I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 159 You seem to be in trouble

"Isn't your divine power gone?"

Loki looked at the changing color of the sky, and Thor's expression suddenly changed as he directly used Asgard magic to summon the Thunder God Armor.

"Aren't you happy that I regained my power?"

"Rather, I am shocked. It seems that I was right in not telling you the good news that I have regained my divine power right away."

"Tell me your plan, Loki."

Thor held Mjolnir in his hand, his aura became fierce, and he said with a cold face.

The more than a week he spent at Blue Star was not just for fun and relaxation.

Instead, he looks at what he has done in the past over and over again to determine which things are right and which are wrong.

Only if he truly understands it, then he can let his father see his true growth when he goes back.

After recalling the foolish actions he had made in the past, he realized that he would impulsively go to Jotunheim.

It was related to his arrogant and impulsive character, but after he was warned by his father.

Although he was angry at first, he decided to listen to his father's warning and not to cause trouble.

As a result, Loki provoked his emotions at that time, and he got the upper hand and wanted to go to the forbidden land of Jotunheim to completely eliminate the harm that Jotunheim symbolized.

Thor himself felt that Loki might have had the same idea as him at the time.

But since he was demoted to the human world and lost the power of the God of Thunder.

As his brother, Loki not only came to him directly within three days of his being demoted to the mortal world to see if he could help him return to Asgard.

On the contrary, it was more than a week before I came down to see him.

If he didn't understand his father's good intentions and had no way to prove it, he might really believe Loki and fall into deep self-blame.

But because of the help of Tony, Jane, and Daisy, he truly understood his father's good intentions and regained the power of the God of Thunder.

And most importantly, Loki actually said that his mother agreed, and that the armistice agreement included his exile?

No joke, he knew very well how much his mother loved him and Loki.

If his father is really dead, if there is no obstacle, even if his mother does not ask him to take him back.

I would also come down to the next world by myself as soon as possible to convey the news to him.

"It seems I can't fool you, brother."

"Then I can only kill you."

After Loki saw Thor transform, a divine spear also appeared in his hand, and his body transformed into a armor.

Then he raised his divine spear, and a beam of light descended from the sky, and then his body turned into a phantom and disappeared.

Thor wanted to catch up directly, but he felt what Loki summoned, and his face became solemn.

With the appearance of the light pillar, the originally clear sky turned into dark clouds, and the storm was even more terrifying than when Thor summoned Mjolnir.

A tall giant dressed entirely in metal appeared on the beach.

As the storm rolled up, people on the beach scattered.

"what is that?"

Jane looked at the humanoid giant whose whole body was made of unknown metal, her face full of shock.

"Jane, Daisy, get out of here quickly."

"Inform Tony Stark and ask him to come over and help."

Thor said loudly after seeing that it was really the Destroyer.


Jane hesitated after hearing Sol's words.

"Come on, I don't have much chance of winning by myself."

"If I still have to protect you, my situation will be even more troublesome."

Thor roared loudly upon hearing this.

When Jane heard these words, she also reacted and quickly ran away with Daisy. She had to go back to get her mobile phone so that she could contact Tony Stark.

"Able to teleport the Destroyer."

"It seems that what Loki said is not entirely false."

"At least the king is letting him sit for now."

After Jane left with Daisy, Thor looked at the Destroyer who was slowly waking up. Although he felt troubled, he still had a smile on his face.

The Destroyer is the guardian of the treasure house. Without the power of the King of Asgard, it is impossible to directly summon the Destroyer from the lower realm.

My father should not be dead yet, but if we consider the worst-case scenario, my father should have entered Odin's sleep by now.

Otherwise, no matter how cold-blooded his father was, he would not be able to watch their brothers kill each other and ignore them.

Immediately, Thor took the initiative to attack with Mjolnir in hand. He knew that the Destroyer's strength was terrifying.

Even if you are facing him, you must be at your best, otherwise you may get injured.

Thor's Mjolnir gathered a large amount of thunder power, and his body flew up at high speed with Mjolnir, hitting the Destroyer's head directly.

When Thor's hammer collided with the Destroyer's armor, there was a loud "Cang!" sound.

The hammer, which carried Thor's full strength, only dented the Destroyer's armor a little, but did not directly destroy or smash it.

"As expected of the armor made by my father, its hardness is unmatched."

Thor felt the power of the counterattack and that his blow obviously did not cause any effective damage to the Destroyer, so he said with some admiration.

At the same time, because of Thor's blow, the Destroyer Toru revived, and the metal on his head was untied like a bandage, revealing a dazzling and dangerous golden light.

With a sound of "Buzz!", the Destroyer directly responded with a blast from Thor.

When Thor saw this scene, his body flew into the sky at high speed.

The golden beam shock wave followed Thor and shot straight into the sky.

Just when he was about to hit, Thor narrowly avoided it and watched the golden beam of light shoot into the sky one meter away from him.

Thor watched as the beam of light penetrated the sky and turned the dark cloud-filled sky into a cloudless one.

The power of this blow caused a drop of cold sweat to form on Thor's forehead. If he was hit from the front, he would be injured even if he died.

"Thor, it looks like you're in some trouble."

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

"Jane informed you so soon?"

Thor heard the sound and looked around, and saw a figure wearing gold and red armor appearing a hundred meters away from him.

"Miss Jian didn't contact me, but I had already discovered that aliens had arrived, so I came here."

Tony folded his arms, stood in the air, and said with a smile on his face.

Seconds after Tony's arrival, Thor heard some terrifying sonic booms from the thrusters.

"It seems that your strength is much stronger than I expected."

When Thor heard these sonic booms that resounded across the sky, he was stunned for a moment and spoke.

"You haven't seen my full strength. It's too early to say this now."

"Is this the alien that invaded Blue Star?"

Tony responded confidently, then looked at the metal giant on the ground that didn't look like a living thing, and said.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it to you after I solve it."

After hearing this, Sol showed some shame on his face and spoke.

"Okay, let's solve it quickly."

Tony nodded upon hearing this.

The fifth update is here. It’s been 10,000 a day for 12 consecutive days. Give me some votes, please.

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