I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 168 The Beginning of the Avengers Alliance

Power itself is not good or bad, only the user. If the user does good, it is good, and if the user does evil, it is evil.

How many people long for power when faced with certain things, but cannot.

Although Harvey knew that Banner was kind-hearted and did not want to cause damage.

But because of this, Banner should figure out how to control this power instead of suppressing his anger all the time.

Having great power is something that many people dream of, but Banner is avoiding it.

He can find Banner at any time, but now is not the best time for him to contact Banner. He needs to wait a little longer.

Anyway, as long as Bruce Banner comes back, Loki will definitely come back with the Mind Stone, so no matter how anxious it is, there is no need to rush now.

I just don’t know if Loki would dare to be so showy this time after seeing him dismantle the Destroyer.

However, given Loki's nature of being prone to villainy, it is not impossible to remain public.

Harvey thought thoughtfully and looked forward to what Loki might do then.

Captain America Steve Rogers was stimulated by Tony.

I have been training like crazy for such a long time.

Now his strength has reached five tons, which can be said to be more than twice as strong as before.

Although he didn't know when he would meet Tony again.

But Steve was also holding a breath of anger in his heart.

The next time he sees Tony, he must show Tony the difference between flesh and machinery.


Time flies, and it’s March in a blink of an eye.

In the secret underground laboratory of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This Cosmic Cube has been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for some time.

But he didn't have any talented people to carry out research. Now that he has recruited Dr. Eric, he has finally made some research progress on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

However, the originally energy-stable Cosmic Rubik's Cube suddenly began to become unstable.

So Nick Fury comes to check on the Tesseract.

"Doctor, what happened?"

Nick Fury asked directly as soon as he arrived.

"Director, the Cosmic Cube has automatically activated for some unknown reason. We cannot predict her situation now."

Dr. Eric heard the opening and said.

"You are joking?"

Nick Fury asked rhetorically after hearing this.

"This joke is not funny at all, Chief."

Eric didn't hesitate when he heard the words and said directly.

"Where's Agent Patton?"

Nick Fury asked immediately after hearing this.

"Up there."

Eric heard this and pointed his thumb upward behind him.

"I don't know what happened. The power of the Cosmic Cube surged again, doctor."

At this time, a beautiful researcher reminded.

At this time, the Universe Rubik's Cube also began to shake, and blue energy began to overflow.

Nick Fury and Hawkeye immediately backed away.

"Be careful."

Nick Fury looked at Hawkeye and instructed.

Hawkeye nodded upon hearing this and took out his bow and arrow.

Then because of the burst of energy from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the whole building began to shake.

The Universe Rubik's Cube emits a dazzling blue light, directly opening a blue round hole, reflecting the surroundings into a brilliant blue, which is extremely dreamy.

Everyone in the institute looked at this scene and instinctively held their breath.

After Dr. Eric's research, it can be determined that the function of the Cosmic Cube is to connect to a certain place in the universe.

However, because the research time was too short, Dr. Eric was unable to calculate where it was.

So they never conducted a formal trial.

But now that the Cosmic Cube is activated on its own, they can't predict what it will attract.

After the energy gradually subsided, a handsome black-haired man with long disheveled hair and a scepter appeared in the underground laboratory.

All SHIELD agents immediately became nervous, raising their guns and pointing them at this inexplicable visitor.

Hawkeye also immediately set up his bow and pointed it at the intruder.

Surrounded by enemies, Loki not only did not feel afraid, but instead showed an evil smile on his face.

"Sir, would you please put down your spear?"

When Nick Fury saw this man's smile, he immediately felt something was wrong and wanted to try to communicate.

But although Loki is willing to sacrifice his life for Asgard, Loki has no idea about these mortals.

Loki directly raised the wand in his hand and fired a shock wave directly.

Upon seeing this, Hawkeye immediately threw Nick Fury down and narrowly avoided the attack.

Loki didn't care about this and jumped dozens of meters away to kill.

Bullets from machine guns and pistols shot directly at Loki's body, but they were unable to break through the defense. Loki directly caused a scene in the laboratory and turned the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. upside down.

In just ten minutes, the entire building began to shake and collapse.

Nick Fury, protected by other agents, picked up the phone as soon as he survived and directly initiated the rally.

at the same time.

Tony, who was accompanying Pepper, received a call from Nick Fury.

"War armor loading."

This made Tony stand up directly and scream.

In an instant, parts quickly flew to Tony's body and were assembled.

Tony answered the phone immediately.

"If you bother me at this time, Nick Fury, you'd better give me a convincing reason."

Tony said without any politeness.

"You know, we haven't spoken on the phone a few times since we met."

"If it wasn't really urgent, I wouldn't call you."

Nick Fury saw Tony Stark wearing steel armor, heard these unkind words, and spoke.

"What happened?"

"Long story short."

When Tony heard Nick Fury's words, his expression softened a lot and he asked.

"The Cosmic Cube we have been studying has recruited an enemy for us."

"The other party seems to have the means to confuse people's minds."

"Agent Hawkeye Barton has been controlled by the other party."

"And he is invulnerable, even bullets hitting him can't cause any harm to him."

Nick Fury briefly described the origin of the enemy and some of its abilities.

"What are his features?"

Tony heard that he was invulnerable and knew that this was definitely not an enemy to be trifled with, so he asked.

"The research room was destroyed, so I can't give you specific portraits or photos for the time being."

"I want to assemble the Avengers to face this crisis from the universe together."

"This is the enemy from the universe. You promised me back then."

Nick Fury shook his head when he heard this and said.


Tony heard the words and said directly without any nonsense.

"You come to this place the day after tomorrow."

Nick Fury saw Tony so happy and immediately sent a location.

The fourth update is sent

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