Chapter 423 My Pride

 Mingyue put her hand on her forehead, feeling very helpless.

 She has been with the prince since she was a child, and she has grown up with him.

At the same time, because she is familiar with the prince's novels, she has a better understanding of their prince's thoughts.

 I have become accustomed to the prince who often behaves in shocking ways.

 But at this moment, seeing these plots written by the prince, I was still shocked.

She actually couldn't understand their prince more and more.

 You are the heir of the royal family after all. If you don't teach the common people to "accept their fate", forget it. Writing such poems to encourage people to rebel is obviously asking them to change their fate against nature!

Is this appropriate?

What's more, you have taken charge of the Liang Kingdom!

 By writing this, you are encouraging the people below to rebel against you!

 It’s really puzzling.

 She stared unblinkingly at the charcoal words that appeared on the white paper until she saw the words "Life and death, destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven", and she exclaimed, "Your Majesty."

Lin Yi ignored her. After finishing writing the last paragraph, he stretched out and said casually, "The king is the boat; the common man is the water. Water carries the boat, and water overturns the boat."

There is nothing that cannot be written, and there is nothing that cannot be read. People who hide their illnesses and avoid medical treatment will eventually die miserably. "

Mingyue immediately understood what Lin Yi meant and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I understand."

“You, you still don’t understand. If you really understood, you wouldn’t say those words,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You just think you understand that I am not being pretentious or hypocritical, but telling the truth.

 The rise, fall, and chaos are endless cycles. This history has a cyclical law. There is never a long life, let alone an eternity.

 Once the people are dissatisfied, it is normal for dynasties to change. "

Mingyue hesitated for a moment, stopped defending, and whispered, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi yawned and said, "These days, we are all living the same life, but our thoughts are different. There are very few people who can really think clearly, including Xie Zan and He Jixiang.

 They thought I was in the first layer, but actually I was in the atmosphere, so they weren’t too stupid. "


Mingyue pondered for a moment, then thought of the "geography" knowledge that Lin Yi had told them.

 It is very clear what is the troposphere and what is the stratosphere.

 Including the theory of "the earth is round" that Hua Tianxia is so great at.

Although they didn’t believe it, since the prince said it, they took note of it carefully.

  Regardless of whether it is correct or not.


Lin Yi joked, "They can't figure out my king."

 After saying that, he threw the charcoal pen in his hand directly on the table, and then rubbed his forehead with two soft hands.

Mingyue said, "Your Majesty, the princess is due to give birth in these days. Aunt Jinmei has died. The empress has never sent an experienced aunt into the palace. This is against the rules."


Lin Yi closed his eyes slightly and said calmly, "I set the rules. If I say they are consistent, they will be consistent. If I say they are not consistent, they will be inconsistent. Why bother so much."

 In front of me, I am thinking, if this child is born, what should I name it? "

Although he is uneducated and self-aware, his cultural level is really limited, but as the biological father of his child, he will never give up the naming to others.

 No matter what, it will not be faked by human hands.

 “Your Majesty,”

Zixia covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Then what are you going to name the prince?"

 “Why are you so sure it must be a boy?”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Maybe it's a girl."

  "As the old saying goes, sour children are spicy. The princess has always liked eating sour food since she was pregnant. She must be a young prince. I am a slave. I can't guess wrong."

Zixia's face was calm, but her heart was filled with astonishment.

 What if the princess gives birth to a daughter?

 Many people will think about this question.

 But no one dared to say it!

 Daliang Kingdom needs a man, Sanhe needs a man, and Prince He needs a man!

If a girl is born by then, the consequences will be unimaginable!

 Now that she had said it to the prince so directly, she was at a loss for what to do.

 “You all want me to give birth to a son,”

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said, "But you have to understand that having a boy or a girl cannot be changed by human will. Even if I, the emperor, keep his word, it doesn't mean that if you want to have a son, you will definitely be able to have one.

Perhaps, this king will really be a daughter by then.

However, it’s not a big deal if she is really a daughter. My son and daughter are all my sons and daughters, Lin Yi. "

Zixia smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Master He Jixiang means that if you have an heir, your heart will be stable."

 “I’m not even thirty yet, and they care so much about my heirs?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly and said, "Are you expecting me to die, or what do you mean?

 Even if I really die, so what?

 Who said that only men can be emperors, women can also be queens. "


Mingyue and Zixia looked at each other, both dumbfounded by Lin Yi's words.

 The so-called Queen is something they can't even imagine!

“Don’t pretend to be surprised. You grew up with me and you should know my temperament best.”

Lin Yi yawned as he spoke, "I never lie in front of you."

There will be no emperor in the future for the Liang Kingdom, so it is uncertain.

His greatest hope is that Liang can take small steps into primary capitalism in his lifetime.

 The feudal aristocracy represented by "he" is an obstacle to the development of productive forces.

 In the future, when these “capital” expands to a certain extent, they will have access to Bingfeng.

It ’s okay to live. No one dares to start with himself, but once he is no longer, and his son -in -law has no ability, he may“ sacrifice ”for capitalism in the future.

 So, sometimes, he wanted to make up his mind not to be the emperor of Liang State, and his descendants would not be the emperor of Liang State.

 You have to take your own life first!

 “This slave knows his sin.”

 The two women confessed in unison.

Lin Yi continued, "If this king really changes his character one day, you have nothing to be afraid of. You are at the pinnacle of the ninth rank. I want to kill you. Even if you can't beat me, you can still outrun me."

Ming Yue's hand that was rubbing Lin Yi's forehead was still rubbing it rhythmically, and she said nonchalantly, "The prince is going to let this slave die one day. This slave must be worthy of death. I dare not complain."

I even thought sadly in my heart, the prince asked them to die, how could they dare not to die?

"No, I am most afraid that one day I will become incompetent. Man, this change cannot be explained clearly,"

Lin Yi said calmly, "If one day I turn into someone you hate, just beat me to death."

 He meant what he said.

 “Don’t dare.”

Mingyue and Zixia knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Look, I scare you so much, but honestly speaking, am I the kind of unreasonable person?"

 Do you think I will become murderous after having the privilege in my hands?

 When it comes to privileges, let me talk about where my arrogance lies. Whoever I let die at the fifth watch will not live until the sixth watch. My arrogance is reflected here.

Alright, get up and speak, don’t stop your hands. "


Mingyue stood up and continued to rub Lin Yi's forehead.

Mingyue put down the wine glass, poured some cold water into it, and then continued, "Sometimes, don't think too much, the more you think, the more trouble you will have.

Even if she is a girl, she is still my Lin Yi’s girl. When the time comes, I have to ask, who is in favor and who is against? "

 “The prince is wise,”

Mingyue smiled and said, "I think everyone will understand the prince."

Who dares to object?

 No one dares to object!

 Before in Sanhe, then in Jiangnan, and now in Daliang Kingdom, Prince He is the sky and the earth!

 What he said was an imperial edict!

 No one can disobey!

“Yes, anyone who dares not to understand me is deliberately making things difficult for me,”

Lin Yi said categorically, "Anything that embarrasses me means embarrassing the royal family, and embarrassing the royal family means embarrassing the Liang Kingdom. The crime is unforgivable."

Mingyue said respectfully, "I understand."

Lin Yi took another sip of wine and sighed, "This world is becoming more and more complicated, so complicated that no one can explain it clearly."

 After finishing speaking, I wrote furiously again until dawn.

 The rooster began to crow.

 “I thought there were at least 10,000 updates, but only 4,700 words were updated.”

Lin Yi is very dissatisfied with this update.

 “Your Majesty, this is quite a lot,”

Mingyue waited for Zixia to help Lin Yi up, and then began to sort out the manuscripts on the table, "The prince must be very tired, so he should rest first."

Lin Yi said, “I wrote a novel like this, and it was always for people around me to read, and I never published a book.

Let's see, this book has 4,000 words a day, and it will probably be finished in half a month. Then it will be printed by the bookstore, and the bookstore will sell it, so I can earn some royalties. "

 If you really write millions of words according to the standards of online novels, printing will be a big problem.

 According to the printing fonts these days, it would probably fill an entire room.

He is afraid that no one can afford to print it when he writes one hundred thousand words in front of him!

 That’s five or six thick volumes!

Ming Yue's heart trembled, and she said cautiously, "Your Majesty, can you use your name?"

She was really afraid that the prince would use his own name to publicize this "Super Son-in-Law" that was not on the stage in a moment of confusion.

 It will only increase the ridicule of the world!

 “Of course you can’t use my name?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Just use 'Mr. Bai Meng'."

 In his mind, it doesn’t matter whether this book can make money or how much money it can make.

 The most important thing is that in the future, the court of Daliang Kingdom can use his book as a reference and not engage in literary inquisition at every turn.

 He hoped that Liang's "literature" could flourish.

 Especially the novel.

 He wants those authors to write boldly and with confidence!

do not be afraid!

There is no innuendo, no taboo, no nihilism!

 Thinking of this, he was wondering whether to add publishing laws to the "Liang Law".

  Don't let the development of literary and artistic undertakings in Daliang Kingdom be restricted.

Ming Yue wanted to say something else, but found that the prince had fallen asleep on the bed.

 The snoring sound was loud.

Jinglan Palace.

Very early in the morning, Concubine Yuan woke up.

After letting the palace maid wash her hair, she said casually, "Where have all the people died?"

“Mother, my servant is here,”

Xiao Xizi hurriedly stepped forward, knelt on the ground and said, "Please give me your instructions."

Concubine Yuan Guifei put the jade fork on her head and took it off again, holding it in her hand. She turned around and looked at Xiao Xizi with her head drooping in front of her. She said with a smile, "I heard that Xie Zan entered Ankang City?"

Xiao Xizi was only stunned for a moment and then said hurriedly, "Returning to your Majesty, it has been some time since Mr. Can’t come back.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei smiled and said, "Ten days and a half, do you think I am an idiot?

Although Jizhou is not far from Ankang City, it is not close either. He thanked Zan for not being able to come back so soon even if he had wings. "

Xiao Xizi couldn't figure out the meaning of Concubine Yuan's words for a while, so she said cautiously, "I'm stupid, I forgive you."

 “You also know that you are guilty?”

Concubine Yuan snorted coldly, then stood up slowly, and walked back and forth on the red carpet floor with two palace maids holding her long skirts.

  "Please give me your orders, I will not give up even if I die."

 Xiao Xizi lowered her head.


Concubine Yuan Guifei said disdainfully, "You little **** cherishes your life so much, how can you be willing to die?"


 For a moment, Xiao Xizi didn’t know what to say.

He always felt that something was wrong with this empress, but he couldn't pinpoint the details.

Concubine Yuan Guifei continued, "If nothing happens, the princess will give birth in the next two days?"

Xiao Xizi said with a smile, "I still care about the prince. I heard from the imperial doctor that it will only last for two days.

Health Minister Hu Shilu was already waiting with people from Tai Hospital and the most famous Wen Po in Ankang City. "

These things are out of his control and he can't control them, so he talks very easily.

 “Is your master back?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei suddenly said.

 “If I go back to you, my master has not come back yet.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei suddenly cared about her master Hong Ying, which made Xiao Xizi feel at a loss for a while.

“Your master has always been inseparable from your prince, why can’t he be found now?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said slowly, "It's like a lonely ghost, floating around, making people confused."

Xiao Xizi pondered for a moment and said, "To tell you the truth, monk Jihai and blind man Wang Dong have become more and more skilled in martial arts. My master can safely leave the affairs of the house to them and travel around the world by himself."

 He has been serving Concubine Yuan since he was a child and thinks he knows Concubine Yuan very well.

 However, Concubine Yuan's behavior and attitude now make him even more confused.

"I see,"

Concubine Yuan Guifei sat on the couch again, took the tea cup from the palace maid, and said while sipping tea, "Hey, this person, the older he gets, the more things he worries about. Last night, I dreamed of the eldest princess. Do you think it’s strange?”

The eldest princess?

Concubine Yuan Guifei suddenly mentioned the eldest princess, which made Xiao Xizi even more confused!

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "My dear, if nothing happens, the eldest princess will be back in a few days."

Concubine Yuan Guifei continued, "I haven't seen Liu Chaoyuan for a few days. Where did that **** go?"

Xiao Xizi said, "A few days ago, Eunuch Liu did something wrong, and Your Majesty asked him to shut himself up and reflect on his mistakes."

 He did not dare to say directly that Liu Chaoyuan had escaped from the palace.

 It doesn’t matter whether the imperial concubine knows it or not.

 In short, this news cannot come out of your own mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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