I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 199 War is a waste of money

Among aviation battleships.

Nick Fury looked at the footage recorded on satellite video.

While watching Tony and the friends Tony had found fight, a purple light appeared on his body, and he was thoughtful.

Before, he thought it was the result of Tony's technology.

But now Nick Fury can see it, Tony can be said to be completely transformed from before.

Although Tony's progress was extremely rapid because he entered the universe, the extreme speed brought by such a powerful steel armor.

If Tony's body was still that of an ordinary person, it would definitely not be able to bear it. Being able to bear it means that Tony's physical fitness is no longer human.

As for who could completely transform Tony's body, a demonic figure emerged in Nick Fury's heart unknowingly.

Only the devil-like Harvey Ambelaka can bring about these changes in Tony.

If it were an ordinary person, he might still be able to think of some ways to see if he could also get some strength from the other party.

But if the target is Harvey, then he has no way to bribe or threaten Harvey.

This made Nick Fury a little annoyed.

Because of their initial rash attempts, the relationship between SHIELD and Harvey was somewhat bad.

Now Harvey has not changed their minds, nor has he stopped Tony from helping SHIELD to protect mankind. It can be said that it is Harvey's kindness.

But Tony became so powerful just by getting help from Harvey.

So how strong is Harvey's true strength?

This reminded Nick Fury of what Harvey had reminded him.

Don't even think about asking Captain Marvel to help. Even if Captain Marvel comes, it will be useless.

So the best way is not to provoke Harvey.

But with Harvey here, the Blue Stars can be said to be impregnable.

Even if Harvey doesn't do anything, Tony, whose strength has greatly increased with Harvey's help, gives Blue Star a stronger guarantee.

The next step is to see who else can get Harvey's blessing.

According to statistics from SHIELD, this battle lasted no more than ten minutes.

Six thousand three hundred and ninety-six people died, 80% of whom were black.

White people only account for 20%. The fundamental reason for this is that although most white people are dissatisfied, they were evacuated by the army in an emergency.

Most of the white people who died were soldiers and police officers.

They didn't know exactly how many Chitauri died, but it was at least a hundred thousand.

With less than 10,000 deaths and heavy losses to the Chitauri, who were more technologically advanced, humanity undoubtedly won a great victory.

As for the lost houses, cars and property, they will also compensate according to a certain proportion and amount.

There is no way around this, because there is a saying in modern times that war is a waste of money.

Training of soldiers requires money, weapons cost money, because the victims of the war require compensation, and the reconstruction of various facilities damaged by the war also requires money.

But this battle had to be fought, and Nick Fury achieved his goal.

Now that those politicians know that aliens are real, the authority given to them by SHIELD will be higher.

Tony's side will soon be praised by countless people.

The same goes for the various heroes who participate in the war, and they will be sought after by many people.

Honor and fame are things that countless men dream of.

Although Tony's reputation is big enough, he has destroyed many terrorists, and he is also a rich man in New York.

But Nick Fury feels that no one will dislike his growing reputation. A big enough reputation in the United States can bring a lot of conveniences.


Harvey watched the whole battle.

The main reason why this battle ended so quickly and easily was that Tony's technology and strength were completely ahead of the original Tony.

And Tony also found four extremely reliable helpers.

Renault and the others also allowed Harvey to see some members of the Void Cult, and they all seemed to have the ability to stand alone.

This is both a good thing and a hidden danger. He needs to pay more attention to the issue of order within the Void God Religion.

The Void God Religion is relatively stable now because the atmosphere within the Void God Religion is very good.

We are all compatriots, so there will be no contempt or other thoughts.

However, once this impression and atmosphere are destroyed, other members of the Void Cult will become no longer harmonious.

He couldn't control what these people would do after gaining power, but at least he couldn't let other members of the Void Cult fall apart or even fight each other.

During this battle, both Steve and Banner should have gained a lot of knowledge.

After that, Banner is basically sure to come to him. After all, Tony said that Banner came to him if he wanted to have better control of his power.

Steve is still not sure whether he wants to join the Void.

Harvey can take the initiative to draw Steve into the Void Cult, and it's very simple.

Just let Steve's lover Paige gain the power of immortality and return to youth.

However, Harvey has passed the time when he needs to take the initiative to win over people. Now he only needs to wait for the influence of the Void God Cult to slowly expand.

There will be a steady stream of people hoping to join the Void Cult and gain the power to change their lives.

However, Blue Star will also see many superheroes appear after the first Avengers assembly.

If they take the initiative to look for him, Harvey wouldn't mind giving them a chance as long as their character is not too bad.

Tony has become more confident because of joining the void character and behavior.

What will happen to other people makes Harvey look forward to it.

During this battle, I don’t know if Tony deliberately avoided it.

As a result, only three of his more than thirty villas and estates in New York suffered some damage, so the subsequent compensation was not that much.

This made Harvey originally think that most of New York would be destroyed and his plan to make a lot of money would fail.

But he didn't care too much, after all, now he could collect money while lying down. Even if he was in a state of dissatisfaction every day, the money would not decrease, but would become more and more.

Because what he spends every day is not as much as what he earns by lying down.

However, after this battle, Harvey stayed on Blue Star for more than a year, and was about to go to Xandar Star for a while.

The skimming technique Rennolly mentioned was obviously not taught by him.

After all, he had never been to Xandar and had been playing on Blue Star, and Sonia had not specifically mentioned this to him.

However, Harvey thought of Sonia's King of Kings style. After getting inspired by Tony and knowing the power of the void, it was normal for him to find ways to use it.

Everything will be known after he goes to Xandar for a while and asks Sonia.

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