I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 163 You have changed

Thor, on his part, first explained the situation to Jane and Daisy, and then went directly back to Asgard to settle the score with Loki.

Tony, on the other hand, returned to his manor, had a hearty meal, and then excitedly started researching Uru metal.

This kind of metal has both terrible hardness and plasticity. If it can be applied to steel armor, it should be able to withstand void mode without being destroyed.

Because he used 80% of the void rays in his body but failed to penetrate these Uru metal armors, it was definitely not a problem to withstand the void mode.

After Harvey dealt with the Destroyer, he returned home and went straight for a drive.

Thor basically doesn't need to worry about matters there, because with Thor's character, even if he is very angry, he will not kill Loki. At most, he will lock Loki away.

That's why Harvey doesn't bother to care about Asgard's messy affairs.

However, with the emergence of this incident, it won't be too long before Loki comes to Blue Star to cause trouble.


In fact, Harvey showed up and dismantled the Destroyer, scaring Loki.

He never imagined that someone could directly dismantle the Destroyer.

You must know that the Destroyer is much more powerful than Thor's Hammer. Although he does not have super intelligence and is just a war puppet, his strength is unquestionable.

If the Destroyer were to launch in Asgard, the only one who could stop the Destroyer would be his father Odin.

Neither he nor his brother Thor could do anything against the Destroyer.

He has to think carefully about going to Blue Star in the future, and he can't provoke that Harvey.

However, because Loki knew that Thor was about to return, Loki went directly to his father's palace.

He knew Thor too well. As long as he was there, Thor would definitely not dare to take action.

Not long after Loki arrived at his father's palace, Thor also arrived.

"Thor, why are you back?

When Thor's mother Frigga saw Thor's arrival, she stood up in shock.

"Mother, I will explain these things to you later."

Thor held Mjolnir in his hand and was always in a state of preparation for war. He comforted his mother and then looked at Loki.

"Bro, I'm glad you're back."

After Loki saw Thor, he hid aside and said with a smile.

"You are so happy. If you were happy, would you send a destroyer to kill me?"

"In the past, you would have tricked me if you had something to do, and you would have just stabbed me. It was just a joke between you and me."

"You actually let the Destroyer kill me this time. Is this too much?"

Thor looked at Loki and cursed, his face extremely gloomy.

"Loki, did you really do this?"

"Thor is your brother?"

Frigga heard these words and looked at her beloved son in disbelief.

"It's not a kiss."

Loki saw that Thor did not save any face for himself and told these things directly in front of his mother. Feeling his mother's eyes, he spoke.

"Although we are not close, over the years, your father and I have been consistent in our treatment of you and Thor..."

"You want to be the king, so I'll let you be, right?"

When Frigga heard these words, she didn't know where Loki knew the truth. A look of sadness appeared on her face and she spoke.


When Loki heard these words, his eyes trembled and his body disappeared.


Thor saw Loki turn into a phantom and disappear, and immediately realized what was flying past.

The farce in Odin's dormitory caused Odin, who had fallen into a deep sleep, to wake up and open his eyes.

Even if he wanted to use Odin's Sleep to stabilize the increasingly powerful power in his body, in this critical situation where the brothers were falling apart, he had to forcefully wake up.

It was also because of the forced awakening that the power in Odin's body became even more chaotic.

"My dear, why are you awake? You need to stabilize the power in your body now."

Frigga was also startled when she saw Odin waking up, and said quickly.

"Ahem~ If I continue to sleep now, according to Loki's character, one of them will probably die."

"Frigga, I think you don't want to see this scene either."

After Odin regained consciousness, he coughed and sat up after hearing Frigga's words, and spoke slowly.

He wanted to sleep, but his two sons didn't make him worry.

"Go and come back quickly."

Frigga felt a little complicated and heartbroken when she heard Sol's words. After hesitating for a moment, Frigga spoke.

Odin received his wife's agreement, nodded and stood up, with the God King's Armor appearing on his body, and then started to head to the Rainbow Bridge.

Thor can guess Loki's thoughts, and Odin can naturally guess it too.

When Odin arrived, Loki and Thor were arguing fiercely on the Rainbow Bridge.

"Why did you become so weak after a trip to Blue Star?"

"As long as Jotunheim is destroyed, Asgard's borders will be safe forever."

Because his plan was ruined, Loki looked at Thor and roared.

"Loki, I already know that you want to be equal to me."

"But if you want to make sure that no one dares to violate the majesty of Asgard, extermination is not the only way."

Thor saw Loki who was already paranoid and persuaded him seriously.

"Is there any more efficient and sure way than complete elimination?"

"Are you trying to say that we can just join forces? Stop joking."

"If the Frost Giants really come back, do you want to repel them and ensure that the people of Asgard will not be harmed?"

"answer me!"

Loki heard Thor's words and asked from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, he didn't understand why there was such a big gap between his own power and Thor's power as the son of the same father.

After learning the truth later, he understood that he was a Frost Giant.

This is a congenital deficiency. He does not have innate power like Thor that ordinary people cannot match.

So he wants to be like Thor, supported by the people of Asgard and recognized by his father and mother.

And to get these, he must do something worthy of being sung by countless people in Asgard.

Completely destroying Jotunheim and eradicating the possibility of the Frost Giants coming back and invading Asgard's territory must be a deed worthy of praise.

Originally, even if Sol came back, he wasn't that worried.

Because he believes that Thor's thoughts should be the same as his own, to eradicate the potential threats of Jotunheim.

But he never expected that Sol had just gone to Blue Star for less than half a month, and he seemed to have changed as a different person.

The fourth update is sent

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