Chapter 404: Arrest

This kind of nonsense is a lie.

 Lao Twelve was the first one not to believe it.

Since the secret tunnel is dug to prevent people, it is impossible to make it known to everyone!

If Tang Yi could hear the news casually, and others could too, then there would be no reason for people from the government to not find this place.

How could it be their turn to stand here? This place must have been surrounded by the government just like Xinghua Tower.

Thinking of this, Lao Twelve cupped his hands towards Tang Yi and said, "Grandfather, there is nothing more close to you than your compatriots, fellow villagers, and classmates. Qi Yong and Qin Yang are classmates, and they are the same year as you and Xie Zan. Why is this relationship so complicated?" stiff?"

This Qi Yong is too cruel. No matter it is Xie Zan or Tang Yi, he didn't let anyone go.

As for Qin Yang, the censor of Youdu, because he was too trusted by his father, Qi Yong could not make him stumbling.

Tang Yi suddenly snorted coldly, glanced at Zhu Zhurong and Jiang Butcher and others, and said with a frown, "You and the Crown Prince, King Yong, and King Chu are still brothers, so what?"

 Lao Twelve was stunned after hearing this.


 Among their brothers, which one gets along well with whom?

Whether it is the prince or King Yong, they are both ruthless men who want to skin and bones every brother.

Even his seventh brother, the King of Nanling, and his eighth brother, the King of Chu, did not give in too much.

 As for his Nine Emperor Brothers and Sixth Emperor Brother, it was a bit hard for him to see through.

 His evaluation was "Smiling Tiger!"

 “Now that my king has been taught, the world will prosper and everyone will benefit;


Lao Twelve sighed, "It seems that this Qi Yong is not a good person, but as far as I know, this Qi Yong has outstanding talents and learning, and is not an ordinary person. What's more, he is a tolerant person. No matter how lustful he is, he should restrain himself at this moment." ?”

 He really doesn’t know where his cheap grandfather got the confidence that he can definitely find Qi Yong!

Tang Yi smiled and said, "Qi Yong, a young man who lost his father, an orphan and a widowed mother, depended on each other for life. He heard the chickens dancing and played morning songs, hanging beams and stabbing his buttocks with the yellow lights. This is his ability, which can be retracted or released, but **** is his nature.

 A country is easy to change, but one’s nature is hard to change. "

 Lao Twelve had some enlightenment, "Yes, in many cases, it is difficult for a person to change his own nature."

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Now the government has directly targeted various brothels based on the clues about the missing good women. This is indeed something I did not expect.

If there is a brothel suitable for Qi Yong to hide in Ankang City, then it is probably Xinghua House. "

The butcher couldn't help but interjected, "Master Tang, I just heard a general idea that Qi Yong is not the only one who knows this secret passage. Master Qin Yang must also know it.

Qi Yong is not afraid of others reporting him? "

This time without waiting for Tang Yi to speak, Lao Twelve said directly, "What my grandfather can think of does not mean that Qin Yang can think of it.

You people who don’t understand should stop making blind assumptions. "

After hearing this, the butcher said, "Your Majesty is wise."

 Actually, I’m too lazy to say more.

How poor is this King of Yong'an?

 I don’t know how to count it yet!

 Actually put it on stage in front of him!

If it weren't for the restriction of his identity, he would have wanted to punch King Yong'an directly!

Damn it, if I hadn’t believed in: Grain stalks and pearls, I would definitely let you see what real strength is!

 In terms of background, I am not as good as a prince like you!

However, in terms of financial resources, I can beat your parents even if you don’t know them!

Pork Rong stretched out his head and said, "Then Mr. Tang, what should we do now?

No matter what you give us, we will do our best to help you! "

 He didn’t put as much thought into it as the butcher.

As long as we can get some benefits this time!

Tang Yi glanced at Jiang Butcher and Pork Rong, and then said, "Qi Yong has been operating in the court for decades. Now that he can escape from the government, he must have many accomplices. Several of them want to catch him. They only rely on the two of them." , I’m afraid it’s not enough.”

Pork Rong said, "Then call someone again?"

 Lai Kuan hurriedly said, "Forget it if you are from the government!"

 “Isn’t this just looking down on people?”

Seeing the butcher nod, Pork Rong put his thumb and index finger into his mouth, pressed them against the sides under his tongue, tightened his lips, and the loud chirping of birds echoed over the empty Imperial College.

Not long after, a burst of bird calls came from the nearby woods.

The butcher said proudly, "Did you see that my brothers all responded?"

Lai Kuandao said, "It's impossible. As soon as you blew the whistle, everyone came. Who are you trying to fool?"

The butcher asked, "Don't believe it?"

“Of course I don’t believe it, you think I’m a fool.”

 Lai Kuan's head shook even more like a rattle.


After the butcher finished speaking, he raised his hands and clapped his palms rhythmically.

Not long after, under the incredible eyes of Lai Kuan and Lao Twelve, more than fifty people emerged from the woods on the left and right, some shirtless and some wearing short shirts, glowing with a dark luster in the sun. It looks like a bunch of coolies.

Laikuan asked in confusion, "Do you usually take so many people with you when you go out?"

 “If I want you to take charge, just tell me whether you accept it or not.”

The butcher said angrily, "Keep your eyes open, my brothers are all second-grade or above. I don't even know your parents who can beat you up just about anyone."

Over the past two days, he and Pork Rong worked hard to find out something.

 So, when you go out, you always bring a lot of money with you. As long as you give an order, you can jump out from the surrounding area. At least you are guaranteed not to suffer any losses.


admire! "

Lao Twelve looked at these second-grade and above, even fifth-grade, and sixth-grade masters in front of him, feeling envious and shocked at the same time!

 Even the pig butcher is more powerful than me!

Thinking of this, I glanced at the waste Laikuan next to me and couldn't help but feel sad.

 This vassal king must be fake!

What the hell!

Zhu Rong then said proudly, "Your Majesty, you're welcome. If you have any orders, just tell me!"

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Since you two are so kind to help me, I won't be polite.

 Please, you two, come with me. "

 After saying that, he walked along the wall of the Imperial College and entered the peach blossom forest.

  “How to say?”

 Pork Rong looked at the butcher.

The butcher said, "Now that we've reached this point, what else can we do? Come on."

With a wave of his hand, the man behind him also followed up with a wooden stick in hand.

Tang Yi turned right and left, and finally stopped at a large well.

Pork Rong stretched his head curiously and looked into the well. He saw a pool of stagnant water with dead branches and leaves floating on it.

Pork Rong said, "Sir, this doesn't look like an exit, does it?"

Tang Yi squatted on the ground and used a branch to poke at the ant cracks on the ground.

Then he smiled and said, "Please help me get a thicker stick."

 “This is easy to handle.”

Pork Rong struck the root of a peach tree with his palm, and the peach tree broke immediately. After cutting off the branches, he gave the dried peach directly to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi didn't pay attention and touched the sticky peach gum, but he didn't care. He took a stick and tapped it rhythmically near the mouth of the well.

 Knock for a while and then change the place.

 Everyone is puzzled.

 After a while, he finally stopped.

 Lao Twelve asked curiously, “What does this mean?

  What's the point? "

Tang Yi said with a smile, "Wherever there are peach trees, these earthworms are the most numerous. When you want to fish, just bring some energy and tap it casually with a stick. All the earthworms will be unable to bear it and they will slowly dig in one by one." come out."

The butcher asked, "But now, you haven't seen any of them?"

 “That’s why there’s a problem,”

Tang Yi chopped his feet, and then continued, "Let's just walk along the place where there are no earthworms, and we will definitely find the exit of this secret passage."

The butcher asked, "You don't know where the exit of the secret passage is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone shouting, "Come here and take a look."

The person who spoke was one of the butcher's servants.

The butcher put his feet on the ground, then stood up and jumped in front of the waiter. Following the waiter's fingers, he saw a pair of bare feet. When he raised his head, he saw a woman with a rope tied around her neck, standing on a big locust tree. Swing back.

 There is a canal below, with sewage flowing across it, rotten vegetable leaves, old clothes, old shoes, rotten baskets, and leaves.

 “Someone hanged himself.”

 The butcher is well-informed and has killed many people at the same time. He is never afraid of death.

 However, this was the first time he saw someone hanging, and he was suddenly frightened.

Tang Yi walked over, looked at the woman's toes, and said calmly, "This is homicide, not suicide."

 Lao Twelve asked, "Why did grandpa say this?"

Tang Yi faced the dead body and said without hesitation, "My lord, please see, if he died by hanging, his toes should be hanging down, but this toe is facing us."

Lai Kuan couldn't help but interjected, "What's the difference?"

Tang Yi said, "Only when you hang on a rope after death will your feet be so stiff."

 Zhu Rong sighed, "This woman was so beautiful, it would be a pity to die."

Tang Yi picked up an old piece of clothing with a branch and said with a smile, "This is it."

 Zhu Rong asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Tang Yi smiled and said nothing, and went upstream along the canal, directly finding the entrance of the canal.

Black sewage flowed down from a hole.

Old Twelve covered his nose and looked at the dark hole inside and said, "Shall we get in?"

 “Your Majesty, wait a moment.”

As he said that, Tang Yi took off his gown and underwear, went shirtless and only wore a pair of trousers, and was about to take the lead and get in.

 “Sir, wait a moment!”

Pork Rong grabbed Tang Yi and shouted at the waiter's throat, "Skinny monkey!"

 “The shopkeeper!”

 A thin man emerged from the crowd.

Pork Rong waved his hand and said, "You have the best skills. Come on, and we will hold the battle for you!"

The skinny monkey didn't move. He curled up his neck and said, "Shopkeeper, don't fool me. Pretend I don't know. Lord He Jixiang said that catching this assassin is all about Sheji. I don't want any Sheji. One hundred taels." Is it worth the money?”

Zhu Rong said angrily, "As long as you can catch someone, let alone a hundred, I will give you even five hundred!"

 “Shopkeeper, just say this from you and it will be done!”

The thin monkey swished and crawled like a loach into the dark hole.

Zhu Rong raised his head and looked, but he could no longer see his shadow.

 He waved his hand and said, "Follow me!"

Disliked the fishy smell, so I only dared to half-squat and moved cautiously into the hole.

 The moon rises.

 The curfew in Ankang City has gradually been relaxed, and the night market has become more and more bustling.

These days, the government is searching for assassins everywhere, and everyone is in danger, but this street has not become depressed because of this.

Lin Yi sat beside a tea stall and flicked away the moths that rushed towards the kerosene lamp with his hands.

Jiao Zhong moved the teapot next to him and poured wine for Lin Yi while saying, "Your Majesty, there are a lot of mosquitoes outside, why don't we go back?"

 “The night slowly grows long, and I have no intention of sleeping,”

Since his wife became pregnant, Lin Yi has found it increasingly difficult to sleep, "Men are very simple. They only think about three things in their lives: where to make money during the day, who to drink with at night, and why are the wild flowers so fragrant late at night."

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Jiao Zhong understood what he meant, but he didn’t know how to answer the question.

Lin Yi took a sip of wine and said, "How long has it been and the assassin hasn't been caught yet?"

Next to him, Stanley Ho knelt down and said, "I am incompetent. I hope the prince will forgive me!"

 He was originally the commander of the palace guards, but now he was transferred to the Beijing camp and served as the commander of the Shenji camp!

 Maintaining law and order in the city and catching assassins is his job!

It’s been so long and there’s still no result!

 He is simply shameless!

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Now that you know, why are you still hanging around with me? Get out of here now. I'll give you a little more grace. If you can't catch it anymore, you can go home and farm."

 “As commanded!”

 He Hong felt bitter in his heart and could not express it.

 How long has it been since he took over the Shenji Camp?

  Why did you encounter such bad luck!

 The good things are not his turn, and the bad things are all done to him.

Lin Yi drank another glass of wine and suddenly heard a loud whistle.

Jiao Zhong suddenly shouted, "Alert!"

Hundreds of guards poured out from all directions, armed with swords and spears, and surrounded the small tea stall.

 The couple running the tea stall saw this scene and hid under the table and shivered in fear.

 Then, there was the sound of explosives one after another, and sparks shot out in the air, lighting up half of Ankang City.

Jiao Zhong was dumbfounded. He took a step forward, leaned against Prince He, and held the long knife tightly in his hand.

 “Damn, she’s quite arrogant,”

Lin Yi squinted his eyes, looked at the gorgeous sky, and said calmly, "This time they jumped out on their own initiative. If they can't catch them again, it means they are incompetent."

 The capital camp of Ankang City came out together.

 Following them were the officers and soldiers of the Military and Horse Division, the jailers of Dali Temple, and the arresters of Ankang Prefecture. They came out from all the yamen.

 In the darkness, everything is silent.

 Wei Yishan, Liu Kan, and Cao Xiaohuan looked at the raging fire in Xinghua Tower and looked at each other speechlessly.

Zhou Xunhen said in a voice, “Can these **** fly or burrow into the ground?

  Why can’t I find any of them except a few small miscellaneous fish? "

Wei Yishan snorted coldly and said, "It's not necessarily impossible to go to heaven, but it's not impossible to burrow into the ground!"

Liu Kan frowned and said, "Drilling into the ground?"

 “Come here!”

Wei Yishan suddenly said loudly, "Dig the ditch below. I want to see what kind of mice are hiding in it!"


  A shocking roar erupted from behind.

Whether they were officers, soldiers or police officers, they were all holding their breath these days. They had never been teased like this before. At this moment, they received the order and smashed their swords, hammers and shovels towards the bluestone floor below.

 (End of this chapter)

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