I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 401 Stepping into the Land of Nothingness

"Can't you predict the final outcome of this battle?"

Tony had already put on his armor at this time and was about to step into the void, but when he heard the prophet's words, he asked a little strangely.

"This battle involves the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"His existence completely overrides my ability to predict."

"So I can't see the further future clearly."

"But I saw that as long as you don't take the initiative to send yourself to Gao Tianzun to die, everything else will go well."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

"First explain the capabilities of the undead army."

"Is it resurrected instantly after killing or does it mean that after death, you need to wait for Gao Tianzun to finish casting the spell before you can be resurrected?"

Sonia also knew why Mr. Kassadin specifically named Gao Tianzun. The ability to resurrect people was simply unheard of.

"They are not really an army of the undead."

"It requires Gao Tianzun's spell to be resurrected."

"It's difficult for us to interfere with Gao Tianzun's spellcasting, so Lord Kassadin should find a way on his own."

"However, if it drags into a protracted war, the members of the Void Cult may inevitably suffer a lot of casualties."

"After all, our power is very strong, but it is not infinite."

The prophet also explained some situations when he heard the words.

He didn't know much about Gao Tianzun's resurrection conditions and restrictions, but he saw that countless people could still come back to life and continue fighting even if they were killed several times.

Currently, there are only a few among the Void Cult who can directly deal with high-tech weapons.

Lacey, Renolly, Kyle, Banner, Alex.

He himself relied on his ability to predict and was able to avoid it directly.

Most members still cannot completely ignore the threats posed by high-tech weapons

Generally speaking, if you are afraid of death, even holding high-tech weapons is of no use, because people will be timid and will fight more to find ways to save their lives than to fight desperately.

But if you know that you are not going to die, you can take a desperate approach, charge directly, or hug the person to death together.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to understand why Miss Sonia does not want the Void Divine Religion to expand its territory now.

"What we are about to face is the army of the undead, to prevent the possible disasters caused by a protracted war."

"Be prepared to rest for an hour."

“Everyone fills their stomachs and marches into the void in the best condition.”

Sonia understood everything after hearing this and gave the instructions directly.

In order to prevent a protracted war and to keep the members of the Void Cult calm, some time off was necessary.

Lest the red-eyed killer becomes indifferent and then the boat capsizes in the gutter.

When Sonia's voice sounded in the communication.

Alex, who had originally planned to rush directly into the void, obeyed the order and flew back.

The Void Cult is temporarily retreating.

The collector's originally highly tense mind also had some time to relax.

However, this period of relaxation has not allowed collectors to relax.

On the contrary, after witnessing the terrifying individual abilities of the Void God Cult, he felt that his own death was getting closer.

With his brother Gao Tianzun at his side, he was not afraid of death. He was heartbroken that he might have to hand over all his collections and savings over the years, and it could be said that his heart was bleeding.

And in the land of nothingness, a beautiful woman with brown skin and silver armor saw her eyes full of surprise when she saw Thor unleashing his power and thunder outside the land of nothingness.

She didn't know if she had recognized the wrong person. Why did Asgard's God of Thunder, Thor, get involved with the Void God Cult, an emerging force?

However, she clearly saw the situation in front of her, the real game of this war.

It's about the confrontation between Gao Tianzun and Kassadin, the God of the Void.

If Gao Tianzun loses, the land of nothingness will cease to exist.

If Kassadin, the God of the Void, is defeated, then all the members of the Void God Cult will die here.

Valkyrie has stayed on Saka for so many years and knows the terror of Gao Tianzun.

In terms of strength, Gao Tianzun is not as good as God King Odin, but Gao Tianzun is more troublesome than God King Odin.

Because of the almost immortal body and the ability that brute force cannot damage it at all.

Even if the great god of the Celestial Clan comes, the most he can do is hit Gao Tianzun, but he cannot kill him.

She also didn't know whether Kassadin, the God of the Void, knew the true identity of Gao Tianzun.

If she knew and still chose to be an enemy of Gao Tianzun, it would mean that Kassadin had support that she didn't know about.

If you don't know, then it's funny. The new god Kassadin, the God of the Void, who has just emerged recently, may have regrets for the first time in his life.

Valkyrie thought about these situations and figured out what to do when the war started again.

No matter which side wins, she needs to leave a way out for herself, because she is the last member of the Valkyrie and must not die so easily.


After all the members of the Void Cult returned to the warship, they all quickly started eating.

The prophets don't consume much here, so they also arrange the best plan for each member when they are eating.

The battlefield is ever-changing, so things get chaotic before the real fight begins.

They need to be allowed to deal with enemies within their response range, and then they can command according to the situation to minimize the probability of death as much as possible.

When Star-Lord and others saw the eight space battleships, they pushed back more than a dozen fleets in the void and completely controlled the air supremacy in the void. They were extremely shocked and would never forget this scene in their lives.

In the past, they had only done small things in rescuing various planets and doing various tasks. Against an opponent of this level, they had no ability to intervene.

This also made Star-Lord long for the world after awakening.

As long as one knows that there is a way to obtain power, and it does not make oneself inhuman, anyone will pursue it, but many people will never encounter such an opportunity in their lives.

Star-Lord hates Ego, but he is also grateful that this bloodline has brought him an opportunity that ordinary people cannot encounter and grasp.

Dana Sal also recorded all this and sent it back to Xandar.

It caused a sensation within the Nova Corps, and everyone admired the supreme commander's brilliance.

Although they are also worried that the Void God Church will not take action against the Nova Legion at some point.

However, this probability is possible but not absolute.

Because the Void Divine Cult wants to capture Xandar Star, which is much easier than capturing the Land of Nothingness.

If they wanted to capture Xandar, the Void God Cult would have already taken action.

They didn't attack them. Obviously, in the eyes of the Void God, their Nova Corps was still useful.

This situation is really not a good thing, but having value is better than having no value.


As time passes little by little.

Gao Tianzun has also openly demonstrated his ability to resurrect people with other people sent by the Universe Presbyterian Church.

The front line of this ability has brought people whose original will was on the verge of collapse, who were only thinking about how to escape from the void and escape from this war that they could not control, to all have the confidence to fight against the Void God Cult.

In fact, Gao Tianzun couldn't even think about being aboveboard, because Kassadin's eyes were always staring at him and the Collector.

Since you can't hide it and use it as a surprise move to win, then use a conspiracy to confront Kassadin's forces head-on.

Although Gao Tianzun doesn't care about the collector's collection and wealth, as a figure who has lived for so many years.

It was impossible for a young boy like Kassadin, the God of the Void, to make his own decision without expressing his opinion.

By doing this, he was also testing Kassadin to see if Kassadin would change his mind about the void after knowing that he could resurrect people.

An hour passed quickly.

Countless people in the Land of Nothingness saw through projections the eight large space battleships hovering outside the Land of Nothingness, which started up again.

This scene caused some black businessmen in the Land of Nothingness and various characters who were hanging around to go deep into the Land of Nothingness, not wanting to participate in this war.

After seeing this scene, Gao Tianzun already knew the determination of Kassadin, the God of the Void. This battle had to be fought.

However, Gao Tianzun dare not take action immediately because Kassadin is secretly watching. As long as he takes action, Kassadin will definitely be there.

Gao Tianzun doesn't care about the life or death of other living beings.

But after all the members of the Void Cult have poured into the Land of Void, Kassadin will definitely have some scruples if he takes action again.

In a battle between strong men, even a slight flaw revealed through hesitation can directly affect the final outcome of the battle.

What he wanted was the hesitation that Kassadin was bound to show.

When eight space battleships sailed into the sky of the void.

Figures like shooting stars descended from the sky with a "Bang!" sound, and stepped onto the land of nothingness.

The eight space battleships also flew out directly and left the land where the war was about to begin.

The group was greeted by dense gunfire and lasers.

It’s just that we haven’t reached these people yet.

A large number of lasers fell from the sky and turned into a barrier like a door, directly blocking these attacks.

"Boom!" The violent wind and impact caused cracks to appear on the surrounding ground.

At the same time, the extremely converging gate swept forward and set off a violent explosion in just an instant, killing hundreds of people on the spot.

A figure wearing gold and red armor fell from the sky, and it was Tony who took action.

The members who had just landed quickly dispersed, using various existing obstacles to cover their bodies.

This prevents enemies from focusing on one location to attack them easily.

Steve, Paige, and Pepper were also scattered, and Loki was with them.

Because of Tony's request, Loki had to follow to help spread some firepower.

Lest Steve, Paige, and Pepper, who have not evolved much and have insufficient combat experience, die here.

Although Loki was very reluctant at first because he was here to cause trouble and not be a nanny, Sonia opened his mouth.

So he had to be the nanny for a while.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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