I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 164 See it with your own eyes

"With my power, your magic, and my father's presence, I will definitely be able to protect the peace of Asgard."

"Why can't you understand?"

"My father has protected Asgard's peace for so many years."

"It can be done just as well if it's passed to us."

"If you want to be the king, the throne can be given to you."

Thor was also a little sad when he saw Loki who was hysterical and wanted his approval very much, and he spoke.

"Brother, you know you are willing to humble me. You have always been like this."

"But my father has never recognized me like he recognized you."

When Loki heard these words, his heart trembled and he said loudly.

"We can think of other ways to get you recognized by your father."

"Come with me, Loki."

Thor saw Loki's body tremble and knew that his words were effective, so he stretched out his hand and spoke.


Feeling Thor's heartfelt emotions made Loki's original belief somewhat shaken.

But at this moment, the crumbling Rainbow Bridge began to collapse, and Loki fell straight down without being able to stand still.

After seeing this, Thor was so anxious that he immediately flew up and grabbed Loki's hand.

The Rainbow Bridge shook violently, and just when the two were about to fall, Odin grabbed Thor's hand.

"Father, pull us up quickly."

Thor looked up and saw that it was his father, and shouted quickly.

However, Odin heard the words and looked at the two without speaking, but looked at Loki at the bottom.

Although he fell into Odin's sleep, he could hear what was going on around him clearly.

Loki actually ordered the Destroyer to kill Thor. If he did such a thing, Loki would not be punished.

It is impossible for Loki to realize his mistakes, and proper separation is conducive to the growth of the two brothers.

Loki felt his father's eyes and understood immediately. He took the initiative to struggle away from Thor's hand and fell into the galaxy below.


When Thor saw Loki's actions, he shouted in disbelief.

Loki saw Thor's reaction and a smile appeared on his face.

Then, Odin pulled Thor up from the Rainbow Bridge.

"Don't worry, he won't die."

"Although he is not my biological blood, he is also my son."

After Odin pulled Thor up, he looked at Thor who was feeling a little depressed and said.

"Father...why don't you tell Loki these words?"

When Thor heard his father's words, he raised his head and looked at his father.

"I told him, but he didn't know about his life experience for a long time, so his ideas were a bit extreme and he didn't believe it at all."

"He didn't make any mistakes in front of me, he was just a little naughty, so I can't just expel him from the world like I did with you."

"Now is a rare opportunity to allow him to leave Asgard temporarily."

"Only when he goes outside to experience something and grow up can he figure it out."

"When you see Loki in other worlds in the future, be nice to him."

"He may be full of malice towards other people, but he is definitely willing to protect Asgard."

Odin sighed after hearing this and spoke.

Over the years, it can be said that he has treated Loki as his own son.

In the past, the choice of the throne would fall on Thor, not only because Thor was the eldest son, but also because Thor was more deeply loved by the people of Asgard.

He could see that Loki was naughty by nature, but his heart for Asgard was not bad.

If you want to be the king of Asgard, being loved by the people and having sufficient abilities are the necessary conditions.

Loki was not his biological bloodline. Even though Frigga compensated him and taught Loki magic, his power grew more slowly.

Loki still needs to go through a longer period of time if he wants to fully grow up.

At present, his physical condition is getting worse day by day, and he cannot wait long before choosing who will be the king of Asgard based on their reputation and strength.

Originally, he was confident that if Thor could be the king, he could live a retired life.

I just never thought that when Sol was about to succeed, he would directly stab him in a big trap.

The massive amount of power he used caused him to be forced into Odin's Sleep.

Now he was forced to wake up, so that the power in his body was constantly impacting his body.

Knowing that he was going to die soon made Odin feel a little melancholy.

These things cannot be told to others and can only be kept in the heart.

I hope he can still live to see the day when Thor and Loki reconcile.

"I understand, Father."

When Thor heard his father's words, he also understood his father's intentions.

"Thor, I have to enter Odin's sleep for a while."

"But before I go back to sleep, let's talk."

Immediately, Odin walked along the road and spoke.

"Yes, Father, what do you want to talk about?"

Sol nodded upon hearing this and followed.

"I asked you to go and practice, and you came back so quickly."

"What happened to make you grow?"

Odin and Thor did not fly, but walked step by step.

"I got help from some people, and I understand that your sending me down to earth is both punishment and experience. You want me to understand the mission I shoulder."

"So after I came down to earth, I quickly regained the power of the God of Thunder."

"The reason I didn't come back right away was because I wanted to repay them for helping me."

Thor heard this and spoke.

"You got some help?"

Odin was a little surprised when he heard this. He did have this idea, but he didn't expect that someone would find out?

"Yes, there are three people who helped me... No, to be precise, it should be four people."

Thor nodded upon hearing this, corrected himself as soon as he spoke. ,

"Would you mind elaborating?"

Odin also became somewhat interested after hearing this.

"do not mind."

"I was able to get Mjolnir back so quickly."

"As long as someone tells me there are two ways to pick up Mjolnir."

"One is to have a heart of justice, and the other is to use brute force to pick up Mjolnir with strength beyond imagination."

Thor said slowly after hearing this.

"The first method is indeed true, but the second method..."

Odin wanted to refute when he heard this, but after thinking of his eldest daughter Hela, he didn't say much.

He is certain that even if Hela does not get his approval now, Hela can still forcibly pick up Thor's hammer.

"who's that person?"

Immediately, Odin asked

"I don't know much about him either. He is too mysterious, and his power is so strong that I can hardly imagine it."

"I saw the Destroyer dismantled by that man with my own eyes. I only know one name: Harvey Ambelaka."

Sol said with a solemn expression upon hearing this.

"What do you mean, the Destroyer was destroyed by this person you mentioned?"

"Are you sure you're not temporarily shutting down the Destroyer?"

"But completely destroy the Destroyer?"

Odin initially didn't think anything happened when he heard what Thor said, but after hearing what Thor said at the end, his expression changed slightly.

"seen it myself."

Thor nodded seriously when he saw his father's frightened expression.

The fifth update is here, please vote.

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