Chapter 430 Power

Moreover, he is still a member of the imperial guard!

This is not taking the imperial guards seriously!

Rather than looking at the monk’s face, why not look at the Buddha’s face?

By ridiculing him like this, where does the reputation of Ting Wei and Qi Peng go?

 Qi Peng is in Ankang City!

Ting Wei is indeed only Pan Duo's nine grades, and few can play.

 But it also depends on who you compare with, right?

 Compared with the royal guards and the Beijing camp, it is indeed incomparable!

He Wangye once said without hesitation: The Imperial Guard is just a supervisory agency, why is it worth having such strong force?

If you cannot be promoted by professional violent organizations such as "Beijing Camp" and "Guards", I will not be able to sleep peacefully.

 This is the "positioning" that Prince He gave them.

 To put it bluntly, they can only be a supervisory agency. Why do they need such a high force value?

 However, this does not mean that their imperial guards can be looked down upon!

In the past, He Jinquan dominated the court and took charge of the imperial guards, which was a powerful and frightening force in the Liang Kingdom. However, Jiang Chong's secret guards could still compete with him, and the imperial guards' power had actually been restrained.

Up to now, I have entered Ankang City with my prince, Jiang Chong has died, and the secret guards have been uprooted!

In this country of Liang, the heavy responsibility of supervising all officials falls entirely on the shoulders of the imperial guards!

 In fact, anyone with a discerning eye understands that the so-called important responsibility is more about "authority"!

The weight of this authority makes many people’s eyes red.

Although people like Tan Fei and Lei Kaishan are not under the supervision of the imperial guards at present, they can't guarantee that they will not become officials in the future, right?

 You have offended me today. As long as you dare to be an official in the future, I will dare to reveal dirt on you!

Son of a bitch!

 Fang Pi was really angry.

 He is no longer a child and cannot suffer such insults anymore.

 “Brother Fangpi,”

Seeing Fang Pi's blushing face, Tan Fei finally realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said, "Everyone is joking, I don't mean to insult you. Don't take it to heart. I'll apologize to you on behalf of everyone. You Don’t take it personally.”

 He is not afraid of the imperial guards, let alone Fang Pi complaining in front of Prince He.

 In terms of closeness to the prince, how can these guards lose to others?

They and the prince are the ones who miss the past the most. These people are not considered old people, but they are still "new" people.

 In fact, what everyone is most afraid of is the so-called "orphanage" lineage behind Fang Pi. I'm afraid even Fang Pi himself doesn't know this.

The so-called orphanage lineage are all people who came out of Sanhe Orphanage, mostly from Nanzhou, the most typical ones are Monk, Blind Man, Yu Xiaoshi and others.

These people are missing arms and legs, and some of their brains are hard to use.

 But the most important thing is friendship.

 They never look at each other's martial arts skills when making friends, because no one has higher martial arts skills than them.

 As long as they come from Sanhe Orphanage or Nanzhou, they are their friends.

 They have always been protective of their friends.

Especially Fang Pi, whether a blind man or a monk, pays special attention to it.

 Today Fang Pi was offended, and the blind man and the monk were unhappy when he turned around. It was not good for anyone.

 “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Fang Pi was very unconvinced and said, "With your attitude, doesn't it count as bullying me?

Mom, Lei Kaishan, you bastard, come out!

 If you dare, I’ll beat your young master to death!

You dare not beat your young master to death, you are a bastard! "

 Speaking with righteous indignation and shouting at the top of one's lungs!

 The air suddenly became quiet.

 In the dense forest, disdainful snorts could be heard from time to time.

 But no one was willing to speak.

After a long time, Tan Fei said with a sneer, "Brother Fang Pi, you and I are all one family, so don't worry about it like this. I'll treat you to a drink later and make good amends to you."

 He was very surprised that the grumpy Lei Kaishan didn't say a word!

 Not speaking means giving in!

But who is Lei Kaishan?

 The one with the most outstanding martial arts skills among the royal guards!

 The Great Demon Slayer taught by Manager Hong has been trained to the state of transformation, and can crack mountains and crack rocks!

Ye Qiu, an arrogant person, was amazed by Lei Kaishan's palm skills. He said personally that Lei Kaishan was only half a step away from being a master.

 It is possible to become the first guard to become a Grand Master in the He Palace!

 Even Jiao Zhong had to be courteous to him!

Fang Pi scolded him like this, but he just snorted and said nothing. What's going on?

 It’s not scientific at all!

You must know that Lei Kaishan will not give face to the imperial guards.

Because he was afraid of the monks and the blind man, he did not dare to kill Fang Pi, but he would definitely teach Fang Pi a lesson!

 Where is it like now, people can’t understand it.


Fang Pifei's temper became even worse, "I wouldn't have come if Mr. He hadn't asked me to come. You **** just look down on people!"

This time, he scolded all the guards in the palace.

The forest was still silent.

"I really don't mean that, you misunderstood," Tan Fei said helplessly, his face tightened, and then asked, "Master He Jixiang asked you to come?"

Fang Pi said angrily, "Are you suspecting me of lying?"

 “Naturally can’t,”

Tan Fei hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by all this?"


Fang Pi said angrily, "Master He said that Commander Jiao has the important task of protecting the prince, how can he delay important matters because of his children's affair?"

 “What Lord He said is,”

Jiao Zhong suddenly walked out of the forest, put the big knife in his hand on the ground, and said to Fang Pi, "Brother Fang, please go back and tell Lord He. I will definitely not let the prince down."

When Fang Pi saw Jiao Zhong, he was first shocked, then embarrassed. He lowered his head and said, "Commander Jiao, Mr. He asked me to come. I have to come."

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Fang Pi has something to ask of me, and I have to tell him."

Jiao Zhong said coldly, "So, is there anything you can't tell me directly?

 Let you go in such a big circle? "

Tan Fei said without changing his expression, "Sir, I think I didn't hide anything, so I directly said that you and Capt. Cao are not suitable."

"good very good,"

Jiao Zhong looked at Fang Pi angrily, "Master He, do you have anything else to explain?

 You should say it all together. "

Fang Pi thought for a while and said, "Master He only said that you are a smart person, and you will definitely not do stupid things."

Jiao Zhong took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Mr. He, for my trouble."


As soon as Jiao Zhong finished speaking, the sound of a Buddhist trumpet came from the forest.


 Fang Pi was too familiar with the monk’s voice.

Hearing this voice, he shouted in surprise, "Why are you here? I was still talking about you in the morning."

 “It’s good, it’s good.”

With the sound of the monk's Buddha's horn, a figure directly hit the ground from mid-air.


 Screams followed.


 Everyone is familiar with this figure.

With such a tall figure, who else could he be besides the bodyguard Lei Kaishan?

Why did this guy make no sound at all and was just thrown to the ground?


 Tan Fei saw the monk coming out of the forest and bowed respectfully.

 He will finally understand why Lei Kaishan was so honest just now.

 In front of a great master like the monk, if you dare to move casually, it is a provocation to the great master.

 What’s more, it’s about punishing Fang Pi!

 The ninth-level peak person has no qualifications to be arrogant in front of the Grand Master!

 After he greeted the monk, the monk ignored him and looked directly at Fang Pi, sighing, "Sin, sin."


 Fang Pi was very happy to see the monk.

 He is not stupid, and he also understands the reason why Lei Kaishan dare not take action.

 He suddenly felt sorry for the monk.

 Monks are indifferent by nature, do not kill, and do not easily hit others.

Now that he is willing to teach Lei Kaishan a lesson, it must be for his own sake.

 He felt very guilty because he had caused the monk to break his precepts.


This time the monk looked at Lei Kaishan, who had just gotten up from the ground, and his face was smeared with mud and blood. "Poor monk Meng Lang, is the donor okay?"

More and more royal guards appeared in the forest.

 They also looked at Lei Kaishan without any agreement.

The man who looked like an iron tower in Lei Kaishan was crumbling at this moment and could not even stand firmly.

 The mud and blood are mixed together, which makes people feel heartbroken.

This is the pinnacle of the ninth grade!

  How come you didn’t even survive a single move!

Just now, they saw the monk walking slowly towards Lei Kaishan. When he got close, Lei Kaishan's body was thrown into the air like a shrimp.

 Finally landed with a thud.

 There is no way to avoid it, there is no way to hide.

 From the beginning to the end, no one discovered how the monk made his move.

Lei Kaishan has no ability to resist, like a puddle of mud.

 Many of them were frightened by the monk.

This kind of shock was even stronger than what Manager Hong gave them.

 In their impression, even Manager Hong could not make a ninth-grade peak person lose the ability to fight back in the first moment.

What’s even more frightening is that they can’t guess the monk’s thoughts.

 Unlike the manager, happiness and anger are written on his face.

 There are always signs before killing people.

It's like facing a monk with a blank face. You might die inexplicably if you don't pay attention.

 Monks truly kill without blood.

 “You’re welcome, Master.”

Lei Kaishan coughed several times, swallowed the blood foam into his stomach, stabilized his swaying body, and said loudly, "I'm fine, thank you for your trouble, Master."

 When someone beats him up, he still has to comfort the person who beat him!

 He has never been so aggrieved in his life!

 But, there is really no way!

 The man in front of me is a monk!

 The blind man is a person who must be polite to Ye Qiu, Wen Zhaoyi and others when they meet him!

  It is someone you cannot afford to offend, and you are also someone you dare not offend!

However, he didn't understand one thing, why did the monk suddenly appear here?

 He saw with his own eyes that the monk went to chase Ding Lun, the king of Nangu, but never returned.

  Just yesterday, the prince asked a question.

 No one knows whether the monk is alive or dead.

 Unexpectedly, the monk would suddenly appear in front of me.

“That’s good, the poor monk is relieved,”

The monk clasped his hands together, and then said to Jiao Zhong, "Please, the commander-in-chief, take the poor monk to see the prince."

Jiao Zhong faced the monk's ancient and unrippled eyes. If it weren't for his ninth-level cultivation, he would have responded directly.

 However, reason told him that he couldn't.

There are rules for meeting the prince.

 Breaking the rules is a big mistake!

Even if he is the commander of the bodyguards, he will have to shed his skin even if he does not die.

After taking a deep breath, he calmed down and said, "Master, wait a moment, let me go and make a report."

 Only when the prince agrees, the monk can appear in front of the prince.

 The prince disagrees, and the monk is not qualified to appear in front of the prince.

This is the rule.

 “I have labor to lead.”

The monk smiled slightly.

Jiao Zhong nodded, turned around and left.

  The sun in early autumn is not so harsh, and it shines warmly on people.

These days, Lin Yi was exhausted from being tortured by his daughter.

Finally got free time to go fishing. I was in a happy mood and hummed a tune that no one else could understand.

Jiao Zhong waited for the song in his mouth to finish singing before he said cautiously, "Your Majesty, the monk is back."

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Where are the people?"

Jiao Zhongdao said, “We are waiting for the prince’s summons.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Let him come over."

Jiao Zhong turned around and saw that the monk was already standing behind him.

 He took a step back and allowed the monk to step forward.

The monk put his hands together and said, "See you, Your Majesty."

Lin Yidao, "Where is the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple who is so awesome?"

 “Your Majesty,”

The monk closed his eyes slightly and said guiltily, "The poor monk is incompetent and couldn't keep him."


Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "Forget it, as long as you are not injured."

The monk said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for caring about me. I am a poor monk."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Jiao Zhong."

  “The subordinate is here.”

Jiao Zhong responded quickly.

Lin Yi said slowly and leisurely, "Bring all the captured Nangu people to the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Rites will negotiate with Nangu.

 The people of Nangu are barbaric and lack education, but as a country of etiquette, we in Daliang cannot imitate them. "

Jiao Zhong said, "I will do it now."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Go."

 After finishing speaking, he looked at the monk again.

The monk clasped his hands and said, "I wonder if the prince has any other instructions."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, go down and have a good rest."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The monk walked very slowly step by step, but in an instant he could no longer see anyone.

Lin Yi sighed, "This is the so-called Qing Gong."

 He can't learn Kung Fu, and even if he wants to learn it now, he won't be able to endure the hardship.

 You can only watch others come and go.

When the sun went down, he caught two barrels of fish and returned home with a full load.

  When I returned to the house, I instinctively wanted to take a look at the child first, but considering that I had just finished fishing and was smelly, I went to Hu Miaoyi's wing after taking a shower.

 The child has just woken up and is currently nursing in the nurse's arms.

Lin Yi waited until the child was full, then carefully took it into his arms, coaxing her to sleep and singing songs.

 “Amen to a vine,

 The green land of Anon Anon has just sprouted,

The snail is carrying that heavy shell."

“Your Majesty, this song is really interesting. I haven’t heard it yet.”

Hu Miaoyi gave a rare compliment.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Are you feeling better today?"

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern,”

Hu Miaoyi smiled and said, "I'm doing well, my concubine."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's fine. If you need anything, just greet people directly and don't wrong yourself."

 “I understand, I understand,”

Hu Miaoyi hesitated for a moment and said, "I have something I don't know whether to say or not."

“If it’s a matter about the king, you can make the decision yourself,”

Lin Yi said casually while shaking the child in his arms, "There is no need to inform the king. This is what I have told you. It is entirely up to you to make the decision."

He can't take care of this kind of mess, and he doesn't bother to take care of it.


 (End of this chapter)

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