I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 424: His Holiness

Chapter 424: Dharma King

 After all, today is different from the past.

 In the past, although I didn’t like Concubine Yuan to know about things I did with the prince, the purpose of hiding it was to prevent Concubine Yuan from worrying.

 Now, the reason for not letting Concubine Yuan know is to guard against Concubine Yuan.

 He ​​himself couldn't figure out why Concubine Yuan Gui and Prince He were in this situation.

 They are mother and son!

  If you don’t say that a mother is kind and her son is filial, there’s no need for it to be so tense, right?

 If he couldn't understand this, Xiao Xizi didn't think about it too much.

He couldn't get involved in the matter between mother and son, and he didn't dare to get involved. He could only try to find a balance between the two. Although he sided with Prince He without hesitation, he couldn't let Concubine Yuan Gui find out what to say. .

 After all, no matter what happens, as long as the imperial concubine requests it, the prince and the prince will not insult the imperial concubine in public, slap dozens of big blows on her, and she won’t die anyway!

His own skills are not bad, but if it is an execution by a master, dozens of big boards will come down, and even if he does not die, he will still lose his skin.

 So, unless it is absolutely necessary, you cannot offend the imperial concubine.

Must always prove to Concubine Yuan that he has always been the most "loyal" slave around Concubine Yuan.

 “You **** slave,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said coldly, "I don't care about you, but you are getting better and better at fooling me."


Xiao Xizi said cautiously, "Mother, have you forgotten?

This Liu Chaoyuan is a great master. If he wants to leave the palace, no one dares to stop him, and no one can stop him. "

 Besides, I don’t even know when this guy ran away!

 Otherwise if he encounters a blind man or a monk, no matter who takes action, Liu Chaoyuan will never leave Ankang City!


Concubine Yuan Gui snorted again. Although she was disdainful of Xiao Xizi, she still recognized it and said, "Liu Chaoyuan is indeed a great master. If he wants to go to the palace, you really have no ability to stop him.

Moreover, since he deliberately wants to hide, you have no hope of finding him. "

 In her knowledge, there is no one more powerful than the Grand Master.

 Hence, there is no longer any suspicion that Xiao Xizi is lying.

 “The empress is wise,”

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "As soon as I have news about him, I will report it to you immediately."

Concubine Yuan Guifei glanced at him with disgust and said, "Okay, get out."


Xiao Xizi slowly exited the house, then strode out of the yard.

He Lian saw him coming out of Jinglan Palace and hurriedly greeted him, "Father, what does this lady mean?"

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what the empress means.

The birth of a princess is a big deal, and we in the palace have nothing to do with it, but this mistake cannot come from the palace.

You have arranged for people to keep a close eye on Jinglan Palace. Even if a mosquito flies out, you must find out whether it is a male or a female. "

 He was really afraid that the empress would not be able to think straight for a while and that it would be detrimental to the princess!

He Lian hurriedly said, "Follow your orders."

Xiao Xizi frowned and said, "Doctor Han prescribe medicine for the Holy Emperor at night?"

He Liandao said, "Let me tell you, my father-in-law, I have found someone to look at the small prescriptions. They are all calming and soothing. There is nothing wrong with them."

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Father, Han Yong actually dares to be so disrespectful to you. Why don't you kill his whole family as a warning to others?"

 “You bastard, you’re just going to come up with blind ideas,”

Xiao Xizi said lightly, "I told the prince that there are three things in life that we should not laugh at: not laughing at natural disasters, not laughing at man-made disasters, and not laughing at diseases.

 There are three things that people should not kill when they are established in the land. Do you know what they are? "

He Lian thought for a while and then said, "You are so stupid, I hope your father-in-law can enlighten you."

Xiao Xizi said expressionlessly, "Teachers who educate people, doctors who save people, and soldiers who protect the country cannot be killed easily."

He Lian flattered him and said, "My father-in-law is compassionate and has the virtue of living well."


Xiao Xizi sighed, "It's the prince's mercy. What does it have to do with our family? Whoever the prince wants to die must die. If the prince doesn't want anyone to die, he can't die casually. This is a rule. Anyone who violates the prince's rules can't die if he doesn't want to." no."

What Xiao Xizi said was convoluted, but He Lian still understood it and said hurriedly, "Don't worry, father-in-law, I will handle the little one with care."

"rest assured?"

Xiao Xizi snorted coldly and said, "We are in troubled times right now. If we let go of our heart, we will also let go of our head. Do you understand?"


He Lian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said, "Young ones don't dare to relax for a moment."

 Xiao Xizi said, "That's good."

As he spoke, his eyes drifted towards the sun that was already hanging on the city wall.

The days are getting hotter and hotter.

The monk was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard. Xie Xiaoqing, who was standing next to him, put two steamed buns in front of the monk and said with a smile, "Eat something, you have been sitting all night."

The monk opened his eyes, glanced at the steamed buns on the plate, and said guiltily, "Thank you."

“Although you and I are not called husband and wife, we are already married.”

Xie Xiaoqing touched her growing belly and then said, "Why do you need to say these kind words, it seems harsh."

 “Amitabha, the young monk will give the girl an explanation,”

The monk lowered his head and tore into the buns while whispering, "I will never let the girl suffer."

Xie Xiaoqing was about to speak when he suddenly looked up at the sky, frowned and said, "Not good."

The monk said in confusion, "It's just a group of big birds, why is the girl so panicked?"

 “This is a vulture,”

Xie Xiaoqing said nervously, "This kind of bird has always only appeared in the south valley. Occasionally, one or two appear in the north. It is already rare, let alone such a large group."

The monk smiled and said, "The young monk really doesn't understand what the girl means, so he still asks the girl to clarify his doubts."

“Nangu people believe in the cause and effect of life and death. They eat meat while alive and believe that they must sacrifice their bodies after death.”

Xie Xiaoqing looked at the big birds flying by in the sky from time to time, and whispered, "After they die, they will neither be buried nor cremated. Their families will feed their bodies to vultures, leaving only a skull. "

 “Feed the vultures?”

Monk has seen and heard a lot, but he couldn't help but feel horrified when he heard that people feed vultures after death.

“Yes, human bones are very hard and vultures cannot eat them directly. They need people to chop them into pieces.”

 Speaking of this, Xie Xiaoqing couldn't help but shudder under the sun, "This kind of person is called a sky burial master."

 “Sky Burial Master?”

The monk chewed the steamed bun and asked, "How are their skills?"

Xie Xiaoqing shook his head and said, "Sky Burial Masters are the lowest-ranking ones in the South Valley. Their skills are not very high. They are not even as good as dogs. Ordinary carriers can beat and scold them."

The monk said, "If that's the case, why are you so panicked?"

Xie Xiaoqing glanced at the monk who remained calm-faced, and said bitterly, "In addition to carrying out funerals, the Sky Burial Master also uses vultures to deliver messages.

Although their status is low, there are not many people who can make them willingly obey orders.

 Presumably the one who came to the Northland this time was someone like the Dharma King. "

 “Dharma King?”

The monk pondered for a moment, "Who can compete with the masters of Jizhao'an?"

Xie Xiaoqing nodded and said, "They are the venerable people in Nangu, the gods on Mount Tuigu. Only they are worthy of cremation and do not need sky burial."

The monk said to himself, "Why did they come to Ankang City?

 You are quite fast, come in. "

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the blind man suddenly appearing in the yard.

The blind man held a bamboo joint in his hand, knocked twice in the yard and said, "If Miss Xie hadn't solved the problem, I would still be confused. It turns out that these big birds were instigated by someone."

 Xie Xiaoqing said politely, "Taoist Master, you're welcome."

 She was not afraid of blind men before, but since she became pregnant, she could not control her fear every time she saw a blind man.

 Why are you afraid?

 She couldn't tell herself.

“I have heard the name of Tuigu Temple for a long time,”

The blind man smiled and said, "I would like to go to the meeting for a while, monk. You can go and report to the prince."

The monk said, "Then you go ahead and I will arrive soon."

 “Come quickly, or I’ll be beaten to death and you won’t be able to see me.”

 The blind man finished speaking with a smile and disappeared from the monk's eyes without waiting for a reply.

The monk looked at Xie Xiaoqing who was in a daze, clasped his hands and said, "You rest at home and stop running around. I'll be back as soon as I go."

Xie Xiaoqing said softly, "Then you should be more careful."

The monk smiled and said hello.

Lin Yi got up relatively late. By the time he had breakfast, the sun was already high, and his plan to go fishing was ruined.

Lying in the garden, yawning while listening to the monk's report, he said after a while, "The Dharma King of Tuigu Temple has such a great reputation. Didn't he say that they went to find trouble in Jizhao'an?

 Why did you come to Ankang City? "

The monk clasped his hands and shook his head and said, "I don't know, little monk."

 “Xie Xiaoqing is pregnant?”

Lin Yi turned to ask.

 “Little monk.”

The monk couldn't keep up with Lin Yi's brain circuit. He didn't expect this question to pop up suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "As a man, you have to admit it when you do it, and don't hesitate. It's your child, and you have to shoulder your own responsibilities. You haven't had your parents since you were a child.

 Don’t let your children have no father again and continue to follow your old path. "

The monk said with emotion, "Young monk understands."

Lin Yi nodded, and then continued, "Since Xie Xiaoqing said that they are from Tuigu Temple, they are probably not wrong. Go and help the blind man. If you can, stay. If you can't, don't force it. "

 Suddenly, a burst of bird chirping came from the sky above Hewang Mansion.

The monk suddenly raised his head, and the big bird swooped down from the air and let out a shrill cry before landing directly outside the wall of Prince He's Mansion.

 “Protect the prince!”

The shouts and shouts of the palace guards rose and fell with each other.

 “Your Majesty.”

 Ye Qiu appeared directly behind Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Looking at it like this, did those Nangu people appear directly at the door of my palace?"

 “The prince is wise.”

Ye Qiu lowered his head and wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

"You are hurt?"

Lin Yi turned around and was shocked to see the bright red blood stains on Ye Qiu's hands.

"Don't be discouraged. How old are you? It's not unfair to lose to him."

Wen Zhaoyi's figure slowly walked out from behind a rockery under everyone's gaze. Looking at Ye Qiu who always lowered his head, he said, "I have known the name of Ding Lun, the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple, in the South Valley for a long time. I never expected that now His kung fu is so high. If I guess right, his kung fu is not inferior to Jing Yi’s, so it’s normal for you to lose to him.”

Ye Qiu said sadly, "Wen Zhaoyi is right. The person who came here does call himself Ding Lun. He is the Dharma King of Tuigu Temple. He is very powerful. I have not been able to survive a single move in his hands."

 “Such a dish?”

Lin Yi was very surprised.

 Ye Qiu is also a great master after all, right?

 How is it that the gap between great masters and great masters is wider than the gap between humans and dogs?

 “The subordinate is aware of his guilt.”

 Ye Qiu knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Lin Yi continued, "Did this so-called Dharma King say why he came to Daliang?"

Ye Qiudao said, "I am here to meet the prince. Are you here to hand over the credentials of King Nangu?"

 “That barbarian king?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Are they worthy?

I have always been committed to peaceful coexistence, but I don’t like the way he appears. He appears directly in Daliang without going through the Ministry of Rites. Appearing at the door of my residence is a provocation to me.

Who indulges in their bad habits? "


The monk clasped his hands together again and said, "The young monk will go meet him now. Don't worry, Your Majesty, he will not teach him to step into the palace."

Lin Yi said calmly, "Don't force anything. If it doesn't work, use the cannon. Even if the house is destroyed, I have to let them go without any return. I have to let them understand that they can't be too arrogant."


The person who answered this time was Jiao Zhong who was close to Lin Yi.

Hand holding the handle of the knife, he was more nervous than anyone else.

 As the commander of the palace guards, his role more often is to mediate and coordinate.

The one who can really make everyone feel at ease is the Grand Master of Hewangfu!

He didn’t know what Tuigu Temple was or what a Dharma protector was. However, both Wen Zhaoyi and the monk in front of him looked solemn, and Ye Qiu was even more hurt.

 It can be seen that the incoming enemy is very difficult to deal with!

Even the Grand Master feels that he is a troublesome enemy. What can he, the commander of the guards who have not yet reached the ninth level, do?

 He is afraid!

 He is not afraid of death!

 But I am afraid that if I die, no one will be able to protect Mr. He!

 It would be great if the manager were here!

 In his impression, the manager has always been omnipotent.

As long as the manager is here, people like them will have peace of mind.

For the first time in his life, he missed someone so much.

He and the monk at the gate of the palace stared carefully at the man wearing a gray gown standing in front of him, unable to tell his specific age.

 What surprised him very much was that the eyes were blue, and that a grown man with a girl-like face was actually rosy.

It is true that the world is full of wonders.

There was also a group of men standing there, each with unkempt hair and ragged clothes, their heads lowered, and their specific appearance could not be seen.

 Surrounded by royal guards, Beijing camp officers and soldiers, and police officers holding long bows, broadswords, and spears.

 There is no water on all sides.

The monk said to the blind man next to him, who was leaning on a bamboo joint to support his body, "Are you injured too?"

 The blind man said calmly, "I can't die."

The monk pushed the blind man's back with his palm. After a faint smoke appeared on his back, he closed his palms and clasped his hands together, looked at the man opposite and said, "The young monk Jihai has met the master."

 “Old man Ding Lun,”

The man who called himself Ding Lun looked at the monk without blinking and said in unskilled Mandarin, "I would like to pay an audience to the Regent of Liang Kingdom. Please pass the message on my behalf."

 (End of this chapter)

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