I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 487: Where to go

Chapter 487 Where to go

Hong Ying said with a sarcastic smile, "Thanks to the prince, I have been extravagant after all."

He has been serving Prince He since he was a child. No one knows his prince’s temperament better than him!

 Old miser!

Hong Ying can understand his thoughts just by opening his mouth!

If the prince doesn't let the prince get away with this, he will definitely not have a good life in the future. Fortunately, he has been prepared!

 Otherwise, how would he dare to come back!

He slowly took out a piece of jade from his sleeve. Seeing Lin Yi looking over, he said as if offering a treasure, "Your Majesty, the sky is filled with yellow sand in the Western Wilderness, but it is the most abundant in jade. I found this specially for the princess. Yes, please ask the prince to take care of you."

 “Sheep-fat jade?”

Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up. He took the white jade pendant in his hand and rubbed it back and forth, "White, delicate, and thick, it's a good thing."

Such a fine jade would cost hundreds of thousands in modern society, right?

If he dies in the future and is buried in a cemetery, will he have archaeological value and be worth thousands of gold?

If he writes a preface or something, it won't be a sky-high price?

 At any rate, he is also the number one figure in Daliang!

 In later generations, it will also be a historical BOSS that is being studied competitively!

 “As long as the prince likes it.”

Hong Ying’s smile could not go away after all the wrinkles on his face were piled up.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong on the side intervened in time, "If you like it, I'll arrange for someone to go to the western wasteland to buy some."

 Zixia looked at Lin Yi's expression and couldn't help but smile and said, "General Jiao probably hasn't seen the new "Liang Lv".

 Mineral deposits, water flows, forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland, tidal flats and other natural resources are all owned by the state.

 It is originally a national thing, so there is no need to buy it. "

 “Owned by the state?”

Jiao Zhong looked at Mr. He and then at Hong Ying, who was silent. He pondered for a moment and suddenly understood.

The mineral deposits belong to the country, so whose country belongs to them?

He said loudly, "In the whole world, there is nothing but the king's land, and on the shore of the land, there is nothing but the king's ministers."

Hmm, I actually said what I wanted to buy!

  Isn’t this a bit dizzy?

 Flattery will never hit the right spot!

 It’s really stupid!

 “This Xihuang actually started to play tricks on me, I will definitely not make it easy for him,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "When the time comes, this jade mine will be nationalized and used for the people. It will be a good thing."

 “The prince is wise.”

 Everyone shouted in unison.

Lin Yi waved his hand and continued, "Okay, let's continue talking about the Western Wilderness. The eldest princess went to the Western Wilderness, and Liu Chaoyuan also went to the Western Wilderness. What is the charm of the Western Wilderness?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Hong Ying said seriously, "My subordinates went all the way to the Western Wilderness, but they did not find the eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan. They also found no footprints in some cities in the Western Wilderness."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "You mean the eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan are not in Xihuang?"

Then where can they go?

Hong Ying suddenly knelt down and said, "There is something I haven't confessed to the prince, please punish me."

Lin Yi said disdainfully, "If there is anything else, just say it directly, don't be nagging, it won't be refreshing at all.

You can say it with confidence, even if it is rebellion, I will forgive you. "


Hong Ying was shocked. Their prince was still so outspoken and dared to say anything. It would not be good to spread the word back and fall into the ears of He Jixiang and Chen Desheng!

 He doesn’t care what these people think!

 As He Wangye’s chamberlain, he only cares about He Wangye’s mood!

 What he cares about is the reputation of the prince.

  Favoring a treacherous minister, being ignorant and unprincipled, will not be of any benefit to the prince.

Thinking of this, he was deeply afraid of saying anything earth-shattering to the prince again, so he hurriedly said, "You don't dare!

 The youngster is very loyal to the prince and will never dare to have second thoughts! "

 As for this country, whoever loves it will leave, and whoever is willing to show loyalty will leave!

 He is only loyal to the prince!

 “You, you are still talking a lot of nonsense,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "If you have something to say, please say it quickly. You know what it is. I hate talking half-heartedly!"

Those who hold great power are a bit more uncomfortable. They always have others to guess their thoughts, and they also have to guess other people's thoughts!

 Be subtle about everything!

No matter how much you want it, the food and appearance should not be too ugly, but should be elegant and pompous.

Even if you ascend the throne and become an emperor, you have to make three concessions and humbly say something like, "If you have little fortune and little virtue, you are not worthy of it."

  Then a group of actors arranged in advance shouted, "The world cannot be deserted in one day, and everything must be unified without control." It seems that if he does not ascend the throne, the world will perish and the country will no longer be a country.

 Ascension to the throne is for the good of the people!

  In the end, he half-decided, reluctantly and reluctantly becoming the king.


Seeing that Lin Yi was anxious, Hong Ying did not dare to hesitate anymore and said quickly, "When I came back, I passed by Jinzhou and entered Shen Chu's camp at night."

Lin Yi said angrily, "That's it? He was born as a guard commander, and you taught him all the kung fu. Seriously speaking, he's still half of your apprentice. He's just met you. What's there to say?"

 What does it mean that his servant secretly met with his commander late at night without his consent?

Even if he has no selfish motives, he can still be regarded as a man in a melon field, and it is hard to explain.

If he cares about everything, he must wear small shoes for Hong Ying!


Hong Ying said cautiously, "I learned from Shen Chu that the eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan most likely entered King Yong's camp."


Lin Yi frowned and said, "Not sure?"

Hong Ying said, "Your Majesty, Shen Chu was once attacked in the tent. There are many masters in the army. Although the assassins did not succeed, they came and went freely. Shen Chu said that the figures were vaguely the eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan.

The strange thing is that Xiao Xiao lingered for some days and purposely entered King Yong's camp at night. Except for the people from Jizhao'an, there were no other masters. "

"I had a very pleasant conversation with the eldest princess. She has no reason not to help me to help King Yong,"

Lin Yi said while drinking tea, "Besides, she has a grudge against Jizhao'an, so how can she help King Yong?"

Those are enemies of life and death!

 It is impossible to reconcile!

 The most important thing is that he now occupies most of the state capitals in the world, and the balance of victory has already been tilted to his side. Anyone who is not a fool knows how to take sides!

 With King Yong?

 What is the difference between becoming a **** in 1912 and joining the national army in 1949?

 It doesn’t make sense!

 “This is also something that a small person cannot understand,”

Hong Ying said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the people's will is what fate dictates. The eldest princess should comply with the public opinion and assist the prince. How can she be so ignorant of the general situation?"


Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Ignore them for now. When I lead the troops into Jinzhou, the truth will naturally come out."

 (End of this chapter)

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