I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 185 Willingness is not an obligation

"Within a week?"

"In such a short period of time, even if I want to control Hulk, I can't."

Within a week of hearing this, Banner also showed some embarrassment on his face.

"You can figure out how to control things later."

"It's no problem even if I can't control it now."

"As long as you transform when there are enemies around you, Hulk will attack them."

Tony heard that he wasn't worried at all and said.

He mainly wants Banner to understand that the power of the Hulk in his body is not bad luck but a blessing.

Hulk's power is still very strong. Although he had a great fight just now, without using the power of the void, all he caused were minor injuries.

Although there are reasons for him to keep it, this kind of defense and self-healing ability are strong enough, and it will definitely shine in the next war.

And Hulk's IQ doesn't seem to be very high, but he is definitely intelligent, which means he can grow.

It's just that Banner has never released Hulk before, so Hulk's combat experience relies entirely on instinct.

If Hulk had more comprehensive combat experience and skills, he wouldn't be able to fight so easily.

So Tony is still looking forward to Hulk being able to integrate Banner's wisdom.

"Tony, you hide it very well. You can actually have such a strong power without using technology."

Thor said with some emotion after watching Tony teach Banner what to do next.

"It's just some self-defense techniques that are necessary in critical moments. I mostly use technology to fight."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Then this self-defense technique is powerful enough."

"But your power should have been given by Harvey, right?"

Thor also smiled when he heard Tony's humble look.

"Well, my power was indeed given by Harvey."

Tony paused after hearing this and considered whether to hide it, but in the end he nodded and spoke.

He couldn't deny the fact that his power was given to him by Harvey.

If he had not joined the Void, he had joined the Glorious Evolution.

With his clever mind, he can at most make achievements in science and technology. With his own fragile weakness, even if he studies genetics and is injected with super serum like Steve.

At most, it is to reach a point beyond ordinary people, but want to achieve an inhuman point.

It is impossible to play with the Hulk transformed by Banner with only the physical body. For this, Tony is still very grateful and respects Harvey.

"It's exactly what I thought. Harvey is not an ordinary person."

When Thor heard Tony's words, he did not continue to ask but said with some emotion.

Harvey's ability to grant other people such powerful power means that Harvey's strength has completely reached the level of a god.

"Are most of the powers given by Harvey manifested in the physical body?"

Loki also knew that Harvey was ridiculously strong, otherwise he would not have been able to dismantle the Destroyer.

He also knows very well about blessings. Thor's Thor's hammer was blessed by his father, Odin.

Once you get Thor's hammer, you can have the power of Thor and control the mighty thunder between heaven and earth.

Thor has always been very powerful as the God of Thunder, but his brother is a fool and doesn't quite know how to fully use the power of the God of Thunder.

If Thor was as smart as him, his strength would definitely become stronger.

"I can't talk about this anymore. You will see it if you have the chance."

When Tony heard Loki asking such a tricky question, his eyes flashed and he spoke.

"Loki, my father warned me not to get close to Harvey."

"Don't have any evil thoughts, otherwise even my father may not be able to save you."

Thor saw his brother asking this question. Based on his understanding of Loki, he naturally knew some of Loki's thoughts.

"I'm just curious, why are you so nervous?"

After hearing this, Loki spread his hands and said with a smile.

If we look at Tony as a template, Tony himself is just a human being blessed by Harvey, and his physical body is incredibly strong.

This is enough. If he is also blessed, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

But every mage will have the heart of a warrior, because he can charge fearlessly like a reckless man. Who wants to waste so many brain cells and fight in a more complicated way?

"Who are you talking about Harvey?"

Banner heard the conversation between the three of them and asked strangely.

"A man whose strength is bottomless and as powerful as a god."

"If you try various methods later and still can't completely control the power of Hulk."

"Maybe you could go and see Harvey."

"I can't guarantee that he will definitely meet you and give you guidance, but as long as he is willing to meet you and give guidance to you."

"You can definitely control the Hulk power in your body."

When Tony heard this, he didn't explain much. He just briefly explained the similar positioning and then gave a suggestion.

If Banner joins the Void, based on the starting point of Hulk's power, even if he does not learn the power of the void and continues to evolve his physical body, his strength may soon catch up with him.

But Tony is naturally not jealous or that others will catch up with him.

Because everyone has a different starting point, instead of being jealous of others, it is better to strengthen all aspects of yourself according to your own ideas.

"Is he stronger than you?"

Banner asked in confusion when he heard Tony's words.

"Banner, didn't I tell you before?"

"After you see the world of real strong men, you will be grateful that the power you have can give you a high enough starting point and give you stronger abilities than others."

"The universe is vast and there are countless powerful people."

"Even if we don't talk about being so far away in the universe, there are already some powerful people on Blue Star who are so powerful that I can only look up to them now."

Tony explained slowly after hearing this.

"Is it on Blue Star?"

"So in the next war, those strong men will also take action?"

Hulk asked a little strangely when he heard this.

"Some beings on Blue Star are powerful enough to quell the war by themselves."

"Although I also want them to take action, then I don't even have to use my brain to think about how to end the battle as quickly as possible and reduce casualties."

"If I just lie down at home and take a nap, the enemy may be gone."

"But unfortunately, there is a high probability that they will not take action."

Tony shook his head when he heard this and said.

"They have so much power, why don't they take action?"

Banner heard Tony's description and after imagining it for a moment, he vaguely understood how terrifying it was. At the same time, a question arose in his mind.

"The strong man does as he pleases."

"They are willing to take action because they have good intentions and want to do that, but that is not their obligation."

"So even if you don't want to, there is no way to force it."

Tony's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he said.

On the eighteenth day, the first update is here.

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