I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 547 Are you leaving now?

Then Niklov and Madame Butterfly clapped their hands together and bowed respectfully to the Void God.

"I hope that the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, will bless me to retire peacefully."

Madam Butterfly also muttered something while bowing.

Lady Lacey belongs to her superior, and Kassadin, the God of the Void, belongs to her immediate superior.

So there is nothing wrong with asking Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"I hope that the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, will bless me to retire peacefully."

The same goes for Nikrov.

The Kree Empire has become enemies with the Void Cult. As long as he survives, he should have a chance to see the day when the Kree Empire is destroyed.

Therefore, his expectation is the same as Madam Butterfly's, to be able to safely retire from the position of agent.


Star-Lord was also confused when he heard the wishes of these two people.

He had heard of many prayers, but this was the first time he heard of such a prayer for a safe retirement.

Immediately, Star-Lord saw the two of them planning to leave after paying homage to the statue.

"Are you leaving now?"

When Star-Lord saw their movements, he couldn't help but feel doubtful and asked.

When Nikrov and Madame Butterfly heard this, they both stopped.

"There's definitely some things that haven't been done."

"Nikrov, do you have any cash?"

Madam Butterfly realized something and spoke.

Since everyone has come to worship, they must pay some tribute.

“Although I didn’t bring much cash, I definitely brought some cash.”

Niklov nodded upon hearing this.

Then Nikrov stretched out his hand and drew the space in front of him, opening a telepathic space in which the money piled up into several mountains and glowed with purple light.

Having worked hard as a black marketeer for many years, Nikrov cannot be said to be very wealthy, but he is not a money-hungry person either.

Madame Butterfly is even richer than him.

Now that they have become agents of the Land of Nothingness, their income has not only increased, but there are also a lot of people rushing to give them money to open up relationships and gain some convenience.

The income of the industry he is responsible for has increased to an annual income of 200 to 300 million.

These are what they earned themselves, so they dare to accept them directly.

However, those who spent money to establish relationships, both of them were handed over to the Void God Cult.

As for the annual salary of 10 million given to them by Lady Lacey, compared to their status as agents, it is just a drop in the bucket.

"You call this going out with a little cash?"

"This is my most secret private treasury, even if my apparent property is taken away."

"As long as I survive, I won't have to start over with nothing."

"If you suddenly asked me for cash, I wouldn't take it out. How much do I need to pay for the offering?"

"One hundred million for each person, let's express our feelings."

"I just hope Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, can bless us to retire safely."

"For my share, I'll transfer the money to you later."

After hearing this, Madam Butterfly thought for a moment and then spoke.


After hearing this, Nikrov immediately agreed.

Nikrov directly activated his telekinesis and poured two mountains of cosmic coins onto the altar.

The clanging sound of the cosmic coins sounded extremely clear and sweet at this time.

This scene really made Star-Lord look stupid. What are the backgrounds of these two people.

Why does he feel like anyone he meets on Void Island is richer than himself?

Moreover, Star-Lord’s purpose in stopping them was not to make them worship.

"Thanks for the tip, my friend. We almost forgot to make offerings after we paid our respects."

With a wave of his hand, Nikrov closed the telepathic space, looked at Star-Lord with a smile on his face, and said gratefully.

Madame Butterfly saw that Nikrov still had this ability.

I knew that this could only be regarded as a small treasury for Nikrov at best. In fact, Nikrov did not know how much money he had hidden.

However, she was not qualified to ask, so after giving Star-Lord a slight nod, she planned to leave.

"You misunderstood. I stopped you to remind you to make offerings."

"Aren't you two here to pray for blessings?"

Star-Lord saw that the two were planning to leave after making offerings, and misunderstood his appearance, so he quickly explained.

"Although it was a misunderstanding, thank you for your reminder."

"We're not here to seek blessings."

"We just fear the strong and come to worship Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Now the worship has been completed and the offerings have been made."

"So we'll take our leave now."

Madam Butterfly's eyes showed some surprise when she heard these words, but soon turned into a look of gratitude, and she spoke softly.

Star-Lord was struck by Madam Butterfly's charming eyes with ripples of light, and when he looked at her, he added this soft and melodious voice.

Inexplicably, he felt the desire rising up in his body, which made him quickly calm down so as not to be rude to others.

"Since you are not here to seek blessings, are you two members of the Void God Religion if you are so strong?"

Star-Lord did not dare to look into Madam Butterfly's beautiful eyes, so he shifted his gaze and asked.

This woman was obviously dressed so tightly, but the exposed figure and skin made him want to look at her.

Although Star-Lord is quite lustful, he has never encountered anything like this.

Even when facing the beautiful Void God Sonia and the recorder Sarah, he did not appear in this situation.

Facing this woman whose face was obscured by a veil, my heart was stirred.

Why is this happening? Star-Lord's heart is full of doubts.

"Are you strong? I'm grateful for the praise from my friends.

"We can be considered as members of the Void God Religion, but we are not members of the Void God Religion."

"But the agent of the Void Land under Lord Lacey."

"I am Niklov, and this is Madame Butterfly next to me."

Only then did Niklov know why this man stopped them, and a smile appeared on his face after hearing this.

"Are you the agent of the rumored land of nothingness?"

When Star-Lord heard these two names, he immediately remembered something and his eyes widened.

When Gamora was chatting with him before, he talked about some situations in the universe.

The Land of Nothingness is currently managed by two agents chosen by the Void God Cult.

A man named Nikrov is very powerful, and he can suppress the void by one person.

The other Lady Butterfly is much more mysterious and has basically never taken action, so I don’t know what the details are.

Gamora also lamented about this, it is true that the agent the Void God Religion found was so terrifying.

Star-Lord has not left the Void Island in the past two years, so he has never visited the Void Land again, and has never really gotten to know these two people.

However, the ability to manage the lawless zone in the land of nothingness is indeed something that cannot be underestimated.

"Although I don't know what rumors you heard, but the land of nothingness is currently managed by the two of us."

Niklov saw the man's eyes widened and looked very shocked, and said with a smile.

He is mainly in charge of the order and development of the Void Land, while Madam Butterfly is responsible for integrating and managing a large amount of intelligence.

Lady Lacey's vision is indeed good, if only he manages the Land of Nothingness alone.

He will be unable to take care of it, which will lead to mistakes.

The cooperation between the two will make the land of nothingness easy to manage.

"My name is Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill."

"Since you two have already established some relationship with the Void God Religion."

"You respect Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, so much. Why don't you obey and pray for blessings?"

Star-Lord saw that Niklov looked so humble and was considered an outsider like him, so he also wanted to have a chat.

"We worship the power of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"The blessing of the Void God Religion is also the ladder to the strong."

"But not everyone is lucky enough to receive blessings."

"Otherwise, the members of the Void Cult wouldn't be so rare, right?"

"And the world of the strong is not that beautiful.,

"So we are satisfied enough to be able to safely step down as the agents of the Land of Nothingness."

Nikrov said slowly after hearing this.

He understood this truth, saw through his own limits, and took the initiative to escape from the world of the strong.

"Isn't it a bad world for the strong?"

Star-Lord asked thoughtfully after hearing what Niklov said.

"Weak people are in a weak world and have less contact with things, but they are happier because they are easily satisfied with the status quo due to the limited environment."

"If you are lucky, you will not encounter any major disasters in your life. If you build a successful career, get married and have children, have a happy family, and grow old together, your journey in this world will be in vain."

"But as soon as you step into the cruel world of the strong, it means you leave the comfortable world of the weak."

“The things we come into contact with will only become more and more, not less and less.”

"In the world of the weak, the difference between knowing more and less is, at most, the difference between living rich and living in poverty, and it will not affect real survival."

"The world of the strong is a good one. They have strength far beyond that of ordinary people, and they can easily get the ideal life of the weak."

"But you are just stronger than those who are weaker than you."

"In the vast universe, even if you think you are strong, it is just arrogance caused by too little knowledge."

"So you will realize again and again that you are not actually that strong."

"At the same time, you will also face countless cruel choices."

"Are you sure you are ready to step into the world of the strong?"

Niklov liked Star-Lord, so when he heard this question, he expressed some of his thoughts.

Madame Butterfly felt that there was something in Niklov's words and she was thoughtful.

Star-Lord knew that Niklov was much stronger than him and had been exposed to more things, so he had this realization.

"Of course, that's what I'm here for."

"I need more strength, and at the same time I also have the confidence to become the strongest among the strong."

"Then shelter whatever I want to shelter."

However, facing Nikrov's insights did not shake Star-Lord's mood in the slightest. Instead, a confident smile appeared on Star-Lord's face.

"To protect everything you want to protect, it's a good ideal."

"Then I wish you good luck and success in finding blessings."

Nikrov saw the confidence in Star-Lord's eyes, but he was not trying to persuade or give any advice.

Many years ago, he was as confident as Star-Lord, and felt that all his thoughts and actions were right.

When he was twenty-six or seventeen years old, he certainly felt that he was handsome and powerful enough to become an overlord who would leave his name in the history of Tesma civilization.

Until his dream faded away and the years washed away the vigor in his heart.

It made him accept that he had some strength, but was not strong enough, and his character gradually changed from the arrogant and conceited disregard for everything in the past to a smooth and calm one.

The Star-Lord in front of me is Peter Jason Quill.

Much like him in the past when he was young and just emerging, hoping to create a legend in the world of strong men.

But if you want a strong person to create a legend in the world, let alone be as powerful as Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

At least you need to be the top in the universe, such as Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, the goddess of death Hela, and the world-destroying overlord Thanos.

However, Hela, the goddess of death, has been silent for thousands of years. Now I don’t know the specific situation, whether she also encountered something unexpected.

It has also been a while since Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, has not been reported to be using her power on a certain planet to act arbitrarily between justice and evil based on personal preferences. It is not known where she has gone.

The world-destroying overlord Thanos is still leading his five Obsidian generals to destroy various civilizations and realize the great ideal of cosmic balance that sounds outrageous.

As a black marketeer in the land of nothingness, Nikrov has a lot of information.

He basically knows some things happening in various places in the universe.

It was also because of his vast knowledge that he realized the cruelty of the world of the strong.

"Well, thank you for your blessing."

"Since we are all outsiders, can we have breakfast together?"

When Star-Lord heard these words, he also extended an invitation.

When Nikrov heard these words, he looked at Madam Butterfly and asked for Madam Butterfly's opinion.

Because this is Void Island, he needs to worry about Madam Butterfly's safety.

In order to avoid being implicated by herself and being directly involved in the world of strong men, Madam Butterfly would encounter any danger.

If Lady Butterfly had not been affected by her, she would have become the agent of the Land of Nothingness.

The current Lady Butterfly should still be living a prosperous life in the land of nothingness.

The people she came into contact with were just a group of lawless people who went to her shop to seek pleasure, and would not come to this void island where strong men roamed everywhere.


Madame Butterfly felt that Niklov wanted to ask for her opinion. She looked at Star-Lord's appearance and attitude, nodded slightly and agreed.

"Okay, now let's go to the cafeteria for breakfast."

"Today is the eve of the Void God Cult's pilgrimage, and the food in the cafeteria will be even more abundant."

"This is your first time here. Let me introduce to you which ones are more delicious."

Star-Lord said with a smile as it was also rare to meet an outsider that he liked and could chat with.

Then Star-Lord also flashed past and came directly behind Niklov and Madame Butterfly, leading the way for the two of them.

Madam Butterfly's eyes flashed when she saw Star-Lord's speed.

Void Island is really a chaotic dance of gods and demons. Strong people are everywhere, and no one should be underestimated if you meet them.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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