I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 550 Normal Operation

Star-Lord acted as a guide for Niklov and Madame Butterfly.

He took the two of them to the canteen and paid for a private luxury room.

Some of the more detailed rules of Void Island were introduced to the two of them.

For the members of the Void God Cult, there are no rules except the commandments on Void Island.

However, there are still some rules for outsiders.

It is forbidden to abuse one's abilities on the island, it is forbidden to cause trouble, and it is not allowed to take action against the people working on the island.

It is prohibited to practice combat skills in places other than training grounds and competitive sports venues.

If you cause a fight without authorization at the training ground, you will be required to compensate for the financial losses, and then you will be permanently expelled from the island.

There is also the most important rule. Unless you want to seek death, you should never provoke members of the Void Cult.

This is the experience gained by outsiders over the past few years.

Even if the above rules are violated, the most serious one, depending on the situation, is to pay compensation and then be expelled from the island.

If you take the initiative to provoke members of the Void Cult, you will have to leave your life here.

In the past two years, Star-Lord has seen many people expelled from the island because they did not understand the rules.

I have also seen people who were so stupid that they had no cure and still wanted to be tyrannical on the island, offended members of the Void Cult, and then died here directly.

"Won't these rules cause members of the Void Cult to act arrogantly?"

After Madam Butterfly learned this, she said with some concern.

"It's understandable to have such concerns."

"However, members of the Void Cult all regard outsiders as members who may become compatriots."

"This means that we can not only ask some questions, but we can even ask them for advice related to cultivation and their experience in using super powers."

"My current fighting skills were learned after consulting many people."

"Anyway, just go to them with an attitude of respect and asking for advice."

"Basically, you don't have to worry about them bullying others. This is why I think Void Island is the safest place."

“You can live here with peace of mind, there are various convenient facilities and delicious food from various civilizations.”

"You came to the island for the first time today. You probably didn't encounter any harassment."

Star-Lord heard this and could understand Madam Butterfly's concerns, but there was no need to worry about it at all.

According to what I have learned over the past two years, the members of the Void Cult are people who are not short of money and usually have a lot of leisure. Talking to them for advice will not cause any trouble.

Star-Lord was not strong enough in the past. Even if he wanted to ask for advice, he couldn't learn it, so he had no choice.

But since his initial awakening of divine power, he can imitate and practice along with him.

"My impression of Void Island is also very good, and I haven't encountered any obstacles in my actions."

Niklov nodded upon hearing this.

If he acted alone on the island, he wouldn't have to worry about anything.

In a lawless zone where disputes are prone to break out, he can thrive by relying on his sharp tongue and knowledge.

In a peaceful and peaceful place like Void Island, can we still suffer a loss?

"What are the training ground and the competitive sports ground?"

Madam Butterfly was a little curious.

"On the whole, it is a place to practice the basics of the physical body."

"Considering your situation, Madam Butterfly."

"At this time, all members of the Void Cult are taking a rest."

"I'll take you over just to have a look."

Star-Lord was not surprised to see Madam Butterfly taking some interest in this.

In fact, as long as they are outsiders, they will basically visit the training ground and sports arena.

Then I saw how terrifying the members of the Void Cult were, and began to yearn for them. Who doesn’t want a more powerful body?

"Well, please."

Madam Butterfly said politely when she heard that Star-Lord was concerned about her.

After being reminded by Nikrov just now, she no longer dared to be provocative at all.

"It's okay, but I sincerely suggest you to devoutly seek the blessings of the Void God Religion."

"This way you can be truly safe."

"There are relatively few female members of the Void Cult, so the probability of success in seeking blessings, if nothing else, will be greater."

Star Lord heard this and waved his hand, not minding it at all. Instead, he said it very seriously.

"Are there very few female members of the Void Cult?"

Niklov asked a little surprised when he heard this.

"Based on the information I know."

"The number of members of the Void Cult has exceeded six hundred."

"But the number of female members is less than ten."

Star-Lord nodded slightly when he heard this and said.

"In that case, shouldn't it be said that women are less likely to receive blessings?"

Niklov asked thoughtfully after hearing this.

"Normally, you should think so, but the Void God Religion has been in trouble for the past two years."

"The number of men who came to seek blessings has reached at least one hundred thousand."

“But among the women who came with faith to seek blessings, there were none.”

"Most of the women I met came with outsiders, and some just wanted to come to Void Island to fish for Kaizi."

"The minority are the women who have returned from Void Island's members' outings."

Star-Lord heard this and spoke.

Members of the Void Cult are not short of money. Even if they are boyfriend and girlfriend for a period of time, they will receive a large amount of breakup fee after breaking up.

This kind of thing has spread in the Xandar Empire, so there are quite a few women who come to the island to fish for Kaizi.

However, the members of the Void Cult are all affected by the environment and are relatively self-disciplined.

According to them, you can play, but you can only play for a certain period of time every year. During other times, you can practice when you need to.

If you can't compare with those who joined at the same time, that's fine. If you can't compare with those who joined later, it will be a disgrace to yourself.

"Don't they seek blessings when they come to Void Island?"

Niklov said a little strangely when he heard this.

“Youth and beauty are women’s most common and useful weapons.”

"Women rely on their youthful appearance and body, and then learn a series of knowledge and abilities. It is a normal operation to catch Kaizi."

"What they are thinking about is how they can catch Kaizi and achieve wealth and freedom without having to work for tens or hundreds of years."

"Before you succeed, you won't think too much about other things."

Madam Butterfly was able to understand the words and spoke.

She won't blame these women, they each have their own way.

The store she opened made money by taking in some young and beautiful women who were homeless and did not have much ability to survive.

In her profession, I have seen too many pitiful and pathetic women over the years.

Diao Kaizi succeeded in getting used to a life of extravagance, and then the woman who was abandoned gradually degenerated into a useless person because she could no longer go back to the extravagant life in the past.

She has seen countless women who were finally reduced to being unable to make money.

Women, after tasting the pleasure of getting a lot of money by relying on a man, it will be difficult to change back to the previous self.

Then they will try their best to return to the luxurious life, leading to step by step degradation.

There are also men who are addicted to sex. In order to have money to spend, they break through the bottom line step by step, burn, kill, loot and do all kinds of high-risk things, and finally die a violent death.

In her store, it doesn't take just one month a year to see all kinds of customers and see the greed and ugliness of human nature.

Madame Butterfly's shop is based on fairness and stands firm in the land of nothingness.

The income is divided into 50% and 50% of the money that the women under her command should share, and she will not deduct a penny.

Once they find a sponsor or make enough money to pay off their debts, they can leave if they want.

Anyway, there has never been a shortage of women in the land of nothingness, and the bulk of her real money comes from collecting and selling all kinds of information. She has already made enough money.

She has never left the Land of Nothingness, just because besides the Land of Nothingness, there is no other good place for her to go in the vast universe.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have stayed in the land of nothingness for so many years.

She would only consider retirement if she was forced to leave the void.

"As long as you can understand, that's why women who are truly willing to sink their hearts and be devout hope to be blessed in vain."

"That's a very rare thing here."

"I feel Madam Butterfly, if you seek blessings, you will definitely have some opportunities."

Star-Lord also knew that Niklov and Lady Butterfly, who were hanging around in the void, definitely had a lot of knowledge and abilities.

"Let's talk about when I can retire safely."

"It takes three or four months to seek blessings, which is not a long time. If I have the chance, I will definitely come and give it a try."

"But Nikrov and I don't have that much time now and can stay here without leaving."

Madam Butterfly also knew that this was a well-intentioned reminder from Star-Lord, but she couldn't help but want to get away now.

But it depends on Lady Lacey's opinion when she decides to replace the two of them so that they can retire safely.

Lady Lacey reminded herself to change her clothes to avoid getting into any trouble. Now it seems that Lady Lacey's words still have some credibility.

As long as they do a good job and don't make any mistakes, they will be able to retire safely when the time comes to replace the practitioners.

"Is the work of a deputy very troublesome?"

Star-Lord asked with some concern after hearing this.

"My words are not that troublesome. Exploring and sorting out information is my strength."

"But Nikrov is much busier than usual."

"The Void Land causes various disputes almost every day."

"We don't care about common disputes, but if there are serious incidents, we need to rectify them."

"Although human trafficking is now banned in the Land of Nothingness, human trafficking symbolizes a huge economic chain that involves too many people and things."

"In the past, people who were trapped in a zone of no whereabouts would have no one to care about their life or death, and no one would hold them accountable if they were abducted."

"So there are still many people who take risks just for money."

"It's hard to say what will happen if you kill someone with just a nod of your head, but if you're kidnapped, it's hard to say."

"This led to me being asked to investigate the intelligence, and Nikrov to take charge of rectification."

Upon hearing this, Madam Butterfly softly explained some situations in the Land of Nothingness.

Because she had been a prisoner before and was frightened by the demon Kyle, which made her realize what true despair is.

So Madam Butterfly now also hates human trafficking deeply.

The Land of Void involves too many interests, and up to 100 billion cosmic coins can enter the pockets of the Void God Religion every year.

And the total money involved by other people in the Land of Nothingness, and the benefits involved in a year can reach an astonishing scale of trillions.

This is because after a great war in the Land of Nothingness, all kinds of things were destroyed, and many helpless people fled away and have not fully come back yet.

The scale of money involved in the Land of Nothingness in its heyday definitely involved more interests.

Some black money that cannot be put on the table, such as the big shots of various civilizations, can be washed into white by some professional talents in the land of nothingness.

There are also various shady activities, such as organ transplants, weapons banned on the market, etc.

In the land of nothingness, as long as you pay, someone will get it for you.

The Land of Nothingness is the real big cake of the universe. Whoever wins it won’t have to worry about money.

"Is it okay for you to stay here for ten days and a half?"

Star-Lord asked after hearing that Nikrov was the busiest.

"Don't worry about this. The name of Void God Cult is still very useful."

"Although there are still some people who break the rules, it is much better now than the chaos before."

"If something happens in the Land of Nothingness, Madam Butterfly will know it immediately."

"We will go back immediately if there is any serious trouble."

"I said ten days and a half, it's just the maximum time we can stay if there's nothing unexpected..."

"It doesn't mean we'll really stay that long."

Nikrov said without any worry after hearing this.

The distance between Xandar and the Land of Nothingness is not that far.

If something happened, he could immediately order all import and export routes to be blocked and rush back immediately.

If Lord Lacey hadn't asked them to visit the Void Island, the two of them would not have left the Void Land.

Of course, Nikrov was happy to take this rare opportunity to take a break.

How cool that he was just a black marketeer.

If you want to open a store and sell things, just sell things. If you don't want to open a store, just don't open it, and then live freely in the land of nothingness.

Now that he has taken office as the acting agent, it is not him who has the final say whether he can rest or not, but the lawless one in the land of nothingness who has the final say.

Star-Lord heard that Niklov and Madam Butterfly might leave at any time. Originally, the three of them were sitting here chatting after eating and drinking.

Now that I know that time may not be so free, I naturally want to chat with the two of them more and walk around the island.

"That's it, then let's take a quick walk around the island."

So Star-Lord stood up immediately.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. You can't stay for ten days and a half, but you can stay for at least two or three days."

"At this time, Lady Lacey called us here, probably to let us take a look at the New Year's Worship of the Void God Cult."

"No matter what happens, I'll leave after watching the New Year's pilgrimage."

Nikrov was very calm when he saw Star-Lord's anxious look.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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