I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 429: Too much bullying

Chapter 429: Bullying goes too far

 “Damn you, you are so brave.”

After Jiao Zhong finished speaking, he kicked Tan Fei.

Unexpectedly, Tan Fei didn't even try to hide, he just took it hard without even making a cry or a groan.

He then remembered that Tan Fei was at the pinnacle of the ninth rank!

 If you really want to compete, you may not necessarily lose to yourself.

He can be the commander of the bodyguards, not because he has the best skills, but because he has the most trust from the steward and the prince.


Tan Fei dusted off the clothes on his waist and said calmly, "Thank you, Commander, for showing mercy. I am grateful."

“I won’t show mercy. I can only say that you are too capable and I can’t do anything to you.”

Having said this, Jiao Zhong couldn't help but sigh, "You are so capable. There is a vast world outside and you can accomplish a lot. It would be too unqualified for you to be a small bodyguard here."

By just counting, there are now five guards in the palace who are at the peak of the ninth grade!

If these people were put into the world, they would all be able to establish a sect!

Especially the Tan Fei in front of me, who is only twenty years old and already at the peak of the ninth rank!

 The future is limitless!

 Perhaps there will be another person who shines in the past and present in the future.

They people who stay in the government now are actually overqualified and underutilized.

 More importantly, these people caused trouble to themselves, the commander of the guards.

 Ever since he became the commander of the guards, these people have never taken him seriously.

 The reason why I can still instigate them is mainly because of the rules of the palace.

 After Prince He led the troops into Ankang City, the guard commander He Hong once carefully asked Prince He about the rights of the guards of Prince He.

He said to the prince:

Now I’m here to tell you, it’s up to you to solve the cases that the government can’t solve. You kill those who the secret guards dare not kill. You take care of the things that the court dares not take care of.

In a word, you don’t need to take care of things that others can take care of, but you have to take care of things that others can’t take care of!

You are my king's personal guards. As long as you are executing my king's will, safeguarding my interests, and conducive to my development, you are allowed to kill first and report later.

 Is it clear enough?

 So, these guards and commanders are the biggest losers with the prince!

Annoying the guard leader is annoying the grandfather!

If you and the prince get angry, the consequences will be serious.

In the eyes of Manager Hong, Blind Man, and Ye Qiu, the ninth and eighth grades are no different from ants.

Without the support of these people, who knows how a "little" guard commander like him would be bullied by them.

"I have never been vain or greedy for pleasure,"

Tan Fei said loudly, "My dream is to serve Daliang Kingdom, Sanhe, and die for Prince He!"

 The more you speak, the louder your voice becomes!

 The sound shook the sky!

The birds in the forest flew away in fright, flapping their wings and flying over the heads of the two people.

Jiao Zhong’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch several times.

Are you afraid that the prince and the other guards will not hear you?

Son of a bitch!

You say it with your conscience!

 You stayed in Hewangfu for the sake of being with the prince?

 What a fool!

 Actually, Jiao Zhong is sometimes very clear about these people's little thoughts.

 Being at the peak of the ninth rank was really amazing in the past. Go out and establish a sect, have disciples all over the world, become a force of your own in the world, become a "local emperor", call the wind and rain, how happy it is!

However, since He Wangye launched a special operation to "eradicate gangsters and eliminate evil", all the sects in the arena have been defined by He Wangye as "evil forces".

These people carry out private affairs in a "narrow sense", do evil things, ignore the king's laws, and take human life lightly. They are like local gangsters and bullies.

 To deal with these people, the prince ordered the military and local governments to strike hard!

Anyone who dares to resist will be treated as "stubborn" by the prince. Occasionally, in order to achieve a certain effect of "killing chickens to scare monkeys", great masters such as Ye Qiu and Blind Man will be sent to come forward!

He and the prince look down on Ye Qiu and the others, but they are still great masters!

 The so-called century-old sects in the world are like fallen leaves in the autumn wind in front of the great master.

●Today’s world is a **** mess!

Even if he and the palace guards are ninth grade, what can they do?

 After all, Jianghu is no longer what it once was.

These people now actually have more thoughts of ascending to heaven with chickens and dogs.

 They are looking forward to ascending the throne with the prince more than anyone else!

 Once the prince becomes the emperor in the future, they may be like Shen Chu, He Hong, Bao Kui and others, and they may mobilize troops on the battlefield!

Leading thousands of troops and having thousands of people look up to you, isn’t it much better than being a rogue bandit?

  "You are indeed loyal, young man, and you are worthy of the manager's cultivation of you."

Tan Fei said that he would die in the service of Prince He. Jiao Zhong couldn't say some sarcastic words. I don't know how many pairs of ears were listening around him.

Tan Fei is his subordinate no matter what. If he lets his subordinates lose face, will his own face be brightened?

Even if you grit your teeth in anger, you have to endure it.

“The manager’s cultivation will naturally be unforgettable by his subordinates,”

Tan Fei grinned slightly, cleared his throat and said, "Besides, how many people in the palace and I have not received any favors from the manager?"

Threatened him with the manager?

 He is not afraid.

 “You’re a good boy,”

Jiao Zhong snorted coldly, then lowered his voice and said, "Although many people know about the scandal between me and Cao Xiaohuan, it is not known to everyone yet. How did you know about it?"

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Commander, have you forgotten, when did those of us close to the prince have secrets?"

Jiao Zhong said without changing his expression, "If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten."

 They are the people around the prince.

 There can be no secrets between you and the people around the prince.

The guards must know each other's details and family background, otherwise no one will trust anyone else.

 If you mistrust others, it will be nothing if you die.

But if it affects the prince’s safety, it is a crime worthy of death!

 So, no matter what, they must have no "privacy" when they stand with each other.

He wants to investigate the guards one by one. Why don't the guards investigate each other?

 Especially for someone like Tan Fei who has reached the peak of the ninth rank!

It’s easy to know something about him!

 “It’s just that noble people forget things.”

Tan Fei took a step forward, stretched his neck and said to Jiao Zhong, "As the commander of the guards of the Royal Palace, your future is limitless. You may become a high official in the court in the future. It would be a pity to marry such a woman casually."

Jiao Zhong said angrily, "What kind of woman should I marry? Do you need to teach me?"

Tan Fei said, "Sir, good medicine tastes bitter, but loyal advice offends the ears.

 I remember you advised Liu Kan and General Zhen before.

Both of them have received great attention from Mr. He Jixiang, and they may become high-ranking officials in the future. "

Jiao Zhong was stunned for a long time, then sighed, "It's true that those who are in charge are confused, and those who look on see clearly."

 He is the commander of the personal guards beside the prince!

 Cao Xiaohuan is the chief arrester of Dali Temple!

 The identities of both of them are extraordinary!

 If the two of them want to be together, there is only one way, and that is for one of them to resign.

 Cao Xiaohuan agree?

 That is definitely impossible!

Cao Xiaohuan is a good person, but he suffered too much in his early years and has a strong ambition for fame and fortune.

Don’t say that you have no weight in Cao Xiaohuan’s heart. Even if you love him deeply, there is no way that Cao Xiaohuan would give up his position as the chief catcher of Dali Temple for him!

 As for himself?

 Even more impossible!

He had worked hard to get the position of commander of the palace guards and the palace guards!

 It’s too late to cherish it, so how can you give it up so easily?

 Just because of a woman?

For the so-called love?

 I am not that stupid!

 As for Chen Xinluo, a guy who is obsessed with fame and wealth, it is even more impossible.

Moreover, he had to admit that Chen Xinluo was much smarter than him!

 Chen Xinluo would never do such a stupid thing!

 Even if Cao Xiaohuan is a fairy descended to earth!

 As long as you have money and power, what kind of woman can’t be found?

“It’s good if the commander understands this truth,”

Tan Fei straightened up and said with a smile, "The subordinates are doing this for the sake of the leader."

 “Thank you very much.”

After Jiao Zhong finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Tan Fei waited for Jiao Zhong to walk farther and farther, and then suddenly said, "Come out."

"You are still so sharp-tongued that Jiao Zhong lost his mind in just a few words."

 Fangpi suddenly fell from mid-air.

Tan Fei smiled and said, "What benefits have you given King Yong'an that he is willing to give you this Turtle Breathing Skill?

 You are becoming more and more agile now. Even a ninth-grade peak like me would not be able to spot you if you don’t pay attention. "

Fang Pi chuckled and said, "The prince asked for it for me. He said that I don't have the ability to practice martial arts and my defense is low, so I might as well practice some life-saving skills.

King Yong'an didn't hide his secrets and just threw the merit score to me.

The blind man said, if I don't be lazy, I can surpass King Yong'an in practicing this skill to perfection in ten years. Even he will not be able to find me by then.

 Perhaps you can become the second best in the world by practicing Turtle Breathing Kung Fu. "

 King Yong'an learned from many others' strengths and looked down upon the Turtle Breathing Skill, so naturally he wasn't too interested in it.

And he studies and practices this skill diligently, and he believes that it won't take long to surpass King Yong'an who is very talented in Turtle Breath Kung Fu.

Tan Fei asked curiously, "Then who is number one in the world?"

Fang Pi sighed and said, "Of course it's the blind bastard. He just listened to a few words and found out the method. He said that this kung fu is extremely simple and he can practice it to great success casually.

 Are you angry?

 No wonder He Wangye said that the gap between people is greater than the gap between humans and dogs. "

“Whether he is a blind man or a monk, he is a genius, and we can hardly match him.”

Tan Fei said lightly, "Compared with them, I am just making myself uncomfortable.

 Tell me, why do you want me to provoke Commander Jiao and Cao Xiaohuan.

If you can't tell me why today, you don't have to leave. "

 As he spoke, he pulled out the long knife from his waist.

Fang Pi said angrily, "You are so loud, aren't you afraid that other brothers will hear you?"

“Brother Fangpi, you can say it, but we can’t hear you.”

“That’s it, that’s what you said you were.”

 “If you have something to say, say it quickly, don’t sit here and chirp”

ˆ “.”

 At once, the voices of seven or eight people came from all around the forest.

Fang Pi was startled and said loudly, "You **** people are just listening to the wall. Come out if you have the ability. You hide your head and show your tail. How can you be a hero?"

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Didn't you listen carefully just now?"


Fang Pi asked curiously.

Tan Feidao said, "There are no secrets from the palace guards."

“Anyone with a secret will not survive the third watch.”

The voice coming from the forest quickly picked up Tan Fei's words.


Fang Pi was startled again by the voice echoing in the air, "You've been pretending to be a ghost for most of the day. Aren't you afraid of scaring your young master to death?"

 “Who are you going to be the master of?”

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the air suddenly became solemn.

Fang Pi felt like he couldn't breathe. He always felt that the voice was so familiar. He looked at Tan Fei in surprise, and then gasped, "Who is this?"

Tan Fei smiled and said, "You have already guessed it."

Fang Pi trembled and said, "A gravel grenade to open a mountain?"

Seeing Tan Fei nod, he hurriedly said, "Brother Lei, I was joking!

 Don’t take it seriously, brother, this body cannot withstand your torture.

Your Majesty, please spare your brother this time.

 Brother will work as a cow or a horse for you!


As he spoke, he couldn't help crying.

That's a gravel grenade to open the mountain!

 He is one of the pinnacles of the ninth rank of the palace!

  Someone who can compete with Yu Shi on equal footing!

I think back then, because I looked at him unkindly, the other person punched me.

If his good friends Ah-Dai and Yu Xiao hadn't stopped him, he would have died on the spot!

 So, Fang Pi felt moved and fearful from the bottom of his heart towards this moody guy.

 What's more, Ah-Dai and Yu Shi are not here today.

 As for Tan Fei?

Definitely not going to stop it for me!

Lei Kaishan is a colleague, how could he offend his colleagues for his own sake?

Of course, the family has family rules and the state has national laws. Although Lei Kaishan is impulsive, he is not an idiot and will definitely not kill himself.

 I have left my name with Prince He. If I die, Prince He will definitely not be indifferent.

Follow it down, one life is worth one!

 Not cost-effective!


The voice like thunder in the air continued, "If you fart, hurry up. I don't have that much time to do it with you."


Another feminine voice suddenly appeared in Fang Pi's ear, "I'm very curious as to who wants to stop our commander from marrying Cao Xiaohuan. He is our beloved commander, and we can't just sit idly by."

 The air is getting thicker.

The boss with a square skin and a swollen mouth couldn't say a word. He covered his neck with his hands, stared at his big eyes, and made a sound like a drake in his mouth. He hunched over and looked at Tan Fei.


Tan Fei slapped Fang Pi on the shoulder, "He's not very good at martial arts. As you know, who can afford to die like this?"

Fang Pi suddenly collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, reaching out to touch the sweat on his forehead, and said with a cry, "I have no enmity with any of my brothers, why do you harm me like this."

Lei Kaishan snorted coldly, "So what?"

 “Are you trying to deceive me into having no one in your palace?”

Fang Pi stood up abruptly, his face flushed.

 It is really too much to deceive others!

Just because he is not very good at martial arts, you can humiliate him like this?

 He is the governor of the Imperial Guard after all!

 There are as many masters as you have under your command!

 On weekdays, wind gets wind and rain gets rain!

Have you ever suffered such injustice?

Whether it’s Tan Fei or Lei Kaishan, they both went too far!

    Didn't take his square skin seriously at all!

ps: I will add more updates soon, and at the same time, I will gradually correct typos, unclear sentences, and illogical logic.

 Thank you all for your support and tolerance.

Kneel down and thank you.

 (End of this chapter)

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