Chapter 87 Tomorrow

To his surprise, Sanhe's wealthy families came to visit him in an endless stream, and not one of them came empty-handed!

 Gold, silver and jewelry, needless to say.

  It is said to be a celebration of his moving to a new house!

If he believed their words, then there would be ghosts!

In the past, he was a second-generation pirate, a salt owl leader, and had a fortune of tens of millions. However, the squires of Sanhe were never willing to look at him.

 Let alone visiting his door specifically, even if you invite him specifically, he won’t be willing to come!

 This is exactly what is said about not going to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

These people just want to inquire about things at sea with him.

 However, without the agreement with the prince, how could he dare to reveal the agreement with the prince and Du Sanhe to these people, so he just had a laugh and passed.

 As for whether others come home disappointed, that is not his concern.

 He only cares about whether he can make a fortune with himself, and whether he is happy with the prince or not.

 The guests have dispersed.

 The sound of children's laughter came from the yard.

Shang Shuiwan has about forty children who go to school in Baiyun City. Except for his own eight children, the rest are all the children of his brothers who have followed him through life and death.

His brothers surrounded a group of children and watched them punching and kicking, with excitement on their faces.

 This is an expression he has never seen before.

Liu Sandao said, "Master, you still have the idea. This kid of mine has become completely different since he was sent to Baiyun City!"

 Laughing wildly, tears almost came out.

“Don’t say it, this prince is really capable.

 In the past, when I taught this little **** to box, I had to kick him twice before he would obey me.

How can I be as honest as I am now, saying that I need to keep fit? "

The person who spoke was the tall man Wan Cheng, Tian Shiyou’s right-hand man.

 From beginning to end, his eyes were on his beloved son, and he never glanced at Shiyou Ueda.

 “It’s a good thing that children are willing to study hard.”

Tian Shiyou felt happy, but also felt a little uneasy.

However, he couldn’t tell why he felt uneasy.


 “Good son!”

Tian Shiyou lifted up his fourth son, Tian Junhua, who was only eleven years old.

 In the short time since I came to Baiyun City, I have already gained strength!

 Is it really what everyone says?

 He Wangfu teaches advanced exercises?

 Otherwise there is no way to explain!

The child sent here from Shangshuiwan has already achieved three transformations!

According to his ancestor's martial arts, very few of them in Shangshuiwan have developed their strength before the age of thirty!

His eldest son Tian Junhao has been raised carefully since he was a child. He is now twenty-one years old and has not yet developed his strength!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was a wise move for me to send my child to Baiyun City.

 The sun sets in the west.

He looked at the sky and roared, "Get your horses ready and go to the prince's palace."

He was riding a horse, followed by ten carriages, each of which was piled with boxes.

Lin Yi finished his dinner and waved his homemade bamboo swatter at the piles of mosquitoes in front of him.

“If I don’t kill you, my surname will not be Lin!”

Lin Yi is so angry!

The sun has not yet set, and the mosquitoes are just trying to force him to go to bed and hide under the mosquito net.

 He is not someone who gives up easily.

Tian Shiyou knelt on the ground, looking at He Wangye who was fighting with the mosquitoes in front of him, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Lin Yi was tired from fighting mosquitoes. After taking a sip of tea, he glanced at the box full of silver on the ground.

After a long silence, he said, "Carry it back."


Tian Shiyou suspected that he heard wrongly.

How much this prince loves money, he knows it personally!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "In business, money makes money.

 It’s taboo to share the money you make, so take it back and continue to give birth. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Tian Shiyou almost jumped up with joy!

 The more capital you have, the better your business will be!

 This time I am not afraid that the cargo pile in the cabin will not be full.

Lin Yi waved his hand, watched Tian Shiyou walk out of the yard, and sighed, "I really want to meet a woman who is alive and rich, but I really don't want to work hard anymore.

 They are responsible for making money, and I am responsible for looking beautiful. "

 After all, the good looks are here.

Mingyue and the others behind him laughed dumbly.

Their prince's words are always unexpected and always so interesting.

Zixia smiled and said, "My lord, there is no need to blame yourself. It's because they are not lucky."

Lin Yi sighed, "The eldest princess is rich, but it's a pity that she is my aunt..."

Mingyue and Zixia shut their mouths wisely.

This topic is not something they can discuss.

 Wang Qingbang and other old men suddenly appeared in front of them.

Lin Yi knew that his biological sister had written on time again.

Since he made it clear that he disliked pigeon droppings and noises, master and disciple Wang Qingbang wisely moved the pigeon cage to the headquarters of the capital.

 If you have faith, this master and disciple will send it to you.

 “Tell me, there are some important national affairs that I don’t know about.”

Lin Yi looked indifferent.

Wang Qingbang said, "Shanqi was changed from the censor of Youqiandu to the governor of Sanhe, and he was also appointed as the military governor."

 Chen Desheng, who was once the censor of Zuoqiandu, sighed, "Although the chief envoy and governor are the second rank, the deputy censor of the capital who becomes the third rank is promoted."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "You mean that the fourth-grade Youqiandu Censor becomes a second-grade constitutional governor, and it's not much better?

Is it also Mingjiang? "

He only remembered that the third-rank and deputy censor dared to yell at the first-rank governor.

His uncle, General Pingbei, governor of Zhenbei, and first-grade governor Yuan Ang, was often scolded like a grandson by the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The most uncomfortable thing was that he could not retaliate.

 In short, Yanguan belongs to a special existence.

 Grade and other things are just a cloud to them.

No matter Shanqi comes to Sanhe or not, even if he goes to a wealthy place, he will still lose money.

 Chen Desheng nodded and said, "Exactly."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I don't want to deal with Shan Qi, so this **** is here, isn't it going to cause trouble for me?"

Xing Jieshou hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I and others are close friends with Shanqi. I believe he will be reasonable!"

Lin Yi said angrily, "You can solve the trouble yourself.

If he dares to cause trouble for me, I will beat him! "

 He has this confidence.

 The three harmony in front of him, he meant one and the other.

Unless he, the emperor, is willing to spend money on Shanqi to reorganize the border army.

 But if you think about it carefully, it is basically impossible.

The treasury can run away with rats, but the troubles in Chuzhou and Yuezhou have not yet been resolved.

 What’s more, He Jin would not let Shan Qi get away with it.

As the commander of the imperial guards, this old boy would have been good if he didn't kill Shan Qi on the way.

 Chen Desheng grinned and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry."

Shanqi was willing to go to this step, naturally he had already thought carefully about it.

 He didn't need to stand in line originally, but for Dongchi Island and his tribe, he had to stand in line.

 Otherwise, the day King Yong ascends the throne will be the day Dongchi Island is exterminated.

As for why Shanqi stood with the prince, this is something that old men like them have not figured out.

There is really no need for Shanqi to come to Sanhe in person.

 (End of this chapter)

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