After the Battle of New York

Lacey, Rennolly, Kyle, and the Predictor plan to stay in Blue Star for a while, and Tony will pay for food, drinks, accommodation, and transportation.

Although they don't care about this little money, the four of them are all billionaires in the universe, not to mention the real rich.

If we specifically select some planets with lower technological levels, each of them will have the ability to dominate.

It's just that they want to live on the void island of Xandar more than doing such trivial things.

The reason why I stayed temporarily this time was because I wanted to experience the delicious food of Blue Star and what Tony said before about the more entertainment-oriented situation.

They had to prepare to join the war as soon as they arrived, so they didn't have time to relax.

Now that the war is over, I can finally think about where to go every day without any burden.

Three days later, on Tony's private island.

"Thor, thank you for your help this time."

“Remember to come to Blue Star to take a look once in a while.”

"I also hope to compete with you."

Tony looked at Thor and said with a smile.

"Protecting the Nine Realms is within the scope of my responsibilities, so thank you."

"If you have a cosmic communicator, everything will be easier to talk about."

"If Blue Star is invaded by foreign enemies, you can notify me at any time, as long as I am not too troubled to escape."

"I will definitely come to protect Blue Star."

When Thor heard Tony's words, he also smiled and said.

There will always be wars within each world within the Nine Realms. Those wars are not under Asgard's control. If they were, they would lead to imbalances.

So unless there is a strong person who completely breaks the internal balance of Blue Star and does all kinds of evil.

Or there may be a foreign enemy from the universe, otherwise Asgard will not help.

"With these words from you, I feel at ease."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Well, see you later then."

Thor nodded slightly when he heard this, then looked at Steve and Banner who were watching him off, and said.

Then Thor took Loki and released the power of the Cosmic Cube, and a beam of light flew up and the two of them returned to Asgard.

"Although I feel a little magical now, I have to say that at some point, it is a good thing to have gods in the world."

Steve looked at Thor and Loki leaving and said with some emotion.

"Don't be happy too soon."

"Since there are gods from myths and legends in this world, then legendary demons and all kinds of scary things should also exist."

"Even if there are stronger people protecting Blue Star, if our overall level as humans is too weak."

“If we can’t even hold on until reinforcements arrive, we may encounter an unpredictable disaster at any time.

"So humans want to truly survive in the universe."

"We still have to rely on our own overall development, rather than blindly relying on other people's rescue."

When Tony heard Steve's words, he poured cold water on him and warned himself not to relax.

Even if Blue Star is destroyed, he does still have a way out, but the billions of humans on Blue Star have no way out.

If he has the ability to help countless humans on Blue Star leave a way out, he will do it.

Although humans are not currently united, so they are still at odds internally. There are many bastards in the world, but there are also countless innocent people.

"Rely on your own strength..."

"Tony, is the person you mentioned to me before Harvey Ambelaka?"

When Steve heard Tony's words, his eyes flickered, he clenched his fist and asked.

"It seems you listened to Banner?"

Tony heard what Steve said and didn't deny it.

"Well, Banner told me, if he goes to Harvey Ambelaka and can get recognition."

"You will definitely be able to control your power perfectly."

Steve nodded upon hearing this.

“Steve took a few hits in the big fight, so I had a chat with him.”

Banner also opened his mouth to explain why he would tell Steve.

"So Steve, are you hungry for power?"

Tony heard this and looked at Steve and said.

"My power is only applicable within the Blue Star range."

"When facing the invasion of foreign enemies, I don't have the stronger power to protect what I want to protect."

"So I want to find out. If possible, I also hope to get more powerful power to protect Blue Star."

Steve nodded when he heard this, and said with a somewhat complicated look.

"Let me introduce you to him."

"If you can get his approval and receive his blessings."

"Then the world you can see and participate in will no longer be limited to Blue Star, but the entire universe and galaxy."

"If you can get his approval specifically, I will explain it to you in detail."

"If you don't get recognition, then don't blame me for hiding something from you."

Tony said slowly after hearing this.

When they first met, Steve left a not so good impression on him.

However, considering that Steve belongs to a character from decades ago and belongs to the label of an era, and there is indeed no human body in that era that can compare with Steve, so it is normal for Steve to have arrogance in his heart.

As for Banner's words, there is nothing to say. It was simply a problem with Banner's thinking. Now that it has been corrected, Tony certainly will not have any objections to Banner.

The Void God Cult will become bigger and bigger in the future, and there will be more and more members. However, the universe is so vast, and he understands that distant water cannot save nearby fire.

This time it was because he knew about Loki's plan and the Chitauri's intention to attack Blue Star, so he had time to ask his friends for help.

But not every battle can be known in advance, more often attacks occur suddenly.

So of course Tony hopes that there will be more compatriots from the Void Cult on Blue Star.

"Wait for me a moment, I'll introduce you to you."

After Tony said this, he took out his mobile phone and made a call directly.

More than ten seconds passed and the call was connected.

The projection of a handsome man with black hair, starry eyes, and a tall figure appeared in front of Steve and Banner.

"I already know what you are thinking."

"With my blessing, you will escape the limitations of human lifespan and have a longer lifespan."

"A long life brings not only strength, but also loneliness."

"Tony found an ideal to rely on for himself, so he chose to accept this blessing."

"What about you, have you found the sustenance of your long life and do you still have your ideals?"

As soon as Harvey's projection appeared and saw Banner and Steve, he immediately understood the situation and spoke.

Twenty-one thousand days a day, the first update is here

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