Lord basically couldn't talk to other outsiders on the island.

Because they also came here to seek blessings, Star-Lord still didn't leave without success for so long. In the eyes of outsiders, it was stupid.

"Rather, it's because Niklov and Lady Butterfly are not here to seek blessings, but just to visit."

"That's why we talked to Star-Lord."

Renoli looked at the three people leaving from below and said.

People with different goals will naturally not despise or ridicule Star-Lord.

"Getting to know them, even if Star-Lord doesn't get the blessing before he leaves."

"You can also get some help when walking outside in the future."

Banner heard this and said.

There are only two months left before the agreed date when Star-Lord originally planned to leave.

Being from the same nine realms, he naturally hoped that Star-Lord, who was so determined and determined, would be blessed.

Then there will be one more pillar in the Nine Realms in the future.

But as of now, Star-Lord will not receive the blessing of the void in the past two years.

Stephen didn't say anything about Star-Lord.

Because he also knows that Star-Lord's test is the most difficult, and he has not learned much about it in two years.

No one can tell Star-Lord when it will end, but he still persists. Star-Lord is a person worthy of respect.

Lacey did not stop Niklov and Madam Butterfly from meeting Star-Lord.

Because her hands are not that long yet, she is too lazy to care about such trivial matters.


Star-Lord took Niklov and Madame Butterfly to the training ground.

The training ground, which was originally thought to be deserted, caused Star-Lord, Nikrov, and Madam Butterfly to hear thunder in the distance like the roar of thunder.

Terrible rumbling sounds continued, as if a wild beast was going crazy.

This made Niklov and Madame Butterfly look surprised, and they followed the sound to a higher place and looked down.

A hurricane rolled up directly in front of a huge piece of metal.

In the center of the hurricane, dozens of phantoms were crisscrossing back and forth, attacking the metal in front of them.

You can feel the overwhelming momentum with every blow.

Steve's eyes were like sharp blades, staring at the 800-ton shock gold in front of him, which kept roaring.

Two years have passed since Steve first fought against Lacey.

He is no longer the rookie who had no good foundation, no fighting skills, no evolutions, and no strength. He has grown to this day.

Steve is now deeply aware of the gap between himself and the top powerhouses of the Void God Religion.

He was so far behind them, even on this day of general rest for Void Cult members.

Steve also didn't want to rest, or rather didn't dare to rest.

If he starts to rest now, he will never be able to catch up with Tony, Banner, Thor and others who are far ahead of him.

Lacey was right. The genetically modified body he was so proud of didn't have a high starting point.

Therefore, if people like them want to become the top, they have to put in efforts that ordinary people cannot.

Movement, skills, attack, and sense of fighting all need to be truly honed.

"Who is this again?"

Madam Butterfly looked at the figure in the hurricane and the power that exploded, and her eyes were a little shocked.

"Steve Rogers, who comes from the Nine Realms like me."

"I didn't expect that he would still be practicing at this time."

Star-Lord looked at the person in the center of the hurricane attentively, and was a little shocked when he discovered the person's appearance and identity.

"The physical body is good and the skills are excellent, but I don't know if he has any special abilities."

Niklov penetrated all Steve's attacks and spoke.

He has seen the war in the void with his own eyes and knows what the true pinnacle of skills is.

Lady Sonia, the God of the Void, and Lady Lacey, the controller of the Void Land, are representatives of the pinnacle of skills.

The physical strength of the two men alone was enough to kill countless enemies and make countless people despair.

"He has no special abilities. He started out like most genetically modified people."

"I heard that I didn't join the Void God Religion for a long time. I was not among the first batch to join."

"I didn't expect that in just two years without seeing him, his strength would actually grow to what it is now."

Star-Lord's eyes flickered and he said with great shock.

Compared to the humans of Blue Star, genetically modified humans are already equivalent to monsters.

But in the universe, this kind of starting point can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

Therefore, Steve was also shocked that he could reach his current strength.

"Are there many Void Cults like him?"

When Nikrov heard about the starting point for ordinary people in the universe, his eyes were a little surprised.

"There are many people who started like him, but in just a few years, there are not many who can reach his current level, at least I have seen not many."

Star-Lord shook his head when he heard this.

Steve's speed was far faster than him, and he could only see Steve's appearance if he concentrated.

"No matter how weak a person is, as long as he is blessed by the void, his efforts will be rewarded."

When Nikrov heard this, he immediately understood the possibility of the blessing of the void.

While all the members of the Void Cult were resting, Steve Rogers was still squeezing every minute of his time to improve his strength.

Although it will take some time to completely catch up, the time and effort will not fail Steve Rogers.

Perhaps his hope of revenge against the Kree Empire shouldn't be put in the long wait.

Instead, should we rely on ourselves to be blessed by the void?

Steve Rogers, without the blessing of the void, would have been able to become so powerful from an ordinary person.

For a strong man like him to receive the blessing of the void, Nikrov was confident that he would only need to let him adapt.

He can directly step into the seat of the top powerhouse of the Void God Religion.

But the trouble is that he doesn't have that much time to stay on the island and seek blessings.

He can also understand why Star-Lord is so eager to receive the blessing of the void.

The weak can become strong if they receive blessings, and the strong can become stronger if they receive blessings.

Steve noticed Niklov's presence.

From this man's eyes, Steve noticed that Niklov looked at him with some scrutiny.

This is a kind of evaluation that a strong person would have towards someone weaker than himself.

"You look strong."

"Let's discuss it?"

Steve didn't know who this man was, but he spoke directly to Niklov.

"It can be seen that you are eager to become the strongest among the strong and are willing to work hard for it."

"But you are not my opponent now."

When Nikrov heard these words, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

The sound was weak but passed directly through a distance of several hundred meters like a line, clearly reaching Steve's ears.

"Nikrov are you talking to him?"

Madam Butterfly heard Nikrov's arrogant words, glanced at Steve Rogers who was looking at her side, and asked curiously.

"Well, he wants to spar with me."

"But he's not good enough now."

Nikrov nodded slightly and said.

Although he can't defeat the top powerhouses of the Void Cult such as Kyle, Lacey, Rennoli, and Predictor.

But someone like Steve was not enough to see in front of him.

"Then we have to compete to know who is stronger, right?"

"Come down, let's spar."

When Steve heard Nickrov's arrogant words, he did not back down, but instead showed an excited smile on his face.

"Sparring with members of the Void Cult, even if I hurt him, there should be no problem."

Niklov saw Steve's high morale and said.

"As long as you don't deliberately kill someone, there will certainly be no problem in normal sparring."

"There are winners and losers in the competition. Sometimes I can beat some members of the Void Cult."

"If you can't even accept normal victory or defeat, then it's impossible to pass the test of the Void God Religion."

Upon hearing this, Star-Lord immediately nodded and spoke.

Of course, those he can win are basically the latecomers of the Void God Religion. He cannot beat any of those strong men who have joined for a few years.

"Okay, then I'll teach him a lesson."

Niklov nodded when he heard this, and walked directly into the void in front of him. A staircase appeared directly in the empty void, leading all the way to Steve Rogers.

If it were him before, Steve would invite him to have a discussion.

He would play dumb or admit defeat on the spot and say Steve Rogers was better than him.

But now he has begun to regain his past pride as the representative of the void.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to directly refuse or admit defeat to this request for a discussion.

Nikrov walked down the stairs step by step.

"How strong is Nikrov?"

Star-Lord's eyes widened when he saw this thought forming a staircase that looked like a solid object. ,

He knew that Nikrov was very strong and had an extraordinary past.

But he didn't expect that Niklov's strength seemed to far exceed his expectations.

"I only know that Nikrov is very strong, but I don't know how strong he is. He hides it very deeply."

Madam Butterfly shook her head when she heard this.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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