I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 197 The war subsides

New York, which was in a mess and with ruins everywhere, seemed to be soaked in blood, and the strong smell of blood was soaring into the sky.

Tony looked at the completely closed space teleportation array, and the tension in his heart finally relaxed and slowly lowered.

Even if they planned to ambush the Chitauri army, winning this battle would not be easy.

If there is no foreseer, he will directly know all the other party's plans.

Their ambush may bring a major disaster to Blue Star that will leave its name in history.

Hundreds and thousands of years from now, if there are still humans at that time, people will still talk about the fact that the United States was directly wiped out.

Fortunately, after he learned about the prophet's ability, he imagined all possible scenarios.

The arrangements had been made in advance, otherwise even if the foreseer reminded them in advance, they would not be able to prepare the mushroom eggs in just over two minutes.

The most that can be done is to close the portal and save Blue Star from this disaster.

But if the Chitauri are not completely defeated, then the Chitauri will attack Blue Star next time.

It will no longer be a confrontation between soldiers and people, but a direct technological crushing using terrifying cosmic technology to directly bombard Blue Star, leaving them with no room to fight back.

"We succeeded?"

Captain America Steve saw the space vortex that had disappeared in the sky, looked at Tony who landed, and said.

"It's more than half successful, even if it doesn't completely destroy the Chitauri this time."

"It will also severely weaken the energy of the Chitauri. They will not be able to assemble so many troops in a short time and then launch a general attack on Blue Star."

"The other side will probably come again, but as long as there is a time buffer, we will have more power to deal with the war."

Tony took a deep breath after hearing this, and then said slowly.

If this battle fails, he will become a sinner in history.

Because he was the one who proposed to lure the enemy deeper, hoping to hit the Chitauri once and make the Chitauri give up completely.

However, if you put yourself in your own shoes, think about it, if the army you lead was repelled by a civilization whose technology and army were far inferior to your own.

Even if he suffered heavy losses, he would definitely plot to do it again in the future.

This time, the Chitauri were too arrogant and looked down upon the humans on Blue Star, but after learning this lesson, they will no longer look down upon them.

So the next time the Chitauri army is ready to come again, it will be a real head-on battle between civilizations.

"Jarvis dropped a panorama of New York for me to take a look at."

"Also count how many people were killed and injured in this battle, and how much was lost."

"Give me detailed data and a list."

Immediately, Tony gave instructions.

Although the statistics were not so fast, Jarvis immediately retrieved the satellite images and turned them into a three-dimensional projection in front of Tony.

"This battle can be considered won."

Tony looked at the tragic conditions in various places in New York and felt a little complicated.

It can be said that Blue Star must do this to defeat the Chitauri and inflict heavy losses on them.

Otherwise, the Chitauri would be like mad dogs, constantly attacking Blue Star without giving them any time to breathe.

But even if this battle was due to their calculations or not, the Chitauri's charges fired a large number of energy bombs, causing great damage to New York.

"Compared to having to use mushroom eggs at the last minute, New York can at least be habitable now."

"So we did win."

"It's all thanks to you, Tony Stark."

Steve saw Tony's somewhat unconfident look and spoke to comfort him.

He's not like Tony Stark when he first went to war.

He has participated in wars in the past and has seen wars spread all over the world.

But now that I woke up decades later, except for the Japanese who were having a hard time.

As long as there is no impact from mushroom eggs, they have developed rapidly in the past few decades.

Because Tony's plan is still advancing, the outcome of this battle is good in Steve's opinion.

After all, compared to New York being directly wiped out, at least the current situation in New York can still be quickly rebuilt in a short time as long as a large amount of money is spent.

"I didn't expect you to say such things."

"Shouldn't you be blaming me?"

Tony heard Steve's comforting words, glanced at Steve in surprise, and said.

"I've been in war so I know that the vast majority of ordinary people in the world wouldn't want a war if they could help it."

"But wars always fail to go as people want, because certain politicians will always promote wars for profit and make a lot of money from wars."

"This war shouldn't bring much benefit to you, so it can't be said to be a war promoted by you."

"Of course I have no reason to accuse you."

"And the most important thing is, we won this war, didn't we?"

Steve's face showed some complexity when he heard this, and he said slowly.

"I understand your path, but if I don't have the confidence to win this war, I won't let this war come so soon."

"But Steve you finally look like you're not a frog in a well anymore."

When Tony heard these words, his eyes flashed, and he was sure that his decision was correct. He clenched his fist and said confidently.

"I've seen a lot of people and things that I couldn't imagine before. Even if it makes me feel that reality is a bit magical, I can only accept it, right?"

Steve was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and a smile appeared on his face.

"There are more powerful people in the universe, and Blue Star may be even more troubled in the future."

"Your strength is obviously insufficient to face such a future."

"If you want to seek more powerful power to change your destiny."

"After I finish finishing my work and a few other things."

"You are welcome to come to me. I can't guarantee that you will be recognized by that person then."

"But if you don't get that person's approval, I can make you a steel armor that suits you."

“Superpowers are usually innate and are things that humans cannot control and copy.”

"But the power brought by sufficiently advanced technology can be artificially controlled."

When Tony saw that Steve no longer arrogantly believed that he was the strongest, but accepted the world where there are people outside the world, his eyes flickered and he spoke.

"That person's approval?"

Steve was a little confused when he heard this.

"When you think about it, I'll explain it to you in detail when you come to see me."

"I still have a lot to do now."

Tony glanced at Steve and said calmly.

Afterwards, Tony said hello to Rennoli and the others, and they went back to Stark Manor together.

Because if Tony stayed, his steel armor might be broken directly.

The third update is sent

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