I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 402 Delaying the Fighter Opportunity

The scattered members of the Void Cult were like humanoid weapons, and they were so fast that they couldn't react at all, and their heads were separated one by one.

In an instant, the land of nothingness immediately burst into flames of war.

"Void Herald Tony Stark..."

"It's impossible to fight even if you don't die."

The person who had finally mustered up the courage to fight was instantly filled with fear after witnessing this move and seeing the silhouette of the person who made the move.

Thor directly attacked deeper, and struck down with a hammer from the sky. The thunder that exploded turned everything within a kilometer radius into nothing.

The ground also began to tremble violently.

Now he is no longer the Thor who didn't know how to use divine power.

Even without Thor's hammer, he can still easily control the thunder. The means of attack are no longer limited to hand-to-hand combat and hammering one by one, but one hammer at a time.

No one can resist this thunder.

Only a beautiful brown-skinned woman wearing silver armor blocked this terrifying impact.

"I thought only Hela could be so cruel."

"I didn't expect that the god of Asgard would now follow Hela's old path and become so cruel."

After Valkyrie saw that it was really Thor, he said with disgust in his eyes.

When Thor heard the other party mention Hela, he was shocked and looked over.

"Are you from the Valkyrie Legion?"

When Thor took a closer look at the woman's appearance and the marks on her body, he said with a complicated expression.


Valkyrie was not surprised when Thor recognized him, because even though he had left the Valkyrie Legion, the mark on his body had never faded.

"Why are you here?"

Thor heard these words and looked at where he was now.

"Now I get paid to do my job for others."

Valkyrie saw that Thor did not take action immediately, but asked about his situation, and spoke bluntly without any intention of hiding it.

"Serve Gao Tianzun and the Collector?"

"Although I don't know what happened to you."

"But why did you serve those two scum?"

"Do you know who these two are?"

Thor asked with a serious face when he heard Valkyrie's words.

"I know, but so what."

"As long as I do things for Gao Tianzun, he will give me endless money."

Valkyrie originally wanted to get close to Thor so that he would have an escape route no matter which side he won, but he saw what Thor had just done.

She seemed to have seen the brutal way Hela slaughtered the Valkyrie Legion, so she felt extremely disgusted with Thor at this time.

"If you want money, you can go back to Asgard."

"The people of Asgard are still praising your great achievements in the past."

"As long as you can come back, it won't be difficult to support you."

Sol said with a serious face when he heard this.

"Great achievements?"

"That's just a great achievement that conceals the truth of destruction and deceives oneself and others."

"As for how our Valkyries perished, I think God King Odin didn't record it correctly in the book, right?"

"After all, Hela, the goddess of death, was just exiled and is not dead yet, is she?"

When Valkyrie heard this, he sneered and said sarcastically.

"Indeed, Loki and I only recently learned the truth about the demise of the Valkyrie Legion."

"But please believe that Loki and I have grown up hearing your legends."

"And great respect for the Valkyrie Legion."

"I took action against them because this is a war between the Void Cult and the Land of Nothingness."

"As a member of the Void Cult, what I have to do is to eradicate the enemy."

"If not, they will kill me."

Thor was not angry at Valkyrie's cynicism, but said it extremely sincerely.

"Then I can be considered your enemy. Why don't you take action?"

Valkyrie heard these words, clenched the sword in his hand and said.

"Because you are Asgardian."

"I know you have some prejudice against Asgard."

"So I also know that it will be difficult to convince you to come back to Asgard with me immediately."

"But you'd better quit this war."

Thor heard this and spoke.

"Thor, why don't you move?"

"Did you encounter any strong enemy?"

At this time, the prophet's voice also came directly from Thor's communicator.

"No, I met the Asgardians who were left behind."

"I'll tell you the specific situation later. I can handle it."

Thor responded immediately when he heard the prophet's question.

"You haven't taken action against me yet, so you won't be regarded as an enemy by the members of the Void Cult."

"Now take off your armor and weapons and run directly outside."

"Don't take the initiative to attack members of the Void Cult. This will keep you alive."

Thor looked at Valkyrie and said seriously.

Valkyrie's eyes flickered when he saw Thor's serious look. He clenched the sword in his hand and hesitated for a moment whether to believe in the god of Asgard.

But at this moment, Valkyrie felt a sense of danger approaching, and immediately jumped back.

But as soon as this action was taken, a scarlet figure appeared in front of Valkyrie, and its huge arm directly grabbed her body.

The terrifying force directly squeezed Valkyrie's body, causing her to cough up blood.

"Lix stop it.

"She is not an enemy of the Void Cult."

When Thor saw Alex coming, he also shouted quickly.

Alex originally wanted to crush this Valkyrie, this underdeveloped brat.

But when Alex heard Thor's words, the strength in his hands relaxed a little, and he turned back to look at Thor.

"Gao Tianzun has begun to take action to resurrect the undead army."

"You are as strong as me, and you are at the top of the Void Cult."

"The other members haven't reached the level of you and me yet."

"The plan is also that we need to take more responsibility for annihilating the enemy and try to protect the safety of other members."

"But here you are, chatting with a woman who is holding a sword against you. You don't know whether she is a friend or an enemy."

"Do you know that if you waste one minute here, a compatriot may die?"

"Do you want to mourn other compatriots at the celebration banquet later?"

Alex looked at Thor's scarlet eyes burning with fire, and his voice was a little angry.

Valkyrie was grabbed by Alex's big hand, feeling like his body was like a piece of paper that was about to be torn to pieces at any time.

Of the many calculations and thoughts in my mind, now there was only one left, which was to survive.

And just like verifying what Alex said.

I saw that the fallen corpses all around began to recover, and all the injuries that were originally killed by Thor were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thor's face became ugly when he saw this scene. Originally, he would not delay the fight.

The instructions given to them by the Predictor were indeed to do their best to annihilate all enemies and protect other members while ensuring their own lives were safe.

It's just that he didn't expect to encounter the last survivor of the Valkyrie Legion, so he was temporarily delayed.

"I see."

"Put her down first."

"I asked her to leave now."

But Thor looked at Valkyrie who looked at him asking for help, and immediately spoke.

She knew that Alex's paranoid character valued the Void Cult the most, so if she quarreled with Alex at this time, she would be in trouble.

He was also unreasonable after that, which might lower Miss Sonia's impression of Asgard.

Alex directly released terrifying flames with his left hand, burning those around him who had not yet been fully resurrected, and threw Valkyrie directly towards Thor with his right hand.

Thor directly caught Valkyrie who was out of restraints and coughing violently and his body was shaking.

"I don't know what your relationship is with this woman."

"But when I patrol around for support later, I see you are not killing enemies, but still talking to others here without moving."

"Then even if you hate me, I will find this woman, kill her, and report it to Master Kassadin to punish you directly."

After Alex finished dealing with these unresurrected people, he glanced at Thor, issued some warnings, and flew away directly.

"Hurry up and leave the void."

"Otherwise I can't protect you even if I want to."

"After the war is over, I will find a way to find you."

"Let's have a good chat then."

"I know you may not want to trust Asgard."

"But please believe that I am the one who hopes that you can return to Asgard."

Thor took Valkyrie directly outside the war-torn war zone, put Valkyrie on the ground, and said slowly.

Then Thor didn't wait for Valkyrie to respond, and he flew away with Thor's hammer.

Otherwise, if Alex found out, he was sure that Alex would kill Valkyrie without any hesitation, regardless of his feelings.

When Thor was flying in the air and looking down below, he also saw people who had been crushed into powder, and they were quickly resurrected at this time.

He can even be resurrected after being ground into powder. Gao Tianzun's ability is simply terrifying and unbelievable.

He also understood why Alex was so angry.

Thor, who had some complaints about Alex's merciless words in his heart, did not dare to complain anymore at this time.

He directly raised Thor's Hammer high, gathering a large amount of thunder and scattering it into thousands of rapid bombardments.

There are people fighting everywhere in the void, whether inside the house, on the ground or in the sky.

If the foreseer had not informed him in advance, seeing the enemy come back from the dead would definitely cause a commotion.

But even if they knew it in advance, they had to be careful, because Lord Kassadin never said that he controlled the means of resurrection.

Otherwise, I should have told Miss Sonia a long time ago and informed them so that they would have no worries.

The third update contains 3,000 words, and 10,000 words have been collected.

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