I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 196 Disaster is always one step behind me

In three minutes, they began to gather energy and prepare to launch a bombardment. Normally, no one would know their plan, and it would be difficult to react.

Therefore, General Chitauri did not panic at all. Although this battle would cause some losses to the Chitauri army, it was precisely because of this that he wanted Blue Star to pay with blood.

The power of the volley fired by more than a dozen large space battleships was enough to wash away the ground with blood and wipe out a large area of ​​the entire Blue Star.

"Kill, kill, and none of you will be able to escape later."

By sharing the vision of other Chitauri, the Chitauri general discovered the purple armor and a swordsman who seemed to be running rampant, with a sneer on his face.

The Chitauri attacked civilizations on various planets, and encountered many people with super powers.

Each of those superpowers has the strength to fight one against a thousand or even one against ten thousand. The Chitauri soldiers were unable to deal with it, but in the end they were not destroyed by the Chitauri.

What does it rely on? It relies on catastrophic weapons that can directly clean the surface of the earth and destroy the environment.

These weapons are strictly prohibited in several major empires, but the universe is so vast that not every race and every planet must abide by the rules of Xandar.

Moreover, Blue Star is so far away from Xandar Star that it takes three days to travel normally. Even if you travel through the wormhole without thinking, it will take at least half a day to reach it.

Even if Xandar wanted to control this distance, it couldn't control it.

Of course the Chitauri knew that Blue Star was the territory of God King Odin, but the person behind them was also a big man who was not inferior to God King Odin, so how could they be afraid.

In the face of super destructive weapons, even if a god takes the firepower head-on, he will still have to be skinned if he doesn't die.

It's a pity that these superpowers are the ones who defend Blue Star, so even if they want to be recruited into Lord Thanos's command, they have no chance.

But as long as the goal is achieved, successfully collecting the Cosmic Cube and getting back the Mind Scepter, then everything will be worth it.

The Predictor saw that instead of reducing the speed and number of attacks by the Chitauri, they actually increased their attack speed. He had already expected this.

Moreover, after joining the Void, his ability to predict has become stronger, and his physical strength has been enhanced. When facing desperate situations, he has more strategies to deal with it, and now he is naturally more unafraid.

He is confident no matter what disaster he faces, disaster will always slow him down. "

"Ignorant ants who cannot see through the future, let them be destroyed in the destined future."

The prophet saw the longer future and made a deep voice.

Tony and Rennoli killed tens of thousands of Chitauri soldiers in just over a minute.

Even though the two of them are very strong, in the face of this succession, they are like floods and landslides that will never retreat.

More than a minute of all-out fighting and fighting left both of them a little numb, but the Chitauri continued to charge as if they were not afraid of death.

If one is negligent and allows this huge Chitauri army to land directly on the ground, it will cause a horrific disaster.

Therefore, the two people's spirits were stretched like a string, and they did not dare to relax even if they were numb.

However, the two of them were able to kill the enemy, but the energy bombs continuously fired by the Chitauri also continued to explode in New York.

The people below looked at the almost despairingly large army above, and felt a little lucky in their hearts.

Fortunately, Blue Star does not only have mushroom eggs. This kind of protective umbrella can defeat the enemy to the death. It also has the protection of strong men who can directly charge into the battle.

Time passed by second by second, and two minutes passed.

Neither Tony nor Renelli knew how many dead souls they had under their command, but their bodies were also stained with blood.

At this time, Tony and Rennoli saw that the Chitauri army no longer charged, but turned around and rushed towards the space vortex.

"Thor, close the space teleportation vortex immediately."

"Jarvis, go ahead."

Tony saw this scene and looked at the countdown with one hundred and seventy-eight seconds left. While secretly sighing in his heart that the power of the prophet was terrifying, he also immediately issued instructions.

Following this order, the twenty steel armors that were hiding flew into the sky with a mushroom egg in both hands, rushing towards the space vortex at the shortest distance.

In the task of closing the space channel, apart from Kyle and the others, he only dared to trust Thor.

Moreover, this battle is not only a civilized battle between Blue Star and the Chitauri, but also a battle for Thor to defend the Nine Realms. It can be said that it is best to let Thor play the role of final closure.

When Thor heard the instructions, he immediately began to close the space channel.

As the Cosmic Cube closes, the released energy column begins to shrink, as does the scope of the space vortex.

“Why would they choose to close at this time?”

"Normally, shouldn't we take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

"Did the other party see through our plan?"

"No! This is impossible."

"It's just Blue Star, a group of ants that haven't left the planet yet."

"It is impossible to know the true power of our Chitauri army."

When General Chitauri saw the space teleportation vortex begin to shrink, his face first showed an expression of astonishment, then turned into self-doubt, then contempt and finally anger.

What made General Chitauri feel even more incredible was that he saw twenty steel armors rushing over with a dangerous object in their arms.

"Retreat immediately and activate the protective shield."

This caused General Chitauri's brain to shut down for a moment. After identifying what the object in the steel armor's hand was, he shouted in shock.

Then he immediately started running back, looking for shelter.

However, the reaction was only a few seconds slow. The steel armor rushed through the space channel and arrived in front of the space fleet of more than ten Chitauri armies at the moment when the space vortex closed.

Then the Ark Reactor of the steel armor began to rotate at a high speed and activated the self-destruct mode.

With a sound of "Boom!", it turned into fireworks and exploded on the other side of the universe.

Twenty huge mushroom-like impacts were subsequently detonated, sweeping through the Chitauri fleet.

Even though their protective shield was very powerful, it only lasted for more than 20 seconds before it shattered when faced with the impact of twenty mushroom eggs.

After the impact subsided, only four of the Chitauri fleet, which had more than ten large space battleships, reluctantly evacuated.

General Chitauri hid in the safety cabin at the front and barely withstood the impact.

However, his physical body was also shaken to the point of falling apart. He was vomiting blood and was confused.

"If there is still a chance, I will never be careless again and directly use weapons to blow up you group of ants."

General Chitauri would have survived had he been rescued in time.

However, the impact of the explosion of twenty mushroom eggs took General Chitauri's safety cabin directly into the distance of the universe.

In just an hour, General Chitauri, who was half dead from the impact and affected by radiation, completely stopped breathing and died in the universe.

The second update is sent

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