Chapter 461 Rights

 “What the prince said is,”

Liang Yuanzhi whispered, "Students must obey the prince's teachings and not let the prince down."

  “One hundred and twelve people beheaded at the Meridian Gate?”

Lin Yi lowered his head again, read the memorial in his hand, and sighed, "These bandits were originally from common people, and most of them were coerced. I really don't want to kill them in vain."

He suppressed his temper and almost pointed at Liang Yuanzhi's nose and cursed!

 Every bandit will have his head chopped off!

   You will never accuse anyone unjustly!

 Can he use the regent's seal casually to send people to the guillotine?

 This is something that is harmful to the world!

 When it spreads to the people, do you still want this image of him?

 An educated man should be like Song Jiang.

When others insult him, provoke him, or offend him, he will never get angry, always maintain his grace, and never care about others.

 Always behave very openly and tolerantly.

 Later, let Li Kui chop up the other person’s whole family!

You must learn to kill with a borrowed knife!

 Don’t be stupid and do everything in your own name!

 In short, if you do something right, it is your own credit; if you do something wrong, it must be the result of a traitor!

 A qualified ruler, not to mention extraordinary means, must at least learn some basic imperial skills!

 Otherwise, if you are sold in the end, you will have to help count the money!

 Throughout the ages, there has never been a shortage of "coercing the emperor to order the princes".

 So, although he is a little drifting, he is not so drifting that he "doesn't know what to say".

 “The students understand.”

Liang Yuanzhi is so smart. When he thought of what He Wangye said before, "I should never have blood on my hands," he realized the meaning behind He Wangye's words.

 It’s not that Wang Ye doesn’t want to kill people!

 Those who do evil will be killed without mercy, no matter what the reason is!

Just don’t kill people under his banner!

According to his thoughts, He Wangye probably did this to bring the Liang Kingdom to the true "rule of law" instead of the rule of man!

 “That’s good,”

Lin Yi said happily, "Not long after this king entered Ankang City, the officials have become a little slack. You have to send an official document to Lord He Jixiang to rectify the administration.

 As the old saying goes, it is better to recite Buddha's name than to curse others. Some people talk about benevolence, justice and morality, but in fact they are men who steal and women who are prostitutes. We should no longer tolerate them. "

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, the students will send out official documents tomorrow.”

Liang Yuanzhi said respectfully.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "After I just said that, you are still in the same tone. There is really no need."

 “The students understand.”

Liang Yuanzhi still lowered his head respectfully.

“Many women gave birth in winter, and poor families couldn’t bear it, so they lost their babies.”

Lin Yi was holding the teacup, and suddenly remembered something, and said angrily, "I originally sympathized with their difficulties, but they all abandoned baby girls, and no one was willing to abandon their sons, so I was very unhappy.

In the animal world, animals will not deliberately abandon female cubs because of their gender, let alone humans? "

After hearing this, Liang Yuanzhi lowered his head in shame.

 He was personally taught by Prince He in a new school.

 At school, Prince He took the trouble to promote the concept of gender equality to them.

 However, out of politeness and respect, these students never refuted Prince He!

I don’t dare to refute!

 I can only express my dissatisfaction in my heart!

 They are still more convinced by what Mr. Xie Zan secretly told them: "The female position is in the inner position, and the male position is in the outer position"!

Even men like Cao Xiaohuan and Hong An are no worse than men like them. He also firmly believes that "women should not be harmed by the country"!

 No matter what a woman is, she cannot compare with a man!

  If the hen and rooster are in the morning, then the country will really be in ruins!

However, at this moment, Prince He suddenly compared people with animals and came to the conclusion that people are not even as good as animals. His thoughts were suddenly shaken.

 Hands his head and says, "Students must investigate thoroughly."

Lin Yi said bitterly, "Tell Mr. Gan Mao that the money given to Mrs. Sang by the Ministry of Household Affairs cannot be short of a penny, and more orphanages must be built."


Liang Yuanzhi said sincerely, "Students will discuss with Mr. Chen Desheng tomorrow. Anyone who abandons babies carelessly and refuses to be sent to an orphanage will be sent to a labor camp or sent to a frontier fortress!"

“Yes, parents who are worse than animals should not spoil them,”

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Just do whatever you want."

 In fact, he knew very well that from hunting to farming and war, men had an advantage in physical strength, while the gap in physical fitness and strength of women weakened their value.

 However, this argument is simply untenable.

 Essentially, it is bullying the weak with force.

If women have as much physical strength as men, how can men have the right to speak?

Lin Yi is now creating an ideological atmosphere to make women "smarter".

Those families who have no houses, no cattle, no horses, and no assets should try not to marry!

  Men will get married later and later because women’s conditions are too high.

 This is what Lin Yi hopes for the most, late birth, late childbearing, good health and good education, only then can this society have hope!

In ancient society, most men had trouble eating. Especially at the age of sixteen or seventeen, their development was not up to standard. If there was another child in the belly, the child would most likely be malnourished.

Even if you manage to give birth, no matter how careful you are, the probability of death is relatively high.

 Even if you are from a wealthy family, you may not be able to land after reincarnation!

 Generally, it takes two or three pregnancies and the pelvis becomes enlarged before a healthy child can be born.

 If Daliang wants to increase its population, it must have a scientific fertility policy.

If policies and regulations cannot prevent late marriage and late childbearing, Lin Yi hopes to make changes in customs.


Liang Yuanzhi continued to lower his head and said, "Students will be taught."

Lin Yi seemed to see what he was thinking, and said patiently, "Don't be dissatisfied, we are all born of women, why should we look down on women?"

All right!

 He just looks down on his mother!

 His mother is an example!

 “Don’t dare!”

After Liang Yuanzhi heard this, he was so frightened that his head banged on the ground, and his forehead was covered with blood.


Lin Yi straightened his face and said angrily, "Do you think what I said was fart?"

 What I said before is all in vain!


 Liang Yuanzhi was very helpless!

 Hand on him the label of disrespecting women?

 The concept of woman is too big!

 Even involving Concubine Yuan Guifei!

What else can he do besides confessing?

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "What tricks, you know better than me, so there is no need to pretend to be like this.

I will give you half a month. I don’t want to see any more abandoned baby girls in Ankang City! "

Every time he saw it, his heart twitched!

 “Students obey!”

 After Liang Yuanzhi shouted loudly, he breathed a sigh of relief!

This level has finally passed.

 (End of this chapter)

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