Chapter 445 Messenger

 Chen Xinluo smiled and said, "So now Mr. Lao Ye is here, and we are very grateful."

 Cao Xiaohuan and others looked at Chen Xinluo's flattering face, as if they suddenly didn't recognize him!

In their impression, Chen Xinluo has always been a serious person. No matter who he saw, he always had a straight face, as if everyone owed him money.

His face is actually smiling like a mean person at this moment. No matter how they look at it, they look like a sycophant!

Especially Zhou Xun, all her illusions about Chen Xinluo were shattered!

 Is she still the upright Chen Xinluo that she admired and respected?

 Only Jiao Zhong and others next to him were not surprised.

 How many of the people who came out of Prince He's Mansion and managed to achieve a certain status are good people?

 Even basically eating people without spitting out the bones!

I think back then, there were two ruthless people in the palace, and one of them was Chen Xinluo, who looked "harmless"!

 The evil thoughts are simply outrageous!

  It can be the existence that makes children stop crying!

Lei Kaishan was so arrogant, seeing him, he seemed to see a cat!

 The other one is Bao Kui, who is known as the "Smiling Tiger".

More than ten years ago, he followed Mei Jingzhi’s army in the southern expedition. He was able to fight against thousands of troops and survive in the end. How could he be a good person?

Later, he became the commander of the bodyguards of Hewangfu.

Unlike me, I have to keep a straight face when speaking among the guards. If I want to teach those who make jokes, I have to go through Hong Ying or the prince.

 He is the most incompetent among the previous guards commanders.

  Sometimes he gets so angry at the guards that he really wants to give up the job!

 At worst, I can go home and inherit the family business and become a rich man!

 However, I don’t want to give it up after thinking about it.

They both have one nose and two eyes, so why can’t he!

If he just gives in like this, he will be looked down upon even more.

 Actually, even if I say a thousand words, I am still too soft-hearted!

  Always reluctant to be cruel to others.

To use Wang Ye’s words, if you don’t know how to do simple activities such as “connecting people with people”, what else can you do?

  Turning his head, he saw Cao Xiaohuan on one side and immediately withered.

Although Cao Xiaohuanma's kung fu is not as good as his own, he is about to enter the ninth level!

 You definitely can't beat yourself in a fight, but if you want to use force, it's basically impossible!

 She is not a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken. She can just lie on the ground and let her do as she pleases.

They will also resist, but there is no point in resisting.


Ye Qiu boldly glanced at Lin Yi, waved his hand helplessly towards Chen Xinluo and said, "Serve Prince He."

 Where can there be any complaints!

 “Looking at your attitude, are you still dissatisfied?”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him.

 Ye Chen from the Ye family is also a smart man, and he actually bought a big house for Ye Qiu!

 Furthermore, I will give you several thousand taels of expenses per month.

Even now, Lin Yi is embarrassed to say that Ye Qiu is eating and drinking freely at the palace.

Because sometimes, he felt jealous and even looked for Ye Qiu to eat and drink. What would a man who didn't marry a wife or have children do with so much money?

 He is different!

As the largest BOSS in Liang State, he shoulders the important task of maintaining the peace and development of Liang State, taking the lead in setting an example and not wasting public children.

What's more, now that I have a treasure, not only does it cost money to raise a child, but I also have to save a dowry for my daughter, so I can't spend my inner treasury arbitrarily.

 So, sometimes, he has to do a little business of robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

 Otherwise, this day will really be impossible.


 Ye Qiu said with a smile, "It is an honor for me to serve the prince."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Then catch the murderer quickly. How about the three-day deadline?"

After hearing this, Chen Xinluo, like Cao Xiaohuan and others, looked at Ye Qiu who was smiling.

Just listen to Ye Qiu's loud voice, "I'm telling you, Prince, at noon tomorrow, my subordinates will definitely bring the murderer to justice!"

Chen Xinluo felt nervous and even suspected that he had heard wrongly. How could Ye Qiu dare to be so sure?

 What if the murderer has escaped from Ankang City?

The world is so big, where should we look?

When he was about to ask further questions, Ye Qiu had already turned around and left Prince He's Mansion. He apologized to Prince He, and then led Cao Xiaohuan and others to catch up with Ye Qiu.

 “Ye Gongzi,”

Chen Xinluo carefully accompanied him behind him and said in confusion, "I don't understand something. I hope you can clarify it. I wonder why you are so sure that you can catch this murderer?"

 “Are you questioning me?”

Ye Qiu stopped and looked at Chen Xinluo with an unkind expression among everyone's surprised expressions.

Chen Xinluo lowered his head and said expressionlessly, "I don't dare. I'm just a little confused."

 “What’s so hard to guess?”

The sound that suddenly broke in from mid-air made Chen Xinluo feel very familiar. When he raised his head, he saw Fang Pi jumping down from the wall, followed by Zhou Jingye and Shan Sanguan.

Fang Pi saw that everyone was looking at him, and when he was secretly feeling proud, he suddenly saw Chen Xinluo's cold eyes, and hurriedly raised his hands to Chen Xinluo and said, "See Mr. Chen."

Chen Xinluo said coldly, "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. I don't have enough time to grind my teeth with you."


Fang Pi hurriedly said, "Last night during the meal, two people from the imperial guards suddenly lost contact. We activated the emergency plan and found their bodies in a ruined temple. In order to avoid alerting others, we did not do anything with the bodies. Disposal.

Then dozens of corpses were discovered. If there was such a big movement, if our imperial guards didn’t know anything, would it be of any use? "

Chen Xinluo nodded and said, "Yes, if you court guards can't even notice this kind of thing, there is really no need to exist."

Fang Pi chuckled and said, "The masters of the Imperial Guard also immediately felt that this was a way to attract stars, but they also vaguely felt that something was wrong, so they immediately sent a few words of corpse to the stable. As soon as Mr. Ye took action, he immediately found out. situation.”

“It turns out that Mr. Ye has already made up his mind.”

 Chen Xinluo was not too surprised.

Fang Pi continued, "Master Ye said that although the murderer practiced the Star Absorbing Technique and used vicious methods, it is neither the Huiyuan Kung Fu nor the Lion Roar Kung Fu. It is not our Sanhe Kungfu at all." number of ways.”

Zhou Xun on the side couldn't help but asked, "What do you mean by this?"

 “Can’t you understand this?”

Fang Pi was not afraid of Zhou Xun, and said very proudly, "Most of our Sanhe soldiers and civilians practice Huiyuan Gong, which focuses on the majestic yin and yang sun rising in the east and bringing out ominous things.

The Star Absorbing Technique is just a method. It is naturally very wonderful to use Huiyuan Gong as internal force to activate it. However, for monks who know the Lion's Roar Kung Fu, it does not hurt to use the Lion's Roar Gong to activate it. "

“Then what kind of internal force did the murderer use to activate the star-absorbing technique?”

Zhou Xun couldn't help but asked aloud.

 “Fortunately, this is thanks to Mr. Ye,”

Fang Pi said proudly, "He and the murderer were personally handed over to each other, otherwise we wouldn't have guessed it."

 “Oh, have we fought before?”

Everyone was very surprised.

Those who can fight against a great master like Ye Qiu must be at least a great master.

And this great master should have never learned Huiyuan Gong or Lion Roar Gong.

What immediately flashed in their minds was Jizhao'an, Chunshan City, and even the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple who had just visited Ankang City!

 “Tuigu Temple?”

 In the end, Zhou Xun spoke out.

Fang Pi smiled and said, "Yes, the only ones who can absorb the internal energy of dozens of people without exploding themselves are the masters from Sanhe and other foreign lands.

 The most questionable among them is Ding Lun of Tuigu Temple. "

 “Ding Lun?”

Many people have already guessed it and are not too surprised.

Cao Xiaohuan couldn't stand Fang Pi being like this, but he still said patiently, "Then how to find this Ding Lun?"

You must know that masters like Monk once tried to chase masters but failed to catch them!

 What can these people do?

 After all, Ye Qiu was once defeated by Ding Lun!

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

He held back the blood in his throat and swallowed it again. He cupped his hands to Ye Qiu and said, "Master Ye Haihan, I have no other intentions."

When Ye Qiu was questioned in public, Ye Qiu just let her suffer a little, which was already very tolerant and generous!


 Ye Qiu said calmly, "Do you think the monk will just stand by and watch when I come?"


With the sound of Buddha's chant, the monk appeared directly at the entrance of the alley. No one knew that he appeared like this.

In the whining cold wind, everyone braved the snow and headed outside the city.

Before dawn, the sanitation staff in the city cleared away the snow. It was not difficult to ride a horse or walk on foot, but as soon as we left the city, the snow directly buried the horses' legs.

Chen Xinluo ordered the horses to be left behind, and only the masters of level 5 and above continued northward with the monk.

“Master Ji Hai has no footprints.”

Cao Xiaohuan looked at where Ji Hai passed and then looked at the half-foot-deep footprints he had left, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

Zhou Xun pointed at Ye Qiu's feet again. Wherever Ye Qiu passed, there was an immeasurable footprint.

This time, there is a high and a low all of a sudden.

After walking for ten miles, finally after passing through a stone archway, everyone discovered that it was the White Horse Temple.


The monk clasped his hands in front of a closed temple door.

Fang Pi kicked away the snow on the ground with one foot, and soon saw a body on the ground.

Zhou Jingye couldn't help but said, "Boss, this is the monk from White Horse Temple."

When Fang Pi saw Chen Xinluo looking at him, he spread his hands. There were people from the Third Division, so the imperial guards would not interfere.

Chen Xinluo looked at the silent monk again. Seeing that the monk had no objection, he loudly said, "Come here, surround us!"


More than a hundred people from the Third Division responded to the order with a bang.

Someone was about to climb over the wall and jump into the wall, but unexpectedly, there was a creak and the wooden door in front of him collapsed into the snow.

What caught everyone's eyes were corpses with strange shapes and strange movements.

 Cao Xiaohuan snorted coldly, "He is indeed a ruthless person."

The monk stepped into the temple, and Chen Xinluo waved for everyone to surround the temple.

Ye Qiu suddenly said, "Ding Lun, come out, you can't escape today even if you have wings."

"Ha ha."

Suddenly a burst of laughter echoed in the air, and the white snow on the top of the temple fell from the eaves.

Immediately afterwards, a big man wearing ragged gray clothes stood in the yard.

Everyone took a closer look and found that this person was Ding Lun, the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple!

Ding Lun said, "I heard that there are many masters and talented people in Daliang. I didn't believe it at first, but I was impressed when I saw you two."

Ye Qiu said calmly, "Since His Holiness knows the current affairs so well, I would like to ask His Holiness to go down with him and see the prince. I will listen to the prince's wishes no matter what he does."

 “You want to keep me?”

Ding Lun said this to Ye Qiu, but his eyes always drifted towards the monk with his eyes slightly closed unconsciously.

He spoke with the aura of a great master unconsciously. Fang Pi and the others cuddled tightly behind the monk, trying not to take a step back!

 “Can you still run this time?”

 Ye Qiu suddenly smiled.

Ding Lun's sinister eyes followed Ye Qiu's eyes unconsciously and looked not far away. There was a man and a woman standing on the city wall.

The women's white clothes are fluttering, and the men are holding bamboo sticks in their hands, all looking towards themselves.

 They are all great masters!

 He didn’t think he could escape facing four great masters at the same time!

Turning his head and looking at Ye Qiudao again, "There is a saying that if the two countries are at war, the envoys will not be killed. I am the envoy from Nangu. Is this how Daliang treats guests?"

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "You haven't even submitted a letter of credence to the Ministry of Rites, how can you be considered an envoy?

Since Mr. Ding has found his way back, we won’t care too much about it. Mr. Ding, just follow us. "

Like the monk, Ding Lun clasped his hands together and said in a deep voice, "Please lead the way."

In summer, Lin Yi hates the heat.

 In winter, Lin Yi hates the cold.

 In fact, vaguely, he still missed the winter in Sanhe.

 He was sitting in the rockery, holding the heater, kicking the little yellow dog in front of him from time to time.

 “Your Majesty,”

After Jiao Zhong refilled his tea, he said carefully, "Ding Lun from Nangu is still waiting outside."


Lin Yi sighed and said, "Although there are not many good monks in White Horse Temple, they are our people of Daliang after all. To harm our people at will is a heinous crime."

 He said this without fear that Ding Lun would not hear it.

 As far as he knows, once one has practiced martial arts to a certain level, it is easy for him to do so!

Jiao Zhong said in a deep voice, "It all depends on the prince."

Lin Yi said, "Bring Ding Lun Dharma King in."

Before Jiao Zhong’s announcement, Ye Qiu and the monk were already leading Ding Lun to the rockery.

Lin Yi looked at Ding Lun, and Ding Lun also looked at Lin Yi. The two of them looked at each other, but no one spoke first.

 “Dharma King,”

Lin Yi finally lost his patience and yawned, "You and I have no enmity in the past, but we have not met each other recently. You came all the way here empty-handed. I don't want to say anything to you. You just stole the best Kung Fu from Daliang Kingdom." , Isn’t it unbecoming of your Dharma King to kill my people?”

Ding Lun smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you are polite. There is an old saying in the Liang Kingdom that those who achieve great things since ancient times do not stick to trivial details. Why should Your Majesty care about these details?"

Lin Yi said helplessly, “I’m telling you not to care about details, but I’m not telling you to be shameless.

Fa Wang Ding, I am busy with everything, so I really don’t have much time to chat with you. Just tell me, why do you want to come to Liang? "

He didn’t believe that the people from Tuigu Temple took vultures out for a walk when they had nothing to do.

Ding Lun took a step forward and saw that the monk didn't stop him, so he sat directly in front of Lin Yi.

 (End of this chapter)

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