I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 446: Western Yi

Chapter 446 Western Yi

But he didn't expect it. Before he could sit down on the porcelain, the chair under his **** suddenly shattered into pieces of wood.

He was a Grandmaster, which didn't make him sit down on the ground and fall flat on his back. He still kept his horse's pace, but suddenly he felt an overwhelming force, all pressing down on him. He knew that he was not opponent.

Just as he was about to dodge instinctively, he suddenly felt weak in his knees. With a pop, he knelt directly on the ground.

 Suddenly, he turned his head angrily and looked at the monk who was closing his eyes slightly.

Ye Qiu laughed sarcastically, "Is there a place for you to sit in front of the prince?

You, a monk, don’t know the rules! "

 In terms of fighting alone, he is definitely not Ding Lun's opponent. After all, he has suffered losses at the hands of the opponent.

 At this moment, Ding Lun received the monk's lesson, and he was naturally very happy.

The people next to him looked at him strangely. How arrogant Ye Qiu was. How could he pretend to be powerful?

Everyone can't believe it, what they just saw is actually real!

This world is becoming increasingly incomprehensible!

They saw Ding Lun glaring at Ye Qiuhou angrily, then turned to look at Prince He, and said angrily, "Daliang is a superior country, a land of etiquette. I even heard that Prince He was proud of the princes, grand and airy, and arrogant. Have a transcendent mind.

 Is this the way to treat guests with the prince? "

Lin Yi picked up the tea cup and blew the floating tea leaves. After a long time, he took a sip and then looked at Ding Lun and said calmly, "I have always had the same attitude. When friends come, there is good wine. If the jackal comes, welcome him. There is a big knife.

 What do you think you are?

 Are you worthy to be my friend? "

 The people next to me heard it with excitement.

 Every time I talk to the prince, it makes me think.

 Ding Lun!

 Friends cannot be friends!

Then it’s a jackal!

 So he is not a thing!

 “Our Nangu and Daliang Kingdom have had good relations for generations and do not invade each other.”

After Ding Lun could no longer feel the pressure on his shoulders, he stood up slowly and said seriously, "I am the envoy of the Holy King of Nangu and the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple. The two countries are at war and the envoys are not killed. Why does King He treat me like this!" "

 Saint King?

Lin Yi thought about it for a while and realized that it was probably the Nangu Barbarian King.

He stretched out and said calmly, "Let's put it this way, I haven't reached the point where I'm old and faint, and my memory should be OK. I clearly remember that the Dharma King didn't have this attitude when he came to see me last time, right?

  Seems very arrogant, with an attitude that I am the best in the world.

The king is not used to being so reasonable now.

 Tell me, what do you mean? Don't be wordy. I like people who speak quickly. "

 The people nearby couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Ding Lun blushed and said, "The prince must have misunderstood. He is an envoy from Nangu, so he naturally hopes for a good relationship between the two countries!"

We will never do anything that goes against the friendship between the two countries!

If the prince does not believe it, I have a letter of credentials to pass to the prince to see. "


Lin Yi still doesn’t believe it!

 After all, people’s hearts are separated by cups!

He has suffered this loss before, he has to guard against it!

 “It’s absolutely true, I dare not deceive the prince!”

Ding Lun's hand carefully reached into his arms, not daring to move.

 After the pressure on my shoulders was relieved, I slowly took out a thick notebook from my arms.

After Jiao Zhong received Lin Yi's signal, he carefully stepped forward to take it, then stepped back three steps, and opened the memorial after being far away from Lin Yi. What caught his eye were circles of tadpole texts, and he didn't know any of them. know.

 After he waited for Chen Desheng to come over, he personally delivered it to He Jixiang.

 “This is Nangu’s writing, and it needs to be translated by Mr. Chen.”

He Jixiang glanced at it casually, then closed it again and threw it to Chen Jingzhi next to him.

Chen Jingzhi quickly looked at it and said, "Prince, this is indeed Nangu's credential. Nangu wants to join forces with the prince to fight against the Western Barbarians."


Lin Yi was not surprised by Chen Jingzhi’s Hui Nangu writing, but he was just curious about how the word “西伊” was translated?

 Chen Jingzhi looked confused.

 I don’t know what “what” I said to the prince means.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "What is the origin of the term Xiyi?"

 Chen Jingzhi finally understood and said hurriedly, "Prince Qi, in the 18th year of Yongguang's reign, a group of golden-haired big noses invaded the country of Ayu, so the term "Western Yi" came into being.

 “It turned out to be foreign devils,”

Lin Yi thought of the dead Emperor Li Fo of Asoka, "Has this foreign devil entered Asoka before?"

 Chen Jingzhi hurriedly said, "It is said that Li Fu had a Western Yi teacher who studied with him since he was a child. After he ascended the throne, this Western Yi teacher also became a high-ranking official."

 “Is Xi Yi a teacher?”

Lin Yi touched his chin with his hand and said curiously, "The emperor of Ayu Kingdom is quite open-minded."

Foreign devils also came to Daliang Kingdom. It is said that Emperor Yongguang was very arrogant and disliked them very much. According to the way he treated vassal countries, he directly gave them some gold, silver and jewelry and sent them back.

Where is it like Asuka, where foreign devils can be used as teachers? It is simply unbelievable.

Ding Lun said loudly, "Ayuguo was short-sighted and led the wolf into the house, which led to the current catastrophe!"

Lin Yi looked at Ding Lun and said, "You seem to know a lot?"

Ding Lun said, "I don't dare to deceive the prince. Li Fu is not only the king of a country, he is heavily guarded, but also a master of his generation. It is difficult for people to get close to him!"

 Now that the body is dead and the state of mind disappears, it is simply a big joke in the world! "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If Xiyi is really in such a bad situation, why do you have to come all the way to find me and join forces with me?"

Ding Lun was unconvinced and said, "The Western Yi are just relying on the strength of their ships and their guns!

 It’s not enough! "

"Well, you have to say that I believe it. You have come all the way here. Something must have happened to you in Nangu."

Lin Yi looked at Ding Lun, and after a while he frowned and said, "But if you tell me something big, it won't be a big deal. You are too arrogant. This is not an attitude of asking for cooperation.

What's more, you are secretly learning the top martial arts of our country, Daliang, and killing innocent people is a provocation to my king! "

 “Your Majesty, please forgive me.”

Ding Lun felt that his shoulders suddenly became heavy again, and he hurriedly said, "Seeing the exquisiteness of this star-absorbing technique, I couldn't help it, and I didn't do it on purpose.

The more I practice it, the weirder it becomes. Instead, it feels like the legendary Yin Yang and Eight Desolations Kung Fu.

 In order to verify the idea in my heart, I had to take this step.

Although he looked guilty, he actually didn’t think so.

 He is the envoy of Nangu!

 The Dharma King of Tuigu Temple!

 How noble!

 What does it mean to kill a few untouchables?

“The Great Star-Absorbing Technique and the Yin-Yang Eight Desolations Technique?”

Lin Yi looked at the monk with the highest kung fu.

“Prince Qi, as far as the young monk knows, this Yin-Yang Eight Desolations Skill is the unique skill of Xihuang Star Sinking Sea,”

The monk clasped his hands together and remembered some old news about the world that the old monk gave him on the way to Spring Mountain City. Under the attention of everyone, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I have never practiced it, but I think the weirdest thing about this Kung Fu is that it Giving your inner strength to others is called empowerment.

Even a child who has no kung fu at all can become the best master in the world as long as someone gives him a hundred years of kung fu through initiation.

Compared with the method of absorbing stars to absorb people's internal energy, it is the opposite way, but it has the same effect but the same approach. "


 Many people were shocked!

 It is the first time for them to hear this word.

 And it sounds very scary!

 If skills can be inherited and instilled, then who would be willing to study hard and practice hard?

You can even imagine that before you die, you pass your kung fu to your heirs as a legacy, passing it from one generation to the next. How powerful your kung fu would be now!

After listening to the monk finish speaking quietly, Ding Lun raised his hands towards the monk and said, "Master, this is what I think."

 “Yin Yang and Eight Desolations Skills”

Lin Yi thought about it for a while and then said with certainty, "It definitely has nothing to do with the Star Absorbing Technique."

 He ​​thought over and over again, and there was no so-called Yin Yang and Eight Desolations in any of his novels, and it definitely had nothing to do with him or the Star Absorbing Technique.

 “The prince is wise,”

Ding Lun cupped his hands and said, "After my inspection last night, this star-absorbing technique only absorbs people's internal energy, and cannot transfer it to people's internal energy. It is not the same kind of technique as the Yin-Yang Eight Desolations Technique."

Lin Yi sighed, "Just for the so-called verification, you killed so many people?

Although the Dharmaraja is an eminent monk, is he too cruel? "

Ding Lun hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. After everything is over, I will personally hold a banner to give them salvation, so that they can reach bliss as soon as possible!"

 Being able to receive his salvation is a blessing gained through several lifetimes of cultivation!

Those who die in his hands will not be wronged!

 “Ascend to bliss early?”

Lin Yili was happy and said with an unkind expression, "I suggest you go explore the road first."

 “Your Majesty.”

Ding Lun didn't understand what Lin Yi meant, but his intuition felt very uncomfortable.

“No one has seen the paradise world, and no one knows where it is.”

Lin Yi said sternly, "Since His Holiness can ferry others, he can also go there himself. Don't be polite. Someone will come and send His Holiness on his way."

 “I am the envoy from Nangu, here to seek peace!”

Ding Lun said anxiously, "My lord, please don't act out of anger!"

 “You have killed so many people, and yet you come here to seek peace with me?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "How come you have such a brain that you only want to do good things?"

Ding Lun said eagerly, "The Western Barbarians are powerful, and I, Nangu, are willing to advance and retreat together with the prince. I hope the prince will think twice!"


Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently, and after the blind man and Wen Zhaoyi stood in front of him, he said loudly, "In our country of Liang, murder must be paid for life, and debt must be repaid for money. This is an iron law. I can't change it even if the King of Heaven comes."

Ye Qiu suddenly said, "Master has great magic power, so you might as well go explore the path first."

 The long sword caged in his sleeve stabbed directly at Ding Lun.


Ding Lun avoided the long sword and struck directly at Ye Qiu with one palm. Suddenly he felt a strong wind behind him. He quickly withdrew his palm and took two steps back. He looked at the monk who was flanking him with a look of horror on his face.

Without thinking, he stood up and jumped out. As soon as his feet left the ground, his whole body fell to the ground. He kept coughing up blood and looked in disbelief.

 After a while, the bluestone beneath his mouth was stained red with plasma.

"Some people are already dead when they are alive, and some people are really dead when they die. Society is very simple, and people's hearts are very complicated. I almost fell into trouble,"

Lin Yi couldn't see the blood, and couldn't even smell the smell of blood. He covered his mouth and nose and left the garden directly. As he walked, he muttered, "If you don't die, you won't die. Chen Jingzhi, send a letter to Chuanzhou and ask them to find out." Situation in the South Valley.”


 Chen Jingzhi could only respond.

After the monk waited for Lin Yi to leave, he went to Ding Lun, stretched out his hand to close Ding Lun's eyes, clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, good, good, good."

 “Monk, your skills are getting better and better.”

 The blind man was no less shocked than the others.

Everyone knows how high Ding Lun's kung fu is. The blind man thinks he can win, but it is basically impossible to kill the enemy in three moves like a monk!

 What’s even more shocking is the speed of progress in monk kung fu!

Last time, the monk didn't catch Ding Lun at all and just let him run away!

An instant kill right in front of you!

Had he not known the monk well, he would have thought that the monk had let loose the last time!


The blind man swallowed the saliva in his throat and couldn't help but said, "Are you still accepting disciples?

 Let me worship you as my teacher! "

"Me too,"

Lei Kaishan couldn't help but added, "Master, if you accept me as your disciple, it's okay for me to become a monk."

“You two have spoken seriously, this poor monk is just lucky.”

The monk said calmly, "This person has forcibly inhaled the internal energy of a hundred years, and his pulse has already been disturbed. Even if I don't take action, he will go crazy and die."

ˆ “.”

Lei Kaishan on the side looked at the blind man and Ye Qiu respectively, wondering whether what the monk said was true or modest.

 However, there was one thing he was sure the monk said was right!

If the star-absorbing method was simply about inhaling internal energy, people like them would have been great masters long ago!

 The art of attracting stars has always been taught with caution, but it has not yet reached the level of top secret.

Just because this skill is quite evil, it can only be used to hurt the enemy. After absorbing the internal energy, you need to dissipate the absorbed internal energy. It can never be used to increase your own internal energy.

There were people who did not believe in Eunuch Hong’s teachings and secretly used the internal energy they absorbed to increase their power. As a result, they exploded and died in the middle of the night.

This frightened many people, and they gradually began to believe it.

 However, there are still many people who do not believe it, such as Pando, the deputy commander of the imperial guards.

 Hong Ying, Ye Qiu, Blind Man, and Monk are really geniuses?

  Why do they break through the shackles of the ninth rank one by one at such a young age!

 Become one of the few great masters in the world!

 Geniuses have existed in all dynasties, so why are there so many of them in recent years?

 Furthermore, everyone is surrounded by Prince He.

Hence Panduo especially believes that there are so many great masters, it must be a problem with their skills.

 He thinks the most likely one is the star-absorbing method!

Whether it was Hong Ying or the monk, it was probably out of some consideration that he did not announce the correct practice posture of the Star Absorbing Technique!

Sometimes, Lei Kaishan really wanted to agree with Pan Duo's idea, but after seeing how evil the monk and others were, he felt that Pan Duo's speculation was meaningless.

Panduo is naturally very smart as the deputy commander of the imperial guards, but sometimes he is too smart.

 (End of this chapter)

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