I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 524 Have you seen my full strength?

Ancient One knew that Kassadin might be targeting Stephen Strange, but he didn't expect Kassadin to plan to take action so soon.

"Kassadin, Stephen is a talent in the magical world and the guardian of the future multiverse."

"You can't do that or you'll destroy the multiverse."

Ancient Yi saw that there was some discussion and persuasion in Kassadin's words.

Just as the words came out, Gu Yi realized something.

The distance between the two is extremely far, even the boundary between the world and the soul.

Kassadin should not be able to hear his own words and be aware of his presence.

But Kassadin looked directly at her.

It was at this moment that Ancient One realized that Kassadin's magic was very terrifying.

Otherwise it would be impossible to have a conversation with her who is already a spirit.

"I just want the universe I care about to be safe and sound."

"What does the life and death of other universes have to do with me?"

When Harvey heard these words from Ancient One, a smile appeared on his face.

"If other universes are destroyed, then this universe will also be destroyed..."

Gu Yi heard the words and wanted to say something, but her soul had been pulled away and dissipated into the boundary point, completely entering the world of souls.

Her words cannot be transmitted into the present world.

Harvey watched Ancient One's soul dissipate and stepped into the world of souls without caring about it.

Because to Harvey, Ancient One has already achieved her value and has completely trained Stephen Strange.

Next he only needs to win over Stephen Strange.

Harvey continued to watch.

With the death of Ancient One, Stephen also truly understood the responsibility he should shoulder.

After kissing Kristen goodbye, Stephen successfully persuaded Mordo to go deal with Casillas.

But just when Stephen arrived through space teleportation, Casillas had already destroyed the only remaining temple.

In a situation where Modu, a stick-in-the-mud guy, said it was impossible to deal with it.

Stephen saw that the situation had reached a point where it would be impossible to deal with it without breaking the rules.

He decisively used all the means at his disposal, which was the time gem that was regarded as forbidden magic.

The destroyed sanctuary, the dead lives, everything began to revive as time went back.

And in the dark world.

"May I have your name?"

Dormammu looked at the mysterious and solemn figure in white robes and golden armor in front of him, with some caution in his words.

He recognized the man in white robes and armor, the same guy who had made his soul tremble just a moment ago.

"My name is Kassadin, the God of the Void."

When faced with Dormammu's inquiry, Harvey also gave his name.

"Kassadin, the God of the Void, a name I have never heard of."

"But you and I are both multiverse level experts, so I remember it."

"So what you want now is to protect this universe from my hands?"

After hearing this, Dormammu also expressed his respect for Kassadin, who was also a strong man, and at the same time began to test.

"Guarding doesn't count. After all, I'm not the Supreme Mage. I'm not that generous and selfless."

"But this universe is the universe I want to stay in, so retreat."

"It's good for you and me."

Harvey sat directly on a boulder and said.

"This is just for your own good. I have been staring at this universe for a long time."

"You suddenly show up and say this universe is what you want."

"Where do you put me?"

When Dormammu saw Kassadin's words, he felt that Kassadin was not as tough and powerful as he thought. While roaring, he raised his big hand and struck directly at the boulder in front of him.

The huge hands directly wrapped everything in the boulder.

But before the big hand fell, Dormammu's entire body was cut into countless pieces.

Dormammu suddenly lost a lot of dark power, but his power was endless.

So in less than two seconds, it was restored to its original appearance.


"I know that as long as there are your followers in the multiverse, you will be immortal."

"For the weak, they cannot directly go to other universes to hunt down your believers and erase all traces of your existence in the universe."

"But there are not many in the multiverse that can do this, right?"

"That move just now was just a warning. My patience is limited. Leave this universe."

Harvey looked at Dormammu and said coldly.

Monstrous murderous intent also erupted from Harvey's body, and the dark elements in the entire dark world continued to tremble as if feeling uneasy.

It was the soul-trembling fear that I felt just now.

But Dormammu is not intimidated, he also has his confidence and reliance.

"You have the ability to go to other universes to hunt down my believers and erase the traces of my existence, but you can't do it."

"Because this universe no longer has the Supreme Mage Ancient One."

"As long as you leave this world, I can swallow this world directly."

"We are just each other."

Dormammu is wary of Kassadin, but not afraid.

As long as Kassadin still cares about this universe, then Kassadin has weaknesses. Since he has weaknesses, Kassadin is not invincible.

"Both each other? Have you seen my full strength?"

Harvey saw that Dormammu was arrogant and unwilling to give in, which was expected.

After the words fell, the power of the Dark Star erupted into a struggle throughout the dark dimension.

Harvey also directly transformed back into the prototype of Khazik, the Void Raider of the Death Star, and his body grew in size by hundreds of meters, kilometers, or ten thousand meters at an extremely fast speed.

It only takes a few breaths.

In this dark dimension, an extremely vast and huge mantis-like behemoth appeared.

Since Dormammu became the lord of the dark dimension, this was the first time he encountered a monster larger than himself.

In front of this monster, I was like a little guy.

"Dormammu, do you still think we are equal to each other?"

Harvey leaned down and looked down at Dormammu, opening his huge mouth with cracked teeth.

Just the sound caused a terrifying storm.

Dormammu's body, which was composed of dark elements, was constantly twisted.

After Harvey merged the power of the Void and the power of the Dark Star, and he also completely understood the ability of the Void Dark Star.

As long as he wants, his body can become bigger than the galaxy, and destroying the galaxy is just a matter of casual blow to him.

This is also the basis for Harvey's confidence that he will no longer be afraid of the very few beings in the multiverse.

His power is not almighty, and it does not reach the point where he can easily reverse life and death and create the universe.

But now he can easily travel between the multiverse and escape into the void that makes everything invisible.

Coupled with his unparalleled destructive power, he already has the confidence to face everything.

It is absolutely impossible to use the ability to modify reality to modify everything he owns or directly erase it.

His life level has long been freed from the constraints of time and space.

At present, he has not really grown to the limit of what he can grow to.

He also has the terrifying abilities of other hero templates that he has yet to master.

Once he completely masters those abilities, all the troubles that can be solved with strength will no longer be troubles.

That's why Harvey dared to let Sonia make a name for herself. Now he is not afraid of anything.

As Harvey transforms back into his true form, his abilities are fully unleashed.

Dormammu felt that soul-trembling murderous intent, which was even worse than before.

It even made him feel the breath of death that he had not felt for many years.

Dormammu had a lot of curse words in his heart at this time.

Yes, if you were so strong you would have told me earlier.

In front of him just now, Kassadin looked about the size of an ant.

In the blink of an eye, Kassadin became many times larger than himself.

Moreover, Kassadin's physical body is not an incorporeal body where dark elements gather like his, but a terrifying physical body that indeed contains infinite energy.

He had never seen the energy released by Kassadin, and he didn't know what kind of power Kassadin had. The unknown meant danger.

"Kassadin, we are all at the peak of the multiverse level. We have something to discuss."

"There's no need to make it ugly for both parties."

Dormammu knew that a head-on confrontation with Kassadin, who was full of mystery and unknowns, was not a good choice, so he gave in immediately.

Occupying this universe, if Kassadin really goes to various multiverses and hunts down his followers, the faith he spreads in the multiverse will completely disappear.

And if he can't defeat Kassadin head-on, then he will really face the risk of death.

"Get out of this universe. The universe I am in is not something you can care about."

Harvey originally wanted to talk to Dormammu and let him leave, but Dormammu didn't know how to flatter him and naturally he didn't bother to talk too much.

"...I'm going to walk."

Dormammu saw that Kassadin was no longer polite in his words, and he didn't care so much anymore. Let Kassadin take advantage of him verbally, and he would not lose a hair.

But he didn't expect that the world he had been staring at was actually the world led by Kassadin, and he could only admit that he was unlucky.

But just when Dormammu was about to take back his dark world.

A Stephen wearing a red magic cloak and a mage battle suit flew into the dimension of the dark world.

At this time, Dr. Strange Stephen prepared the axis of time, and after ensuring that he would not die, he mustered up the courage to fly over.

Seeing these two behemoths, Stephen also greeted them.

"What to do now?"

"Should I deal with this ant first?"

"I also want to save face."

Dormammu saw Stephen, an ant, running in. He didn't mind leaving immediately, but when this ant saw him, he would definitely kill him and silence him.

"If you can solve it, then try to solve it."

When Harvey heard Dormammu's words, he spoke and watched the show without any concern.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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