"Dormammu, I want to discuss terms with you."

Stephen didn't know what the other monster was, but he knew who the master of this dark world was, so he spoke directly.

Dormammu saw that Kassadin was willing to let himself resolve some personal matters.

"What day is it today? It's unlucky to meet a colleague."

"Why, cats and dogs actually want to negotiate terms with me."

Hearing the words of Stephen, an ant, Dormammu was furious. He blew out a breath and rolled up a magic storm towards Stephen.

"Oh My God!"

When Stephen saw the storm, he also cursed directly, and his body was scraped into pieces.

"Dormammu, you can't kill me."

"This is the power of the time loop. As long as you don't talk to me, then I will not stop casting spells."

"Wait until you talk to me."

But in the blink of an eye, Stephen flew over again and said directly.

"He is the new generation of Supreme Mage?"

Dormammu was also a little surprised when he looked at the time stone on Stephen's chest.

As the master of this universe, Kassadin must know some things.

"In terms of status, yes, but his power doesn't count yet."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"A new generation of supreme mage? Forget it, this is your universe anyway."

"I can't control that much."

"Whenever you have free time, come and talk to me."

"The multiverse is huge and there are countless ants, but there are not many people at the same level."

"So there are very few people I can talk to on an equal footing."

Dormammu knew that he wouldn't be able to deal with Stephen Strange who held the Time Stone for a while, so he didn't bother to bother.

"Let's talk about it when I feel free."

Harvey heard Dormammu say that they could chat when they had time, but he didn't refuse directly, leaving open the possibility of meeting him in the future.

"You and I have transcended time and space, and there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

Dormammu did not receive a clear reply, but he was not in a hurry.

Dormammu then began to take back the invasion of the dark dimension regardless of Stephen's reaction.

The power of the dark dimension began to recede like a tide.

Harvey did not comment when he heard this. Indeed, anything can happen in the eternal years.

Immediately, Harvey's body shape also began to change, turning back into Kassadin's human form.

"Gift crab!"

Stephen saw Dormammu retreating so easily. Before he could be happy, he saw another bigger monster present turned into a normal human size, and he was also shocked.

"Stephen Strange, don't be surprised."

"I'm not your enemy."

Harvey saw Stephen's startled look and said casually.

"Bad people usually don't label themselves bad, and the same goes for their enemies."

"Dormammu said that you are similar to him."

"Doesn't that prove that you are also a type of dimensional demon?"

"How can I be sure that you are not my enemy."

Stephen heard the other party call his name directly, his eyes full of warning.

For mages in the magical world, demons are controllable familiars who can draw on their power.

But the dimensional demon is completely beyond control.

If you want to use the power of dimensional demons, you must use certain taboo magic, or even sacrifice your life or even your soul, which symbolizes danger, evil, and ominousness.

"Look at which dimensional demon can come directly to the world like me."

Harvey also smiled when he saw Stephen's wary eyes.

After hearing these words, Stephen also noticed that as the dark world dissipated, the figure in white robes and golden armor stood directly in the air.

"So who are you?"

After Stephen noticed this, he still did not relax his vigilance.

"My name is Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"You haven't stepped out of the blue star and touched the level of the universe, so it's normal not to know."

"If you want to explore more things later."

"Just go find Tony Stark."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

Then Harvey's figure disappeared directly in front of Stephen's eyes.

Stephen immediately printed and used time magic, trying to bring this being who claimed to be the God of the Void, Kassadin, back to talk to him more.

But as Dormammu said just now, Kassadin, the God of the Void, is an existence that is equal to him and transcends the constraints of time and space. The time stone cannot take effect on Kassadin at all.

Stephen's eyes flickered a little.

There were too many things that Dormammu said to the Void God Kassadin just now that concerned him.

For example, Dormammu said that this universe belonged to Kassadin, so Dormammu gave in.

So that means Kassadin is an existence like their universe lord?

But Gu Yi clearly didn't say that their universe had an owner.

And this Kassadin said that if he wanted to know more, he should go find Tony Stark.

As a Blue Star person, Tony Stark's name is known to almost everyone.

Even people like Stephen, who don't often pay attention to military technology, are very familiar with it.

Now Tony Stark is the most popular person on Blue Star.

Then Stephen decided to join Modu and Wang first and repair the other two sanctuaries first.

Wang and Mordo did not agree with Stephen's idea of ​​directly using the Eye of Akomodo to repair the sanctuary.

This time, in order to deal with Dormammu, using the Eye of Akomodo was already violating the laws of nature.

Modu also left Kama Taj resolutely after the incident.

Stephen returned the Eye of Akomodo to where Kama Taj was stored.

He was qualified to use this thing, but he couldn't just carry it around on the street.

"King, do you know Kassadin, the God of the Void?"

Stephen hesitated and asked in the temple of Karma Taj.

"A name I've never heard of."

Wang Wenyan thought for a while and found that there was no memory related to this name in his memory, and shook his head.

"Are you sure you haven't heard of it or seen the record?"

"Are you lying to me?"

Stephen was a little skeptical when he heard this.

"Who do you think I am?"

"If I knew but couldn't tell you, I would say it was top secret, but not knowing is just not knowing."

"Where did you learn that name?"

Seeing Stephen doubting himself, Wang was a little unhappy and said seriously.

"What I heard in my dream was probably just an illusion."

Stephen saw that Wang didn't understand and didn't say much. He just found an excuse and decided to investigate.

A character of the same level as Dormammu is walking in the universe where they live.

Even if you don't plan to communicate with them in depth, you still need to investigate more information to prepare for emergencies.

Wang saw that Stephen's words were perfunctory, so he also remembered the name in his heart and planned to investigate.

At noon the next day, Stephen came directly from London to Stark Manor through the teleportation array.

And the moment Stephen stepped into Stark Manor.

Stephen felt his eyes flash, and a figure appeared in front of him.

"This form of teleportation array."

"It seems that you are the new generation of Supreme Mage mentioned by Master Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Tony looked around at Stephen Strange, thoughtfully.

"Stephen Strange, a former neurosurgery expert, encountered a serious car accident six months ago. His hands missed the best treatment period and became disabled."

"Later, I sought help from Karma Taj, and was accepted by the Supreme Mage Ancient One to start practicing magic."

"Yesterday, Master Gu Yi died as he wished and entered the soul realm."

"Because of Gu Yi's death, Dormammu's disciple Casillas destroyed the three major sanctuaries of the mage, triggering Dormammu's invasion."

"He used the Eye of Akomodo, the Time Stone, to reverse time and save many people."

"Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, if he wants to know more, he will come to you."

At this time, Jarvis's voice also rang out to explain the detailed situation to Tony.

"Did Lord Kassadin ask him to come? Then come in and have a chat."

Tony was not surprised to hear that Stephen came under the guidance of Cassadine.

Because Kassadin himself plans to draw the new Supreme Mage into the Void Cult.

But wooing is wooing, and if Stephen himself doesn't know what's going on, Kassadin probably won't force him.

After all, Stephen can only be regarded as the most preferred magic instructor.

There is not only one magic instructor. Loki can become a magic instructor if he practices well.

"Are you Tony Stark?"

Stephen was a little shocked when he looked at the extremely young man who was completely inconsistent with the photos circulated by the outside world.

"You can call me Iron Man Tony Stark, or you can call me Void Herald Tony Stark."

"As for why I am so young, you will know soon. Come with me."

When Tony heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and after speaking, he led the way.

Stephen looked at Tony and hesitated for a moment, but then followed.

Soon he followed Tony into a luxurious hall in the villa of Stark Manor.

"Mr. Stephen Strange, would you like to drink?"

Tony directly brought a bottle of wine and two wine glasses and came over and sat down opposite Stephen.

"Just call me Stephen."

"If you want wine, have a drink."

When Stephen heard this polite address, he knew that he came here to learn more about things, so he also took the initiative to close the distance.

"In that case, just call me Tony."

When Tony heard what Stephen said, he directly called for an extra wine glass and poured a glass of wine for Stephen.

With a flick of his hand, the wine glass accurately drew a trajectory in the air, and the wine in the glass flew to the table in front of Stephen without moving at all.

"Is this magic?"

Stephen saw Tony Stark's dazzling skills, but he didn't see the power of magic at all, and he couldn't believe it.

"This is the power of the physical body or you can understand it as simple control of strength."

"This is magic to me."

When Tony heard this, a smile appeared on his face, he snapped his fingers with his right hand, and a ball of flame appeared in the air.


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