I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 404 Kassadin Arrives

"Then I'll keep my clone here. When you fight to the point of exhaustion, my clone will take you away."

Loki himself also wanted to kill more enemies, so he immediately spoke after hearing Claudia's words.

"As long as it doesn't affect your performance, fine."

Claudia heard Loki's words and nodded.

"It's just one or two clones, what impact can they have?"

"I'm leaving.

When Loki heard this, a devilish and confident smile appeared on his face, and he immediately used magic to create a clone.

Loki also left directly to support the few people who could not retreat.

It shouldn't have been like this if the plan had been followed, and Loki didn't know what happened to cause the battle to turn into what it is today.

But what he knows is that Thor, Tony, and Alex are currently facing the siege of a large number of undead legions.

He may not be able to directly resist tens of thousands of people like Thor, but he knows that there are times when he goes to share some of the pressure.

Just let those who are fighting at the center of the war have a little time to breathe.

Tony was also dodging the line of fire like a dragnet while frantically sweeping the ground with lasers. Thousands of enemies continued to fall and revive.

Even though Tony is very powerful, facing this kind of enemy no matter how powerful he is, it is inevitable that he will feel a little irritable in his heart.

"Predictor, it's been five minutes."

"How long are we going to hold on here?"

"The more he kills, the more he kills. Sooner or later I won't be able to withstand it."

So Tony also started scolding directly.

"Hold on for a while, Miss Sonia is already on her way to support."

"If you can't hold on, just say something on the channel."

The prophet heard the words and immediately responded.

"Whoever can't hold on says something."

"I'm already on my way here."

Sonia's sweet voice also sounded on the channel.

"I just said sooner or later, not now, so don't worry about it."

When Tony heard Sonia's voice, he felt a little relieved, but he immediately became tough.

He is not the only one currently staying in the center of the war to resist the attack of the Undead Legion in the Land of Nothingness.

If he is the first to say that he can't stand it anymore, doesn't this mean he is admitting that he is weaker than others?

"Don't force it, Lord Kassadin will come at any time."

"So before Master Kassadin comes, ensuring your own safety is the most important thing."

Sonia's eyes were also indifferent at this time, knowing Tony's thoughts, she spoke.

At this time, everywhere she flew below was covered with blood, and the foul smell of blood rose into the sky.

But these are not the most disgusting things. The most disgusting thing is the person whose eyes and expression are already crazy as the river of blood continues to run below.

Sonia flew through the air at high speed, and with a random slash of her hands, a huge air blade visible to the naked eye directly broke through the sky, fell to the ground, and opened a huge crack hundreds of meters wide.

Wherever Sonia passed, almost no part of the ground was intact.

A large number of enemies fell directly into the cracks. Although they would definitely not die, this was one of the few methods that could temporarily delay them.

After the prophet has determined the strategy again, let the members of the Void Cult act according to the plan.

Then the initiative in the battle will once again be in the hands of their Void God Cult.

While Sonia used her void detection technique to observe the battlefield within a radius of dozens of kilometers, an air blade a few kilometers away had already broken through the sky and killed it.

When Loki was rushing towards the center of the war, he also saw a crack that was 100 meters deep every one kilometer apart, and he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

He knew this should be Sonia's handiwork.

Originally, he thought that Lacey, the female tyrannosaurus, had already terrifying control and use of power.

But now it seems that the most mysterious Sonia is no less generous, and maybe even more terrifying.

Because he now realizes why Kassadin is not in a hurry to take action.

"Who is this woman?"

At this time, the collector also used the satellite projection and saw the terrifying methods used by this blond woman, and his heart trembled.

Gao Tianzun was in the collector's mansion in the deepest part of the void, and saw the undead army of the Void God Religion, which had been constantly charging and killing, retreating steadily.

Following the blond woman's move, the situation immediately reversed, and her face became extremely ugly.

Although he didn't know the identity of this woman, she was obviously an effective subordinate of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"If the war continues like this, it will only consume more of my cosmic energy."

"You prepare to hide, I'll go meet Kassadin for a while."

Gao Tianzun also understood that if he continued like this, his cosmic energy would only be consumed more, making him less likely to win against Kassadin.

"Brother, have you decided to take action yourself?"

"Let the undead army charge and put the Void God Religion into trouble before taking action."

The collector heard that Gao Tianzun was preparing to take action personally and said immediately.

"Idiot, what do you think they rely on to charge without fear of life and death? That's all my cosmic energy."

"The Void God Religion immediately retreated when it saw that the situation was not right, leaving behind a few main forces who could withstand thousands of people."

"Now another monster woman comes out."

"Delaying the undead army will not only fail to bring us victory, but will also consume more and more of my cosmic energy."

"We can't delay Kassadin, do you understand?"

Gao Tianzun roared after hearing his stupid brother's words.

"Okay...brother, be careful."

The collector saw that his brother was actually showing signs of losing his temper, and he did not dare to speak out.

His brother had always been very calm and easy-going and could joke around.

However, this time the enemy Kassadin, the God of the Void, is too mysterious and may be more difficult to deal with than all the enemies encountered in the past.

So even his brother can't make jokes calmly.

Gao Tianzun stepped out of the collector's mansion.

Sonia is destroying the landscape of the Land of Nothingness, although the purpose is to occupy it.

But the most important thing for Sonia is to protect the members of the Void Cult from death.

So even if she damaged many treasures and wealth, she would not hesitate.

Just as Sonia continued to destroy the terrain, Sonia's fighting instinct continued to convey danger signals to herself.

This made Sonia shrink her eyes and quickly flew high into the sky without hesitation.

Just after Sonia turned to avoid it, an old blue arm, like a ghost claw, directly scratched the space in front of Sonia and took Sonia's life.

Just when he was about to catch Sonia, a black hole in the void appeared below Sonia.

The suction force directly caused Sonia's body to sink into the black hole in the void. The next second, Sonia appeared ten thousand meters away.

"Sure enough, you are waiting for the moment I take action."

A tall, thin old man wearing a golden robe with blue skin and an old face came out of the broken space. Although he hadn't seen Kassadin yet, a smile appeared on his face and he spoke.

In the sky of the land of nothingness, a black hole in the void appeared, covering the sky and the sun. In an instant, the light of the stars inside the black hole illuminated the sky and the earth.

The amazing vision made everyone look up.

A two-hundred-meter-tall figure wearing golden armor stepped out of the black hole and made a sound that echoed throughout the void.

"Gao Tianzun, as an old monster who has lived for countless years."

"It's not enough to attack a junior, but also to use sneak attacks."

"It seems you have never had a strong heart."

Harvey walked out of the black hole in the void and looked down at Gao Tianzun and said.

"The heart of a strong man?"

"It's bullshit to talk about your enemies."

"I just know I'm going to kill you."

"You don't think your size can bring you any advantages, do you?"

Gao Tianzun felt a little solemn when he saw this vast body as big as the sky, but when he heard these words, he also showed an evil smile on his face.

As the words fell, Gao Tianzun's body continued to grow ten meters, fifty meters... in just a few breaths.

Gao Tianzun's body was almost the same size as Kassadin in front of him, a full two hundred meters tall.

For a strong man like Gao Tianzun who has mastered the power of the universe, it is very simple to change his body size.

"After Sonia returns to the battleship, fly farther away."

"Lest I can't use it."

Harvey looked very proud when he saw Gao Tianzun become two hundred meters tall.

With just a wave of his hand, a black hole in the void appeared behind all the members of the Void Cult.

In just one second after the suction force appeared, hundreds of members of the Void Cult in the Land of the Void were directly teleported back to the space battleship hovering outside the Land of the Void.

"What the hell?"

"Why am I back?"

Loki was suddenly teleported back. Looking at the surrounding scenery, he was shocked to find that he was inside the battleship.

"Gao Tianzun has taken action."

"Lord Kassadin has also arrived."

"The battle that is about to happen now is no longer something we can participate in."

"And Master Kassadin told us to stay away, so as not to prevent Master Kassadin from fighting with all his strength."

Sonia saw Master Kassadin arrive with her own eyes, and was even saved her life. At this time, her face was a little solemn.


When Jarvis heard the instructions, he immediately piloted the space battleship and flew away.

"I also saw it just now. Gao Tianzun is several hundred meters tall. It is not something that ordinary methods can deal with."

"But now that Lord Kassadin is here, leave everything to Lord Kassadin."

Thor was nearby just now, so he saw with his own eyes the moment Kassadin arrived.

"What exactly is Gao Tianzun's ability to resurrect?"

"You can actually shape the undead army directly."

Tony also took off his armor at this time and said with confusion in his heart.

"I don't know. You'll know after you read it."

After seeing Lord Kassadin coming, the prophet could be said to be completely relieved.

If his ability to predict can be brought into full play, he is not afraid of directing the war at all.

But when his predictive ability failed, he was also under a lot of pressure.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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