I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 167 I Chapter 166 I don’t understand

Then, more than five months passed quietly since the last time the Destroyer struck, and the time came to 2012.

It took Tony more than three months and countless tests to finally get the first vibranium armor.

The vibranium armor was also sprayed with gold and red paint by Tony, but compared to the steel armor.

The vibranium armor is overall taller at 2.5 meters tall, and the biggest difference is that the vibranium armor has a pair of specially made huge red gauntlets and a scarlet giant axe that is more than two meters long on the back.

The main function of the gauntlet is to allow him to release void rays, and the secondary function is to directly fight people in hand-to-hand combat.

The big ax is mainly used to destroy some larger things, which is more convenient.

Of course, with the addition of these things, the overall weight of the vibranium armor reached ten tons.

Even though the thruster developed by Tony is very powerful, it is limited by special production requirements.

So Tony's vibranium armor was flying at full speed, only reaching a hundred meters per second.

Tony's speed can only reach the speed of sound if he unloads a three-ton axe.

Compared with the Mach 6 of the steel armor, the difference can be said to be a huge difference, but Tony had already expected this.

The vibranium armor itself is not known for its flexibility, it is mainly just hard and strong enough.

It was only because Tony's physical body was strong enough and his endurance was amazing that he was able to wear this vibranium armor.

If someone were not physically strong enough, it would be a question whether they could carry the three-ton scarlet ax, let alone wield it in battle.

You must know that raising a weapon is a completely different concept from fighting with a weapon.

But even if he doesn't use weapons, Tony just uses the vibranium armor to activate the charge state, and ordinary things can be said to be broken upon impact.

During this period, Blue Star could be said to be calm except for the daily gunfight scenery in New York.

Unknowingly, it was the New Year, which made Tony wonder why Harvey said he couldn't get away for the time being.

"Jarvis, you said Harvey said I couldn't get away from Blue Star for the time being."

"Does it include the research I want to do on vibranium?"

On the New Year's Eve of 2012, Tony began to think more and more something was wrong, and began to seek recognition and answers from Jarvis.

"I don't think so. You also know that Mr. Harvey has great powers."

"Knowing countless things that even I don't understand. Since I said you can't get away for the time being, it must not be a research matter."

Jarvis also understood Mr. Tony's mood.

Although Miss Pepper is getting more and more beautiful now, and is very close to Mr. Tony.

It can be said that Mr. Tony is having fun every night, but considering Mr. Tony's previously romantic character.

If possible, Mr. Tony would definitely want to try wild flowers.

But if he wanted to try wild flowers, Mr. Tony didn’t dare to look for wild flowers in Blue Star.

Even though Miss Pepper knew Mr. Tony's true nature, she turned a blind eye to Mr. Tony's behavior of looking for wild flowers.

But at best, Miss Pepper allowed Mr. Tony to look for some wild flowers while he was in the universe.

This can be seen by the fact that Miss Pepper did not ask Mr. Tony in detail about some things in the universe.

You can be cool and unrestrained outside (the universe), but at home (Blue Star) Mr. Tony must be more honest and responsible.

You must know that Miss Pepper's current strength is not as good as Mr. Tony's, but Mr. Tony can definitely win in a fight.

But if Miss Pepper gets angry, she can demolish the manor in a matter of minutes. If it gets too big, it will become a joke.

After Mr. Tony made the vibranium armor, he told him many times in private that he wanted to play in the universe.

I want to go to Renoli and Kyle to show off their latest technology and breathe the free air.

However, because of Harvey's husband's words, Mr. Tony did not dare to leave Blue Star casually, fearing what would happen to Blue Star.

"I hope so. It feels uncomfortable to have the latest technology but no place to use it."

Tony sighed after hearing this and said.

During this year, Sonia gave him the money he deserved every three months.

The previous three times, because he needed to repay debts to Harvey, he basically had no money in his account.

But now on the occasion of the New Year, the fourth payment has arrived, amounting to more than 700 million.

The money in the universe is much more valuable than the money in Blue Star. With these 700 million, he can spend his life dreaming about countless girls in the universe.

But he didn't dare to leave. This feeling made Tony inexplicably depressed.

And Harvey was happy. He was freed from Kassadin's identity and how romantic and happy he was on Blue Star.

And forget about Harvey being romantic, Harvey's reputation is pretty good, and he's basically been taken care of by Harvey. When Harvey is mentioned, everyone is full of praise.

Tony heard it from time to time, not to mention how envious he was.

It is a good thing for Pepper to join the Void. He will have a caring wife who will accompany him for many years.

But the downside is that in front of Pepper, he has to restrain his eagerness to go out and eat at any time.

"Mr. Harvey has said that now is not the time for you to leave in peace."

"Just wait a little longer."

Seeing his husband like this, Jarvis comforted him.

"Well, I will study nanotechnology after today."

Tony nodded when he heard Jarvis's words.

Now after studying the vibranium armor, not only has Tony's strength become more comprehensive, but Tony's skills have also improved by leaps and bounds during this period.

Now that he has a head-to-head vibranium armor, he must evolve the steel armor into a nano-armor to diversify his methods.

The road to science and technology has an end, because wisdom is limited and time is limited. It is not something that ordinary people can do to reach the end.

Even if he conquers the Nano Armor, Tony has only temporarily completed his current stage of improvement.

If Blue Star wants to enter the interstellar era, he still has a lot of technology to research.

Ordinary people might choose to give up when they think of this, but Tony's purpose in joining the Void is to have a longer life and explore the end of technology.

And with the arrival of 2012, when Harvey scanned the overview of New York every day, he found that Banner was still nowhere to be found.

Although Banner is a super genius like Tony, Banner's life is more miserable than Tony's.

And Banner’s personality is different from Tony’s.

What if Tony gained the power of the Hulk?

Tony will definitely choose how to control the power in his body, instead of being afraid of the Hulk like Banner, who even wants to commit suicide to destroy the Hulk.

To be honest, Harvey doesn't understand Bruce Banner's thoughts. After all, Banner is not even afraid of death, so why is he unwilling to try to accept and control the power within his body.

The third update is sent

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