Chapter 460 Expectations

Tan Fei looked at his retreating figure, yawned, and then led the two guards directly into the house.

Standing at the door of the princess's chamber, waiting for the prince's instructions at any time.

 At night.

The cold wind suddenly picked up, and the lights in the house swayed.

Lin Yi saw that the eyes of the child in his arms were all focused on the oil lamp, and he joked, "The child is getting smarter and smarter as he grows up, and his eyes are fully opened. The only drawback is that it is annoying at night and he still refuses to sleep."

Mingyue said with a smile, "The princess has been sleeping all day. She was still sleeping just now. When she heard your voice, her eyes opened immediately. Normally, she would have cried twice, but she didn't cry today. Still smiling happily.”

Lin Yi said with emotion, "If you have been in an orphanage, you should know that although children sleep seven or eight hours a day, they never sleep for more than two hours at a time.

 As they get older, the amount of sleep they get gets shorter. "

Mingyue said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Lin Yi continued, "For babies, they don't have the concept of day and night, and they lack the ability to fall asleep on their own. You need to be patient and coax them to sleep in your arms, otherwise they will cry to despair and collapse. , Falling asleep when you are tired is a very cruel thing.

 Help her establish awareness of the daytime. For example, when the sun rises in the morning, you can open the window and let her feel the sunshine. "

Mingyue hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, all the servants are coaxing you, and you don't dare to show any slightest care."

Hu Miaoyi couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. Mingyue and Miss Zixia have tried their best. I am indescribably grateful."

 Ever since the day she entered Prince He's Mansion, she had realized the difference between Mingyue and Zixia.

She dared to glare at Prince He, but she never had the courage to provoke Mingyue and Zixia, who had smiles on their faces and coldness in their bones.

These two will not be as easy to talk to as the prince.

On the mouth of Wang Ye, there are "feminism" and "women's rights", but in fact, it is "pity and cherish the jade". As long as you meet a woman, regardless of whether the fat is thin and thin, it is very kind.

Especially in the past few days, she discovered something between the eyebrows of the two women, maybe they will be equal to her in the future.

 She is now a mother of a child. She has to think about her children rather than herself. She can no longer offend others casually.

 “That’s good.”

Lin Yi glanced at Hu Miaoyi appreciatively. Has this girl suddenly changed her gender?

 Have you actually started to appreciate the good qualities of others?

When Mingyue saw Hu Miaoyi praising herself, her face suddenly burst into laughter. She stretched out her brows and said to Hu Miaoyi, "It is a blessing for us slaves to be able to serve you. Your Majesty is so polite, which is really embarrassing for you."

If it weren’t for the difference between superiority and inferiority, it would be for the sake of being with the prince!

 She and Zixia will never think highly of this woman Hu Miaoyi!

What’s more, he is an arrogant and unlovable master!

 She suddenly had an enlightenment today, which made her a little surprised.

However, since the other party has changed his gender, there is no need for him to hold on to it. When Prince He and Rang saw it, he seemed to be petty!

Hu Miaoyi smiled and said, "I am telling the truth. The two girls have tried their best and I am really grateful."

Lin Yi waved his hands and said, "We are all a family, so we shouldn't say so many polite words.

With the sense of security in your mother's womb, others don't need to count on it. They can at most give you a shot.

From now on, this child will still have to rely more on you as the mother.

 Only if you are happy, the child will be happy; if you are unhappy, the child will not be well off. "

Hu Miaoyi said in a low voice, "I know, I must care for my children more than others."

After Lin Yi nodded, he looked at the jewel-like eyes of the child in his arms, and suddenly sighed, "Little beauty, I have thousands of miles of land, lakes and springs, glaciers and seas, but I can never smile as much as you."

 Now he finally understands why some people love the country more than beauty!

 My own daughter, my own flesh and blood, for her, I can give everything!

 What country, what power, all are just floating clouds!

As Lin Yi shook her, the child slowly closed her eyes. Lin Yi carefully placed her next to Hu Miaoyi and gently left the room.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw Liang Yuanzhi, the first secretary of the palace, kneeling on the ground.

 “See the prince.”

Liang Yuanzhi said loudly.

 “Get up,”

Lin Yi said impatiently, "You are the person next to me, so you should set an example and take the lead. Don't use so many mundane etiquette, which will increase communication costs and reduce communication efficiency. It is meaningless."

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

After Liang Yuanzhi finished shouting, he kowtowed respectfully three times again.


Lin Yi sat on the chair and sighed heavily. After taking the teacup handed over by Zixia, he said calmly, "You, let people like Xie Zan and Chen Desheng teach you bad things."

 “I am aware of my guilt!”

Liang Yuanzhi kowtowed heavily again.

Lin Yi continued, "You have studied in a new-style school. For students who come from a new-style school, my requirements for you are different from others.

 I hope you can be a human being.

 Do you know what a person is?

 It means having self-respect, having conscience, having freedom, being unrestrained, and not bowing down for five measures of rice. "

After hearing this, Liang Yuanzhi's eyes suddenly became moist, and he slowly stood up and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty! The student understands."

"Do not blame you,"

Lin Yi said calmly, “This is all society’s fault and the environment’s fault.

If you lower your eyebrows and lower your head, some people will praise you for your vision, liveliness, and ability to solve problems.

 The king clearly tells you that this is dross.

Real young talents are supported by others, rather than flattering and supporting others every day. "

Liang Yuanzhi pondered for a moment and said, "The students will remember the prince's kindness and teachings in their hearts."

“Since you are my student, you have to listen to me, show your heart, and be more tolerant to others,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Forcing others to nod and bow to you is not respecting talents, it is suppressing talents. If this continues, our country, Daliang, will not make any progress."

Whether it is Liang Yuanzhi, Han Jin, or Jiang Zhen, they are all students he taught personally. He still has some expectations for these people!

In this dull feudal society, can some fresh air be injected into it?

 “The students understand.”

Liang Yuanzhi said in shame.

Lin Yi took the promotional brochure he handed over, then shook his head and said, "You can't all encourage me, you must also criticize me.

 Don't deify me, it won't be of much use. "

 He ​​always remembered one sentence, no one believes that anyone is always right. When you are always right, naturally no one will believe what you say.

 When doing publicity, you still need some tips.

 (End of this chapter)

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