I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 6: The strange prince

 Chapter 6 The Strange Prince

Ankang, the capital of the Liang Kingdom, is square and square. When viewed from a high altitude, it looks like a chessboard.

Every road is basically straight, with few side streets. The streets leading to various city gates are the widest and are the main roads of the city.

Lin Yi was riding a donkey unsteadily, and as soon as he arrived on the street leading to the south city gate, he felt something strange.

 The broad road is much cleaner than usual, and there is not a single person in the middle.

The crowd was crowded on both sides, and even the nearby shops were filled with water. They stretched their heads in the direction of the city gate. The officers and soldiers of the Nancheng Army and Horse Division were holding shields and iron guns to maintain order.

While he was wondering, a middle-aged man wearing green cloth armor, a bamboo hat, and flat-soled official boots stood in front of him and bowed.

 “Greetings to Prince He.”

“Hey, Commander Zhang, long time no see, I miss you so much!”

Lin Yi knew that this person was Zhang Mian, the deputy commander of the Ankang Army and Horse Command Department. He was in charge of the Nanmen Army and Horse Department. He was responsible for the fire department, police station, urban management and health department. Anyway, he was at the South Gate. This one is the boss.

Lin Yi really couldn't help but want to ask, isn't it hot wearing so much?

“Your Majesty is joking.” The corners of Zhang Mian’s mouth twitched unconsciously.

Didn’t we just meet the day before yesterday?

Then he forced a smile and said, "Is the prince also here to greet General Yuan? It is the decree of the Holy One to clean the streets today."

 “Who?” Lin Yi looked confused.

"Your Majesty, today General Yuan Qing led the army to return to the court after victory. The Holy Emperor ordered the prince to lead officials from six departments to welcome him." Hong Ying explained at the side.

"What? Uncle is still coming?" Lin Yi said angrily, "Xiao Yingzi, you didn't know to inform me about such a big thing?

That's my uncle! "

His mother Yuan Guifei was born as a general, and Yuan Ang, a well-known Zhuguo, was her biological father.

Yuan Qing, the general of Pingbei and the governor of Zhenbei, who had great military exploits and commanded a heavy army, was her brother.

Lin Yizhen’s bid for the throne is actually conditional. After all, no one can compare with him in the military field!

It is really miserable to have no background. For example, the second prince, Prince Pingchuan, had his biological mother die young. The old emperor was indifferent and his maternal family was weak. It can be said that he was helpless.

Since the day he determined to be the emperor, he has begun to train in the army. At a young age, he is already an eighth-level master. He is capable, not arrogant, and good at conduct, and is very popular in the army.

 When the old emperor saw how capable he was and how good he was at fighting, he directly sealed Chuanzhou in the southwest.

Chuanzhou is surrounded by barbarians who often invade the borders.

 The second prince always took the lead. In a battle, he was besieged by three barbarian masters. When he was exhausted, he was trampled to death by an elephant driven by the enemy.

 When the body was returned to the capital, he, who was five years old at the time, also went to see it and was completely miserable.

 Even now, when Lin Yi thinks back, he still has a psychological shadow.

At that time, he realized that fighting for the throne requires hard work!

He can't bear the hardship and fatigue, so he should leave the opportunity to others!

 So much so that the prince, third prince, fourth prince and others were particularly enthusiastic towards him.

They all hope that Lin Yi will be their teammate, and the Yuan family behind them may become a big help to them in the future.

 However, the paradox is that if Lin Yi really gets too close to his relatives, the prince and others may not be able to tolerate him.

Even the old emperor would cast a "caring" look at him!

 He can’t offend anyone, and he can only hide from his relatives!

"Your Majesty, I know I was wrong." Hong Ying looked bitter!

 He obviously said so!

At that time, their prince replied: Come back as soon as you come back, it’s not a big deal, don’t disturb my sleep.

Zhang Mian glanced at Hong Ying sympathetically.

This King He was notoriously difficult to deal with in the capital. He insulted the commander of the secret guards and beat Qi Zhong, the son of the prime minister, in the street. There was nothing he dared not do!

A scholar who went to the capital to take the exam specially wrote a poem: "I saw thousands of strange and beautiful flowers, only He Wang was on the branch."

  It is still circulated in the capital.

Every time there was a dispute with the king in Nancheng, he, the commander of Nancheng, would handle it!

Of course I don’t dare to negotiate directly with the prince, so the person I deal with is naturally Hong Ying.

 So, he knew Hong Ying very well, and he was cautious and did not leak anything.

 He absolutely did not believe that Hong Ying, as the general manager of the palace, could have missed such important news!

 “There is a lot that can be improved by knowing your mistakes, but”

Lin Yi said sadly, "Death crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be forgiven. Go back and copy the book a hundred times!

 Learn the culture well. Without culture, you can’t do anything well! "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Hong Ying’s joy was beyond words.

Before entering the palace, his family was bare. He had never attended a private school for a day and could not read a word.

 After that, he went to Prince He. When Prince He taught Princess Huaiyang how to read, he also taught her.

After becoming quite proficient in writing, he often helped the prince copy his own novels to please Princess Huaiyang.

 However, since the prince left the palace two years ago and had his own mansion, no one can enter or leave the prince's study at will.

 Including him, the manager of the palace!

Every time I go in, it’s just because I need to report something.

 He knew that the prince was writing a book recently, but he did not know what book he was writing.

Only once inadvertently did he hear the prince saying to himself: "I have finally finished writing the Romance of the Gods. 'With eyes not seeing, the soul is in the liver; with ears not hearing, the essence is in the kidneys; with the tongue silent, the spirit is in the heart. , the nose is not fragrant but the soul is in the lungs, the limbs are motionless but the mind is in the spleen, so it is called "Five Qi Chaoyuan". I remember clearly such a difficult thing to pronounce, I am really a genius! "

 The speaker was unintentional but the listener was interested. Three days later, he felt different.

He couldn't tell exactly what was different. He had never been a teacher or been in the martial arts world. He didn't know what level he was in.

But when facing a great master like Liu Chaoyuan in the palace, he will no longer be frightened.

This time, the prince punished him for copying. If he had the opportunity to enter the study room again and read "The Romance of the Gods" that the prince mentioned, he believed that he would definitely go one step further!

The sun has peeked out from above the high wall of Ankang City, and it is getting hotter and hotter.

Lin Yi yawned, rolled up the sleeves of his robe to his elbows, then cupped his hands at Zhang Mian and said, "Commander Zhang, since you are on official business, I won't bother you anymore and take my leave!"

There must be many ministers of the court and central government gathered at the South City Gate today, as well as those cheap brothers and sisters of my own. It is better not to go there and be an eyesore.

 After saying this, he turned around and prepared to return home.

“Is Ninth Brother also here to greet General Yuan today?”

As soon as Lin Yi raised his head, he saw Prince Lin Rui and his party standing there. Behind him were the third prince, King Yong, the fourth prince, King Jin, the seventh prince, King Nanling, the twelfth prince, Yong'an, and all the civil and military officials.

ps: This is my first time writing this type of article, and it’s not very good. Please forgive me and ask for votes.

 (End of this chapter)

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