I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 546 Did some stupid things

In a mountaintop villa.

Harvey also noticed the arrival of Niklov and Lady Butterfly.

Not that Madame Butterfly is prettier than Sonia.

Sonia's beauty is the combination of appearance and temperament.

In terms of appearance alone, Madame Butterfly is definitely not as beautiful as Sonia, but Madame Butterfly has many bonus points in addition to her appearance.

It was also because of this that Harvey discovered the possibility of Lady Butterfly's abilities.

If Madam Butterfly's charm ability is further enhanced and Madam Butterfly's charm is fully utilized, the mental state of the members on Void Island can be sharpened regularly.

The easiest thing for men to be seduced is the sexual area. As the saying goes, it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty.

If the beauty barrier has been crossed, then there won't be many things that can directly arouse men's minds.

But Lady Butterfly is the agent of the land of nothingness.

If Madam Butterfly joins the Void Divine Cult, she will definitely not be able to guard the Void Land.

Lacey's side will also be troubled by the lack of people.

And when Madame Butterfly receives the blessing, it is also a question whether she will evolve her charm ability or evolve her body and other aspects to make herself stronger.

After thinking about it, Harvey felt that he still had to observe and see if he should give Lady Butterfly a chance to join the Void Cult.

The Void Cult is currently facing a situation where there are more men than women. The ratio of more men than women has continued to increase over time.

Although there are only a few women, except for Peggy and Pepper, all of them are capable, but the number is small.

This made Harvey pay more attention to observe the situation of Nikrov and Madame Butterfly.


After Nikrov and Madame Butterfly learned about the rules on the island.

Both of them embarked on the road to the Void Temple.

It's not to seek blessings, but because the weak have a natural respect for the strong.

They have all seen with their own eyes the power of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The kind of great power that regards all technology and strong men as nothing.

They did not imagine that they would be blessed.

Their biggest wish now is that they would be satisfied if they could safely retreat from their position in the Land of Nothingness.

Niklov and Madame Butterfly walked under the big white trees covered with snow.

“I don’t know how long I haven’t seen such a peaceful place.”

Madam Butterfly looked at the surrounding scenery and the bright light in the sky, feeling a little nostalgic.

The Land of Nothingness was formed after the death of the corpse of an ancient god.

It is not a real planet. In the past, because collectors wanted to develop it, the entire void was covered with countless steel buildings.

Therefore, the sky has always been covered with smog, and if there were no clocks, it would be impossible to know the daylight.

In addition, it is a lawless zone. It takes a lot of care to deal with people, and you are in a dangerous environment that can easily stimulate people's spirits.

And an environment like Xandar Star Void Island has fresh air and looks extremely peaceful.

For Lady Butterfly, she only exists in the memory of the past.

"It was one hundred and seventy years ago since I last came to Xandar."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

Perhaps it was because of Lady Lacey's reminder that Madam Butterfly changed her clothes.

Therefore, when they walked on the road, although they attracted some looks, there was no incident of teasing or causing trouble.

This environment is completely different from the environment the two have stayed in for many years, and it has a wonderful feeling.

"One hundred and seventy years ago?"

"How old are you, Niklov?"

Madam Butterfly was also a little surprised when she heard this number.

"Now I'm almost two hundred years old."

"According to the age of our race, I am currently in my youth at this time."

"If I am free from illness and pain and do not die from an accident, I will live for at least eight hundred years in the future."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

Their race is considered to be the longest-lived race in the universe.

The average age is one thousand years, and the older ones can live to be fifteen hundred years old.

"You don't look like a young man, but like a middle-aged man."

Madame Butterfly also felt a little strange when she heard that Nikrov claimed that he was still in his youth.

"I'm not lying to you, but a lot of things happened in the past."

"Plus years of depravity just kept playing."

"So I look a little older."

When Nikrov heard this, he touched his beard on his chin and smiled on his face.

"What happened in your past?"

"Why are you so powerful, but you are willing to be a black marketeer?"

Madame Butterfly heard Nikrov mention the past again. Although she had asked many times but still had no results, she still wanted to ask.

"It's nothing, I just did some stupid things when I was young and frivolous."

Nikrov said with a smile upon hearing this.

When he became the overlord of Tesma civilization, he was still only twenty-seven years old.

He became the strongest of their race.

Also because he was too young, he committed the sin of youth and frivolity. He didn’t know what fear was, let alone that there were people outside the world and there was a way out there.

In the vast universe above their civilization, how many unknown and terrifying things are waiting for them.

Until because of his arrogance, he encountered blue-skinned aliens driving a space battleship and temporarily stayed in their civilization.

The people who are domineering and bullying men and women are living in dire straits.

Let him face the threat from some officers of the Kree Empire. He did not investigate clearly and did not understand the consequences.

In a fit of anger, he directly killed a small team of the domineering Kree Empire.

It was also because of his impulsiveness that their race was almost directly exterminated.

He also left Tesma Civilization after discussing with the chief elder of the clan.

The external claim of Tesma Civilization is that he was permanently expelled and completely severed ties with him.

Let him, the former glory of Tesma civilization, become the sinner and shame of civilization.

This prevented the Tesma civilization from being completely wiped out.

He was hunted by the Kree Empire for many years. Dongzhidao XZ finally learned the ability to change his shape, and cooperated with a wave of fake deaths to deceive the Kree people, and then completely hid himself.

Finally, he settled down in the land of nothingness.

He spent twenty years crawling around in the void and became a black marketeer.

He hangs out in beautiful women's shops all year round and meets Madame Butterfly by chance.

Until he was discovered by the Void Cult two years ago and became a puppet.

However, becoming a puppet of the Void God Cult is not without any benefits.

At least he can live in front of the world with his original appearance.

Madame Butterfly knew that Nikrov should know that she was involved in this incident.

So Nikrov took great care of her.

After returning to his original appearance, Nikrov's personality is different from the lustful, calculating, and cunning character he used to be. Instead, he appears to be extremely calm, reliable, and wise.

Madam Butterfly was very curious as to what kind of past had created these two completely different faces of Nikrov.

The two of them have obviously known each other for more than eighty years, and they even peeked into the desperate situation of the gate of hell together two years ago.

But Niklov just didn't want to reveal his past to himself.

This made Madam Butterfly roll her eyes, wasting her efforts to understand and comfort Nikrov in vain.

"If the matter is resolved in the future, I will tell you when I have the opportunity."

"The Void Divine Cult is up there."

"Now let's go up together to pay homage to the statue of Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Seeing that Madam Butterfly seemed a little depressed, Nikrov coaxed her casually.

"What do you mean the matter is resolved?"

"When we retire from the void?"

When Madame Butterfly heard that Niklov finally relaxed, she immediately became energetic.

"I can't say anything, but you will definitely know when things happen and are resolved in the future."

Niklov did not reveal more after hearing this.

The matter he mentioned was solved, of course by witnessing the destruction of the Kree Empire with his own eyes.

The Kree Empire and the Void Cult are at loggerheads.

In the eyes of Kassadin, the God of the Void, the Kree Empire may be nothing, and he is too lazy to destroy the Kree Empire.

However, the Kree Empire is used to being domineering and very vindictive, and will definitely take revenge on the Void Cult if given the opportunity.

By then, he may be able to see with his own eyes that the Void Cult may directly destroy the Kree Empire just like it directly attacks the Land of Void.

"What's so mysterious?"

When Madam Butterfly heard this, she became even more curious.

But no matter how she asked him, Nikrov was unwilling to let go.

When the two climbed up the stairs and arrived at the platform above the Void Temple, there was no one on the platform.

There was only one handsome young man with brown hair and a thick jacket.

When Star-Lord heard the sound, he looked back and was a little surprised to see these two people.

On the eve of New Year's worship, even Miss Sonia, the Void Divine Envoy of the Void Divine Religion, will not come.

The members of the Void God Religion were also gathering and preparing to arrange some decorations on the island to welcome the worshipers after twelve o'clock in the evening.

Even Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, will not come, let alone outsiders.

Many outsiders come to the Void Temple to seek blessings, and most of them want to be seen by Miss Sonia, the God of the Void.

This is what Star-Lord learned after standing here for almost a day during his New Year's pilgrimage last year.

He never thought that this year he would actually see anyone else besides himself.


Nikrov didn't know much about this, he just made eye contact, noticed the surprise in the other person's eyes, and said hello politely.


When Star-Lord heard this extremely normal greeting, he was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke.

Madam Butterfly looked at Star-Lord and nodded slightly.

It was also this move that made Star-Lord discover that these two outsiders were a little different from the others.

In nearly two years, Star-Lord has met all kinds of people.

The members of the Void Cult on Void Island are very friendly, which he has already realized.

However, outsiders usually appear to be more impetuous, speak less politely, and tend to be more polite in their greetings.

Or ask him something directly to see if you can get more information.

And none of those impetuous people have been blessed by the void.

On the contrary, it seems that this kind of relatively reserved and calm person, if he is not pretending, is the one with the highest probability of receiving blessings.

Because the beliefs of such people tend to be more pure and firm.

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