I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 66: There is a day outside the sky

Chapter 66 There is a sky outside the sky

 He is not someone who takes advice easily!

 Walking around the world, who can lose his temper?

 It is a common thing to draw swords against each other after a disagreement.

The reason why I am so ungrateful now is because the world is changing so fast, and the gatekeepers of a mansion are all at the peak of the sixth rank.

Hitting yourself as a fourth grader is like playing!

Of course, it is impossible to convince yourself just because your skills are high!

 He is not intimidated, he does not show any disdain when faced with the seventh grade such as Shankar!

The only difference is that behind this disciple named Sun Yi there is a dead **** named Hong Ying.

On the day he was left in Hewang Mansion, he and his two brothers tried to escape. After being caught by the dead eunuch, he suffered the pain of not being able to survive or die. He will never forget it in his life.

 From beginning to end, the dead **** never said a word to him.

 However, the three of them know how to do it. After all, they are not fools.

 Don't try to escape, and listen to this disciple honestly.

Shan Yin, however, didn't understand what was going on and was stunned. When did Tian Shiyou become so reasonable?

 Hold the knife when you ask him to?

“Brother Tian, ​​you and I haven’t seen each other for more than a year. It’s really gratifying to see you again here.”

Shanyin walked over, but still kept a certain distance. As soon as he finished picking his feet, the guy came over and said, "I wonder why you are here?"

Tian Shiyou snorted coldly and said, "Your Majesty is a man who loves talents, so I would like to make him a guest here."


Shan Yin looked suspicious. How could he believe such nonsense? But Sun Yi didn't object. Is it true?

Tian Shiyou touched his bald head and said proudly, "Natural!"

Shan Yin smiled and said, "That's even better. I will be appointed as the instructor of the Royal Nursing Academy soon. From now on, we will work together and take care of each other."

Tian Shiyou said loudly, "Don't you **** try to blackmail me again, or I will ask the prince to make the decision."

The first time he met Shan Yin was on a windy and dark night.

He took his brother to an inn where he was served with good wine and good food. Shan Yin, who he had never met before and was a stranger to him, actually asked him to borrow money!

He wanted to agree, but his sword couldn't agree.

At this time, when he was about to fight the opponent for three hundred rounds, Shan Yin's knife was faster than him and was already at his neck.

After listening carefully to what the other party said, he felt that what he said made sense. No one would have any problems when he was away from home, so he generously lent him ten thousand taels of silver.

Shan Yin shook his head and said, "Brother Tian, ​​your words have gone unnoticed and chilled my heart. What is blackmail?

 Could this shameful behavior be done by me?

  Don’t worry, I will pay you back the money I owe you sooner or later.

Brother Tian, ​​your family has a big business, so you shouldn’t be in a hurry to use these ten thousand taels of silver, right? "

 “Hmph.” Tian Shiyou turned his back and stopped talking to him.

 You can’t afford to offend him, so just hide away for now!

Sun Yi raised his hand and said, "Good Lord, come with me."

 After walking through the corridor, the door of a room was opened.

Shan Yin entered the house and saw that the house was spacious. There were wooden beds on the east and west sides, and there was no problem sleeping two people.

 “Thank you, Brother Sun, and I will take good care of you in the future.” Shan Yin said politely.


Sun Yi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what happens to me, but to Mr. Hong, you'd better put away your playful smile, otherwise"

 “I understand the consequences!”

There is no need for Sun Yi to explain, and Shanyin does not dare to provoke Hong Ying. After all, he has suffered losses at the hands of others.

 “Then you’re welcome.”

Sun Yi took the broken silver handed over by Shan Yin, shook it in his hand, and put it into his sleeve.

I couldn't help but feel proud. The prince was right. Being a disciple has a much better future than being a coachman!

Once the house here is ready, he can go back in person and pick me up with his mother and sister.

As for the younger brother, he still has to stay in the capital to study and take the exam for merit!

The number of younger brothers' "supervisor" was dispelled by himself to ask Manager Hong to help him.

His grandson family has been a scholar for eight generations. If he is lost, he will never be able to make a comeback.

On the morning when Hu Da, the former groom of the palace, and Hu Luye, the current medical officer, set out for Yuezhou, Lin Yi went to see them off in person.

After the two men were far away, Lin Yi turned back along the original road. When passing by the river, he found that the guards were practicing Qinggong.

Those who are good at it can jump three feet high and reach the other side of the river. Those who are not good at it can plunge into the water at once, and after two splashes, their head does not appear in the water.

 Fortunately, there was a boat guarding the water and he was fished out in time.

Lin Yi glanced at it for a few times and felt bored, so he went back to continue fishing, and also scolded Fang Pi, the little bastard.

He also emphasized to Hong Ying: If the naughty child is not beaten for a day, he will have to do it.

Hong Ying responded with a smile.

The prince has leisure time, but he, the steward, has no leisure time.

After a busy day, when the prince took a rest, he called Hong An and Fang Pi's seven or eight children into the house and tested their homework one by one.

He will not praise those who do well, but punish those who do poorly.

 After the children left, he sat on the chair. Just as he closed his eyes, he suddenly opened them again.

Then he opened the door unhurriedly, stepped through the large garden in front of the door, and stood on a rooftop.

Looking at the white figure walking out from under the moonlight, getting closer and closer to him, until the figure stood in front of him, he bowed and said, "Wen Zhaoyi is still very charming."

Wen Zhaoyi looked him up and down and said with a smile, "You are quite talented. I only knew you would enter the Grand Master, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

Hong Yingdao said, "It turns out that this is how the master feels."

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "You are just as stupid as your master. Don't you even know that you have become a master?"

"Our master is so wise, Wen Zhaoyi must not speak nonsense,"

Hong Yinghan said with a serious face, "Otherwise we won't be polite."

“I forgot to tell you, Grand Master and Grand Master are also different, you are not my opponent yet,”

Wen Zhaoyi snorted coldly and said, "Would you like to give it a try?"

Hong Ying raised his head and said, "You are injured."

Wen Zhaoyi's face froze and she said calmly, "Don't tell your master, just find a room for me to rest."

 Hong Ying received the confirmation, and a look of shock flashed across his face.

Wen Zhaoyi’s martial arts skills are already high enough!

Who else in the world can hurt her?

After jumping over two rooftops, Hong Ying opened a door, went in and lit a lamp, and then said expressionlessly, "Wen Zhaoyi can rest here."

Wen Zhaoyi entered the room, took a quick look, and said to Hong Ying, who turned around, "You must know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky."

Hong Ying was stunned for a moment, and then left the room.

As soon as he went out, he saw Shen Chu coming for inspection.

 “Manager Hong.”

Shen Chu bowed towards Hong Ying, then glanced at Wen Zhaoyi who was standing at the door, nodded in greeting, and continued patrolling with his guards.

 ps: Please vote! Let’s see if we can squeeze forward in the new week!

 (End of this chapter)

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