I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 486: Business trip at official expense

Chapter 486 Business trip at official expense

 So after giving up being a flying warrior, he chose to become a health expert.

He definitely doesn't understand such profound things as "the unity of nature and man" and "the Tao follows nature", but he does know about the "unity of yin and yang", "the interaction of yin and yang", and "residing the Qi and nourishing the body". self-taught!

 “Heaven and earth unite and all things come into being, and Yin and Yang connect and change occurs.”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Yin and Yang are not connected to each other and all things are sealed."

“What the prince teaches is that the yin and yang are those with strong qi, and the yin and yang of vegetation and trees are both in balance. If one of them is missing, the beauty will not be good.”

Hong Ying felt deeply. If he hadn’t been enlightened by the prince, how could he have achieved success in this life?

  Understand that the fish is thrown into the water, and the meme is like a bird in a cage.

 There are many twists and turns, side tricks, and how many people have been missed!

 Until now, he didn't understand what Wen Zhaoyi meant when he said, "When people in the world understand this way, they will immediately return to their childlike appearance."

Lin Yi seemed to be moved when he saw Hong Ying, thinking that he was speaking freely and touched on the other person's pain points.

 After all, Xiao Yingzi is an eunuch. No matter how hard he tries, there is no condition for the unity of yin and yang!

Thinking of this, I felt guilty, so I immediately changed my mind and said, "Lifting the sky and the earth and grasping the yin and yang are indeed powerful, but the most important thing is to be independent and guard the gods.

 The troubled energy is like a worm, the essence is like a human being, and you must cultivate the awe-inspiring and upright energy. Only in this way can you be powerful and unyielding, rich and noble, not lustful, poor and humble, unchangeable, and become a real man. "

 In fact, it is also true, everything is too much and too little is too much.

 If he died under Zixia or Mingyue's lap, wouldn't he die unjustly?

 Having money in his bag, grain in his granary, and poems and books in his belly, he is enough to become a **** in the mountains.

 With no disease in body, no worries in mind, and no creditors, one can be said to be at ease in the world.

 Don’t go too far.

 “The little one will obey the prince’s teachings.”

Hong Ying was deeply moved, and their prince was giving him hints all the time!

 Hope he can reach a higher level!

 If he doesn't work harder, he will really live up to the prince's expectations.

Lin Yi smiled, looked at the miserable Xiao Xizi again and said, "Get up, don't pretend to be pitiful."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Xiao Xizi said loudly while kowtowing.

 He did not dare to show any hesitation.

 The world is huge and the prince is the biggest, so there is no need to ask his master’s opinion.

It would be the worst if he looked forward and backward and considered his master's thoughts!

Even if the sky falls, you can’t disobey He Wangye’s orders!

 “You boy,”

Lin Yi sat down again with Hong Ying's help, then took Hong Ying's tea cup and said with a smile, "It's true that you won't have long memories if you don't remember. From now on, you should be smarter when doing things."

 “The little ones don’t dare anymore.”

 Xiao Xizi felt bitter in her heart.

Is it because he did something wrong when he was beaten by Hong Ying?

 He is Hong Ying's disciple, and he knows his master's temperament very well.

 With Master, there is never right or wrong.

No matter how many people he kills or how many evil things he does, even if he pokes a hole in the sky, this master will not blink an eyelid.

 Smelly fish and rotten shrimps will die.

 What's the matter?

 My biggest mistake was to make Prince He angry.

 When you are angry with the prince, the consequences will be serious.

 Everyone knows it!

 Hong Ying beats people in pain, but kills people without blinking an eye!

  Otherwise, according to Prince He’s temperament, why not lift it high and let it fall gently?

Just a few words of scolding, if it can lead to something big, it’s a good deal!

He was unlucky. He never expected that Master would come back today.

 As a result, both the government and the public now know that they have been beaten by Hong Ying!

 This face is completely ruined!

get back?

 I’m afraid I won’t die quickly enough.

He had a vague feeling that it would be difficult for even a monk who had perfected his martial arts to show off his authority in front of Hong Ying.

 “Your Majesty is kind,”

Hong Ying gave Lin Yi a beating and said with a smile, "If you don't give this **** a good beating, he will really go to heaven."

Lin Yi nodded, looked at Xiao Xizi and said, "Look at your bruised skin. It must be very painful. Go and heal your wounds quickly. Don't leave scars, which will affect your image."

“Yes, little one, please step back.”

 Xiao Xizi breathed a sigh of relief.

The prince of theirs still doesn't know much about martial arts.

He has entered the ninth level, and if he succeeds in nine turns and nine returns, he will surely grow old and return to Changchun. What does a mere flesh wound mean?

Lin Yi waited for Xiao Xizi to exit, then waved his hand and said, "Sit down. It's your first time back. You should have a good rest. I don't need your help for the time being."

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I miss you every day. Now that I have finally seen you, I can't bear to leave you easily. Just be good to me this time and let me talk to you properly."

"Okay, just come back and you'll be fine. Don't cry."

If someone else had done this, Lin Yi would have kicked him out. As the regent of the Liang Kingdom, he could take three thousand pieces of weak water and pick peach blossoms in the forest. No matter what, he would not get into trouble with a eunuch. base!

 But Hong Ying is different. This is the friend who grew up with him.

 He believed that everything Hong Ying said was sincere.

If there is anyone in this world who is really willing to die for him and give his life for him, Hong Ying must be that one among them.

 And without any regrets!

 There are still people in this world who are worthy of his trust after all.

This feeling is really good!


 Hong Ying wiped the corners of his eyes again.

Lin Yi suddenly remembered something, yawned and said, "Where in the Western Wilderness did you really go?"

Hong Ying nodded and said, "Prince Qi, I will go straight to the west, pass through the yellow sand in the sky, and finally arrive at the so-called Western Wilderness."


Lin Yi frowned and said, "The yellow sand is so confusing that you can't see the end at a glance. You, an outsider, don't understand anything. Even if you don't die of exhaustion, you might die of thirst, how dare you go in there?"

“Your Majesty, don’t you come back well?”

Hong Ying was even more moved.

 I traveled thousands of miles to the Western Wilderness, and what the prince and I cared about was not the information, but my own safety!

 “What if I can’t come back?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "You know absolutely nothing about the horrors of the desert!

The desert is so wide and so long. If you can reach the sky and travel hundreds of miles in a day, so what?

 Can you run out? "

 “Although the youngster is dull, he is not ignorant of worldly affairs.”

Hong Ying said with a smile, "How can I not be afraid when I see the yellow sand all over the sky?

When I went into the desert, I also found camels and paid a lot of money to hire a guide. "

 What he said is true.

He has already become a master, and eating and drinking are no longer important matters. It doesn't matter if he doesn't eat or drink for three to five days, but he can't withstand the high temperature in the desert. Instead of replenishing the body's water, it actually loses it every day. No matter how high his kung fu is, Nope either.

 “A paid guide?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I think I've grown a lot of brains, and I know I'm on a business trip at official expense."

Hong Ying is the chief steward of the royal palace. He is always at his side. He always spends money to buy things or give rewards. He has plenty of money in his pocket and is never short of money.

 So Lin Yi believes in spending a lot of money.

 What a pity, that is your own money!

 This little bastard!

 (End of this chapter)

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