Chapter 5 Disciple

 When the breeze picks up, the small waves on the river jump and hit the river bank, making a whimpering sound.

Xiao Anzi was even more frightened. He looked at Hong Ying pitifully and said, "Master"

"Yeah." Hong Ying nodded, turned around and left.

“Master!” The more Xiao Anzi shouted, the faster Hong Ying walked. Gradually, the street wall covered his figure and disappeared.

She glanced back at the wide, sparkling river, shrunk her neck, and quickly caught up with her master with her short legs without hesitation.

In the darkness, she just followed the master's path, not knowing where she was going. Until she found the master stopped at the door of her home, she was stunned.

I saw my parents nodding and bowing to the master, then putting their fingerprints on a piece of paper, and happily sent the master out.

Seeing that her mother's head was exposed above the door, she was so frightened that she wanted to find a place to hide.

 “Xiao Anzi, you are in great luck!”

 There was no time to hide.

Mother has already called her.

 From the moment she was born, her mother had never spoken to her so kindly.

“Once you enter the prince’s palace, you will enjoy endless blessings from now on!”

Daddy also shouted.

No matter how much my father and mother complimented Master, Master always had a cold face and never said a word.

“What are you doing standing around? Hurry up and follow Mr. Hong, do your best in the palace, and don’t embarrass your father!”

While she was in a daze, her father suddenly scolded her again.

 She still didn't react, so her father came over and gave her a push.

Without pushing her, the master told her that no matter what the situation, her legs should be planted firmly on the ground, like a tree.

 Her father's slap came, very slowly in her eyes, but she did not dare to hide.

 She knew that if she hid, her father's anger would not go away.

He will beat her harder and scold her more fiercely.

 There was a snap, and his face was burning.

Huttering her face, she followed her father's fingers and saw her master's back gradually disappearing.

She finally understood and followed the master in despair. Then at the door of the palace, the master stopped and glanced at her, and she entered the palace.

 Every time she entered He Wangfu, the farthest distance was limited to the screen wall next to the ear door. In front of her was the large side hall of the Wangfu. This was her first time entering.

The heartache at the moment suppressed all her curiosity, and she had no intention of looking left or right. She lowered her head nervously and stood opposite the master.

Hong Ying held the tea cup and took a sip, then said calmly, "Did you hear everything your parents said?"

Xiao Anzi wrung the corners of his clothes with both hands and whispered, "Master, I know, they sold me."

 She heard what her parents said from beginning to end, and she always understood it clearly.

 Just don’t want to believe it.

 “Is it the National Day this year?”

 “Master, it’s twelve years old.”

“You remember what the prince said, keep improving yourself and you will be no worse than anyone else in the future.”

Hong Ying closed the tea lid, put the tea cup on the table, stood up and clasped his hands behind his back, saying, "Be brave, otherwise, as your mother said, your life will be of no use."

"Master, I will definitely try my best and not embarrass you." Xiao Anzi said quickly.

"I don't want to embarrass the prince." Hong Ying emphasized his tone.

 “Don’t embarrass the prince” his voice became softer and quieter.

 “Do you still remember your name?”

"My name is Sun." Xiao Anzi suddenly felt a chill and hurriedly changed his words, "Hong An, my name is Hong An."

 Tears once again accumulated in my eyes.

Hong Ying stood up, passed the threshold, and said expressionlessly to the maid waiting outside the door, "Mingyue, arrange a place for our disciple, and teach her some rules tomorrow. If you bump into the prince, we interrupt you." legs."

Their prince has always been unruly, but he does not allow others to behave in a disrespectful manner in front of their prince.

"Yes, Mr. Hong, I understand." Mingyue bowed and responded.

Lin Yi slept until three o'clock in the morning. If he hadn't been too hot to sleep, he could have continued sleeping.

 “You’re young and don’t get enough sleep.”

Lin Yi yawned and took the wet towel from Hong Ying's hand.

 “Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty.” Hong Yingqi said with a smile.

"Hey, little Anzi." Lin Yi had just arrived at the pavilion to have breakfast when he saw Hong An standing at a loss and said with a smile, "It's early enough. Children must get enough sleep, otherwise they won't grow up."

"Prince" Hong Ying put the last plate of fried mutton on the table, knelt down and said, "I made the decision without permission and made her my apprentice. I hope the prince will agree."

“Hey, how many times have I told you, don’t go to school so much in the morning, it’s a waste!

 Do we have a mine at home?

 Why did I find you losers? "

Lin Yi slowly chewed the glutinous rice cake in his mouth, "You have become addicted to kneeling recently. Don't get up."

Hong An looked at the prince who had already finished breakfast and stood up, and then glanced at the master who was still kneeling on the ground.

 When the prince walked out of the pavilion, she couldn't help but walked over and held her master's arm, whispering, "Master"

"Zhang Zui" Hong Ying knelt on the ground motionless and said coldly, "I forgot the rules I just learned."

“Is it your job to bully a little girl?”

Lin Yi walked to the corner of the garden and suddenly stuck out his head, "Get the donkey ready, let's go fishing, and add vegetables in the evening."

"Yes." Hong Ying stood up happily, then turned back to Hong An and said coldly, "Continue to practice the eight steps to catch the toad. If you are lazy, we will definitely not forgive you."

 “Master, I will definitely”

Hong Ying was too lazy to listen to her words and followed the prince closely.

 The standard equipment for a prince to travel is two guards, a maid, a donkey and a chamberlain.

“Xiao Hei, if you dare to hit me today,”

Lin Yi pulled a black donkey by its ears and said, "I will eat donkey meat on fire at night!"

 Don’t think I dare not. "

The dream of riding a horse when I was young has not yet come true.

The reality is too cruel!

Horse riding is more difficult than getting a driver’s license!

As for the carriage, it was stuffy and airless inside, even if it was filled with ice cans, I don’t know if others could survive it, but he certainly couldn’t.

The black donkey's ears were already long, but Lin Yi pulled them, making them look even longer.

 He glanced at Hong Ying who was close to him, but he didn't dare to move and made an unpleasant cry.

Hong Yingxian walked the prince onto the donkey and asked with a smile, "Your Majesty, where should we go fishing today?"

“There are always air forces in the Juma River,” Lin Yi said angrily, “Let’s go further and go to the North Canal. I have a hunch that the defense will definitely explode today.”

Hong Yingdao said, "That's what the prince said."

 What is the air force and what is explosive protection? The prince has never told him.

 But over the years, he has probably understood what these words mean.

"You called me Hong An?" Lin Yi asked curiously on the bustling street, "When you accept someone as your apprentice, don't make mistakes."

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this kind of skill of a slave is best suited for a girl to learn."

 “What’s Kung Fu called?” Lin Yi couldn’t remember for a while.

 “Hui Yuan Gong.”

 “You’re welcome, just copied it.”

Lin Yi said angrily.

He actually dared to use the name of the exercise in Journey to the West, and he was not afraid to show off his waist.

 “It’s a small mistake to know.”

Hong Ying led the donkey and smiled happily.

 (End of this chapter)

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