I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 158 I am very disappointed in you

Harvey looked at Thor who had regained his divine power and was taking his future girlfriend Jane and Jane's best friends to play around New York, and he also withdrew his gaze.

He really doesn't want to see Thor right now.

Tony's help to Sol will not affect the development of the situation too much.

Because the fundamental of Thor is that after experiencing some hardships, he will eventually regain the recognition of Thor's hammer, take back Thor's hammer and return to Asgard.

Tony's help only sped up the process.

But if Thor came into contact with him, or even further contact, it would make Thor have the idea of ​​joining the void.

Not only might it attract Odin's attention, but it might also affect the first Avengers assembly next year.

Harvey is not in a hurry, because there are many opportunities for him to win over Saul.

Thor is not like Odin who has lived for many years, experienced countless things, and is extremely powerful.

Thor is still in the growth stage, and even Thor has not yet understood that Thor's power does not come from the hammer, but the power it possesses itself.

Therefore, Thor will encounter many strong enemies and difficulties before he can grow up step by step.

And it won't be too long before Sol will meet his lover, Jane Foster, who is trapped by illness.

At that moment, it could not be easier for him to win over Sol.

If he takes the initiative to win over him now, he might confront Odin.

Naturally, now is not the best time for him to go directly to see Sol and win over him.

After Harvey withdrew his gaze, he continued to eat supper leisurely in Chinatown.

Loki estimates that he will come to Blue Star soon, and he will have to take a good look at the show.


in the coming week.

Sol took Jane and Daisy to various luxurious places in New York.

During this period, the relationship between Sol and Jane can be said to have developed by leaps and bounds.

Sol developed a liking for Jane, a smart woman, because Jane helped him.

Jane, on the other hand, fell in love with Sol because of his handsome appearance and humorous personality.

The relationship between the two is now just a layer of screen paper, and neither party has broken it yet.

On this day, Sol took Jane and Daisy to temporarily rent a beachside villa for vacation.

Jane and Daisy both belong to the type of beauties, one is sexy and the other is lively and hot.

Jean Sol was also in awe, and the three of them were happily playing in the water together.

A very handsome man with shawl black hair and a suit came to the beach.

The arrival of this man made Sol's expression change slightly.

"Thor, what's wrong with you?"

Jane asked worriedly when she saw the change in Sol's face.

"My brother is here, please take Daisy away first."

Thor heard this and spoke.

"Your brother?"

"I'll explain it to you later."

Afterwards, Sol said casually and swam towards the coast.

When Loki came to the coast, Thor just swam up from the sea.

"Brother, it seems you are very used to living here?"

After Loki saw Thor, he spoke.

“I made some friends who helped me through the most difficult beginning.”

"So although my life now is not as good as when I was in Asgard, it's not bad either."

When Thor heard this, he stretched out his hands, looked around and said with a smile.

"Which of those two women is your sweetheart?"

When Loki heard this, he glanced at Jane and Daisy, who had been watching them here, and said.

"Neither of them, they are just friends for now."

After hearing this, Sol glanced back and found that Daisy and Jane were only a few dozen meters away.

"I see. It seems that you are very adaptable to life in Blue Star."

Loki said thoughtfully and smiled after hearing this.

"Although you are quite adaptable, what are you doing here?"

When Thor heard this, his eyes flashed and he spoke.

"I'm here to tell you something."

"Father is dead."

After hearing this, Loki showed some sadness on his face and spoke.

"How can it be?"

Thor's eyes shrank when he heard this, and he looked at Loki in astonishment.

"Brother, I know you love your father very much."

"But my father died because of the big trouble you caused and to fix the mess for you."

Loki said with a sad expression on his face and a heavy tone.

"This is impossible, I want to go back and take a look."

When Thor heard this, he simply couldn't accept such a thing.

He survived his father's experience, understood his father's good intentions, and regained the power of the God of Thunder.

As a result, Loki now told him that his father died because of him?

"Brother, you can't go back."

"I know it's hard to accept that losing Mjolnir has deprived you of your powers."

"But after the death of my father, the position and responsibility of the King of Asgard now fall on me."

Loki saw Thor's shocked expression and unwillingness to believe, and a serious look appeared on his face.

"Now that you have taken over as king, why can't I go back?"

Thor was originally flustered, but after hearing what Loki said, he became suspicious and looked at Loki and asked.

"Brother, you should know that neither you nor I are as powerful as my father."

"That's why I stopped the war with the Frost Giants."

"We signed an armistice agreement with them, which includes the need to banish you."

"Otherwise they will come back and cause trouble in the Nine Realms."

"My mother also agreed to this."

Loki heard the words and gave the reason.

"Loki, Loki, you are such a liar."

When Thor heard this, he looked at Loki with disappointment.

"I know this is hard to accept, but I have no reason to lie to you, bro."

Loki saw the disappointment in Thor's eyes and was shocked. Did he reveal his flaws somewhere? However, on the surface Loki remained calm and spoke.

"It is impossible for a being as powerful as my father to die suddenly."

"Suppose father really dies and you truly take over the throne of king."

"You should know that just an armistice agreement is impossible to stop the ambitions of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim."

"So when Asgard is currently short of combat power, you should let me go back and find a way to help me regain the power of the God of Thunder, so that the peace of the Nine Realms can be guaranteed."

"But you didn't do that. Instead, you lied to me that my father was dead."

"You even said that the armistice included me?"

"My mother agreed. What a joke."

"If my father banished me, even if I didn't see it, my mother would definitely take the initiative to intercede for me."

"If there is a chance for me to go back, she will definitely let me go back."

Thor looked at Loki with disappointment in his eyes.

"These are just your thoughts. Rather than recalling you, signing an agreement can ensure the peace of the Nine Realms."

Loki's eyes trembled when he heard Thor say that his mother would never agree, but he knew that Thor didn't have the power now, so he didn't panic and spoke.

"Are you still trying to lie to me?"

"Loki I'm disappointed in you."

When Thor saw Loki refusing to admit it, his face turned from disappointment to anger. Hearing this, he stretched out a hand, and suddenly a storm rolled up in the sky.

Thor's hammer fell from the sky at extremely high speed and flew into Thor's hand. Lightning burst out in an instant, and Thor, who was just panting in swimming trunks, transformed into the Kai of Thor.

The fourth update is here, please vote.

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