If Harvey is willing to protect Blue Star, Tony won't even have to worry about the unknown enemy coming in 2017.

Because Harvey's physical strength is so strong that he can't even imagine that there is someone who can defeat Harvey.

But because he was not sure whether Harvey was willing to take shelter, Tony could only do his best and find ways to become stronger.

As for the Ancient One, the Supreme Mage, he was in charge of the magic world.

He didn't know whether the unknown enemy was in charge of the magic world at that time.

In the future, he will need more powerful power to ensure that Blue Star is worry-free.

"Isn't it an obligation to be willing..."

Banner heard Tony's words, and for some reason he felt from Tony's words that Tony was carrying some unknown pressure.

"My father, the God King Odin, wants to take care of this matter."

"Because Blue Star also belongs to one of the nine realms controlled by my father."

"It's just that my father's power is too strong now. He must go through Odin's Sleep to stabilize the power in his body and prevent it from destroying some things around him."

"So we can't take action, otherwise Blue Star may not be destroyed in the hands of other civilizations or enemies."

"On the contrary, it may be destroyed in the hands of powerful forces beyond my father's control."

"So he sent me here. Although my power is not as strong as my father's, I will help Blue Star as much as possible."

Upon hearing this, Thor knew that the strong men Tony was talking about were referring to his father, Harvey and the Supreme Mage. He raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand and said with a smile.

As the prince of Asgard, the humans on the Blue Star among the Nine Realms can be considered his people, and it is his duty to protect the Blue Star.


When Banner heard Thor's words, a look of gratitude appeared on his face.

Helping humans is helping him. Knowing that Thor, the mythical god of thunder, has this heart, Banner is undoubtedly very happy.

"You're welcome."

Thor was thanked by Banner and showed his clean and straight teeth.

"Let's go back to the aviation battleship first and then we can chat slowly."

"I still need to find some helpers, otherwise I am not confident that we can resolve the battle as quickly as possible with just us."

Tony saw that Banner had begun to want to integrate into the world of strong men. Knowing that his goal had been achieved, he naturally wanted to change places and chat slowly.

Then, there was a huge roar of propellers above them, and the aviation battleship slowly landed.

"Is there any other helper on Blue Star?"

"Didn't Nick Fury already gather all the people with extraordinary abilities on Blue Star?"

Banner asked strangely when he heard Tony's words.

"Blue Star has indeed assembled those with some combat capabilities at this stage."

"But it doesn't exist on Blue Star, which doesn't mean it doesn't exist in the universe."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"Tony, have you been to the universe?"

Thor said with some surprise when he heard Tony's words.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think my steel armor has become so much stronger in just a few years?"

"Even if I have a good mind, studying technology requires a lot of time to discover and improve."

"But the technological level of those civilizations in the universe is far ahead of Blue Star."

"I just need to learn their techniques and find ways to use them on my armor."

Tony did not deny it after hearing this. Anyway, when Renault and the others arrived, Saul and the others would be able to directly see some of the situation.

Moreover, he had no hidden thoughts about going to the universe, otherwise SHIELD would not have sent Coulson to discuss it with him.

See if you can temporarily give the space fighter to SHIELD for research.

Of course, it is impossible to hand over technology to SHIELD, because Tony still remembers Harvey saying that there are spies within SHIELD and they are not all in one mind.

Even if they were of the same mind, Tony would not worry about sharing the technology he knew with SHIELD.

Because once S.H.I.E.L.D. causes trouble in other countries, even if he prevents the disaster by then, the disaster must have already been caused.

Instead of worrying about teaching him, it would be better not to teach him at all, and wait until he learns various technologies before leading mankind into the interstellar age.

Most of the wars waged between humans are due to land and energy, and some are due to grievances between races.

As long as Blue Star enters the interstellar era and land and energy are no longer the most scarce resources, then the occurrence of some wars can be reduced.

Moreover, after civilization reaches the interstellar age, like civilizations on other planets, humans will basically form a human union.

"Tony, how did you get into the universe?"

Banner was also shocked when he heard Tony's revelation.

"Use space fighter planes. It only takes a few days to cross hundreds of thousands of light years."

"Of course the space fighter I'm using now was bought with my own money."

"I don't have such high technical skills to build my own space fighter."

Tony said matter-of-factly.

"I wonder if I can go take a look?"

"It's okay not to go inside. I want to see what the space fighter looks like?"

When Banner heard Tony's words, a desire burned in his heart, and he spoke in a consultative tone, fearing that Tony would misunderstand that he wanted to learn skills secretly.

"Of course, but we have to wait until the war is over."

Tony did not refuse after hearing this and said with a smile.

Dr. Banner's knowledge and talents in certain subjects are not inferior to him at all, so Tony recognizes Dr. Banner's talents in his heart.

It's just that he was so cruel to Banner just now because he couldn't stand Banner's appearance of not knowing how to be blessed despite being blessed.

Now that Banner's mentality has changed, Tony will naturally no longer dislike Banner.

Instead, he wanted to work with Banner to see if he could make more progress in research and invention.

"Why does it sound so much like the flag in the movie?"

When Banner heard Tony's words, he felt something was wrong and said.

"What flag?"

Tony said something strange when he heard Banner's words.

"Tony, don't you watch movies?"

Banner said something strange when he heard Tony's rhetorical question.

"Not much. I have time to watch movies, so why don't I sleep with more women."

Tony shook his head when he heard this and said matter-of-factly.

"That's okay."

When Banner heard Tony's enviable words, he opened his mouth but didn't explain it carefully.

He almost forgot that Tony Stark was not only a super technological genius, but also the most famous playboy in New York. His daily life was not to mention how romantic and happy he was.

If you don't really have nothing to do, you really won't go to the movies specifically to seek some excitement that you can't experience in life.

Moreover, movies have only slowly emerged in recent years. In the past, movies in those eras did not have a flag, so it is normal for Tony not to understand.

The second update is sent.

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