I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 86: The pot comes from heaven

Chapter 86 The pot comes from the sky

Lin Yi waved the fishing rod feebly, looked at Hong Ying who was kneeling in front of him, and sighed, "Get up, I don't blame you."

Hong Yingdao said, “It was all due to small incompetence and failure to notice in time, otherwise the good deeds would not be able to leave Baiyun City.

As long as the prince agrees, I will catch the little one now! "

 “What are you chasing after?

 I don’t know where I went now. "

Lin Yi took another look at the old men kneeling in a row and sighed, "You old guys are really lenient.

 Actually, I am really looking forward to the arrival of an envoy. As you said, everything done by then will be justified.

These burdens are placed on the lords of the government, and I don’t have to meddle in my own business, so I can enjoy my leisure time.

What I fear most is the arrival of a commander or admiral. This kind of person carries a gun, has soldiers in his hands, and speaks with a strong backbone. This king has no choice but to be wary.

 When a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain why. "

Xie Zan knelt and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is far-sighted and my subordinates admire him."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid of you. That old **** Shan Qi is also interested in me."

 It’s just that you are making your own decisions. Do you really think that this king has a good temper? "

 “Please forgive me, Your Majesty!”

 The eight old men begged for mercy, but their faces looked awe-inspiring.

Lin Yi said calmly, "You can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty. Let me punish you with a rod. You are also a very old man. It seems that I deliberately want to kill you.

When someone comes, take them down, lock them up for three days, and think about their faults while facing the wall. At the same time, each person writes a statement of apology.

Written in vernacular, if I can’t understand it, then I don’t count. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

 The joy of everyone was beyond words.

Baiyun City did not come to a standstill because the three old men were imprisoned.

 After all, they were just locked in the house, and the prince did not deprive them of their previous rights.

Every day people came to them to ask for instructions. They stood at the window and explained the matter clearly.

 The new playground of the Qidian Orphanage was filled with loud shouts.

However, those who participated in the training were in the expanded Royal Nursing Home. No one was allowed to enter. Grandpas and aunts who wanted to learn martial arts could only go to the school.

"You only have three months. If you can't gather your strength, don't blame our family for being merciless. There is no need for you to stay in the palace by then."

Hong Ying, who was standing on the simple general platform, did not speak loudly, but everyone below could hear him clearly, "No waste will be left in the prince's palace."


 After the nursing staff responded in unison, they fell into silence again.

 Falling can be heard at the bottom of the stage.

  Shen Chu, Bao Kui and others were helpless.

 Hua Jin?

 This request is too much!

 Even in the Imperial Guards and the Beijing Camp, there are only a handful of masters of energy transformation!

 How many people can be left in the nursing home with 4,000 people in the end?

 However, they did not have the courage to refute Hong Ying's words.

Hong Ying came down from the stage, passed by Shen Chu, and said calmly, "Don't leave any more waste, otherwise if something happens, the prince will be sad and cry."

Shen Chu raised his hands in response, looked at his retreating back and sighed.

 Since Wang Cheng obtained the navigation license, he, like Liang Gen, began to purchase goods on a large scale.

Vendors followed the fishy smell and kept shipping porcelain, tea, and silk to Sanhe. After all, someone was charging a high price, so there was no need to find another buyer.

 As long as it arrives safely, you can make money.

 There are more and more merchants coming to Sanhe, and the roads are busy every day.

 Even the locals were confused, let alone outsiders.

 When did Baiyun City become so popular?

However, smart people will seize opportunities.

 Baiyun City finally has its first real inn and its first two-story restaurant.

 Shopkeeper Liu Duo of the Zhongjie Silk and Satin Shop finally stopped selling dog meat. He was really selling silk.

He sells very little coarse cloth, low-end goods like this.

How much money can a coolie earn?

Lin Yi is good at discovering details that others cannot.

For example, the women in the secret door of Baiyun City are getting younger and younger, and you can no longer see those with gaping teeth and hunchbacks.

Although the beauty is still not comparable to that of Ankang City, it has made great progress.

Just when Lin Yi was about to express his relief, he discovered that there was a young child inside.

 The highly educated He Wangye said he couldn't bear it.

There is no "anti-pornography" clause in the regulations of the government and the palace, and Lin Yi has no intention of adding this clause.

Wang Xing is good at understanding that there is exactly one article in the royal palace regulations: buying and selling people is illegal.

 According to this regulation, there is not much of a problem.

Hence, Baiyun City began a vigorous campaign against human traffickers.

What is surprising is that Prince He, who has always been kind, went on a killing spree this time, and those who were deemed to have committed "heinous crimes" all had their heads on the ground.

 There is not even a chance to go to a labor camp.

This is also the first time he has gone on a killing spree since he and the prince took control of Baiyun City!

Whether you are a local or a foreigner, you will realize now that in Sanhe and Baiyun City, the crime of "seduce a loved one and betray a loved one" is the same as the crime of murder.

The cultural and entertainment industry in Baiyun City had just begun, but it died midway.

Lin Yi was very sorry.

 This is not his original intention!

 I can only blame myself for exerting too much force!

the weather is getting hotter.

Lin Yi was habitually shirtless again.

 Lying on my back under a big tree, I didn't even bother to raise my eyelids after hearing the pigeons chirping.

Wang Qingbang handed over the translated note, but he didn’t accept it. He just said lazily, “Read it.”

Wang Qingbang said, "Prince Qin Yangcan, the censor of Youdu, behaved erratically in Sanhe. He was good at recruiting young men and amassing property."

 “Mom,” Lin Yi said angrily, “this is all a good thing you did!”

Qin Yang is the second grade!

 Compared with Shanqi, they are both participators, but their nature is completely different!

Wang Qingbang hesitated for a long time, but finally said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to filter too much. Good fortune and misfortune depend on it, and misfortune lies on the place where good fortune lies."

 “Stop farting, **** it, people are sitting at home and the pot comes from the sky,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "You are just watching the fun and don't mind the trouble. If I really get into trouble, none of you can even think of running away."

Wang Qingbang sneered and couldn't say a word.

More than fifteen days passed.

Princess Huaiyang's carrier pigeons came again, this time five of them came at once, but they all had the same news.

Shan Qi participated in the performance of He Jin, who was good at power and favor.

This time not only Lin Yi was stunned, but also Wang Qingbang, Xie Zan and others were stunned.

 Chen Desheng sighed, "Sir, you are trying to win in danger!"

 “This is a wish for death.”

Lin Yi couldn't be happy that his enemy was seeking death.

Tian Shiyou led the big ships back. Eleven big ships were placed on the river, with a majestic momentum, which once again caused a sensation in Baiyun City.

The residents of Baiyun City watched with their own eyes as boxes after boxes of gold and silver were moved from the ship. There was probably too much gold and silver to cover the boxes, and under the sun, the light reflected from the boxes almost blinded them.

On the day Tian Shiyou came back, he moved directly into the newly built house in Baiyun City.

After entering Baiyun City, it is no better than being able to rule the king on Fangniao Island. The door of the house has "Tianzhai" engraved in a low-key manner.

As we all know, the only person in Baiyun City who can be called the king is He Wangye, and the only person who can be called a "mansion" is He Wangfu.

 (End of this chapter)

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