I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 405 Gao Tianzun begs for mercy

In the land of nothingness.

"If I knew you had such means, I should have taken action earlier."

Gao Tianzun's telepathy discovered that the members of the Void Cult were immediately teleported away at the same time, and he spoke.

He originally planned to let the people of the Void Cult step into the void and let Kassadin throw the rat weapon.

But now it seems that his plan is completely useless. Since Kassadin dares to let the monsters of the Void Cult step into the void, he already has something to rely on.

He should have seen through this sooner so he wouldn't have to waste so much cosmic energy resurrecting cannon fodder.

Although those cannon fodder brought some troubles to the Void God Religion, they did not cause many practical effects.

"Since I dare to target you, I naturally have my support."

"But now there's nothing more to say."

"Let's go to the universe and fight. Sooner or later this will be my place."

Harvey said indifferently after hearing Gao Tianzun's words.

"This is my brother's place, not yours."

Gao Tianzun heard Kassadin's words and did not refuse.

Harvey descends directly through the void and sets foot in space.

Gao Tianzun also came directly to the universe through space transmission.

Located in the universe, Gao Tianzun no longer had any scruples in his heart. The cosmic energy in his body exploded, and the momentum swept across like a storm in an instant.

The power of the void in Harvey's body also boiled, and the purple light emitted from the blade of void in his hand reflected the boundless darkness into purple.

Before the two men could take action, their auras had already collided in the void, with one side golden and the other purple reflecting the sky on both sides.

Harvey crossed time and space with one step, came to Gao Tianzun, and stabbed directly with the Void Blade in his hand.

When Gao Tianzun saw this, he was not at all false. He pulled out a golden long sword with a flick of his hands and faced it directly.

When the Void Blade collided with the Golden Holy Sword, brilliant golden light bloomed, and the impact visible to the naked eye spread around the two of them.

When the impact spread to Harvey's body, it was directly absorbed by the Void Shield.

Gao Tianzun's body was impacted, and horrific wounds appeared one after another.

However, these wounds regenerated in just an instant.

This is also the basis for his survival that even the Celestial Clan is not afraid of.

Both of them were confident that they were invincible, so they had no intention of giving in at this time.

One person is holding a void blade that emits purple light as deep as the abyss, and the other person is holding a golden holy sword that is as bright as the sun and they are facing each other head-on.

Every time the divine soldiers clashed, the terrifying power that erupted shook the surrounding void, making the space tremble.

"Before we fought, I thought you were much better than the Celestials."

"I didn't expect you to be inferior to the Celestial Clan."

"With this strength alone, let alone being forced to retreat, it would be difficult for you to even defeat me."

After another confrontation between the divine soldiers, Gao Tianzun took the initiative to retreat ten thousand meters away. The scruples in his heart completely disappeared and he said with a wild smile.

The energy of the universe exploded, directly reorganizing matter. The surrounding matter was pulled and directly gathered into more than ten huge meteorites that appeared in the sky above Gao Tianzun.

Afterwards, more than a dozen meteorites accelerated in an instant and turned into comets directly to attack Kassadin.

If every comet hits, it can cause the continent to collapse.

However, Harvey did not give in at all in the face of this move. More than a dozen void balls hundreds of meters in size appeared behind him and directly hit them.

Like comets colliding, terrifying energy exploded, and the impact of the release caused turmoil in the space within a hundred miles.

Gao Tianzun's figure was directly thrown thousands of miles away by the impact, and directly hit a meteorite, but Gao Tianzun stood up immediately.

He was teleported back to the original point in an instant, and the broken bones of his body were immediately restored within a breath.

Harvey, on the other hand, directly resisted the power of the impact and remained motionless.

Tony and the others had already retreated hundreds of miles away, and were dumbfounded when they saw this terrifying attack that was like the collision of comets.

I originally thought that I was already very strong, but now it seems that my level is not even a little bit lower.

"I'm just testing how far your regeneration ability can go."

"What attack can I use to kill you completely?"

"You think this is my full strength?"

"You think everyone is just like you, immersed in the power of cosmic energy."

"If you don't practice more growth-oriented power, will you still be unable to defeat the Celestials after living for hundreds of millions of years?"

At this time, Harvey was only using Kassadin's prototype to test it out.

He knew that Gao Tianzun was very strong and had some abilities, but not before a real fight.

He wasn't sure whether to use his full strength or even the Power Stone.

But now it seems that it is completely unnecessary. Gao Tianzun's regeneration ability is very strong and he is almost immortal. However, there is still a big difference between immortality and near immortality.

Moreover, Gao Tianzun has lived for hundreds of millions of years, but he has never practiced magic. Lazyness and arrogance have been engraved in Gao Tianzun's bones.

Otherwise, given Gao Tianzun's age and persistence in practicing magic to this stage, it would be enough to directly confront the Celestial Clan.

Even the power of the void he mastered was directly enhanced by mastering various void magics.

"If I can't beat the Celestials, why can't I beat you?"

"I don't know what kind of power you have, but you can never master the energy of the universe, let alone know the mystery of the energy of the universe."

Gao Tianzun said with a somewhat ugly face as Harvey poked him directly at the painful spot.

"Cosmic energy is nothing more than the ability to create and give people resurrection."

"Let me show you what power is that is far away and out of reach."

Harvey's voice echoed directly into the void.

As he finished speaking, the shadow of Khazik, the void plunderer, appeared behind Harvey.

The moment this phantom appeared, everyone around them felt that they were in a desperate situation with no way to heaven and no way to earth.

An unknown terrifying creature is lurking in the void in all directions, ready to take their lives at any time.

Gao Tianzun used to be able to resurrect even if his body turned into powder, so he was never afraid of death.

But now he felt the threat of death for the first time in his life.

Under Gao Tianzun's horrified gaze, the shadow behind Kassadin disappeared into Kassadin's body.

Kassadin's body was wrapped in a black mist, and his size also skyrocketed from two hundred meters.

Three hundred meters, four hundred meters, more than six hundred meters long.

The shadows reflected in the black mist were dangerous and almost suffocating, just like primitive humans encountering a terrifying and unknown beast from the wild.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow disappeared directly from Gao Tianzun's perception.

No matter how much his telepathy sensed, there was no trace of Kassadin.

It would be okay if Kassadin really disappeared, but the danger Gao Tianzun felt instinctively did not disappear, but intensified.

Even though the opponent hadn't taken action yet, Gao Tianzun felt like he was being chopped into pieces.

As soon as this feeling appeared, Gao Tianzun saw two sharp claws showing cold light suddenly appear from the dark void.

He didn't even have time to react before his head was chopped into pieces.

In his peripheral vision, Gao Tianzun saw his body being shattered.

All this happened too suddenly, and all Gao Tianzun could see was two sharp claws showing cold light.

The terrifying strong wind swept through Gao Tianzun's body and was directly cut into powder.

Gao Tianzun immediately used space teleportation and teleported to a hundred miles away, and his body that turned into powder began to recover.

After Gao Tianzun's head began to resurrect.

Gao Tianzun heard a hoarse and sinister voice like coming from the netherworld, entangled in his mind.

"None of this can kill you. It seems that you do have the ability to challenge the Bantian God Clan."

"But that's all."

"You are not truly immortal, I just need to destroy you more completely."

When Gao Tianzun just heard these voices, his body was shattered again before it was completely reorganized.

A terrifying howl sounded directly in the void.

This howl that penetrated deep into the soul made Gao Tianzun feel that his soul was buzzing, and time seemed to have stopped.

At this moment, Gao Tianzun seemed to have seen the moment of his birth, as well as the countless scenes of his rise step by step.

At the same time, the power of the void as deep as an abyss bloomed in the universe, directly engulfing Gao Tianzun's body.

In the eyes of Tony and others, they only saw a huge black shadow hidden in the black mist, releasing the vast power of the void, wrapping Gao Tianzun's body in a ball.

Gao Tianzun's body is also constantly regenerating at this moment, but the regeneration speed is getting slower and slower.

The action of Kassadin, the God of the Void, also allowed them to truly see what true top strength is.

Not only is it superior to civilization, it is also the pinnacle of being completely superior to countless powerful people.

If Kassadin, the God of the Void, had not actively appeared, they would not have been able to capture any trace of Kassadin.

Including Gao Tianzun's body, they didn't see clearly how Kassadin was torn apart by Gao Tianzun.

Just seeing Gao Tianzun's head suddenly separated and his body cut into pieces, this kind of strength is not too scary.

But fortunately, they believe in Kassadin, the God of the Void, so they don't need to worry about suddenly disappearing at a certain moment.

Gao Tianzun had seen what he had experienced for countless years, until the memory came to the pair of sharp claws that radiated cold light like sharp blades.

Gao Tianzun regained consciousness and forcibly mobilized the energy of the universe to initiate space teleportation.

The same was true when he faced the Celestial Clan. When he was on the verge of death, he ran away directly through teleportation.

Facing an enemy that is too powerful, as long as he runs fast enough, even the gods can't do anything to him.

But I don't know why the cosmic energy that could be mobilized with a single thought is now stagnant and cannot be mobilized at all.

"Forgive me."

This made Gao Tianzun look at the huge black shadow above, and his heart was gradually covered with despair. His mouth just came back to life, and he uttered weak words of prayer.

Even when Gao Tianzun faced the Celestial Clan, he never asked for mercy. He often only had others begging for mercy from him.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first time Gao Tianzun has begged for mercy from others since he was born and lived for hundreds of millions of years.

The third update of three thousand words is sent

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