I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 65: Advise you to be kind

Chapter 65 I advise you to be kind

His grandma is not here, and he has not developed a cannon. What if the great master of Jizhao'an is lured over?

Although you may not necessarily know what others will do to you, being afraid is never a good thing.

 He doesn't like to do things that are uncertain. The most important thing when walking in the world is stability!

Shan Yin knelt straight, straightened his sleeves, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I am the seventh rank in this world!"

"Seventh grade?" Lin Yi looked at him coldly and said, "So what? Is it amazing?"

ˆ “”

 The good cause is confused.

 Seventh grade!

No matter where you go, there will be people who will warmly welcome you!

If you go to seek refuge, which family will not be happy?

If you are willing, others will be willing to marry your daughter to you!

He was reluctant to go before because his surname was Shan and he was a man determined to be a martial arts champion.

 The reason why we can't go now is because no family would be stupid enough to offend Jizhao'an for their own sake.

Even if there are fools and bold people who are willing to stand up for him, it will be useless. How can Ji Zhao'an be dealt with by ordinary people?

“Look at them,” Lin Yi pointed at Mingyue and Zixia behind him, “They are both seventh-grade, how can they care about you, a broken seventh-grade?

 I accept your wishes. It's lunch time. Come home and have lunch quickly.

 Don’t starve yourself, it’s not good for your health. "

 Anyway, once the money is in your hands, there is no reason to take it out again.


Shan Yin had no idea about this word in his mind, but after listening to it, he probably understood the full meaning, so he bit the bullet and said, "I'm not hungry!"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I don't care if you are hungry or not, I am hungry, so Sun Yi will see you off."

"Your Majesty," Shan Yin said hurriedly, "please listen to what I have to say. I am willing to work hard for you and let you be driven by me!"

 I have already sold myself, you can’t disagree, right?

 This is a no-brainer.

 He is now being chased by Ye Jinyu and cannot return home!

His father is protecting his calf, so he is not afraid of Ye Jinyu chasing after him. However, when the time comes, the conflict between him and Ye Jinyu will escalate into the conflict between Dongchi Island and Jizhao'an!

 He cannot bring disaster to the whole family just for himself.

At present, he felt that the young prince in front of him could protect him.

After all, there is a **** here who can knock down a seventh-grade master like himself with one shot, and a woman who can make Ye Jinyu, an eighth-grade expert, unable to fight back with a wave of her sleeves!

Especially that woman of unknown age is actually an old acquaintance of Master Jingyi from Jizhao'an!

 Coupled with his status as the prince and the prince, Ji Zhaoan will have some scruples, right?

Lin Yi stood up, stretched, glanced at him and said, "Why don't you look so beautiful on you that you want to eat for free in my palace?"

 He has had enough of Tian Shiyou, how could he leave one more good cause behind.

“Your Majesty,” Shan Yin said with a smile, “Don’t worry, you will never eat for free. I can pay you!”

He never imagined that he would one day work for others and still have to pay with a smile!

 The most irritating thing is that I am still disliked!

 Seventh grade!

 When did it become so worthless?

"How much?" Lin Yi asked directly, "The king's palace is different from the outside. There are three meals a day with meat and vegetables, and the nutrition is balanced. Anyone who eats it will say it's good."

“Your Majesty, do you think this is okay?” Shan Yin raised a finger.

“Don’t let me guess, just be more cheerful and stingy, you’re not a man.”

 Lin Yi has always been the only one to tell others what to do, so it’s not their turn for others to tell him what to do.

 “One thousand taels?” Shan Yin said cautiously.

"Sun Yi, what are you doing standing around, seeing off guests!" Lin Yi said angrily.

 “Two thousand taels!” Shan Yin hurriedly corrected him.

“Hmph, don’t forget, you are here to escape, and I will protect your life!”

Lin Yi said even more angrily, "Is your life worth two thousand taels?

 You don’t care about yourself, so why should I be meddling in your own business? "

"Three thousand taels, Your Majesty," Shan Yin said with a bitter face, "My ability is really limited."

"Three thousand taels a month, that's okay," Lin Yi touched his chin, finally nodded and said, "Okay, that's it."

 “One month?”

Shan Yin’s jaw almost dropped to the ground.

 A mouthful of blood is stuck in my throat. I want to spit it out, but I'm afraid of annoying the other person!

How can life be so frustrating?

Lin Yi didn't care whether he was happy or not. He glanced at the little man behind him. There was a scar on his face from his eye to his forehead, which looked a bit ferocious.

“Is he also in hiding like you?”

"Your Majesty, his name is Jiang Chou," Shan Yin said with a forced smile, "I was caught up by Ye Jinyu on the way down. Thanks to the help of this brother, I was able to come alive to see the Prince. He is also in the seventh grade!"

"Jiang Qiu?" Lin Yi said with a smile, "Okay, let's stay together, and I won't charge any more food."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

 Shane Karma finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

If I ask for money again, I really can’t resist it!

 Shanjia is a wealthy person, but he has a fixed monthly quota. His normal expenses are too high. If he doesn't have enough money, he has to borrow some money from the bandits' den on the hilltop, or work for others to calm things down and earn pocket money.

 It’s not easy to think about it.

 Now he is being chased and killed, and his life is quite miserable.

“Women really hold grudges,” Lin Yi said with a smile, “When we were in Dazhu Town, weren’t these **** still being hunted by the Xiyi faction?

 How come I have time to talk to you? "

Shan Yin sighed and said, "Your Majesty, you don't know. The Xiyi Sect is a demon sect, far away in Sichuan Province. Even if she wants to seek bad luck, she won't be able to get over in a short while.

I was also unlucky. I was about to go back to Dongchi Island, but I bumped into her on the way.

“It’s not that you are unlucky, but because there is only one official road and only a few inns and inns. If you are going in the same direction, the probability of encountering you is high.”

 “That’s what the prince said.”

"Okay, let's do it like this. I'll be idle if I'm idle. Since you're going to be the top scholar in martial arts, you must be proficient in bow and horse, so you can become my king's guard instructor."

Lin Yi didn't give him a chance to speak, turned around and continued fishing.

Sun Yi walked up to Shanyin and signaled him to stop talking and just follow him.

Shan Yin nodded to Jiang Qiu, stood up together, and walked behind Sun Yi.

I turned left and right for a while, and finally stopped at a row of side rooms. I saw Tian Shiyou sitting on the doorstep with his two brothers, picking their feet and scratching lice.

 When their eyes met, sparks immediately flew out.

Tian Shiyou took out the knife from his waist first.

 “The one with the surname Shan!” Tian Shiyou gritted his teeth.

“Brother Tian, ​​you are no match for me, it’s better for us to be amicable,”

Shan Yin said with a smile, "I just want to lend you some money and I will pay you back later."

 Seeing Tian Shiyou, he was actually sincerely happy.

 “I advise you both to be kind,”

Sun Yi put his hands behind his back and imitated Lin Yi, squinting his eyes and saying with a smile, "This is Prince He's Mansion."

Tian Shiyou made a clang and put away the knife.

  ps: Thank you all for the rewards, and the alliance leader for the update. I will add an update together when things are straightened out in a few days.

 (End of this chapter)

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